Going on the road again, Gu Zheng felt a lot more relaxed. Although things did not develop as expected, at least he now has some ability to protect himself and knows where to go next.

The Qingyan tribe seems to be quite far away. Gu Zheng walked northward in the dense forest. After a day, he still didn't see any buildings that looked like a tribe. Easy kill.

How long will it take to see the Qingyan tribe? Gu Zheng is not particularly anxious about this matter. After all, it is not the first time he has entered the space world in the fairy-level space fairy artifact, so he knows that although the space world is not as big as the real world , but the area is not too small, even if you can't see the Qingyan tribe for ten days, it's not surprising.

The feeling of being assimilated by this world still exists, but after being helped by Xuan Fei, this feeling has become much smaller, but even so, Gu Zheng still feels that he must eat tomorrow, otherwise his physical fitness will be reduced. Significant changes occur.

Gu Zheng now possesses divine sense, but his body is still a beast, and he still needs to abide by the restrictions required by this body, and he cannot hardly feel hungry like the immortal cultivators in Bigu.

Eating the food of this world will speed up the assimilation of this world, but not eating the food of this world will not work. Gu Zheng must find that special food to solve the problem of hunger.

In the space world he experienced last time, Gu Zheng didn’t eat the “normal food” in that world, what he ate was the roots in the mine, and the roots belong to the ingredients that can greatly reduce the speed of assimilation . To solve the problem of hunger, what Gu Zheng is looking for this time is the kind of food similar to the roots of the tree in the previous space world.

There is never a lack of ingredients in the forest, but what kind of ingredients are like tree roots? Gu Zheng has his own way to identify them. Even though his eyes of Tao are restricted now, his experience is still there. , he also has divine sense to use.

The speed of heading north has not slowed down much. Although Gu Zheng's divine sense is not as normal, the relationship between the divine sense and the body still has the characteristic that the 'tail' has been cut off, like It is still possible to use divine sense to investigate while running like this now.

Wild vegetables, mushrooms, fruits, one after another ingredients were abandoned by Gu Zheng, and those ingredients that he gave up, if eaten, will be assimilated by this world at a speed that is not much slower than eating meat.

Another half day passed, and Gu Zheng stopped in a patch of grass. There was a plant in this patch of grass. Not only did its leaves look like radish leaves, but even its underground rhizome was very similar to a radish.

This radish-like ingredient is contained in Gu Zheng's Space Immortal Artifact, and Gu Zheng is very familiar with its characteristics. He believes that eating this ingredient called 'Evergreen Radish' can not only fill his stomach, but also It can minimize the speed of assimilation by this space world.

Gu Zheng dug out the evergreen radish. Although it looked like a radish, it was much bigger than a radish, and each weighed at least five catties. Moreover, the reason why Changqing radish is called Changqing radish is because it does not have the white part of ordinary radishes, and its rhizome is completely blue.

The crisp chewing sound sounded from Gu Zheng's mouth, this is a sound that sounds very appetizing. However, the space world he entered this time is different from the last time. Even though Gu Zheng became a tree man in the space world he entered last time, he still retains the sense of taste of a normal person. A wolf has the same sense of taste as a wolf.

A wolf is a carnivore. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for it to eat such a carrot-like thing, and this kind of thing is not food for it at all. Gu Zheng now has a wolf's sense of taste, and the originally crisp and slightly sweet Changqing radish tastes bitter like taking medicine.

There is no way, even though eating Changqing radish seems to be taking medicine, Gu Zheng still ate up a full five catties of Changqing radish, and the original hunger disappeared because of eating a lot. As for the loss Naturally, those physical strengths were completely restored. After all, evergreen radish itself is a high-quality food material, which can restore the body's physical strength, and a food material of this level naturally has it.

After eating the evergreen radish, Gu Zheng continued on the road. He hoped to see the Qingyan tribe as soon as possible in the future, or to meet the spirit beast.

Spirit beasts are different from wild beasts. Even if they are not enlightened, their spiritual intelligence is much higher than that of ordinary beasts. Gu Zheng can try to search their souls to gain an understanding of the world.

Another day passed, and Gu Zheng, who had been heading north, changed his direction because he had already entered the territory of a spirit beast, and he was now using the energy of the spirit beast to track down the whereabouts of the spirit beast.

Gu Zheng's body was moving through the forest, but his divine sense was already far away from his body, and soon he used his divine sense to detect the trace of the spirit beast first.

The so-called spirit beast looks like a lynx. It is sleeping in a burrow now, and it has not found the exploration of Gu Zheng's divine sense.

Gu Zheng was not in a hurry to use his divine sense to deal with the bobcat spirit beast first. His divine sense possessed a very powerful ability to decompose. The spirit beast is also very deadly. He has to wait until the body is within a certain range before using his divine sense to attack the lynx spirit beast. In this way, at least he still has the chance to search for the soul of the lynx spirit beast. After all, to search for a soul, one must be present in person, and it is impossible to do such a thing with spiritual thoughts alone.

When Gu Zheng was within a certain distance from the cave, he attacked the lynx spirit beast through his spiritual thoughts.

Spiritual Mind bumped into one of the bobcat spirit beast's legs, and the pain woke up the bobcat spirit beast from its deep sleep. It looked in horror at the disappearing parts of its body, and was helpless at all.

When Gu Zheng arrived, the bobcat spirit beast was already half-dead, and half of its body had disappeared under the decomposition of divine sense.

The half-dead state is the most suitable state for searching for souls. In this state, it has no power to resist Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng launched a search for the soul of the lynx spirit beast, and this process will soon end. Although the lynx spirit beast is a spirit beast, its thoughts and experiences are definitely not more complicated than people's. Things that need to be remembered every day There are not many, and the process of soul searching is naturally not too time-consuming.

After finishing the search for the spirit beast of the lynx, Gu Zheng couldn't help but feel a little unlucky. He failed to find any information about the Qingyan tribe from the spirit beast of the lynx, and instead got into some trouble because of it.

The lynx spirit beast whose soul was searched by Gu Zheng was only one of its group, and its group of thirty were distributed in this huge forest.

The population of the Lynx Spirit Beast is almost all at the same level as the one that Gu Zheng searched for souls, and they are all equivalent to the level of Qi Transformation, but the strength of the king in their population is equivalent to the late stage of God Transformation! Moreover, there is a strange sensory ability among the entire bobcat spirit beast population. When something happens to one of them, the rest can sense it! This means that the rest of the lynx spirit beasts are rushing towards Gu Zheng.

Not daring to stay longer in the cave, Gu Zheng who rushed out of the cave immediately ran in one direction. Naturally, he did this to deal with the imminent danger.

The lynx spirit beast is very vengeful, and its running speed is much faster than the body of Gu Zheng's beast. Although Gu Zheng has the life-saving means of divine sense, he can easily kill any lynx spirit beast except the lynx spirit beast king , but his body is very fragile, any lynx spirit beast's claw wind can easily tear it apart, so he has to use some tactics to solve the trouble.

Not long after Gu Zheng left the cave, a lynx spirit beast had already entered the cave, and the lynx spirit beast that Gu Zheng had searched for its soul had already died, which made the lynx spirit beast that had just rushed over angrily roar.

There is an aura of Gu Zheng left in the cave, which is a trace that cannot be cleared in the current state of Gu Zheng, which is why he is sure that the bobcat spirit beast will catch up with him.

The bobcat spirit beast has already smelled the scent of Gu Zheng. Not only did it start to follow the scent of Gu Zheng, but it also left body fluids along the way to inform its companions. Its footsteps follow the enemy's tracks.

Gu Zheng's running has a definite place, he is going to a stone forest in the forest.

The existence of the stone forest is what Gu Zheng learned from searching the soul of the lynx spirit beast. In the memory of the lynx spirit beast, the so-called stone forest is a forbidden area. Once you enter the stone forest, you will never come back.

The lynx spirit beast has never entered the stone forest, but it has seen it outside the stone forest, so Gu Zheng knew the general appearance of the stone forest, so he judged that the stone forest should be a fairy formation.

After running wildly in the forest for as long as half a stick of incense, the first lynx spirit beast that caught up was already very close, Gu Zheng didn't turn his head back, and directly separated his divine sense and bumped into it.

To deal with this lynx spirit beast, Gu Zheng is not the same as the one that needs to be searched for the soul. He has not deliberately controlled the power of divine sense at all, so this lynx spirit beast hit by divine sense will not stay half dead State, it will soon be decomposed by the characteristics of divine thoughts.

Moments after the lynx spirit beast was decomposed by the divine sense, another lynx spirit beast came to the scene of the incident. It had already known the death of its companion through a special induction, and it uttered an angry roar at the incident place, not at all. Without fear, he chased the ancient battle again.

Although the stone forest is not too far from the cave, Gu Zheng still killed five lynx spirit beasts that were chasing him during the process of coming to the edge of the stone forest. Who made the lynx spirit beasts run much faster than him!

The stone forest is right in front of Gu Zheng, and the pursuers are still approaching Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng who has not entered the stone forest begins to climb the tree.

The reason why Gu Zheng wanted to come to Stone Forest was based on three considerations.

The first point is that Gu Zheng doesn't want to face a large group of lynx spirit beasts at the same time. He already knew when he searched for the first lynx spirit beast. Those lynx spirit beasts would not rush after them, they would gather together and follow the order of the lynx spirit beast king to take revenge, so he had to find a place that was beneficial to him, and let his body be in a safe place.

The second point is that the stone forest is a good place for Gu Zheng. There is a big tree that has not completely fallen down here.

The third point, if possible, Gu Zheng does not intend to enter the stone forest, it is still an immortal formation, although Gu Zheng's knowledge of the immortal formation has not been lost, but now it can't even display its immortal power, and almost everyone Immortal array will be very unfavorable to him. But then again, once something bad happens when dealing with the lynx spirit beasts, he can also quickly enter the fairy formation, thereby avoiding the threat from the lynx spirit beasts.

Gu Zheng has already climbed up the leaning tree, and he is temporarily in a safe state. He can use his mind to look for the bobcat spirit beast to hunt with confidence.

Gu Zheng was a little curious in his heart. According to his understanding of the lynx spirit beasts, he should find the lynx spirit beasts soon after he separated his divine sense, but he didn't expect the lynx spirit beasts to gather in one place. As he thought, he was being tracked.

Gu Zheng saw the herd of lynx spirit beasts, and naturally also saw the lynx spirit beast king. He found that the appearance of this lynx spirit beast king was a little different from what he saw in his soul search.

A normal lynx spirit beast is about the size of a lynx, while the lynx spirit beast king is a little bigger, but not as big as it is now, just like a leopard! Moreover, the ears of the Lynx Spirit Beast King, which were supposed to be white, turned out to be golden.

The ears of lynx spirit beasts are also a sign to judge their strength. The ears of normal lynx spirit beasts are black, and their strength is equivalent to that of a cultivator in the realm of transforming qi. It is white, and its strength is equivalent to the realm of transforming gods.

"The black ears, huge size, and the soul-searched lynx spirit beast, the last time I saw the lynx spirit beast king was eighty years ago, which most likely shows that this lynx spirit beast should be quite The Lynx Spirit Beast King, who is in the realm of transforming gods, has once again broken through the realm!"

Gu Zheng smiled wryly in his heart, bad variables appeared in ways he hadn't thought of.

Under normal circumstances, the lynx spirit beasts are equivalent to the realm of transforming gods throughout their lives, because they are relatively low-level spirit beasts, and it is difficult to break through their own shackles and enter a higher realm. The reason why the lynx spirit beast king is different is that That's because it ate the corpse of a higher-level spirit beast by chance, which caused a mutation and broke through its own shackles. However, this incident happened many years ago, and the Lynx Spirit Beast King advanced to the realm after eating the corpse of the spirit beast at that time, and the realm has not changed for many years, and it has not been able to advance again in the past eighty years. Think about this part of the realm! Seeing such a situation now, Gu Zheng felt a little helpless in his heart.

With Gu Zheng's current spiritual strength, it would be difficult to deal with the Shanmao Spirit Beast King who is equivalent to the late stage of Huashen, not to mention the Shanmao Spirit Beast King whose strength has improved now. However, since Gu Zheng's body was not here, he would have no worries about making a move. He didn't hesitate too much, and immediately launched an attack with his divine sense.

The principle of catching the thief first and capturing the king does not apply at this time. Gu Zheng's divine sense is to run towards the easy-to-solve lynx spirit beast. He wants to deal with these minions of the lynx spirit beast king first, and then deal with the lynx spirit beast king .

Gu Zheng's divine sense also attracted the attention of the Lynx Spirit Beast King, and the Lynx Spirit Beast King was smarter than he imagined. With a roar, it caused the Lynx Spirit Beasts that had gathered together to scatter in all directions.

The lynx spirit beast moved quickly, but it was still not as fast as Gu Zheng's divine sense. Soon a running lynx spirit beast was caught up by Gu Zheng's divine sense, and then screamed under the touch of the divine sense.

The lynx spirit beasts are running, and the lynx spirit beast king launched an attack on Gu Zheng's divine sense. One after another sharp claw wind wants to disperse Gu Zheng's divine sense, but most attacks cannot target it. strength, so its attacks are very futile.

However, looking at the lynx spirit beast that was decomposed after being hit by the divine mind, the lynx spirit beast king's eyes suddenly appeared, and he used the strange connection between their populations to issue orders to those running lynx spirit beasts.

Although Gu Zheng's divine sense was chasing the Lynx Spirit Beast, his attention never left the Lynx Spirit Beast King, who made it the most dangerous and most existent! Moreover, Gu Zheng didn't intend to waste time chasing the fleeing lynx spirit beasts. Since these lynx spirit beasts had already escaped, he was ready to kill two and then turned to deal with the lynx spirit beast king.

It is precisely because Gu Zheng has been paying attention to the Lynx Spirit Beast King that he discovered that the Lynx Spirit Beast King used the strange connection between their populations, because he also has a certain understanding of the Lynx Spirit Beast King through soul searching. Every time it uses its privilege, its pair of ears will vibrate like a cicada flapping its wings.

Gu Zheng didn't know what orders the Lynx Spirit Beast King gave to its population, but he had a bad feeling in his heart. This feeling was caused by the sudden appearance in the Lynx Spirit Beast King's eyes. It seems that he understands some of the relationship between his body and divine sense, the Lynx Spirit Beast King should let his population find his body.

Gu Zheng's guess is not wrong, the Lynx Spirit Beast King has indeed issued an order to its population to find Gu Zheng's body. After all, such things as divine thoughts are mysterious powers hidden deep in the memory of the Lynx Beast King. It is precisely because he has suspected that the power to destroy his subordinates is the divine mind, so the Bobcat Spirit Beast King did not let his subordinates chase after him rashly. , Now that it is sure that this light spot in the sky is the same as the mysterious power deep in its memory, it will naturally let its subordinates go down to find Gu Zheng's body! After all, it also has a certain degree of understanding of the characteristics of divine thoughts.

Although Gu Zheng had guessed that the lynx spirit beasts were going to find his body, he did not let the divine sense return immediately. Anyway, it would take some time for the lynx spirit beasts to get close to his body. When the divine sense returned to the body, it would naturally be before the lynx spirit beasts found his body.

Gu Zheng's divine sense rushed towards the Lynx Spirit Beast King, and the Lynx Spirit Beast King immediately spit out a large puff of yellow smoke at him, and the smoke turned into the shape of a Lynx Spirit Beast and rushed towards its divine sense. Moreover, since the yellow mist was sprayed out, the surrounding flowers and plants began to wither rapidly. Apart from the corrosive effect, this mist also has a certain influence on the spiritual sense. Knowing things, otherwise according to his previous understanding, the Shanmao Spirit Beast King is only equivalent to the strength of the late stage of transforming gods, and he can't bear the "troublesome" position in his heart at all. Similarly, this is also the reason why Gu Zheng did not capture the thief first and capture the king first, because the yellow smoke is not the exclusive technique of the Lynx Spirit Beast King, and the Lynx Spirit Beasts can also emit such smoke, but the power is relatively smaller Forget it, if he caught the thief first and captured the king first, and the lynx spirit beasts also sprayed yellow smoke to assist him when he was dealing with the lynx spirit beast king, then things would become even more troublesome.

Gu Zheng's divine sense avoided the smoky lynx spirit beast, and slammed into the lynx spirit beast king's stomach from a tricky angle. Just surround its body.

Gu Zheng didn't want to touch the yellow smoke, but he also knew it was inevitable, so he didn't hesitate in his divine sense.

When Gu Zheng hunted and killed the lynx spirit beast before, the lynx spirit beast also released yellow smoke to protect its body, and this yellow smoke will not only slow down Gu Zheng's spiritual speed, but also make Gu Zheng feel uncomfortable. Nausea.

Although the feeling of nausea will not have much impact on Gu Zheng, it is just the yellow smoke emitted by ordinary lynx spirit beasts after all, and how disgusting the yellow smoke of the lynx spirit beast king will make him, this is what he does not know .

The yellow smoke outside the body of the Lynx Spirit Beast King was not too thick. Even if it really slowed down the speed of Gu Zheng's divine sense, Gu Zheng's divine sense still hit its stomach in an instant.

The muffled groans and screams came out at the same time, the one who groaned was Gu Zheng's body, and the one who screamed was the Lynx Spirit Beast King.

The reason why the Shanmao Spirit Beast King screamed was because although the blow of divine sense did not cause it to continue to disintegrate in terror, it also made its abdomen disappear with a piece of flesh the size of a fist.

The reason for Gu Zheng's muffled snort was not the yellow smoke from the Lynx Spirit Beast King, which gave him a very disgusting feeling. That disgusting feeling just made him feel nauseous before he let out a muffled grunt. It was nothing more than a move, but the real reason for the muffled hum was that when his divine sense hit the belly of the Lynx Spirit Beast King, he encountered a resistance from a mysterious force. It felt like he had hit his head against an iron board!

For a moment, Gu Zheng was sure that the mysterious resistance power did not belong to the Lynx Spirit Beast King. However, this idea was immediately denied by him, because there was a light flashing in the injured part of the abdomen of the Lynx Spirit Beast King. feel the same.

Because he suspected that it was because of the spirit of the weapon, after Gu Zheng's divine sense touched the Lynx Spirit Beast King, he immediately distanced himself from the Lynx Spirit Beast King, and the Lynx Spirit Beast King also made the same move.

Since it wasn't the Qi spirit that was causing the trouble, but the inner alchemy in the Lynx Spirit Beast King's body was resisting, Gu Zheng immediately used his divine sense to slam into the Lynx Spirit Beast King, and the smoky Lynx Spirit Beast in the sky naturally also attacked him. His divine sense launched a blocking attack.

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