There were only ten goat monsters, and Jin Huo captured one of them as soon as it was dispatched.

When Jinhuo captured the goats before, the rest of the goats would think about how to rescue them, but this time the goats behaved differently. They ignored their captured companions and kept rushing up the mountain.

"damn it!"

Qiao Bai originally stayed within a range that could protect Xuran, but seeing that the goat was determined to come to the top of the mountain, he felt that he couldn't wait here any longer, he had to go on the road to stop the goat, or else he would have to stop the goat. With Jin Huo killing them one at a time, when the Goat Monster came within his attack range, there would be at least five or six of them left! As for the five or six goat monsters, Qiao Bai had no confidence in eliminating them in a short period of time, so they would definitely threaten Xu Ran, who couldn't be distracted.


A flash of lightning fell from the sky, and a goat monster fell down in response, but the goat monsters not only ignored their companions, but even ignored Qiao Bai standing in front of them. They split into two strands with red eyes, and headed towards the top of the mountain from two directions. rush away.

"Jinhuo, you go and deal with the other one, and you must not let them hurt your uncle!"

Qiao Bai sent an order to Jin Huo, and he himself used the sprint method in the "Misty Illusion Technique" that can increase the speed in a short period of time, and quickly rushed to the front of the four goat monsters.


Another bolt of lightning fell from the sky, and one of the four goats fell to the ground.

However, due to the way of stopping, the remaining three goats have been left behind by Qiao Bai.

Qiao Bai used the 'Misty Illusion Technique' to speed up again, and he finally pulled into the distance with the goat monster.

"Get off!"

Qiao Bai created a huge wave in the air and rushed down from above the goat monsters.

Goat monsters can not only run on land, but they can also fly in the air. They soared into the sky, avoiding the huge waves that Qiao Bai cast.

However, Qiao Bai flew up after casting the huge wave, and he didn't expect the huge wave to really wash the goats down the mountain, so he who was originally behind the goats is still blocking the goats now in front of.


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky again, and another goat was hacked and fell from the sky.

At this moment, there were only two goat monsters left on Qiao Bai's side. One of the goat monsters launched a line-of-sight attack towards Qiao Bai, and the other one was still charging towards the top of the mountain.

Facing the sight attack of the goat at such a close distance, it would be difficult for Qiao Bai to dodge in the past, but now he uses the 'Misty Illusion Technique' to dodge, not only dodging the goat's sight attack, but also from another distance. A goat is not far away.

Frowning, Qiao Bai activated the lightning magic again, this time he let two bolts of lightning fall from the sky.

Qiao Bai comprehended the middle-level lightning magic in the mysterious realm. The name of that magic was 'five thunders', which meant that he could cast five bolts of lightning at the same time to deal with one enemy, but he could also deal with five enemies at the same time. However, the more enemies you deal with at the same time, the less powerful the lightning will be, and the weaker the locking power will be. Therefore, when dealing with goat monsters, Qiao Bai always uses a single lightning bolt. The highest, the launch speed is also fast.

Dealing with two goats at the same time, the goat that attacked Qiao Bai just now was hit, and its body fell from a high altitude, but because the power of the lightning became smaller, it was not instantly killed by one blow. As for the goat monster in the front, it escaped the lightning, and it was not far away from Xu Ran.

Qiao Bai frowned, he knew that the goat monster was going to attack Xu Ran, but in the current situation, he had no way to stop it.

Sure enough, the goat launched a line-of-sight attack towards Xu Ran, but the line-of-sight attack failed to land on Xu Ran's body. The golden fire that had already dealt with the other goat was rescued by teleportation, and it used its body Blocked the line-of-sight attack aimed at Xu Ran.

Jin Huo endured the sight attack of the goat monster, and his body immediately fell from the sky. Even it couldn't resist that kind of spiritual damage.

The Goat Monster failed to hit Xu Ran, and wanted to launch a sight attack again, but Qiao Bai would not give it another chance, and a bolt of lightning landed on it again, completing a one-hit instant kill.

He didn't care about Jinhuo who fell from a high altitude. Qiao Bai knew that with the strength of Jinhuo's body, it would be fine even if he fell from a high altitude. He had to hurry up and deal with the goat monster that was not electrocuted and flew towards the top of the mountain again.

"Go to hell!"

With deep hatred, Qiao Bai finally chopped off the injured goat's head with a single sword.

The golden fire had already fallen to the ground, and also made a deep hole in the ground. Qiao Bai pulled it out of the deep hole, and flew back to the top of the mountain with it.

Although the goat monsters had been dealt with, Qiao Bai's mood was not much relieved. The ten brave goat monsters really taught him a lesson!

"Thanks to Jin Huo's rescue at the critical moment, otherwise he would have been hit by the goat monster's sight attack, and in the last period when the treasures of heaven, material and earth are about to mature, the birth of wood control tactics cannot be stopped at all. , once it stops, the treasures of heaven, material and earth will be backlashed, and the treasures will become useless."

Qiao Bai sighed in his heart, he hoped that there would be no more monsters appearing, and even if there were still monsters appearing, the number should not be too many, otherwise the matter this time would be really difficult to handle.

Having investigated Jinhuo's situation, Qiao Bai understands that Jinhuo will not sleep like Xuran back then because of its own strength, it will wake up after a meal at most.

Time is still passing, Jinhuo also wakes up after a meal.

When Tiancaidibao was about to mature in half a stick of incense time, a huge rock on the Hanging Mountain suddenly rolled down, and a dark hole appeared below, and more than a hundred jumped out of it, Qiao Bai The humanoid skeleton they had seen in the cave before.

"Damn it!"

Qiao Bai originally thought that no matter how dangerous it was, it should come from outside. Who would have thought that it would still be on this hanging mountain.

"Fight it, come with me!"

Qiao Bai gave orders to Jin Huo.

Compared with the goat monsters that can launch sight attacks, human skeletons are easier to deal with, but there are more of them. If only Qiao Bai is alone, Qiao Bai doesn't think he can catch the human skeletons before they get close to Xuran. Kill them all, but if you add golden fire, then everything is another matter. After all, the place where the human-shaped skeletons appear is in the middle of the bare hanging mountain, and they don't have the ability to fly in the air. If he and Jin Huo are all dispatched, they should be able to eliminate the danger in the bud before the human-shaped skeletons reach the top of the mountain state. However, there is also a disadvantage in doing so, that is, there is no one to take care of Xu Ran, and if another monster appears, Xu Ran will be in a more dangerous situation. However, if that happens, Qiao Bai has already told Xu Ran that natural resources and earthly treasures come second, and life-saving comes first.

Qiao Bai and Jin Huo had already flew towards the human-shaped skeleton. The overall strength of the human-shaped skeleton is weaker than that of the goat. Otherwise, they are more numerous than the goat. They should be monsters that protect the treasures of heaven and earth. They are also relatively easy to kill with fire.

Qiao Bai and Jin Huo each showed their magical powers. Jin Huo used its flame key to quickly kill human skeletons, while Qiao Bai's killing speed was faster than Jin Huo's! After all, his divine sense is no longer as strong as it was in the cave.

The light spot of divine sense flew towards a human-shaped skeleton, and the human-shaped skeleton sent out sword energy to cut off Qiao Bai's light spot of divine thought, but its sword energy was useless to the light spot of spiritual thought, and the light spot of spiritual thought was easy to kill. shot into its eye sockets, extinguishing the burning green flame.

After eliminating one humanoid skeleton, Qiao Bai's divine sense light spot flew towards the other one, but the humanoid skeletons already knew that the sword energy attack was ineffective against the divine sense light spot, so this humanoid skull lowered its head , in a crawling way, as nimbly as a monkey trying to climb up.

The speed of divine thoughts was faster than the speed of flight, Qiao Bai's divine thoughts instantly caught up with the human-shaped skeleton climbing like a monkey, and hit the green flame in its eyes again.

As a result, the two shots to deal with the human-shaped skeleton were very fast, but the human-shaped skeleton did not use sword energy to attack, but instead avoided the light spot of divine sense, which still made Qiao Bai feel the urgency of time. After all, no matter how flexible the divine mind is, it will take a little more time to settle down every time the human skeleton evades.

The hunting continues, and the number of humanoid skeletons is rapidly decreasing.

Although Qiao Bai and Jin Huo killed the human-shaped skeletons very quickly, there were too many human-shaped skeletons, and they would spread out like goat monsters. This was also the reason why Qiao Bai and Jin Huo were anxious.

Qiao Bai is glad that the humanoid skeletons can't control the air, they don't have the speed of the goat, and their strength is not as good as the goat, so they can be easily killed by his divine sense, otherwise he and Jin Huo really couldn't do it like that. In this way, more than 30 human-shaped skeletons have been killed, but still no human-shaped skeleton can break through their blockade and climb to the top of the mountain.

At this moment, the maturity of Tiancaidibao is very close, and the fragrance in the air has become extremely strong. Stimulated by the fragrance, more than 30 human-shaped skeletons rushed up the mountain like crazy.

For Qiao Bai and Jin Huo, the crazier the humanoid skeletons, the better. The more fearless they are, the faster their divine sense will kill them, because they no longer know how to dodge.

However, although Qiao Bai and Jin Huo blocked the human skeleton at the foot of the mountain, there was actually a monster on the top of the mountain.

The monster staying on the top of the mountain is a wood-type monster that looks like a human-shaped lizard. It has been staying in a big tree on the top of the mountain, but because it has supernatural powers and can guard against the detection of divine thoughts, So Qiao Bai and the others couldn't find out in advance.

The lizard monster has come out of the tree trunk, and the color of its body has become the same as the tree trunk. At this moment, it is above Xu Ran's head, with its scarlet tongue constantly swallowing.

Xu Ran, although he was unable to use other fairy arts and divine thoughts in the birth of Tianbao, he still had a sense of what happened around him. He knew that there was an unknown monster above his head, and he also knew that this unknown monster was Came out of that tree.

If something life-threatening really happens, Xu Ran will definitely give up Tiancaidibao to save his life.

The idea of ​​giving up the birth of heaven, material and earth treasures once appeared when Xu Ran first discovered the unknown monster, but he was quickly suppressed by him. Since the unknown monster did not attack him immediately, and stayed on the top of the mountain all the time, it showed that it was determined to wait for the maturity of the treasures of heaven and earth, and would not target him for the purpose of seeking revenge like the sheep monster! Therefore, before Tian Cai Di Bao matured, Xu Ran felt that he should be safe.

Although he thought so in his heart, Xu Ran also felt that he was dancing on the edge of a knife, God knows if the unknown monster will change his mind.

However, the lizard monster did not change its mind. Although it was not very intelligent, it still knew that the reason why the treasures of heaven and earth would accelerate their maturity was inseparable from Xu Ran. It didn't think about what to do to Xu Ran, it just wanted to take a share of the pie as quickly as possible after the treasures of heaven, material and earth matured.

Tiancaidibao is finally about to mature, and the remaining time is less than ten seconds. The fragrance in the air has increased by another level, and there is also a special kind of fluctuation on Tiancaidibao, which echoes in the air like ripples, making Spiritual beings within a huge range can feel it, and it emits a special message when it is about to mature.

At the same time, Jin Huo and Qiao Bai had already wiped out all the human skeletons, and they were also flying towards the top of the mountain. The lizard monster looked at the sky anxiously. There were monsters flying from other places. They were a group of flame birds that Qiao Bai and the others had seen in the sky before they climbed the hanging mountain. There were enough of them. There are more than thirty of them.

Despite the anxiety in his eyes, the Lizard Monster still feels that it still has a great chance! First of all, the Flamingo came late. By the time they flew over, the Tiancaidibao had already matured for a few seconds, and within these few seconds, it had already swallowed the Tiancaidibao into its belly. Secondly, the two guys, Jinhuo and Qiaobai, did not notice its existence, which also made them less enemies who could stop it at critical moments. The only thing it has to consider now is how to swallow Tiancai Dibao, and safely evacuated.

Both Qiao Bai and Jin Huo's attention were attracted by the flame bird, they really didn't notice the lizard monster just above Xu Ran's head.

Qiao Bai and Jin Huo were still flying towards the flame bird, the Tiancaidibao had already matured, and the long-awaited moment finally came for the lizard monster, and its long-prepared tongue rolled towards the Tiancaidibao.

In the eyes of the lizard monster, after Xu Ran ripens the treasures of heaven and earth, the first thing to do must be to pick the treasure of heaven and earth that is closest to him, and its tongue is to go straight to the other treasure of heaven and earth. It didn't even think about taking away the two treasures of heaven, material and earth. It would be the most ideal ending if it could take away one and then completely evacuate.

However, the development of the matter was beyond the lizard monster's expectation. Xu Ran didn't go to pick the natural materials and earth treasures at the first time. He turned around abruptly, and the lizard monster saw the red light from his eyes.

Xu Ran didn't know that the monster above his head was a lizard monster, and naturally he didn't know the strength of the lizard monster, but since this unknown monster has waited until now, either its strength is very high, or it has stolen the sky. Bao's supernatural powers, or a stupid monster with weak strength. Regardless of the possibility, Xu Ran felt that it was the most correct decision to immediately activate the 'Light of Mysterious Eyes'!

Indeed, Xu Ran's decision is very correct, the lizard monster's strength is only equivalent to the initial stage of returning to the void, his "mysterious eye light" will hold the lizard monster in place, and when the lizard monster is fixed, its scarlet tongue can touch the sky The distance between materials and treasures is already less than four fingers!

Treasures of heaven and earth are very delicate things, especially berries, which need to be collected carefully. If the treasures of heaven and earth must be collected carefully first, then the lizard monster will collect and store the treasures of heaven, materials and earth first. In the short period of time, another treasure of heaven, material and earth has been taken away, and it is already in the process of evacuating. Moreover, the monster is not like Xu Ran, the first thing the monster does after getting the treasures is to eat, even if Xu Ran can quickly catch up with the lizard monster, he has already lost a treasure.

The correct decision allowed him to keep the two treasures of heaven, material and earth. The lizard monster exploded soon under the gaze of his "light of mysterious eyes". After he collected and put away the two treasures of heaven, materials and earth , the first flame bird to break through the blockade of Qiao Bai and Jin Huo, this is considered to have flown close.

The two treasures of heaven, material and earth were taken away by Xuran, which made the flame bird very angry, and it sprayed a sea of ​​flames towards Xuran.

"My lord!"

Xu Ran flew up in an instant, avoiding the sea of ​​flames that fell on the ground, and couldn't help but curse the flame bird.

Tiancaidibao must have been put away, but he has not had time to collect the vines of Tiancaidibao. The grade of the ingredients of this thing is better than the general high-grade ingredients, and it is also a thing with infinite uses, but the flame bird Putting the fire on, it can be regarded as burning it into a flying fire.

Using the double snake scissors, Xu Ran wanted to cut off the flame bird. Although he used the 'light of mysterious eyes' this time, the monster he targeted was only a small lizard, so it was not like the last time he dealt with the sheep. It's strange that you need to adjust your breath to be able to fight.

The flame bird wanted to avoid the double snake scissors, but it couldn't dodge. It was caught by the double snake scissors, and it was shortened into two.

As soon as Xu Ran killed one flame bird, two more flame birds flew towards him. Those flame birds in the sky knew that he had put away the treasures of heaven and earth, and all wanted to kill him first. But Qiao Bai and Jin Huo's blockade was very strong, and few flame birds were lucky enough to break through.

Two flame birds flew towards Xu Ran, which made Xu Ran want to control the double snake scissors to cut one flame bird to death first. However, suddenly feeling the special aura from that flame bird, the double snake scissors just swayed beside that flame bird, and then flew towards another flame bird.

The special aura that Xu Ran felt was the aura that could switch between real and virtual. He had cheated the Flamingo's chance to switch between real and virtual by using the double snake scissors just now.

The imaginary flame bird didn't know that Xu Ran had seen it through, and it spewed out a huge fire snake towards Xu Ran.

Xu Ran didn't bother with the bucket-thick fire snake at all, he slashed at another flame bird.

The Flame Bird targeted by Xu Ran was exhausted from being chased by the Snakes. In order to avoid the saber energy from Xu Ran, it was caught by the Snakes, and it was cut into two pieces with a 'click' .

The fire snake hit Xu Ran, but because it was not a real attack, it also got through Xu Ran's body.

The flame bird opened its mouth again, and another fire snake sprayed towards Xu Ran, but Xu Ran felt that special breath again, which indicated that the flame bird had changed from an illusion to a reality. Therefore, after avoiding the fire snake, Xu Ran also slashed at the flame bird.

The strength of the flame bird is not high, which is equivalent to the appearance of the initial stage of returning to the void. After Xu Ran slashed at it, it was just like the previous flame bird. Cut into two pieces.

Three of the flame birds had been eliminated by Xu Ran, and there were less than ten flame birds left in the air, and under Qiao Bai's 'Crazy Sword', there was no possibility of breaking through the blockade again.

Xu Ran wanted to fly up to help, but was stopped by Qiao Bai. Qiao Bai, who finally found a chance to use the 'Crazy Demon Sword', hadn't had a good kill yet, so naturally he didn't want Xu Ran to intervene in the battle that was no longer suspenseful.

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