
Accompanied by another roar and the shaking of the trees, the owner of this territory appeared in the front left of Gu Zheng. It was a beast that looked like a leopard, but was half the size of the tiger behind it.

The tiger was already very close to Guzheng, so close that it could make a pounce, but the appearance of the leopard beast made it have to pay attention to the current problem again. Its body also stopped suddenly due to its footsteps, and it slipped on the ground due to inertia out some distance.

The tiger had to think about what to do, Gu Zheng would not hesitate because of this, he quickly disappeared into the forest while the two beasts looked at each other.

Gu Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, he could hear that after he escaped, the two wild beasts had started a fight, which was the result he wanted to see most. Being able to escape from the tiger's mouth is actually not a very unexpected thing. He is just a wolf now. Its weakness is not a threat to the huge leopard beast at all, and the opponent will naturally focus on the tiger.

He escaped from danger temporarily, but this escape was really only temporary. Judging from the smell along the way, Gu Zheng is still in the territory of the leopard beast. He doesn't know how long it will take the leopard beast to finish off the tiger beast, but he knows no matter It was the beast that won the fight. As long as it wasn't seriously injured, it would chase him. No matter how you say it, he was the root cause of the fight between the two beasts.

In fact, Gu Zheng was already very tired. He hadn't fully recovered. If he hadn't had a strong willpower to support him, he would have collapsed to the ground.

Finally, Gu Zheng escaped from the vast forest and came to the bank of a big river.

Because he had been running for his life before, some things had been ignored by Gu Zheng, but now that he escaped from the forest, he immediately felt hungry and thirsty when he saw the river.

The river water is very clear, and the feeling of entering it is very good, but Gu Zheng is just a wolf now, he can only drink water in the way of a wild animal.

Although he was very hungry and thirsty, compared with thirst, hunger was not so unbearable. After Gu Zheng drank his fill in one gulp, he couldn't suppress his physical soreness anymore and fell down by the river.

Closing his eyes and gasping for breath, Gu Zheng is really tired now, he no longer plans to move his nest, he is going to wait for the power of space to recover in this place.

Choosing to restore the power of space by the river, Gu Zheng also has his considerations in it. If the danger comes from the forest, he can choose to jump into the river. If the danger comes from the river, then he can also choose to escape into the forest. This is considered a very good place to rest.

Time is passing by little by little, and Gu Zheng's physical strength is also recovering little by little. During this period, he saw many wild beasts, but these wild beasts all came to the river to drink water, and most of them were far away from him. something dangerous happened.

"Damn the power of the law!"

Looking at the herd of deer drinking water by the river in the distance, Gu Zheng couldn't help cursing again in his heart, and the sense of crisis became stronger.

When Gu Zheng first fled to the river, he already felt hungry, but the hunger was not unbearable. At that time, he was still thinking about the delicacies he had enjoyed before. However, after staying by the river for half a day, he found that the influence of the power of law on him became more and more obvious, and he actually developed a very strong desire to prey on living creatures! This made him feel that he has become more and more integrated into his current body, and he really wants to capture a deer and use the beast method to solve the feeling of being tortured by hunger.

The feeling of wanting to drink blood and eat meat is very strong. It is hard for Gu Zheng to suppress it, and as time goes by, this feeling will become more and more unbearable. Gu Zheng believes that it will erupt in the middle of the night and make him do something. Something he didn't want to do.

There is no good way for Gu Zheng. His power of space will not recover until tomorrow morning. Only by giving himself the means of cultivating immortals can he control the instinct of this beast. However, if he really did something that he didn't want to do tonight, he wouldn't have any psychological burden. Anyway, it's not a big deal, as long as he doesn't keep doing it and lose himself.

When night falls, no matter whether the luminous body in the sky is real or not, at least it looks like the moon in the wild.

Looking at the moon in the sky, Gu Zheng felt an indescribable anxiety in his heart, and the hunger to drink blood and eat meat became even stronger.

All kinds of negative feelings are piled up together, which has reached the point where Gu Zheng has no intention of thinking about other things and can only suppress them wholeheartedly. During the day, Gu Zheng still thought about it, if he really couldn't suppress it, it would be fine to hunt prey like a wild beast, but now Gu Zheng didn't dare to think that way anymore, he always felt that night was an indescribable feeling for him. weird.

He didn't want to think about other things, which also made Gu Zheng's perception decline, so that he didn't notice that the leopard beast that helped him get rid of the tiger crisis during the day was quietly approaching him.

In the battle with the tiger during the day, the leopard beast finally killed the tiger, but it also paid a little price. It recovered for half a day, and then began to track down the ancient dispute.

The leopard beast lurking in the night was like a silent ghost. After getting close to Gu Zheng for a certain distance, it finally launched a pounce to lock the target.

Gu Zheng's heart trembled, the leopard beast approached him cautiously before and didn't notice it, but the wind noise generated by the leopard beast's pounce still made him feel it.

The leopard beast launched a surprise attack from behind Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng knew what was attacking him without looking back. The breath belonging to the leopard beast had been smelled by him first along with the air waves generated by the pounce.

Gu Zheng didn't hesitate at all. He was already by the river and rushed towards the river. His reaction was fast enough, but it was still too late. Although he was not held down by the leopard beast, the leopard beast's claws were still A long wound was left on his body, so that when the icy river water entered the wound, the painful Gu Zheng grinned.


The leopard beast standing on the bank let out a roar. It did not follow Gu Zheng to jump into the river. Normally, beasts would swim, but they also had an inherent fear of the river water, and they would not jump into the river unless they had to.

Gu Zheng swam towards the other side of the river, and he was glad that he chose to rest on the bank during the day, otherwise he might be in big trouble this time.

However, fortunately, he didn't stay in Gu Zheng's heart for long. His wide eyes looked at the upper reaches of the river, where a big wave was approaching rapidly.

When he saw the huge waves, Gu Zheng was so angry that he wanted to scold him. If he said that the sudden big waves were not the "color" given to him by Qi Ling, he would not believe it if he was killed.

"Damn Artifact Spirit!"

Gu Zheng couldn't help cursing in his heart, since Da Lang was the "color" given to him by Qi Ling, then things were worse than expected. He thought that Qi Ling forced him into this world, and it was already given to him. Color's limit, he didn't expect Qi Ling to trip him up like this! Moreover, since the big wave is the stumbling block for the spirit of the weapon, will the tiger in the daytime, and even the leopard beast now, be the stumbling block for the spirit of the weapon?

Gu Zheng didn't try his best to swim to the other side of the river. The river was very wide, and at his speed it was impossible to swim to the other side before the big waves came, so it's better to save some effort.

It was too late to say that, the big wave was very close to Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng dived into the water before the big wave hit his head.

There is an undercurrent in the water caused by big waves. This is something that Gu Zheng has thought of before, but it is better to face the undercurrent directly than to be photographed into the undercurrent by the big wave. If it is really photographed by the big wave In the middle, then he may be directly shot and passed out, resulting in drowning.

The undercurrent is rolling Gu Zheng, just like a strong wind is rolling the leaves. If Gu Zheng is just an ordinary beast, then he will definitely drown in this process, but Gu Zheng is a cultivator after all. He didn't panic, just held his breath firmly.

There was only one big wave, which Gu Zheng had seen when diving before, so he knew that the undercurrent would not last too long, but he could not know where he would be after the undercurrent ended, because He has lost his way in the sweeping undercurrent, he doesn't hope that the undercurrent will send him to the side of the leopard beast, but he also knows that this hope is very slim! Since Qi Ling is stumbling him, he will definitely not let things develop in the direction he wants.

The undercurrent is weak, Gu Zheng's struggling legs have already kicked into the mud, and half of his head is already out of the water, which makes Gu Zheng understand that he has been swept to the shore even if he doesn't open his eyes.

Before Gu Zheng raised his head, there was a sharp pain in his neck, and the leopard beast bit the back of his neck and lifted him out of the water.

If it was really a wolf that was grabbed by the neck by a bigger beast, it would almost give up resistance, but Gu Zheng was a cultivator after all, and his claws slashed fiercely to the side.

Gu Zheng injured the leopard beast, his claws scratched the skin under the leopard beast's neck, but it was only a minor scratch.

The leopard beast was in pain, and at the same time as it let out an angry snort from its nostrils, it flung Gu Zheng flying out of its mouth with a violent flick of its neck.

Blood flew from Gu Zheng's neck. Gu Zheng was very lucky. When the leopard beast bit the back of his neck, it didn't bite too deeply. Its flick only caused a large piece of flesh to fall off Gu Zheng's neck. Although the injury was serious, it was not fatal immediately! But if the leopard bites deeply and the cervical spine is injured, the consequences will be really unimaginable, and the cervical spine may be broken directly.

Qu Guzheng who flew out fell heavily to the ground, he struggled to get up, and the leopard beast slowly approached him with cold eyes.

The leopard beast wanted to bite Gu Zheng to death. If the battle between Gu Zheng and the tiger during the day was an old grudge, the claw that Gu Zheng just got by the river would be a new grudge. However, the leopard beast is not in a hurry, and in its eyes, Gu Zheng is no different from a boiled duck.

Indeed, although Gu Zheng stood up, his body was already shaking uncontrollably, the injury on his neck was serious, and the dizziness of excessive blood loss had appeared. If he was really just an ordinary wolf, then When the leopard beast slowly approached, he must have been lying on the ground again due to excessive blood loss.

However, Gu Zheng is not a real beast. He was thrown away by a leopard monster before, and he was lucky even though he knew he was seriously injured. That's because he felt that as long as he didn't die immediately, things might turn around Appear.

Before the leopard beast attacked Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng was suppressing the accumulated negative feelings with all his heart, and the negative feelings of Gu Zheng were mainly concentrated in two aspects, one was the hunger to drink blood and eat meat, the other was On the one hand, it was a kind of anxiety that appeared in his heart along with the rising of the moon.

If it was just hunger, Gu Zheng felt that even if he couldn't suppress that feeling, it would be fine to do something like a beast, but the anxiety that accompanied the moon made Gu Zheng dare not think as much as before. ! He felt that once he let go of the suppression of that restless feeling, not only would he do beast-like things, but he might not be able to recover from it, thus losing himself and becoming a real beast.

In fact, when the leopard beast bit the back of the neck, Gu Zheng didn't have a clear understanding of the feeling of anxiety, but when the leopard beast was injured by his claws, he saw the blood of the leopard beast flowing out, which made him feel A special feeling, he made him completely understand what that anxiety is! That is a kind of power that can mutate the body under the influence of the moon, just around the corner!

It is not that there are no beasts or monsters in the prehistoric world that can mutate on a moonlit night, but even if that kind of existence mutates, it will return to normal afterward. However, Gu Zheng has already understood that once he no longer suppresses that sense of anxiety, he may not be able to recover from it! However, things have developed to the point where there is no way out. Compared with the imminent death, survival is the most critical issue. Gu Zheng no longer suppresses that anxiety.

The anxiety that was no longer suppressed broke out like a torrent in Gu Zheng's heart.


Gu Zheng raised his head and let out a wolf howl, his body swelled with violent tremors, as if there was a demon hiding in his body.

The leopard beast, which was walking towards Gu Zheng in a calm manner, was obviously shocked by Gu Zheng's change. However, the shock was only for a moment, and the leopard beast sped up and rushed towards Gu Zheng.

It was too late, Gu Zheng's body changed very quickly. When the leopard beast rushed over, Gu Zheng, whose body had grown a lot, slapped the leaping leopard beast on the ground with one paw. .

Gu Zheng mutated on this moonlit night, but he didn't turn into a werewolf, he just turned into a wolf that was bigger than a leopard beast. His gray hair turned into gold, and his body looked like a golden sculpture. Only one pair of eyes is completely blood red, and the existence of pupils cannot be seen at all.

The leopard beast that was slapped down by Gu Zheng's paw let out a muffled grunt. When it was about to struggle to get up, Gu Zheng slapped it down again, followed by the sound of bones breaking and flying out. brains.

Being able to smash the skull of a leopard beast with its claws already shows that Gu Zheng's mutation has gone beyond the category of ordinary beasts. However, his next move was undoubtedly the same as that of an ordinary beast. He lowered his head and made a gesture to satisfy his hunger.

Gu Zheng is indeed lost. At this moment, he has no thoughts at all, and he just does things by instinct.

The sound of biting flesh and bone was particularly terrifying in the dark, and the consciousness that was watching Gu Zheng in the air disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Not to mention that the current Gu Zheng has no doubts about the beast, and he cannot discover the consciousness that observed him before. Even when Gu Zheng was sober, he failed to discover the existence of that consciousness, and that consciousness is the fairy-level space fairy. The consciousness of the spirit in the instrument.

However, although Gu Zheng couldn't discover Qi Ling's consciousness when he was awake, he would be observed by Qi Ling, which he guessed. After all, Qi Ling used Big Waves to target him.

As far as Gu Zheng was concerned, when he saw the big wave, he thought of something. He felt that Qi Ling used the big wave to target him, not to use the big wave to destroy him. Although the big wave was called "big wave" However, it is obviously unrealistic to destroy him with a big wave. The real purpose of Qi Ling is probably to pass the big wave and send him back to the leopard beast again.

However, what Gu Zheng didn't expect was that Qi Ling, who knew his situation very well, understood that once he stopped suppressing the anxiety in his heart, Leopard Beast would never be his opponent, so Qi Ling didn't expect Leopard Beast to defeat him. Get rid of. However, although the leopard monster cannot directly solve the ancient dispute, it can indirectly solve the ancient dispute. As long as the ancient dispute no longer suppresses that kind of anxiety, and does the thing of eating flesh and blood, then with his current state In this situation, it is impossible for him to find himself again! An outsider who has no self will soon be assimilated by this world and become a part of this world, which will no longer pose any threat to the spirit.

Qi Ling has not been observing Gu Zheng, except that it has determined that Gu Zheng cannot be turned over, and like Gu Zheng's previous guess, everything has two sides, and its targeting of Gu Zheng also makes it pay At a certain price, its current state also needs to rest.

Gu Zheng has really turned into a wild beast. He who ate the leopard beast is now rampaging in the forest. All the beasts he finds cannot escape his minions. As for the leopard beast that was left on his neck before His injury has already recovered to normal after eating the leopard beast.

The killing was staged in the forest under the dark night. Gu Zheng had just killed a tiger. This tiger was bigger than the one chasing him during the day. Just as Gu Zheng wanted to enjoy the prey, his head suddenly lifted , blood red eyes looking towards the sky.

In addition to the moon in the sky, there are also two birds whose bodies are somewhat transparent under the moonlight. These two birds look a bit like phoenixes. They all have long tail feathers, and their wings can reach a length of one foot. The appearance, but the body is somewhat transparent, which makes them look very strange.


Gu Zheng raised his head and roared angrily. Although he is now mutated due to the design of the weapon spirit, he still belongs to the category of beasts. Although he feels the observation from the sky, he is not satisfied with the observation of his two strange birds from the air. Apart from roaring, there is no other way to deal with it.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng has completely lost himself at this moment, otherwise he could at least see from the eyes of the two strange birds in the sky that these two strange birds have already opened their spirits.

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