"Then what guidance do you want to give me?" asked the fox.

"You enter this door first, pass the test behind this door, and bring back a red bead to us."

Daohungou pointed to one of the four doors.

The fox didn't say anything more, anyway, he knew that it would not be easy to get the things in the leader's cave, so he pushed open the door pointed by Daohungou.

The door was pushed open by the fox, and the world behind the door was pitch black. The fox entered it, and the door closed behind him immediately.

This is not to enter any space, the dark period of the transition, this is a pitch-black space, even with the fox's eyesight, he can't see how far away here.

In an unfamiliar environment, and what kind of test he had to face, the fox did not act rashly, and he used his divine sense to explore the space.

The detection speed of the divine sense was very fast, and the fox soon came across a bead-like object in the distance. Just when the fox wondered how easy it was to find the bead, he suddenly let out a muffled grunt. Nian was swallowed by the beads.

The fox's spiritual thoughts were swallowed by the beads, and there was a change in the originally pitch-black environment. A fireball the size of a watermelon rose from where the beads were, and quickly flew towards the fox.

The fox frowned. Although the distance was still far away, he had already sensed the power of the fireball, which was a blow that he could not underestimate. However, what really made the fox frown was not how powerful the fireball was, but that he suddenly discovered something. How would he pass this test?

"Who knew that the test behind the door would be so uncertain, I should have asked those soul dogs first!"

The fox thought in his heart, and rushed towards the flying fireball. When he used his divine sense to investigate just now, he already knew that although the world behind the door was dark, it was not like the fairy formation that could not act rashly.

The fox's celestial weapon is a sword, but the appearance of the sword is rather strange, different from Honghuang's regular one.

A sword qi was slashed by the fox. The fireball that was flying straight seemed to have a spirit, but it changed direction and avoided the slashed sword qi by the fox.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The sound of breaking the wind sounded one after another, and the sword energy from the fox began to become denser.

The fireball was able to escape the fox's sword attack, but faced with the current dense sword energy, it couldn't dodge it and was hit by a sword energy.


The fireball struck by the sword qi made a loud bang, creating an extremely domineering shock wave.

The fox's heart trembled, and he quickly flew back. Even though he reacted quickly, the shock wave still caught up with him and broke through his body protection.

"It's so powerful!"

The fox clicked his tongue secretly. He didn't expect the fireball to explode. He was also very glad that he didn't wait for the fireball to get close to cut it in half. If he really waited for it to get close to the explosion, he would have to do it if he didn't die. peeling skin.

However, the fireballs that were cut in half did not disappear, and they turned into two things that looked like babies but had a pair of flame wings.

The two fire babies were suspended in the air, and they flapped their wings towards the fox from a distance.

One fire baby created a sea of ​​fire on the ground, and the other fire baby made a shower of fire fly towards the fox like a meteor.

As far as the fox is concerned, the fire baby seems to be good at this kind of large-scale attack, but the power of the attack is not as powerful as the previous fireball, and it does not pose much danger to him. Under the illumination of these fire attribute spells, the originally dark space has greatly improved the visibility, and the fox can already see the dark red beads floating in the distant air.

The fox was sure that the dark red bead was what he was looking for, but the bead seemed to move, and it was not where he had initially detected with his divine sense.

Since the bead was the fox's target, and the fire baby's attack would not cause too much damage to the fox, the fox didn't intend to get entangled with the fire baby, he wanted to get the bead in his hand first.

The fox flew towards Zhuzi, but the two fire babies naturally couldn't make him do what he wanted, and kept casting spells to block him.

The fox didn't pay much attention to the blocking of the two fire babies. He occasionally used spells to resist, and the distance from the beads was getting closer and closer.

As soon as the fox waved his hand, he wanted to get the beads into his hand, but his eyes widened accordingly.

The fox knew that it would not be easy to get the beads into his hands. After all, he already knew that the beads would move, but he did not expect that the movement of the beads turned out to be the 'teleportation' in the way of space.

The fox has not mastered the way of space, and it is very troublesome for the supernatural power of teleportation. And, with the reappearance of the beads, another watermelon-sized fireball appeared out of thin air and flew towards the fox.

The fox's heart tightened, and he also slashed out the sword energy while flying backwards. He had no doubt that once the fireball that had just appeared was hit by his sword energy, it would also produce that kind of powerful explosion, and it would also It will become something like a fire baby.


As the fox expected, the fireball was hit by his sword energy, and the shock wave from the explosion almost hurt him.

Things were exactly as the fox expected, the fireball split in half by the sword energy turned into two fire babies again.

If the fox didn't care about the two fire babies, then he had to be careful with the four fire babies.

The fox no longer expected to get the beads first, and in the current situation, he had to get rid of the four fire babies first.

The fox was fighting the fire baby, and in the space where the four soul dogs were, the soul dogs were staring at the light curtain in the air, and the picture in the light curtain was the fox fighting the fire baby.

"This guy is quite capable, it seems that the four fire babies can't do anything to him!" Sword Soul Dog flicked his ears.

"How can the people who can enter here be less capable?" Daohungou said.

"It doesn't matter, there are more than four fire babies. The longer the time goes on, the more fire babies will be there." Gun Soul Dog said.

"Even if he can pass the level of the four fire babies, there are still two other levels waiting for him. We must decide on his soul!" Halberd Soul Dog said, licking his mouth.


The back of Daohungou patted Jihungou's head: "When you see him again, you should stop talking, or else he will see something, don't say that our wishes can't be fulfilled, this life is only for you!" I'm afraid I won't be able to keep it!"

"Even if we want to get his soul, you don't have to write it on your face, let alone say it directly? Look at how useless you looked when he was here just now!" dog glance.


Halberd Soul Dog smirked, rubbed his head and didn't say much.

"Don't watch it, there's nothing to see. Anyway, even if he can pass the fire baby, he will definitely not be able to pass the next two. Even if he passes the last two, he won't be able to pass the four of us!" Gunhungou sat down cross-legged after speaking.

"Yes, I don't want to read it. After so many years of petrification, it's hard to recover. I need to practice my skills." Sword Soul Dog also sat down.

"What are you still looking at?"

The Halberd Soul Dog who had already sat down said something to the Sword Soul Dog who was still looking at the light curtain in a daze.

"I'm worried!" Daohungou murmured.

"What are you worried about him? Are you worried that he will become suspicious?" Gun Soul Dog asked.

"It is true that he may become suspicious, but even if he becomes suspicious, it will not explode quickly. I am worried about the person who came with him."

After Daohungou finished speaking, he sprayed a puff of yellow smoke into the air.

Yellow smoke lingers on the light curtain in the void. After it dissipates, the original picture on the light curtain has become an ancient dispute sitting cross-legged outside the temple gate.

"What are you worried about him for?"

Sword Soul Dog also spoke: "He didn't move at all, isn't he still the same as when we saw it last time?"

"He is motionless, the same as the last time I saw him, but I don't know why, when I see this person, I feel like my heart is jumping." Daohungou murmured.

At this moment, Gu Zheng, who was sitting cross-legged outside the palace gate, was not sensing the spatial structure.

"This is the second time I have this feeling of being spied on by someone. It must not be a fox spying on me. Could it be that there are other people in this invisible realm?"

Regarding the prying eyes of the soul dogs, Gu Zheng had a reaction twice, but each time the prying ends quickly, which makes him unable to do anything about it, he can only act as if he didn't notice the other party's prying like.

"Looking forward to your third spying, when the time comes, I will see your true face in Mount Lu!"

Although the two spies ended very quickly, Gu Zheng did not find nothing about it. As long as there is a third spy, he will be able to locate the source of the spy, and then he will be able to counter-spry.

Knowing that there are other people in the hidden world, Gu Zheng can't help but feel a little worried about the fox, but the fox in the world behind the door can't help but frown.

When the fox decided to kill the fire babies first, he had already killed two fire babies. However, at the same time that the second fire baby was killed, another fireball appeared again. When the fireball was split by the fox again, the same situation happened again. After a powerful explosion, the fireball The number of babies became four again.

Although his brows were furrowed because of the continuous flow of fire babies, the fox's heart relaxed a lot because of this, and the problem of passing the level that was originally unclear has now become clear.

During the period of staying in this world behind the door, the fox has already discovered a problem, that is, the powerful fireball is actually emitted by the bead, and every time the bead emits such a fireball, the feeling it gives the fox is also different. It will become a little different, and this feeling can also be called lightening.

In other words, anyway, the fox wants to get the beads, but it is not easy to get the beads, so just wait for it to be consumed, and then use teleportation to dodge it when it is powerless, and there is no way to release fireballs When it is time, getting it will become a very easy thing. At that time, after obtaining the beads, there will be no dangers such as fire infants in the world behind the door, and the path to pass will also appear.

Now that it has become clear how to clear the level, what the fox needs to do now is to get rid of these fire babies, so that their number does not exceed four, so that there will be no too much trouble.

The four fire infants released flames at the fox at the same time. After the large flames gathered together, they formed an eye shape in the air, and one after another powerful pillars of fire shot out from the fox's eyes.

What the fox uses is a sword, but he also has many means. Facing the fire pillar shot from the flaming eyes, his hand draws wonderful symbols in the air, and the symbols seem to have a powerful attraction. The pillars of fire that changed direction did not change direction, and all flew towards the symbols in the air.

Explosions continued in the air. After the fire pillar hit the symbols, it turned into flames and surrounded the symbols. The symbols exploded during the process of being surrounded and burned, and the flames that originally surrounded them disappeared.

"Go to hell!"

The fox was already close to a fire baby, and he swung the odd-shaped long sword in his hand at the fire baby.

The sword energy floated towards the fire baby continuously, it was a very mysterious sword technique, the fire baby resisted it, but all the fire attribute spells it used dissipated under the sword energy.

"call out!"

A sharp whistling sound came from the fire baby's mouth, and the fire baby whose body was destroyed by the sword energy disappeared into the air.

"No way!"

Before the fox who had dealt with a fire baby had time to be happy, an exclamation came from his mouth, and he felt a special weak fluctuation in the distant beads.

This is not the first time the fox has felt the special weak fluctuation. This is a sign that the kind of fireball is about to be born.

This is not the first time that this kind of weak fluctuation has been captured, so the fox knows where the fireball will be born, so he will stay away from the place where the fireball will be born as soon as possible.

As expected, the fireball was born where the fox expected, so it did not cause any harm to the fox, but the number of fire babies was two more because the fireball was destroyed.

"Judging from the strength of the bead's energy fluctuations, it should be able to release another fireball, which is a good sign. However, judging from the current situation, the bead seems to be desperately trying to release the fireball. It will be faster and faster! The faster the fireball is released, the more fire babies will appear, this is really a headache!" the fox thought.

At this time, the number of fire babies had become five, and they were already able to pose a considerable threat to the fox. The flames released by them condensed in the air, as if they were going to make some big moves.

The condensed flames in the air gave the fox a sense of danger, so he swung his sword and slashed a dense rain of swords towards the condensed flames.

Jian Yu didn't split the flames condensed in the air like splitting a fireball. The flames condensed in the air seemed to have absorbed Jian Yu's energy. On the contrary, the process of condensing became faster.

A scene that the fox did not expect appeared, the thing condensed from the four fire baby flames was an eye, but the thing condensed from the five fire baby flames turned out to be another him!

Before the fox could be shocked, the flaming fox in the air had already swung the flaming sword in his hand towards the fox.

A large piece of sword energy formed by flames attacked the fox, which was obviously the method the fox used to kill the fire baby.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Explosions continued in the air, and the sword energy generated by the fox swinging the long sword collided with the flaming sword energy, causing both of them to be canceled out, and a rain of fire fell in the air.

The sword rain cast by the fox is naturally more powerful than that of the flame fox. After his sword energy completely destroyed the flame sword energy, he still flew towards the flame fox body without weakening. However, the flame fox didn't only know how to attack with the fox's sword energy, he even drew strange symbols in the air just like the fox used to deal with the pillar of fire.

The fox's eyes widened, those strange symbols were the same as those drawn by him himself, the symbols with the same effect attracted all the remaining sword energy, and did not cause any damage to the flame fox body at all. .

The Flame Fox followed suit. Even though the sword qi did not cause any damage to it, the fox was relieved. The flame fox would use this method to fight against the sword qi, which meant that it no longer had the strength to fight against the sword qi during the brewing period. The ability to absorb damage is a good thing! If it still has the ability to absorb damage, it will be more troublesome for the fox than it can use symbols to deal with sword energy.

Regardless of whether the fox has a headache or not, the four fire babies are not idle. They let all kinds of fire spells fly towards the fox, including the meteor shower he had seen before, and the flame whirlwind.

"I didn't expect you to learn my celestial skills in the process of fighting with me, and you can be regarded as a decent learner! Fortunately, I don't like to use any powerful methods as soon as they come up. , or if these powerful methods are learned by you, then am I about to cry now?"

A whisk appeared in the hands of the fox. Although he used a sword at the beginning, when he was really fighting, he used the whisk more often than the sword.

The dust whisks in the wilderness are relatively simple in shape, but the dust whisks on Tianhong's side are not the same. There are many gems on them, like the dust whisks used by foxes today, which are decorated with three-color gems.

The fox waved the whisk and drew a symbol in the air like a pen. The round symbol looked a bit like a Taiji diagram. After it was drawn by the fox, it spun in the air.

The fox didn't care about the sudden rotation in the air, and he flew towards the fire baby again. The fire attribute spells that were supposed to be transformed by him were all attracted by the symbols in the air. round symbol.

The picture produced by the fire attribute spells colliding with the circular symbols is very strange. They didn't really collide, but were sucked in like they were facing a black hole.

All the fire attribute spells were sucked into the circular symbol, and the circular symbol itself became glowing with fire, and the fox that had already flown towards a fire baby, the whisk in his hand suddenly turned red as if it was on fire.


The fox swept the dust whisk towards the fire baby, and a fiery red light shot out from the dust whisk, which was the energy transformed by the circular symbols that had just absorbed those fire-attribute spells.

Although the fire baby is also a fire attribute, using fire attribute spells to deal with it will definitely not be particularly effective. However, the fire attribute energy wielded from the fox's whisk was transformed by the spells jointly launched by the five fire infants and the flame fox. This kind of intensity of energy damage, let alone a fire infant, could not bear it, even if it was At the same time, when it acts on the fox, he can't stand it either!

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