After she stopped messing around with Master Yunqing, Jin Yan's cooking speed is quite fast.

Half an hour later, Jin Yan cooked a table of sumptuous delicacies.

After waking up the sleeping spirit treasure beast, Jin Yan opened another jar of fairy wine, and they wanted to celebrate tonight.

There is nothing to say about the taste of the dishes, the taste of the immortal wine is also intoxicating, and the spirit treasure beast is even full of oil.

However, for such a good thing as fairy wine, the spirit treasure beast does not touch a drop. When Master Yunqing asked why, Jin Yan told him that the fairy wine would affect the perception of the spirit treasure beast.

"It's okay, it would be a pity if you don't try the good stuff, the worst thing is to drink less, don't get too drunk!"

Master Yunqing didn't suppress the alcohol, he was somewhat dizzy, and today was a very happy day for him, he wanted that dizzy feeling to stay longer.

"I see you are really drunk."

Jin Yan rolled her eyes at Master Yunqing: "It can't drink fairy wine, it's not because it's afraid of getting drunk, it's because it can't touch fairy wine at all."


The spirit treasure beast, which was drinking soup, suddenly barked at this moment. Even though Master Yunqing didn't understand the specific meaning of its barking, he could tell from its reaction that it was on guard.

"My lady, what did this little thing say?" Master Yun Qing looked at Jin Yan.

"Little Xiong said that there is a monster whose strength is equivalent to that of the Golden Immortal Realm and is flying towards this side, and the specific strength is stronger than the tree demon you killed a few days ago!" Jin Yan said solemnly.

Hearing what Jin Yan said, Master Yun Qing immediately used his immortal power to suppress Jiu Jin: "Are you sure it's targeting us?"

In fact, Master Yunqing didn't want to fight tonight, let alone a monster more powerful than the tree demon, he couldn't help worrying about Jin Yan's safety.


Jin Yan's earnestness turned into helplessness: "It seems that our prohibition is not good! The last time I was enjoying the delicious food, I was spoiled by a toad monster, and this time I was spoiled by an unknown monster again!"

The reason why Jinyan said it was unknown was because what the spirit treasure beast could detect at this stage, whether it was a plant or an animal, was just an aura that could be interpreted by it, and it could not know what was detected by it. The specific shape of the thing.

"A lady fighting at this level can't get in her hands, you find a place to hide yourself, and the poor are here waiting for that monster to come over!"

In a very short time, Master Yun Qing suppressed his drunkenness, and when he stood up, he was full of fighting spirit.

Last time, because he was worried about Jin Yan, Master Yunqing directly used the 'Fire Phoenix Technique' to burn the toad monster to death, thus losing the rare refining materials. Fight it.

"Husband, be careful! If you can, don't rely too much on the 'Fire Phoenix Technique'. And, this time I will hide well, you really don't need to worry about me!"

Jin Yan told Master Yun Qing, she put away the kitchen utensils in an instant, and disappeared into the night with the spirit treasure.

After Jin Yan left, Master Yunqing took out a box from the storage belt, and inside the box were some spar-like things, which were the formations that formed the 'Thunder Arresting Array'.

In these years of opening the fairy kitchen shop, in fact, Jin Yan and Master Yunqing have a very rich family background. The two of them own a lot of things like fairy artifacts, but they don't have as many fairy artifacts as imagined. Moreover, because they all know that Gu Zheng has always advocated not relying on immortal weapons, so when they follow Gu Zheng to practice, they don't bring many immortal weapons.

The strength of the unknown monster is stronger than that of the tree demon. Although Master Yunqing is full of fighting spirit, he is also very cautious, so he arranged the 'Thunderstorm Formation' in advance. After all, Jin Yan doesn't really like his over-reliance on the 'Fire Phoenix Technique', and thus misses some insights that he should have in battle.

The 'Lightning Arrangement' was arranged in the air by Master Yun Qing. After the formation was completed, the array devices and patterns that originally formed the formation were hidden, and Master Yun Qing stood outside the range of effect of the 'Thunder Arrest' , waiting for the arrival of the unknown monster with a sword.

Not long after, Master Yunqing saw the flying monster.

The flying monster is very majestic, it looks like a white tiger with bird wings.

The Flying Tiger flew towards the smell. When it saw someone in the air, it didn't rush over rashly. It stopped in the distance, and glanced down at the place where Master Yun Qing and the others had dinner just now.


The Flying Tiger Monster roared menacingly at Master Yun Qing, and an electric glow appeared on its wings that were originally normal.

Master Yun Qing frowned, he had a feeling that the Flying Tiger Monster was not even a little bit stronger than the Dryad. In addition, there is another very clear thing reminding him that he must be careful and careful in this battle! This Flying Tiger is actually a monster with the attribute of thunder, which can be seen from the electric lights on its wings, which means that the "Thunder Arresting Array" he originally arranged may have an effect on the Flying Tiger. Not much, the Flying Tiger Monster should have a good ability to absorb the lightning in the 'Lightning Array'.

Wanting to try the depth of the Flying Tiger Monster, Master Yunqing used the 'Fire Dragon Technique'.

A huge fire dragon appeared out of thin air, roaring and rushing towards the Flying Tiger Monster.


The Flying Tiger roared, and a white air flow spewed out from its mouth, turning into a spirit-like Flying Tiger, and facing the fire dragon of Master Yun Qing.

The dragon-tiger fight was staged in the air, and both the Flying Tiger Monster and Master Yunqing were continuously manipulating each other's spells, which also made the dragon and tiger in the air move and dodge, looking very agile.

"Bang bang bang!"

The explosions continued, and the tiger's claws fell on the fire dragon, causing the fire dragon to fall in flames, and the dragon's claws caught on Feihu's body, making Feihu's figure even fainter.

Master Yunqing frowned. In this contest between dragon and tiger, his fire dragon was at a disadvantage. From this point, he could see that the strength of the flying tiger monster was at least on the same level as him.


With the twitch of the tiger's tail like a steel whip, the scarred fire dragon finally fell apart, turning into a sky full of flames and falling downward.

The phantom of the flying tiger that has not yet disappeared rushed towards Master Yunqing. Master Yunqing lifted the long sword from bottom to top, and the spirit of the real fire in his body vibrated accordingly, and the originally scattered flames condensed in an instant, forming a sword shape The phantom passed through Feihu phantom's body.

The phantom of the flying tiger faded and disappeared, and the phantom of the sword disappeared, and the confrontation between the two energies of heaven and earth unfolded in the air again.

Like the sound of wood rubbing halfway in the air, Master Yunqing frowned even more. Through the confrontation between the energy of the two sides, he found that the real strength of the Flying Tiger Monster was actually higher than him, but it hadn't reached the level of Jinxian's late stage. the point.

Strong enemy, absolute strong enemy! Master Yun Qing, who had already defined the Flying Tiger Monster in his heart, cast the 'Falling Leaf Sword Technique' on the Flying Tiger Monster.

He didn't use the normal 'fallen leaf sword technique' to attack the flying tiger monster. Master Yunqing knew that the powerful 'fallen leaf sword technique' was useless against the flying tiger monster, so the sword energy that flew towards the flying tiger monster was all Surrounded by the flames of the Way of True Fire.

The Flying Tiger stood up in the air, and quickly swung its pair of front paws. One after another, the wind of claws met Master Yunqing's sword energy, and the collision between the wind of claws and the sword energy unfolded in the air.

This time it was the Flying Tiger Monster who was at a disadvantage. The wind of its claws could not last as long as Master Yunqing's sword moves, so that the sword energy had already flown very close to it.

The Flying Tiger Monster's unused wings showed its power at this moment, and its pair of wings shrouded in lightning slammed, and it slapped out more than twenty ball lightnings the size of fists! .

More than 20 spherical lightnings were like living things. First, they scattered the sword energy in the air, and then they split up and shot towards Master Yunqing from multiple directions.

Master Yunqing's heart trembled, the power of the ball lightning was very terrifying, which made him have to choose to dodge.

Master Yun Qing's body flew backwards, and he entered the space where the 'Thunderstorm Array' was located.

After seeing the power of the Flying Tiger Monster's spherical lightning, the 'Lightning Array' is useless against the Flying Tiger Monster, this is a sure thing!

However, Master Yunqing entered the 'Lightning Formation' not just to avoid the spherical lightning, he wanted to change the 'Thunder Formation'.

The reason why this fairy array arranged by Master Yunqing is called the "Thunderstorm Array" is because the spirits in the array absorbed the power of the thunder calamity when he crossed the tribulation last time, so they can transform the power of the thunder calamity For the lightning to fall, so the formation is called the "Thunderbolt Formation". But if the power of thunder calamity accumulated in the formation spirit is used up, and the same formation is arranged again, then its name will become the 'Lightning Array' used by Master Yunqing when he crossed the tribulation. The change of the name of the formation depends entirely on the change of the spirit in the formation.

Daoist Yun Qing has more than one formation spirit, and he wants to change the formation method by replacing the formation spirit.

Replacing the spirit of the formation is a quick matter, but as soon as Master Yunqing replaced the spirit of the formation, the flying tiger monster had already rushed into the space of the formation.

The change in the environment in front of it seemed to startle the Flying Tiger Monster, and the next moment it saw the huge monster transformed by the spirit.

The huge monster transformed by the spirit is a bird with black feathers and green eyes. The name of this monster is 'Rotten Owl', and it is a poisonous monster.

The rotten owl's phantom flapped its wings, and its green eyes shone, and the green poisonous rain that came out of thin air shot towards the Flying Tiger Monster.

The Flying Tiger monster shook its body, and its whole body was surrounded by a layer of electric light. Once the poisonous rain got close to the electric light, it would be evaporated, and a green poisonous mist would also appear in the formation space.

The Flying Tiger Monster was not afraid of the poisonous rain, and the poisonous mist could not hurt the Flying Tiger Monster at all. The curious Flying Tiger Monster looked around, looking for the figure of Master Yun Qing.

Daoist Yun Qing was no longer in the fairy formation, and when the phantom of the rotten owl appeared, he had already left the fairy formation, and at this moment he was observing the situation in the fairy formation in the void.

"You can't use the 'fire phoenix technique' lightly. Ordinary methods can't hurt the flying tiger monster. You can only use the poison of the rotten owl that you usually disdain to use, and combine it with wretched tactics to see if you can kill the flying tiger. The monster took it down." Master Yun Qing said thoughtfully.

At the same time, the Flying Tiger Monster, who found that Master Yunqing was missing and was annoyed by the poison of the rotten owl, released spherical lightning to attack the phantom of the rotten owl in the air.

The Flying Tiger Monster is a monster after all, even though it looks like it has a lot of intelligence, it is actually very stupid. Trapped in such an unknown space, it didn't even think about getting out of trouble quickly, but stalked the rotting owl in the sky. up.

The phantom of the rotten owl is just the projection of the formation spirit. If you don't know the location of the formation spirit, it will have no effect on the phantom's attack, no matter whether this attack is the spherical lightning of the flying tiger monster or the claw wind of the flying tiger monster. Moreover, the rotten lord phantom does not only use poison rain to attack. It is just a regular attack method when it comes up to use poison rain. Now that the poison rain that should be used has been used, it should also release its Big move.

"call out!"

The phantom of the rotten owl in the air let out a strange cry, its body trembled and curled up into a ball, and then stretched out suddenly, all the black feathers on its body were shot out at this moment.

The black feathers are different from the poisonous rain. They are the big move of the rotten owl. They shoot at the black feathers of the flying tiger monster one by one. The tiger monster's electric light disappeared under the attack, but it seemed to be stuck to the flying tiger monster's electric light protection.

The rotting owl was already huge in size, and the number of feathers was naturally relatively large, so that the body of the flying tiger monster could not be seen in the formation space, only the shape of a flying tiger monster wrapped in black feathers could be seen.


The Flying Tiger roared. It was really anxious at this moment. The black feathers not only blocked its sight, but the toxin seeping from the feathers had polluted its protective electric light, so that in the originally pure electric light, There appeared a series of toxin black lines like living creatures.

Although the toxicity of the toxin black thread is not particularly violent, it spreads very quickly. In a very short period of time, several threads have touched the body of the Flying Tiger Monster, and spread on its white body.

The flying tiger monster rammed like a headless chicken in the space of the fairy formation, and the attack of the toxin had already had a certain effect, making its frantic body stagger a little.

"It's now!"

Sensing that the opportunity had come, Daoist Yunqing flashed into the fairy formation, and slashed at the flying tiger monster's wings with a sword wrapped in the power of real fire.

Master Yunqing knew that the Flying Tiger Monster's wings were its key points, and once it could inflict some damage on it, then the lightning method that Flying Tiger Monster feared most would definitely be affected by it.

The sword light landed on the wing of the Flying Tiger Monster, and the Flying Tiger Monster let out a scream, and one wing that was originally standing upright drooped instantly.


The Flying Tiger roared, and it unleashed a supernatural power that had never been used before. Six phantoms with tiger heads flew out of its body, and kept growing in size as they flew out. Zhang looked like he wanted to bite a hole in the sky.

Sensing the impressive power of the tiger-head phantom, Master Yunqing, who did not dare to resist, has already fled the fairy formation wretchedly, and the appearance of the tiger-head phantom finally attached itself to the electric light on the surface of the flying tiger monster. All those black feathers were scattered.

The Flying Tiger Monster in the space of formation gasped heavily, the use of supernatural powers by the phantom of the tiger's head, the attack of toxins, and the heavy damage to its wings all made it feel very uncomfortable.

Daoist Yun Qing didn't dare to hesitate, he felt that he had to hurry up and enter the space of the Immortal Formation again to deal a heavy blow to the Flying Tiger Monster! Otherwise, the black feathers would have been scattered, and the toxin that had originally acted on the Flying Tiger's body would be powerless, and would soon lose its effect. At that time, the Flying Tiger's reaction would be much more flexible than it is now.

Master Yun Qing only thought about how to severely injure the Flying Tiger, but he never expected that the Flying Tiger, without the influence of the black feathers, would know exactly where he appeared this time.

Then, Master Yunqing, who appeared in the fairy formation, raised his sword, and the Flying Tiger turned violently, its wings swept across Master Yunqing's abdomen, and directly swept him away.

When it was attacked by Daoist Yunqing before, the wings of the Flying Tiger Monster looked fragile, but they were not like that. After all, Master Yun Qing's full-strength sword with the power of real fire failed to cut off one of the Flying Tiger Monster's wings, it could only cut that wing down like a broken bone, so The Tiger Monster's wings are very strong!

Master Yun Qing, who failed in the sneak attack, was attacked instead. Fortunately, his reaction was fast enough. At the critical moment, he retreated a little bit, avoiding the heavy blow from the wing bones of the flying tiger monster, only to be hit by the wing feathers of the flying tiger monster. Scan to. But, even so, the feathers on the wings of the Flying Tiger Monster still cut through the body protection of Master Yunqing like a sharp knife, and tore apart his fairy clothes, almost breaking his intestines!

The injured Master Yunqing was sweating coldly, he wanted to escape from the space of the fairy formation again by walking, but the furious Flying Tiger Monster no longer gave him this chance, it spread its wings towards Master Yunqing far away.

"not good!"

Master Yun Qing's heart trembled, an extremely ominous premonition arose, and he, who didn't dare to hesitate, finally used the 'Fire Phoenix Technique'.

On the outstretched wings of the Flying Tiger Monster, a pattern similar to eyes appeared, and the electric light released from this pattern was as powerful as a thunderbolt!

Fortunately, Master Yunqing reacted quickly enough, the thunder-like lightning did not strike him, but was blocked by the fire phoenix flying towards the Flying Tiger Monster.

Even though the fire phoenix was transformed by the way of real fire, it was still slowed down by the thunder-like lightning.

Under normal circumstances, Huofeng slowed down, and the Flying Tiger Monster, who also felt that Huofeng was extremely dangerous, would definitely seize this opportunity to escape. However, after sustaining injuries one after another, it displayed its strongest supernatural power, and the unlucky Flying Tiger was in a state similar to collapse! It simply didn't move with its eyes wide open, allowing the fire phoenix to bump into it.

The Flying Tiger screamed, the flames of the true fire were beyond its ability to withstand damage, it was already on fire and was approaching death.

"I missed a very good refining material again!"

Daoist Yun Qing is also helpless, at this time he dare not take the flames to plot the wings of the Flying Tiger Monster, he dare not take this risk, who knows if the Flying Tiger Monster has other supernatural powers, anyway, he has no cards .

In addition to being helpless, Master Yunqing also felt fortunate that if the Flying Tiger Monster had tried its best to fight him at the beginning, then this time the situation would be really dangerous. He only had the ultimate move of 'Fire Phoenix Technique', He has seen two of the tiger monster's killing moves, one is the phantom of the tiger's head, and the other is the pattern of eyes on the wings. Moreover, there is more than one eye pattern on the wing of the Flying Tiger Monster, it has two wings, but the other wing has a broken eye pattern, although it also has an eye pattern, but it can't shoot out the terrifying electric light.

After finishing off the flying tiger monster, Master Yun Qing, who walked out of the fairy formation, saw Jin Yan flying towards him.

Jin Yan, who was originally full of joy, saw the blood-red belly of Master Yun Qing, and her eyes were filled with mist.

"I told you to be careful!"

The mist had already turned into tears and fell, facing Jin Yan's accusation, Master Yun Qing thought it was quite sweet.

"It's okay, just a small injury!"

Master Yunqing handed the inner alchemy of the Flying Tiger Monster to Jinyan.

The cave in the mountain is not dark, and the moonstone on the stone wall exudes a soft light. Although there is no light from the moonstone, Gu Zheng's sight will not be affected in this dark environment, but he is still used to letting the cave Brighter in the middle.

From sitting cross-legged in the cave to now, Gu Zheng opened his eyes for the first time at this moment. These days, he has been trying to figure out the Tianhong Artifact Refining Art and Tianhong Puppet Art that the fox gave him.

Gu Zheng stood up and walked towards the refining room. After a few days of thinking about it, he had an idea, which he wanted to realize in the refining room.

This time with Xiong San and the others out for training, Gu Zheng had the heart to refine some fairy artifacts for them. Some of these fairy artifacts required them to provide refining materials themselves to improve the purpose of the experience, and some Gu Zheng would treat them as Rewards go to them.

Among the fairy artifacts that Gu Zheng will give away as a reward, the one that Gu Zheng will definitely refine is the space fairy artifact.

The last time I took Qiao Bai and the others out to practice, Gu Zheng not only refined storage bracelets for them, but also made them immortal artifacts that can exercise divine thoughts. This time I brought Xiong San and the others out, each with a storage bracelet Inevitable! However, whether there will be higher-level space fairy artifacts as rewards depends on whether Xiong San and the others can obtain refining materials suitable for refining high-grade space fairy artifacts during the process of training.

The storage bracelets that Gu Zheng gave to Qiao Bai and Xu Ran last time were just ordinary space artifacts with storage functions.

After contemplating Tianhong Artifact Refining Technique for a few days, Gu Zheng wants to refine the Space Immortal Artifact this time, in addition to its basic storage function, it also has the characteristics of being able to attack or defend.

There are space fairy weapons with defensive supernatural powers or offensive supernatural powers, and there are no such things in the prehistoric world, but that kind of refining method is in the hands of the holy immortals, which is not available in today's ancient wars, and although he has come into contact with this kind of weapon in the age of Noumenon technology, but now I can't remember clearly, I can only learn from Tianhong's refining technique.

The Golden Toad Furnace was originally placed in the refining room, and an auxiliary refining array had already been arranged on the ground. After Gu Zheng entered the refining room, he immediately took out the refining storage from the space fairy. The material needed for the bracelet.

There are a total of eight kinds of materials required to refine the storage bracelet, among which the processing of space spirit stone, dragon king gold, and skyscraper bone is the most time-consuming. As for the step in the refining step, which is the most difficult, naturally the storage bracelet will be completed soon. Inscriptions on the utensils.

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