Daohungou told the fox which door to close next, and the fox pushed the door and walked in.

As soon as the fox disappeared, Daohungou immediately made the light curtain in the air show the scene of him in the world behind the door.

At the beginning, the soul dogs hoped that the fox would be weakened by the beads from the world behind the door, but now they have realized that this is unrealistic, so they changed their strategy, so when they watched the fox fight, their mood changed. Unlike before, I no longer expect the fox to get hurt.

Without watching for a long time, the somewhat irritable Daohungou spit out yellow smoke towards the light curtain.

"Why do you want to see someone?" Gun Soul Dog asked.

"I have a feeling, I always feel that this person is going to do something!" Daohungou said.

"I think it's better for you not to look at him, so as not to be discovered by him." Sword Soul Dog reminded.

"That's right! Even if he's going to do something stupid, it's impossible for us to go out and fight him now, so it's better not to watch it!" Gun Soul Dog said.

"It is precisely because I can't go out and fight with him that I want to see if he has done anything wrong! As for whether he will find out, I don't think he will find out. If he can find out, the previous two spies on him Already discovered."

While Daohungou was talking, the appearance of Gu Zheng had already appeared on the light curtain, and Gu Zheng was still sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, seemingly still ignorant of prying eyes.

Seeing that Gu Zheng was still sitting obediently, Dao Soul Dog stopped spying, and he was also afraid that Gu Zheng would sense him if he stared for a long time.

Daohungou is also relatively cautious, but unfortunately Gu Zheng is not very human. Although his three spyings on Gu Zheng were short, he also gave Gu Zheng a lot of information.

The feeling of being spied on has disappeared, Gu Zheng stood up and started the arrangement. He wanted to counter-spy on the snoopers.

As for anti-spying on the other party, Gu Zheng is not worried about whether they will be discovered by the other party, not to mention that it is difficult for them to find out, even if they find out, so what.

A light array was quickly arranged by Gu Zheng. After Gu Zheng activated the light array, a light curtain slowly appeared in the air, and the images in it were the four soul dogs sitting cross-legged.

The four soul dogs did not communicate, they just sat cross-legged quietly, which made Gu Zheng a little depressed.

The soul dogs had nothing to look at, and they didn't respond to peeping, so Gu Zheng carefully looked at the space they were in.

The seemingly normal space seems to be composed of many lines in the eyes of Gu Zheng. After all, he has mastered the way of space and can see some things that normal people cannot see.

After staring at the light screen for a while, Gu Zheng took out a jade talisman, which was another piece of the 'Mother and Child Jade Talisman'.

Although the 'Jade Talisman of Son and Mother' is not able to transmit information through words like the 'Jade Talisman of Communication', there are clues on it that Gu Zheng can use. Through his understanding of the jade talisman, he can roughly know where the other jade talisman is. s position.

If he hadn't peeked at the space where the soul dogs were before, even if Gu Zheng knew the 'Mother and Child Jade Talisman' very well, he would not be able to know the approximate location of the fox through a piece of jade talisman. After all, the space in the hall is not a normal space, and the clues on the jade talisman alone will not lead you in the right direction. However, after seeing the space where the soul dog is, Gu Zheng can know something through the jade talisman, at least he can know whether the fox has been to that space.

The jade talisman flickered slightly under the urging of Gu Zheng's immortal power. Others could not see what the flickering light represented. After Gu Zheng stared at the light for a while, he stared at the light screen again and again, Only then was it confirmed that the fox had indeed entered the space he was spying on.

What can be understood has been understood, and Gu Zheng, who closed the light curtain, sat cross-legged again.

"Those four guys with dog heads, I'm afraid they won't be too kind!"

Gu Zheng temporarily made a definition in his mind. The reason why he made such a definition was naturally because of the three spyings of the soul dogs.

Gu Zheng knows that the fox is safe now. Since he has entered that space, he has naturally met the guys with dog heads. There must be no conflict between the two sides, otherwise one side will always be unsafe.

Since there is no conflict between the fox and the guy with the dog's head, the only explanation is that the four guys with the dog's head should be servants of the cave.

Now that the fox has entered the Hidden World, it means that the fox may become the master of the Hidden World. The original servant of the cave should also be very kind to him, the fox's friend. Like the previous three spies, there was at most one, which is easy to explain, and three times It means alert!

"Be wary of me? What do I have to guard against? However, it's okay for you to be wary of me, as long as you don't play tricks on the fox. If you play tricks on the fox, I can find you even if you hide there! "

Gu Zheng smiled in his heart, spying on the space where the soul dogs are just now, his biggest gain is knowing how to enter that space.

For example, in the eyes of those who master the way of space, space can be said to be composed of various lines. As long as you have enough understanding of these lines, it will be easy to cross the obstacles formed by these lines. There are many, as if in the eyes of a fairy chef who has mastered the eyes of Tao, food contains many substances that are invisible to the naked eye. As long as you can grasp these substances, you can cook rare delicious food.

By peeking into the space where the soul dog is, Gu Zheng already has a certain understanding of this hall. He knows that this hall has the ability to distinguish the identity of the immortal cultivator, so the fox, who is a Tianhong immortal cultivator, appears after entering the hall. In the space where the soul dogs are.

If it was Gu Zheng who entered the hall, even though the place where he stepped could be the same as the fox, but because the hall can distinguish his identity, the place where he really appears will definitely not be the space where the soul dogs are.

If there is no spy on the space where the soul dog is, Gu Zheng cannot know these things, but since Gu Zheng already knows these things, even if he will appear in other places after entering the hall, he can quickly escape from there and enter The space where the soul dogs live.

Gu Zheng was somewhat worried about the fox, and the fox was fighting a ten-foot-tall puppet in the last level.

The ten-foot-tall golden-armored puppet holds a golden-armored war knife in its hand. The reason why it can fight the fox is that the thing that supports its action is the bead in its body that the fox needs.

In the world outside Tianhong's circle, puppetry is more powerful than Honghuang. Like this huge puppet, its comprehensive strength is definitely the same as that of Da Luo Jinxian in the later stage, and its golden armor is very resistant. The fox wants to get rid of it. not easy.

The fox had no intention of breaking up the golden-armored puppets. It was not impossible for him to break up the golden-armored puppets, but it was a move that was not worth the candle to him. Therefore, the fox just teased around the golden-armored puppet very wretchedly. He wanted to use up the energy stored in the bead as soon as possible through teasing, so that he could get the bead earlier.

The astonishing saber energy slashed at the fox from a distance. It was as big as a huge wave. The fox, who had been prepared for a long time, dodged the saber energy and flew to a farther place.

The golden-armored puppet was huge, but it was also very fast. It chased the fox a few times and pushed the fox to the end of the space again.

The entire space is a huge circle, which looks like it is in the high-altitude clouds, and at the end of it is an invisible barrier. After the saber energy hits it, it will be absorbed by the invisible barrier.

After forcing the fox to the end of the space, the sword energy of the golden armored puppet began to gather, which made it difficult for the fox to escape.

Since it was not easy to dodge, the fox fought back with a sword. Although his size was no disadvantage to the golden-armored puppet, his large size did not mean that he could be crushed. The overall strength of the golden-armored puppet was actually weaker than the fox.

The small sword aura met the huge saber aura, and the deafening sound continued in the air. The sword aura cut the saber aura apart, and still had enough power to land on the golden armored puppet.

However, the sword energy was already wasted too much when it cut through the sword energy, and after falling on the body of the golden armored puppet, all that can be left is a very shallow imprint, let alone the golden armored puppet. Even if it falls on a human body, it doesn't matter much.

The fox's sword energy fell on the gold-armored puppet, and the golden-armored puppet's sword energy also fell on the fox. The fox's body protection was shattered, but there were no serious injuries.

After some fighting, the fox found an opportunity to break through the blockade of the golden-armored puppet's sword energy, and flew from the end of one side of the space to the end of the other side, and this kind of thing didn't happen once or twice.

Anyway, it was going to use up the energy storage of the beads in the golden armored puppet's body, so the fox didn't use any big moves or other spells. Basically, it mainly focused on dodging, unless it was forced to the end of the space by the golden armored puppet. Fight with the sword and the golden armored puppet.

After going back and forth like this more than a dozen times, the movement of the golden armored puppet obviously slowed down, and the power of the sword energy also weakened.

The fox understands that he is about to see the dawn of victory, and once this decline occurs, it will intensify faster and faster.

"He's really wretched enough!"

Seeing the fox in the light curtain, Daohungou couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

Although the plan has been changed, no matter whether the fox will be injured in the third level, it will have no effect on their final plan. However, originally the soul dogs wanted to pass the third level to cause the fox to suffer a certain amount of damage, but seeing him now, after the battle, he just adjusted his breath.

"This damned guy is so wretched beyond imagination! He didn't give us the two beads he got, even if he gave us the two beads he got, we dare not, after he defeats the golden armor puppet, Go to the third level and get rid of it!" Gun Soul Dog sighed.

Soul dogs cannot enter the space where the third level is located, but this is not absolute. If the fox passes the first level and gives the fire baby beads to the soul dogs, the soul dogs can enter the second level with the fire baby beads , if the fox gives the water spirit beads to the soul dogs after passing the second level, the soul dogs can enter the third level with the water spirit beads.

According to the original idea of ​​the soul dogs, the fox should be an obedient person. He will hand over the beads after passing the level, and then the soul dogs will be able to hold the water spirit beads. At that time, enter the third level to solve him, so as to control your own destiny and become the master of the invisible world.

However, not only is the fox not an obedient person, he is also a wretched person. With his current performance, even if he passes the third level, he will not have any major problems.

"Fortunately, we have changed our strategy, so it doesn't matter if he gets hurt or not." Sword Soul Dog smiled helplessly.

The soul dogs were watching the fox's performance in the third level, and they communicated with each other from time to time. It's a pity that Gu Zheng didn't know that the soul dogs were doing these things, so he didn't spy on them. Otherwise, he must have died now. I can't sit still.

The speed of the golden armored puppet was getting slower and slower, and the fox finally started a real counterattack. He got close to the golden armored puppet and attacked the vital parts of the golden armored puppet's chest with sword energy.

The golden-armored puppet was at the end of its strength, and it was powerless to resist the fox's attack. The fox soon broke through the protection of its chest, revealing the dark golden bead inside.

The powerful immortal power was released by the fox, and the dark golden bead in the gold-armored puppet's chest was finally picked out by the fox. During this process, the golden-armored puppet struggled desperately, just like a person facing his heart.

After the dark golden bead was picked out by the fox, the golden armored puppet stopped moving. The fox studied the bead, then sat cross-legged and began to adjust his breath.

After adjusting the breath, the fox returned to the space where the soul dogs were.

"Congratulations on getting the 'Golden Armor Bead'. Now that the three beads have been collected, you can open the last door and enter the master's cave." Sword Soul Dog said with a smile.

"How do you use three beads to open the gate of the cave?" the fox asked.

Daohungou smiled slightly, and without showing any rebellious emotions, he directly told the fox how to use beads to open the gate of the cave.

According to Daohungou, the fox came to the door that he had never been to before, and he pushed the door with his hands first.

The door pushed by the fox looked no different from the previous three doors, but the fox couldn't push it. Following the method provided by the soul dog, after he invaded a point of the door with immortal power, the door immediately disappeared. A hidden restriction appeared.

Using the secret method taught by Daohungou, the fox quickly broke the restriction, the original wooden door gradually disappeared, and what appeared in front of the fox was a tall stone door with three holes arranged in a triangle, just enough to put Insert three beads.

The fox put the three beads he had obtained before into the hole, followed the method that Daohungou said, and tapped on the three beads in an orderly manner, and the stone door opened accordingly, and he could see that behind the door was a cave. common channel.

"Are there any tests in the cave?"

The fox didn't enter the cave immediately, he turned to look at the four soul dogs behind him.

"There is one last test, and we need to help you open this test," Daohungou said.

"I think this last test, I don't need you to help me open it, you just wait here for me!"

Regarding the four soul dogs, Fox has always been uneasy. Although he didn't find the four soul dogs behaving too abnormally, this feeling of being led by the nose made him feel very uncomfortable. Since Daohungou replied that they needed their help to start the last test, then the fox would rather not have the last test than let them intervene in the next thing unless it is absolutely necessary.

"If you don't let us help you start the last test, then you won't be able to get what the master left behind." Daohungou said.

Sure enough, it's not enough to keep the soul dogs from interfering. This is something that the fox has already thought of. He said that just now, firstly, he wanted to hear what the soul dogs had to say, and secondly, he wanted to see their reactions. .

The fox gritted his teeth secretly, he didn't find anything unusual in the expressions of the soul dogs.

"Okay, then you can enter with me."

The fox made a compromise, and now he can only take one step at a time.

"It's not me alone, but the four of us. The last test requires the four of us to work together!"

Daohungou smiled wryly, with the helplessness of not being trusted in his eyes.

With a soul dog by his side, even if something goes wrong, he can control it, so the fox said to let the sword soul dog go in with him, but since he wants to bring one in, then all four of them can go in, if they If they dare to play tricks, the fox will not be polite to them.

"Let's go!"

The fox didn't say anything more, and entered the tunnel of the cave with the four soul dogs.

When the fox entered the passage with the four soul dogs, the gate of the cave was automatically closed.

"The fox is quite cautious!"

Gu Zheng outside the main hall looked at the light curtain in the sky and smiled.

Gu Zheng didn't happen to initiate spying at this time, but he had already set up a restriction when he was spying last time. Once a door in that space is opened, he will have a sense on his side, and he can immediately observe that space through the light curtain. Therefore, he also saw everything that happened after the fox left the third level.

"It seems that the fox doesn't trust these guys very much. I hope these guys don't play tricks."

Gu Zheng, who had closed his eyes just now, suddenly opened them again. He suddenly thought of a question.

"Something's wrong! The leader left a test in the cave, why do you need those four guys to open it?"

"Although the leader is Tianhong's immortal cultivator, there may be some restrictions and other things that are different from Honghuang's. It is indeed necessary for those four guys to help open it, but this is a suspicious thing after all! Do I want it? go in?"

Gu Zheng was a little hesitant. Although he doubted it, he was not sure, especially now that the fox had entered the cave. As the fox was not in danger, he was not sure if rushing into the cave would cause any trouble. Fox bad variables.

"Forget it, if there is something he can't handle, he should crush the 'Jade Talisman of Child and Mother'. This is his chance, and it's not good for me to worry too much." Gu Zheng said again The eyes were closed.

At the same time, in the long passage of the cave, the fox had already walked the soul dogs for a certain distance, and he could already see the first stone door on the stone wall on the left side of the passage.

"What's behind this stone gate?" the fox stopped and asked.

"This is the master's alchemy room." Daohungou said.

"I want to go in and have a look first," said the fox.

"You haven't finished the final test yet, not only you can't open this alchemy room, you can't open the alchemy room at the back and other side rooms as well."

Although Daohungou said so, the fox still tried to open the stone chamber.

However, there is no restriction on the gate of the stone chamber, but the fox does not move at all after pushing it. He understands that there is still a hidden restriction

"Tell me about the final test, how do you help me open it, and what kind of state will I be in then?" The fox looked at Daohungou.

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