Only the palm-sized Wujin Flint was thrown into the furnace by Gu Zheng. After the fire control technique allowed the flame to reach a suitable temperature, Gu Zheng began to cast a spell to fuse the metal solution and Wujin Flint in the Jinchan Furnace.

A miraculous scene happened in the Golden Toad Furnace. There was no crack at all in the Wujin Flint, as if a crack had been formed, and the metal solution quickly entered its interior.

The inside of Ujin Flint, which cannot be seen by the naked eye, is actually not solid, but has a more complicated structure like a honeycomb.

Not to mention ordinary people, even if it is a master of refining weapons, even if he is allowed to see the inside of Wujin Flint, he will be confused and don't know what to do. After all, Wujin Flint is a fairy weapon in the world outside the circle, and the refining method used is different from Honghuang's. However, Gu Zheng is not confused about the honeycomb structure inside Wujin Huoshi. The immortal artifacts of the world outside the circle he has come into contact with are no longer one or two. This is much higher than the understanding of the Great Desolate Artifact Refining Master.

In the end, the molten metal filled the hole that should be filled inside the Wujin Flint, and Gu Zheng completed the repair of the damage to the Wujin Flint. Moreover, this step is not just a simple repair, it also includes improvement! After all, Ugin Flint is to be remade, not restored.

After completing the restoration of Wujin Flint, Gu Zheng took Wujin Flint out of the Golden Toad Stove, and the next thing he had to do was to give Wujin Flint the spirit.

For Ujin Flint, this step of 'Na Ling' is to rebuild a weapon spirit. If it is not for Ujin Flint, it is a psychic fairy weapon. If it is not for Ujin Flint, the original weapon spirit is sucked and eaten by the mosquito monster. Originally, it was not an easy task to create a weapon spirit for a fairy weapon with the breath of the weapon spirit in Wujin Flintstone.

The mosquito monster has been sacrificed by the fox. At this time, it is only the size of a palm, and it looks like it is made of crystal sculpture. If it wants to turn it into a spirit body that can be included in Wujin Flint, Gu Zheng has to wait. It needs to be sacrificed differently.

Drawing a small fairy formation in the air with his power, Gu Zheng placed the crystal mosquito in the fairy formation. After casting a spell to activate the fairy formation, the rays of light from the fairy formation connected the crystal mosquitoes one by one.

A series of magic formulas were hit by Gu Zheng to the fairy formation, and the light produced on the fairy formation also flickered. This is a relatively long process. Even if Gu Zheng finishes this step, he still needs to take a rest adjust.

As time went by, the crystal mosquito connected by the light from the fairy array changed. It slowly stretched its legs and spread its wings as if it had come alive, but in the process of stretching its legs and spreading its wings, its body also slowly The weakening of the body shows the trend of evolving into a spirit body.

In the end, the original crystal mosquito turned into a mosquito that seemed to be made of mist. Gu Zheng didn't take it to 'Na Ling' immediately, but temporarily put it behind the jade bottle.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground to adjust his breath, six days had passed since Gu Zheng began to refine the weapon.

It seems that he is adjusting his breath, but Gu Zheng is actually thinking about the specific matters of 'Na Ling'.

As a psychic artifact, the strength of the artifact spirit will greatly affect the power of the immortal artifact. Moreover, "Na Ling" is not simply stuffing the spirit body into the fairy weapon. There are many things involved, such as choosing the most suitable place as the "soul room" for the tool spirit, and what kind of magic weapon to use. It is most suitable for the tool pattern to support the 'spiritual room'. The decision of these details is a test of the skill of the master craftsman, and will directly affect the ultimate power of the fairy weapon.

After adjusting his breath for more than two hours, Gu Zheng, who was in good spirits, stood up, and he was going to perform a 'Naling' on Wujin Huoshi.

First draw a fairy array on the surface of Wujin Flint to facilitate the spirit body to enter the interior, and then Gu Zheng poured the spirit body of the mosquito monster out of the jade bottle.

The last time Gu Zheng gave the Immortal Artifact Naling, it still brought Qiao Bai and the others in the enchantment. That time, Gu Zheng incorporated the spirit body into the space Immortal Artifact, so that they can be used to train Qiao Bai, Xu Ran and others in the future. divine sense. The 'Na Ling' that time was different from this time, because the spirit body had to take on the task of training the user's mind, it still retained its original ferocity and a certain amount of spiritual wisdom, which is used for 'Na Ling' The spirit body of the human body is called "living spirit", and the spirit body used by Na Ling for Ujin Flint is called "weak spirit". Compared with the "living spirit", it is as weak as a baby. The day after tomorrow, it will grow slowly as the user sacrifices the fairy artifact.

It is precisely because it is weak like a baby, so when Gu Zheng released the spirit body of the mosquito monster, it would only lightly bounce its legs and flap its wings, and would not struggle violently.

After playing a few magic formulas towards Wujin Flint, a small light array appeared on Wujin Flint, and the light array turned into a swirl-like light spot during the rotation, and the spirit body of the mosquito monster was sucked into the light spot.

Gu Zheng's divine sense also followed the spirit body of the mosquito monster into the interior of Wujin Flint, and it brought the spirit body of the mosquito monster closer to the appropriate 'spiritual room'.

The so-called "spiritual room" is the place where the spirit is placed. In the age of Gu Zheng's body, the small garden where the spirit of the Tiexianling is located belongs to her "spiritual room".

The internal structure of Wujin Flint was originally like a beehive, and there are many holes in it that are suitable as "spiritual chambers", but which hole to choose as "spiritual chambers", Gu Zheng had already thought about it during the period of breath adjustment.

After placing the spirit body of the mosquito monster in a suitable 'spiritual room', Gu Zheng began to inscribe the pattern on the device. However, the pattern inscribed by Gu Zheng is only used to support the 'spiritual room', not the kind that would attract the interference of the power of law.

The engraving of the device pattern is made of spiritual thoughts, which is a method of internal carving, which belongs to the method of refining weapons outside the circle. It was used by Gu Zheng when he refined the space fairy weapon in the enchantment last time.

The divine mind is like a small carving knife, and the extremely fine grain patterns are densely presented on the four walls of the 'spiritual room'. In addition to supporting the 'spiritual room', the existence of these vessel patterns is also important for the 'spiritual room'. The artifact spirit in the spirit room also has the function of warming and nourishing.

After completing the engraving of the "spiritual room" vessel pattern, Gu Zheng began to engrave the final vessel pattern of the fairy artifact. The function of this pattern is to truly connect the spirit of the artifact with the fairy artifact, and to endow the immortal artifact Supernatural powers.

Powerful fairy artifacts will interfere with the laws of heaven and earth when engraved on them, and psychic artifacts are inherently more powerful than ordinary fairy artifacts. Unavoidable things.

However, even if there would be interference from the law of heaven and earth, Gu Zheng didn't take it too seriously. After all, he is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves. Although Wujin Flint is a psychic fairy tool, it is far from being comparable to the space fairy tool he created. , the interference of the law of heaven and earth will naturally not be more violent than when making a space fairy.

Dense patterns began to appear inside the fairy artifact, and the interference of the laws of heaven and earth also appeared when Gu Zheng was concentrating on it. A strange fluctuation emerged from the inside of the fairy artifact, trying to get the fairy artifact out of Gu Zheng's control.

However, although Gu Zheng said he was concentrating on it, but after there is no tail connection between the divine mind and the body, the immortal cultivator has two uses for his heart. His divine mind is still inscribed on the pattern of the vessel, and the immortal power is exerted through the palm of his hand. On the immortal artifact, suppressed the interference of the power of the law, and easily completed the first test of the law of heaven and earth for the inscription on the artifact.

During the entire engraving process, the laws of heaven and earth interfered a total of three times, but none of them had any actual impact on the engraving of the ancient war pattern. In the end, Gu Zheng completed the last stroke of the inscription on the device, and the black black gold flint was also surrounded by a faint halo. It looked like a stubborn stone, but now it looks like jade.

Gu Zheng has completed the rebuilding of Wujin Flintstone, and the fox is naturally very happy, but it is time for Gu Zheng to leave the Hidden World.

Right in the cave, Gu Zheng cooked a table of delicacies as a farewell banquet with the fox.

At the banquet, Gu Zheng drank a lot of wine with the fox and talked a lot.

After being full of wine and food, he didn't stop thinking about the ancient struggle of Pinxianju. The fox opened the world of disappearance, and he appeared on the sea again.

When Gu Zheng and Fox entered the Hidden Realm, there were immortal cultivators who blindly followed into the Hidden Realm, but those cultivators who entered the Hidden Realm were all killed by Gu Zheng. Later, after the fox obtained the Yinzong Realm, he could easily know the exit of the Yinzong Realm. He also told Gu Zheng that just as Gu Zheng had guessed before, the sects to which those killed belonged had no intention of killing the disciples. Letting it go, they gathered more than two hundred people at the original entrance, waiting for their enemies to appear from the Hidden Realm.

Even if there were more than two hundred people, Gu Zheng didn't take it seriously! Killing them would definitely be a huge gain, but Gu Zheng was never a murderous person, so when the fox asked him if he wanted to go to those people to practice his skills, he rejected the fox's malicious intentions .

Since the Yinzong Realm can open its entrance in a place with a huge water source, it naturally has a lot of exits. Gu Zheng doesn't want to see those people, so he just needs to change the exit.

A few days later, Gu Zheng returned to Pinxianju.

When Gu Zheng came back, Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing were naturally very happy, and they told Gu Zheng what happened during this period.

"Boy, not bad! Not only did I break through the bottleneck, but I even comprehended the way of true fire. You must know that although I have all the spirits of the five elements, the power of the five elements has not yet enlightened me!"

Gu Zheng patted Master Yunqing on the shoulder, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart for a while, using the body of Tiexian to experience all this, the progress of yin and yang and five elements is very slow compared with the original era, as if he wanted the natal five elements at the beginning It took him a lot of time to turn the source into the spirit of the natal five elements! If it was the main body era, he would already have the domineering five-element celestial ball and yin-yang celestial ball in his body.

"Thank you for your praise!"

Daoist Yun Qing laughed, not to mention how proud he was, since the breakthrough, he had been waiting for Gu Zheng's compliment, and now that the compliment really came, he was so happy that he almost wanted to jump up.

"Sir, is Xiong San okay?"

Jin Yan couldn't help asking, she had already told Gu Zheng about Xiong San and Jiang Ru.

"It's okay, don't worry! It's just that after this incident, he will leave customs a few days later than expected."

Gu Zheng hasn't gone to see Xiong San yet, but he knows that Xiong San is fine, because in this matter, Xiong San's fate is still continuing the trajectory seen in the era of Gu Zheng's body. Entering such a dream, this is Xiong San's supernatural power in that era.

When Gu Zheng gave Xiong San dream therapy, he originally planned to change his original fate, but Jiang Ru's intervention was also a variable for Gu Zheng, so when the original dream therapy changed, it was far away from the hidden world. The ancient dispute in the cave mansion also immediately felt a sense. But in any case, the result this time is not bad. As long as Xiong San's weak state of mind can be repaired, it is already the result that Gu Zheng wants to see. In the end, Xiong San will still grow old for Fairy Feiyu, but the ending is not a bad rebirth after all.

"Sir, is there a fate between stupid bear and Jiang Ru?"

Jin Yan asked again, Jiang Ru is her most beloved disciple, and she is also very concerned about Jiang Ru's affairs.

"No fate!" Gu Zheng said flatly.

Next, Gu Zheng stayed in Pinxianju for seven days, and Xiong San left after seven days.

As for the matter with Jiang Ru, Xiong San no longer remembers, he only remembers a romantic experience in his dream.

After Xiong San left the customs, he was naturally very pleasantly surprised by Master Yun Qing's rapid improvement in cultivation. When facing his praise, Master Yun Qing laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.

There is nothing else going on here at Pinxianju, and Gu Zheng also wants to take Xiong San and the others to the barrier to practice.

Jin Yan handed over the matter of Pinxianju to all the disciples, and after they left with Gu Zheng, Pinxianju will open again, she hopes that after she comes out of the barrier, all the disciples can give her a satisfactory result answer sheet.

More than two months passed quickly, and Gu Zheng took Xiong San and others to send the fairy formation across continents, and traveled by flight, and finally came to the entrance of the enchantment.

Jin Yan and Master Yun Qing were very excited, they were finally going to enter this enchantment that was different from Honghuang.

Looking at the familiar environment, Xiong San was very emotional, what happened with Lingzhu in the enchantment was still so vivid in his memory. However, now that Xiong San thinks of the Lingzhu, his mood is much calmer. The past is the past after all, and he has indeed let go.

The entrance to the enchantment was quickly opened by Gu Zheng, who led Xiong San and the others into the enchantment.

The sight in front of them alternated between light and dark, and the first thing Gu Zheng and others felt was the change in the concentration of immortal essence.

"What a rich immortal essence!"

Even though she knew that the concentration of immortal essence in the enchantment was higher than that in Honghuang, when she really felt it, Jin Yan couldn't help but take a deep breath intoxicated.

The place where Gu Zheng and others appeared in the enchantment was among the mountains, and Gu Zheng who flew up took a rough look at the surrounding scene.

"As far as the eye can see, there are rolling mountains. Let your experience begin here!"

What should be said has already been said on the way, so Gu Zheng didn't say anything more at this time.

Xiong San and the others didn't ask any more questions. After saluting to Gu Zheng, they immediately started training excitedly.

The last time Gu Zheng brought Qiao Bai and Xu Ran to the enchantment experience, because the place where they appeared was in the huge fairy formation, Gu Zheng had to accompany him all the way. After all, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were on the way of the formation Daoxing is too low. And when they left the Immortal Formation, Gu Zheng also let them practice on their own just like Xiong San and the others now.

Although Xiong San and the others were let go to practice, Gu Zheng let them bring positioning jade talismans and also gave them communication jade talismans. To inform Gu Zheng.

For the time being, Gu Zheng gave Xiong San and the others a task, asking them to collect the refining materials they thought were good within three months, and return to this place after three months, Gu Zheng will collect from them Among the materials, refine a fairy artifact for each of them.

Xiong San and the others have already left, and Gu Zheng soon opened up a cave by the mountain. In the next time, he will learn the way of space here, or study the Tianhong refining weapon obtained from the Hidden Realm Art and Tianhong puppet art.

"Wow, the jadeite lichen is an excellent grade of food!"

"A high-level ingredient, Youyu Flower!"

"Husband, help me pick the hanging vines from that old tree!"

"Husband, there are yellow-spotted shrimps in the river, help me catch a few, and I'll make delicious ones for you later!"


For Xiong San, this road is not peaceful even if it is peaceful, and it is not peaceful if it is not peaceful.

Peaceful, we have been away for an hour, and we haven't encountered a single monster. To say it was unfair, Jin Yan was like a cheerful sparrow, chattering non-stop.

It would be fine if Jin Yan was just chirping in general, but she couldn't help but want to get sloppy with Master Yun Qing, that posture and voice made Xiong San very helpless.

Xiong San was not as enthusiastic about collecting ingredients as Jin Yan, and most of the time he followed Jin Yan with Master Yun Qing.

Xiong San knew that if he wasn't afraid that he would be too lonely, Master Yun Qing would definitely be walking side by side with Jin Yan, so Jin Yan wouldn't have to call him all the time.

"Fellow Daoist, let me go!"

Master Yun Qing apologized, because Jin Yan had another job for him to do.


Xiong San smiled, feeling even more helpless in his heart.

"Hey, there's no way, she's used to it, she likes to call me for little things."

Master Yun Qing is also very helpless, he knows that Jin Yan is so tired of him, Xiong San will definitely not be too peaceful in his heart, he also said Jin Yan in private, but it will not be long before Jin Yan will forget, when she encounters something that makes her happy , will still call him habitually.

"Friend Daoist, I feel that we should separate!"

Xiong San laughed, this is not the first time he raised this question, but before he made such a proposal, Master Yunqing rejected it.

"Okay, although I don't want to be separated from fellow daoist, it's not a problem if I go down, so fellow daoist, be careful!"

Master Yunqing doesn't want to be separated from Xiong San, he and Xiong San have a lot to say, and it will be safer if we stay together, but Jin Yan is always like this, so it's impossible not to separate.

"You too!"

Xiong San patted Master Yunqing on the shoulder, and walked towards the other side.

"You stupid bear,"

Xiong San wanted to leave, and Jin Yan, who was gathering food in front, wanted to persuade him to stay, but Xiong San's figure accelerated instantly and disappeared into the nearby woods.

"Let's go! Let's continue on our way."

Master Yun Qing came to Jin Yan's side, reached out and pinched her nose.

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