In order to save the time available for the magical powers of the mirror fairy, Jinyan asked Master Yunqing to communicate with him using a sound transmission conch, and the next thing she was going to say was not something she had to watch Master Yunqing do.

Daoist Yun Qing rarely cooks, but he helps Jin Yan a lot, so he has relatively deep skills in handling ingredients.

A total of 15 kinds of ingredients are needed to cook this beast spirit food cultivation, among which 12 kinds of ingredients are the ones that Jin Yan thinks, as long as she tells Master Yunqing how to deal with it, Master Yunqing can handle it well.

First, tell Master Yunqing how to handle the twelve kinds of ingredients. Jin Yan is very thankful. Anyway, sometimes in order to spend more time with Master Yunqing, she always asks him to help handle the ingredients, and even let him cook. Eat for himself, which also allowed him to lay a fairly solid foundation in cooking! Fortunately, in order to be able to collect more ingredients in the enchantment, kitchen utensils and other sundries are also on the side of Master Yunqing! Fortunately, Daoist Yunqing got the black feather wings, otherwise, even with the beast spirit food cultivation, the effect of the plan would not be very great.

After Reverend Yunqing finished processing the twelve ingredients, Jin Yan told Reverend Yunqing what he needed to tell in advance, and then used the magic power of the mirror fairy again.

If there is no accident, the total cooking time for this food repair will be less than half an hour.

Take the cooked beast spirit food to implement the plan. If it goes well, not only will you be able to get the required demon pills in half an hour, but Master Yunqing will also be able to rush to the edge of the abyss.

There is still an hour to go, and there will be an obstacle on the road, but Heitantou can easily get rid of it, and what will happen next, although Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing don't know, but they guess it should be related to inheritance things, and things related to inheritance should be the mysterious realm.

Although she doesn't know how long she will stay in the mysterious realm, Jin Yan feels that as long as she enters the mysterious realm, she will not be bound by the obliteration beyond ten days, unless she can't gain comprehension in the mysterious realm.

The ingredients have been prepared, and Master Yunqing started to cook the food repair. During this process, Jin Yan guided the whole process. Although the final food repair and medicine were not as effective as Jin Yan's, after all, nothing went wrong. , It can be regarded as a successful beast spirit food cultivation.

The smell of beast spirit food cultivation is very strange, but this strange smell is a fatal fragrance for monsters. If monsters are not in the tomb, they can be attracted by this fragrance even if they are far away.

Master Yunqing took a deep breath, the next thing he was going to do was a bit crazy, something he had never done before, that was to attract more monsters.

Master Yunqing flew towards a mountain, and the monster appeared in front of him ahead of time. Master Yunqing changed direction and flew to another mountain. Behind Master Yunqing.

More and more monsters were attracted by Master Yunqing. If it weren't for the supernatural speed of Black Feather Wings, Master Yunqing would have been beaten into a hornet's nest by dozens of monsters behind him.

The number of monsters attracted by Master Yunqing has exceeded 70, but the process of attracting monsters did not waste too much time for Master Yunqing, because when the monsters on one mountain are settled, and then go to another mountain, There will only be one monster encountered, but if more than one monster is attracted, then more and more monsters will appear at the same time, and some even fly out of the grave after a few hills.

Although the wings of the black feathers made Master Yunqing's flying speed supernatural, there were too many monsters after all. When they were chasing and intercepting Master Yunqing, Master Yunqing was inevitably attacked many times.

Watching Master Yunqing carry out this desperate plan, Jin Yan kept covering her mouth with her hand. Fortunately, more than 70 monsters are enough. As long as the beast spirit food cultivation takes effect, these monsters can produce enough monster pills.

Master Yunqing threw the beast spirit food into the air. This time the beast spirit food was different from those cooked by Gu Zheng and others. It was mostly in the form of meat soup. The beast spirit food cooked by Master Yunqing, It looks like a pure red liquid.

Immediately after being thrown into the air by Master Yunqing, the beast spirit food cultivator began to volatilize, and the strong special aura made the group of monsters crazy. They gave up chasing Master Yunqing, and greedily breathed the fragrance in the air.

Targeted animal spirit food cultivation does not only take effect through eating, but also through breathing! Moreover, the effect of the beast spirit food repair is very domineering, and the monster that inhales the beast spirit food repair will soon fall from the sky.

Master Yunqing began to slaughter the monsters. Since the loss of flying ability would cause the monsters to fall from the sky, the monsters affected by the beast spirit food cultivation naturally had no resistance to the slaughter of Master Yunqing.


Looking at the scene on the side of Master Yunqing in the mirror, after entering the world of relics, Jin Yan has never been so excited like this moment, this time she saw the real dawn.

After all the evil demon pills were collected, Master Yunqing also took away all the treasure boxes in the monster's tomb, but there was nothing in the treasure box that could excite them any more.

Since taking away the treasure chest was not in the plan, when Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan looked at each other across the abyss, there was only half an hour left on the tenth day.

If the next thing is as expected, then even half an hour is enough. If it is not the same as the guess, then resign yourself to fate. Anyway, for Jinyan and Master Yunqing, they have really tried their best .

Master Yunqing and Jin Yan took out the demon pill, and a miraculous scene happened immediately. The originally hard demon pill turned into powder in their hands, and the powder flew up automatically to form a mysterious symbol, which was printed on the colorless barrier. superior.

The colorless barrier began to vibrate, and finally disappeared without a sound.


A roar sounded, and a huge monster exposed half of its body in the abyss.

The head of the monster looks like a deer, but when it growls, it is full of fangs. It has three weird nostrils, four horns on the top of its head, and black lights around each horn. It has a humanoid body, raised The muscles showed explosive power. Standing in the abyss, it only showed half of its body, looking like a person standing in a bathtub.

Through the experience of the predecessors, Master Yunqing and Jin Yan already knew that monsters have the strength equivalent to the late Da Luo Jinxian. Such strength depends on Jin Yan and Master Yunqing. degree.

Fortunately, if you want to pass the level of monsters, you can't just fight. Jin Yan's spirit beast Heitantou is the so-called "one thing drops one thing".

There was a flash of light on Jinyan's arm, and Heitantou, who had been sleeping in the imprint, appeared beside her.

As soon as the seemingly insignificant Heitantou appeared, he immediately lowered his head and shot at the abyss monster with the three black spikes it used to attack Jin Yan.

As if he couldn't see the black charcoal head and black spikes, the abyss monster just stared at Jin Yan and Master Yunqing, and the three black spikes shot into its three nostrils unimpeded.

"Ah Qiu!"

The abyss monster shook its body and sneezed earth-shatteringly. The airflow it spewed formed an arch bridge over the abyss.

As if dozing off, the monster of the abyss closed its eyes, and its body was slowly swallowed by the abyss.

Daoist Yun Qing and Jin Yan ran towards each other, there was a forbidden space in the abyss, they could only touch each other through the arch bridge.


With a loud noise, Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan who were running towards each other couldn't help but stop, and a huge statue fell from the sky in the center of the arch bridge.

The statue is a woman, she has an extremely beautiful face, but her face is extremely cold.

A light shot out from the statue, and a photo of the statue's own spirituality appeared in the void.

Taking pictures with spiritual thoughts is not the kind that can communicate with people. Her appearance is just to say some rules and the like.

There are countless opportunities on the statue, as long as one can enter the mysterious realm to comprehend, even if it is not an inheritance, one can still leave the world of the ruins alive. However, if one does not enter the mysterious realm within the ten-day limit, obliteration is the only ending! If one enters the mystical realm but fails to comprehend anything, it is also the result of inescapable death. Moreover, if you leave the relic world, you will have no chance to enter it again.

The photo of the owner of the ruins disappeared, and both Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing smiled wryly. They thought they would directly enter the mysterious realm, but they never thought it would be like this! Now there is less than half an hour left in their ten-day limit, and they must enter the mysterious realm in the next period of time. However, it is not enough to enter the mysterious realm, one has to comprehend it before the time of the mysterious realm ends!

What should be said has already been said. At this moment of possible farewell, Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan didn't say anything more, it seemed that thousands of words were contained in their brief gaze.

Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing focused all their attention on the statue, they wanted to live, they didn't want to die!

In fact, the owner of the ruins looks serious, but it is not as cold as Jin Yan and the others thought. Since the people who are likely to become inheritors have already come to the land of heaven, it means that they are all people with deep blessings, and they will enter the mysterious realm next. This step is not difficult. As for whether you can comprehend it, that is the time to really test your chances.

Jin Yan looked at the statue very seriously, but affected by the statue itself, her attention was naturally lost. She seemed to be admiring a sculpture, completely forgetting that this was a life-and-death observation.

Beauty is a woman's nature, even a cultivator is no exception, so Jin Yan's eyes fell on the statue's face involuntarily, she thought the statue's eyes were really beautiful, they were a pair of phoenix eyes that were not angry and majestic.

Jin Yan's eyes are actually very beautiful, but she prefers these kind of heroic eyes, because if she has such eyes, she thinks that when she bullies Master Yunqing, Master Yunqing should be more afraid.

Looking into the eyes of the statue, Jin Yan thought of her eyes of Tao, and her vision immediately changed, and she entered the mysterious realm.

Jin Yan didn't know who she was, let alone what she was going to do. The place she was in was like a three-way crossing in a dark cave. There were two passages on the left and right sides, and the end of the passage was in the shape of a phoenix eye.

Jin Yan stood there for a long time, she didn't know what she was doing standing there, her eyes just looked left and right naturally.

At the same time, Master Yun Qing also entered the mysterious realm.

Like Jin Yan, Master Yun Qing, who was sizing up the statue carefully, was also affected by the statue, and his attention became less concentrated.

People are different from person to person, just like Jin Yan. Although it is a woman's nature to love beauty, if Die Ling or Miao Miao were here, their attention would definitely not be on the appearance of the statue first, so the trigger The Mysterious Realm is also definitely different.

Although men say that lust is natural, Daoist Yun Qing is also different from ordinary men. He is a very dedicated person, so after he was distracted, he did not look at the graceful body of the female cultivator, or the exquisite facial features , His attention was attracted by the long sword in the female nun's hand, because he also used a sword, and he wanted to make himself more advanced in the way of swordsmanship.

Master Yun Qing who entered the Mystic Realm also didn't know who he was, nor where he was. Even though the scene of the Mystic Realm happened not long ago, he couldn't think of anything because of it.

Master Yunqing's mysterious state is the process of hunting and killing monsters with the beast spirit food cultivation, but during this process, he can't see himself who has done this thing! And that he was completely replaced by air, so the weird thing is that the monsters are chasing an invisible thing, and they are gutted by the invisible thing.

Looking at it, Daoist Yun Qing still didn't remember who he was, and a sense of urgency arose in his heart. This sense of urgency made him want to do what the invisible person was doing. He felt that he had to Do that, and if he doesn't, he loses what is most important to him.

Although Master Yunqing didn't remember who he was, his obsessions when he did these things were drawn out by the mysterious realm.

As a result, Master Yunqing, who was originally watching from the perspective of a bystander in the Xuanmiao Realm, truly integrated into the Xuanmiao Realm. Not only did he have a body, but he also did what he had done before.

Slaughtering monsters didn't frighten Master Yunqing, what he felt was the joy of being close to the target, and what he felt was the pleasure of giving death to monsters.

A lot of information flooded into Master Yunqing's mind when he was enjoying the pleasure, and he made a comprehension without remembering who he was, and this comprehension came naturally.

In a daze, Master Yun Qing seemed to hear a woman's voice, that voice was as cold as a sword's edge.

A sense of anxiety arose in Jin Yan's heart. This was an early warning that the Mystic Realm was about to end. Usually, those cultivators who were not awake in the Mystic Realm would wake up at this time. However, Jin Yan didn't wake up because of this, even though she was very anxious, even though she didn't know how to make a choice.

That's right, Jin Yan never took a step. She felt that the shapes of the two holes were too beautiful, and no matter which one she chose, she would lose the other. However, the restless feeling reminded her that if she didn't make a choice, then she wouldn't get any.

"It would be great if the two openings could be joined together, so that one path can see two."

Jin Yan once again felt the same emotion as in the last mysterious realm.

In the last mysterious realm, because Jin Yan couldn't see the head of 'Reverend Yunqing' clearly, she thought it would be nice if the distance could be a little closer.

Last time in the mysterious realm, Jin Yan was interrupted when she was comprehending the way of space, which made her comprehension of space stay at the point where she was very guided. This special situation is very similar to a seed. When the opportunity is right, it will take root and sprout.

With the idea of ​​making the two openings close together, Jin Yan naturally put her hands together, and the two openings, which were originally separated by things, moved towards each other very naturally.

There was a bang in Jin Yan's mind, and a lot of information rushed into her mind.

Jin Yan realized the Tao, she comprehended the real way of space, and when she came out of the mysterious realm, she found that she was on the abyss arch bridge, she was on the top of a mountain.

The vision of heaven and earth has appeared, the sky is condensed with auspicious clouds, the south wind is also blowing towards Jin Yan, and the energy of heaven and earth is falling from the sky like rain.

When Jin Yan was enjoying the blessings of heaven and earth, she didn't forget to let her black charcoal head take a share.

Although the relationship between Heitantou and Jin Yan is not a rare "blessing and misfortune", as long as Jin Yan allows it, such things as blessings from heaven and earth can be shared with others! However, under normal circumstances, no immortal cultivator would be so willing.

In fact, Jin Yan was not willing to part with it. She didn't have as much affection for Heitantou as for the spirit beast. No matter how powerful the spirit beast was, it was not as real as being strong. However, Jin Yan has no choice. The blessings of heaven and earth that comprehend Dao can improve her cultivation a lot, not to mention the way of space in Dao, the amount of blessings of heaven and earth will be very terrifying! However, Jin Yan's cultivation is already in the late stage of returning to the void, and with such blessings from heaven and earth, her cultivation will soon reach the peak of returning to the void!

Jin Yan is not practicing Tiexianjue, she is just an ordinary cultivator, and there is a bottleneck in her advancement! The blessings of heaven and earth will let her reach the bottleneck, but they can't help her break through the bottleneck. Once she fails to trigger the mysterious realm and make a comprehension when she reaches the bottleneck, the blessings of heaven and earth will be wasted. Rather than wasting the rare blessings of heaven and earth, it is naturally better to let Heitan come over to share a share.

Already lucky enough to comprehend the Dao of Space, Jin Yan was no longer lucky enough to trigger the Mysterious Realm, so her cultivation had reached the bottleneck, and she could only watch Heitantou enjoy the blessings of heaven and earth that originally belonged to her.

Heitantou was originally only equivalent to the middle stage of Void Return, that is, the realm of the middle stage of Xuanyao Realm, but the amount of blessings from heaven and earth brought down by comprehending the way of space is really too great, so that Heitantou's realm is always raised In the late stage of Xuan Yao Realm.

After the blessing of heaven and earth ended, Jin Yan and Heitantou were pushed out by the powerful force of the relic world, and they appeared at the foot of the mountain where Jin Yan and Master Yunqing entered the relic world.

"Finally came out alive!"

Jin Yan couldn't help cheering, she wasn't worried about Master Yun Qing at all.

After leaving the world of relics, Jin Yan's positioning jade talisman took effect immediately, and she knew that Master Yunqing was only a quarter of an hour away from her.

Master Yun Qing was able to stay outside the world of the relics, which showed that he had also realized something, and Jin Yan was really happy.

However, Jin Yan frowned quickly, because the spot on the positioning jade talisman representing Master Yun Qing was moving rapidly, which made Jin Yan very curious about what he was doing.

In the past, when she was curious about what Master Yunqing was doing, it was impossible for Jin Yan to know immediately, but now it was different, she could know immediately if she wanted to.

Jin Yan activated the magical power of the mirror fairy, and Yun Qing's appearance immediately appeared on the mirror.

After seeing the reason why Master Yunqing was moving so fast, Jin Yan almost cried out in shock! Because she saw Master Yunqing chasing a huge body with a deer-like head, Jin Yan couldn't help but think of the deer-like giant beast in the abyss in the ruins world.

However, Jin Yan soon realized that the monster being chased by Master Yun Qing was not the abyss giant beast in the ruins world, both of them just looked a bit like deer.

Through the supernatural power of the mirror fairy, Jin Yan contacted Yunqing real person.

After knowing what Master Yunqing had gained in the mysterious realm, Jin Yan shouted excitedly like a child, because what Master Yunqing had gained was beyond her imagination.

Master Yun Qing comprehended the way of death in the mysterious realm, which is also a great way! Since the way of death is the Taoism that the owner of the ruins is good at, although Master Yunqing did not really become the inheritor of the owner of the ruins, he also obtained the skills passed down by the owner of the ruins, and thus learned another set of powerful skills created by the owner of the ruins. Swordsmanship.

Daoist Yunqing has also accepted the blessings of heaven and earth, and his cultivation has reached the bottleneck of the Golden Immortal Realm! He left the world of relics a little earlier than Jin Yan, and after he found the deer demon, he chased after him.

The reason why Master Yunqing chases the deer demon is not because it looks a bit like the abyss monster in the ruins world, but because he has heard about it from his good friend Xiong San!

Xiong San was led by the deer demon to go to the Yellow Sand World at the beginning. Although he told Master Yun Qing about his experiences in the Yellow Sand World, he did not tell him where the entrance to the Yellow Sand World is.

Xiong San didn't tell Master Yunqing where the entrance to the Yellow Sand World was, not because Xiong San was stingy, but because Master Yunqing told Xiong San first, he and Jin Yan discovered a relic, when he wanted to tell Xiong San Xiong San, who was affected by the ancient dispute, refused when the entrance of the San Ruins was located.

Xiong San misunderstood some of what Gu Zheng said. Gu Zheng didn't want to involve them too much in the ruins of the fallen saints. Attitude is talking! And this attitude was interpreted by Xiong San as a good relic if he found it by his own chance.

Xiong San explained the wrong interpretation, and told Master Yunqing earnestly, and Master Yunqing told Jin Yan, and both of them believed in it as the truth. Who made Xiong San's tone of voice very similar to Gu Zheng when he said that Woolen cloth! Therefore, Master Yunqing didn't ask Xiong San where the entrance to the Yellow Sand World was, and Xiong San naturally didn't say either.

In fact, Gu Zheng had overheard the conversation between Xiong San and the others at that time, and Gu Zheng's reaction at that time was just shaking his head and smiling. He didn't want to and couldn't say anything more about this kind of thing. For him, it's yours, you can't run away, it's not yours, you can't ask for it!

Facts have proved that Master Yunqing and Jin Yan have a predestined relationship with the Yellow Sand World. Although they don't know where the entrance to the Yellow Sand World is, Master Yunqing heard from Xiong San that he was guided by a strange deer demon. .

After coming out of the world of relics, Master Yun Qing was very excited to see the deer demon. Although he and Xiong San had only separated for a short time, Xiong San was his good Taoist friend. , Naturally, he also wants to share it with Xiong San, not to mention that he knows that Gu Zheng is also in the Yellow Sand World, so he can use this excuse to see Gu Zheng again! Moreover, Jinyan also wants to transfer the beads given by the spirit treasure beast to Xiong San, so even if there is no harvest in the yellow sand world, Master Yunqing must go there!

The deer demon ran away as soon as he saw Master Yunqing, and he refused to obediently tell Master Yunqing the entrance to the Yellow Sand World.

The deer demon originally thought that with its unique escape ability, even if it couldn't beat Master Yun Qing, it would be able to escape. But the final result was that after Master Yunqing revealed the black feather wings, the deer demon immediately gave in. He only asked Master Yunqing not to kill it, and it would agree to any other requests.

In the end, Master Yunqing and Jin Yan, who knew the entrance of the Yellow Sand World, also entered the Yellow Sand World.

As soon as Master Yunqing and Jin Yan entered the world of Huangsha, Gu Zheng, who was researching the 'Heart Demon Orb' in Huangsha City, immediately had a reaction.

"It seems that it's time to leave the world of yellow sand."

This is the world created by the fallen saints. As the ancient battle of the future saints, it would be fine if he saw Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing in other places, but he would not see Master Yun Qing and Jin Yan here. It will do harm to them both!

Gu Zheng originally planned to stay in the yellow sand world for a while, but since the changes made Master Yunqing and Jin Yan enter the yellow sand world, he also decided to postpone the matter of the "Heart Magic Orb" after leaving the yellow sand world , I'd better go back to the cultivation world to see if anything happened there during this period of time.

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