After hearing what Qiao Bai said, Xu Ran frowned.

"It is impossible that there are no monsters inside. This is the middle layer of the Hanging Mountain, and the only suspicious place is this cave. However, the cave is isolated from spiritual thoughts and restricted by air restrictions. This is really difficult!"

Xu Ran rubbed his chin with his hands, his frown was almost knotted.

"Let's go, let's use the 'Invisibility Technique'."

Qiao Bai said something to Xu Ran, then looked at Jin Huo: "There is a forbidden space here, I will take you back first."


Although Jin Huo didn't want to go back, it didn't have Qiao Bai and Xu Ran's 'Invisibility Technique', so he didn't say much.

Turning into a golden light, the golden fire became a mark on Qiao Bai's hand.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran cast the 'Invisibility Technique' and entered the cave.

The two walked in the cave for a while, and found nothing unusual during the period, and the terrain began to slope downward, and Xu Ran also saw those plants that could affect the mind.

The plants that can affect spiritual thoughts are very small, they look like white hyphae, densely crawling all over the cave wall, emitting this strange fluctuation.

"These things seem to be flammable. Shall I set fire to them?"

Xu Ran stared at the 'hyphae', and asked Qiao Bai's opinion through the sound transmission. These 'mycelium' could affect the divine sense, but that was the impact on the detection function, not that the sound transmission that made people so close can't do it.

Qiao Bai nodded, he and Xu Ran raised their hands at the same time, flung out two flames like shaking flags, and landed on the cave walls on both sides respectively.

The 'mycelium' is indeed flammable, and when it encounters a flame, it creates a prairie fire-like effect, and the cave that was already very dark is also illuminated.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran didn't rush forward, they wanted to see if any monsters in the cave would be attracted by the fire and come to trouble them.

The fire spread forward several hundred meters, and then went out without a sound.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran frowned, because the extinguishing of the flame was not because there was no 'mycelium' in front of them, but because the flame encountered a black mist.

"What is the black mist?"

Xu Ran asked Qiao Bai, under such circumstances, it is obvious that Qiao Bai's night vision ability can see more things.

"A monster that looks like a ground turtle, but has a skull's head. It was the black mist that spewed out of its mouth that extinguished the flames. Moreover, there were some people standing on both sides of the cave wall. Those human-shaped skeletons encountered in the void when hanging on the mountain."

Almost as soon as Qiao Bai's words fell to the ground, Xu Ran also heard the vision, which was like the sound of bones rubbing against each other.

"Did the humanoid skeleton move?" Xu Ran asked.

"Indeed, more than thirty human-shaped skeletons, plus that ground turtle are approaching us."

With the sword in hand, Qiao Bai had already assumed a fighting posture.

"This is different from the human-shaped skeletons we encountered in the void! Those human-shaped skeletons will not make a sound when they move."

Xu Ran discovered the abnormality from the details.

"It is indeed different. The human-shaped skeletons we met in the void did not have weapons, but the human-shaped skeletons here all hold a bone sword in their hands!"

That is, when Qiao Bai was speaking, the humanoid skeletons began to speed up. They seemed to be moving slowly, but they seemed to have completed the warm-up after waking up in this short period of time, and the speed was so fast that people could not explain it. ! If they were slow like sloths when they first approached, then they were fast like leopards at this time.

"Exit or Zhandu?"

Xu Ran also heard that gust-like sound. Considering the strength of the human-shaped skeleton that could only switch between virtual and real in the void before, he didn't think that this group of monsters was something that he and Qiao Bai could fight against in this environment. exist.

"Why are you panicking? Have you forgotten that we are invisible? Stand aside and have a look first!" Qiao Bai said calmly.

"All right."

Xu Ran felt that he was poisoned by the goat monster. He used to rely on the 'invisibility technique' very much, but since the 'invisibility technique' was seen through by the goat monster, he subconsciously thought that 'invisibility' Technique' was seen through again! However, it's not surprising that Xu Ran thought so, anyway, the human-shaped skeleton rushed over, and in the special environment of a straight line like a cave, basically normal people would feel that the human-shaped skeleton was coming towards them.

Qiao Bai is also a normal person, but his confidence in the 'invisibility technique' has not been weakened by the special situation of the goat monster. He thinks that these monsters have not found them.

The facts confirmed Qiao Bai's guess. The sturdy skeletons passed by them, but they didn't notice their existence.

"Zizi la la."

Like the sound of oil dripping into the fire, as the ground turtle approached, white 'hyphae' appeared again on the originally clean cave wall.

However, the ground beetle also passed by Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, but they did not find Qiao Bai and Xu Ran.

A group of monsters inspected the way Qiao Bai and Xu Ran came from, and they returned again without finding anything unusual.

"The white 'mycelium' was actually made by this guy? Why did it make this kind of thing that can affect the divine sense? Could it be that it itself is very afraid of the divine sense? When it passed by me just now, I almost You don't use your divine sense to attack it!" Xu Ran sent a voice transmission to Qiao Bai.

"You'd better take it easy! It can create things that affect the mind, doesn't it have the ability to swallow or hurt the mind?"

Qiao Bai paused, and then sighed: "It's a pity, our two spiritual senses are really not good, if the strength of the spiritual sense is like that of the master when he was in our realm, basically most of the experience will not be a problem for us! "

"Who said no?" Xu Ran also sighed.

Spiritual will is very powerful, it is a power that surpasses the power of immortals, but it is very difficult to train. Generally speaking, there is no way to train the divine sense, and the only way to increase the divine sense is through the improvement of cultivation base. Intensity, but this kind of divine sense under normal circumstances seems very tasteless!

First of all, there is a tail connection between the divine sense and the main body. Without cutting off the tail, it is difficult for the cultivator to use the immortal power at the same time when launching the divine sense attack. Moreover, the decomposition power of normal-strength spiritual thoughts is very low, just like Qiao Bai's cultivation base in the late stage of returning to the void, his spiritual thoughts are the most normal spiritual thoughts, and if he wants to use this kind of spiritual thoughts to kill people, It can only kill existences whose strength is lower than returning to the void. Secondly, the divine sense is not invincible. Once the distributed divine sense is damaged, the backlash to the main body will be terrible!

Just like just now, if Xu Ran used his divine sense to attack the ground beetle, he would first emerge from his invisible state. If his divine sense was swallowed by the ground beetle, or if he was injured, he himself would immediately enter the backlash In this state, the head will hurt like being hit by a hammer, and it will also fall into a state of complete absence of resistance.

Gu Zheng is different from Qiao Bai and Xu Ran. When he was in the state of Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, he had a weapon spirit to help him train his divine sense, and there was also an 'energy battlefield' in the Chaos Tower that was specially used for training divine mind. At that time, he was very powerful, and he would often use spiritual attacks to do some things, unlike Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, who rarely launched spiritual attacks.

After a moment of silence, Xu Ran said again: "It's a pity that once the invisible state is activated, it cannot be invisible again for a certain period of time, otherwise it will be easy to kill them."

"Even if the 'Invisibility Technique' doesn't have that characteristic, it won't be too difficult to kill them. The key is to know how strong they are." Qiao Bai's voice transmission was confident.

"Do you have any ideas?" Xu Ran hurriedly asked.

"We can use formations! But to use formations, we must first know their strength, and see how much they are suitable for trapping once." Qiao Bai said.

"In this case, let's try their strength."

Xu Ran licked his lips, his eyes filled with anticipation.

Compared with using formations to pass the experience, Xu Ran and Qiao Bai are more inclined to fight to solve it, but unfortunately there are too many monsters, sometimes they have to use some methods that they don't want to use.

"First set up the 'Wind Killing Formation', but don't open it. The two of us approach the human skeletons through the 'Invisibility Technique', and then see how their strength is. If their strength is not suitable for us to kill, then we will quickly kill them." Back up. Although the speed of the humanoid skeleton is not slow, we both have the 'Misty Illusion Technique', so it shouldn't be a problem to get rid of them. Then you find a chance to become invisible again, and I will retreat to the other side of the 'Wind Killing Formation' On one side, lead an appropriate number of human-shaped skeletons into the 'Wind Killing Formation', and then I will activate the 'Wind Killing Formation'. That's how you kill them."

Qiao Bai's plan is very good, Xu Ran has no objection to it.

After arranging the 'Wind Killing Formation', Qiao Bai and Xu Ran used the 'Concealment Technique' to approach the monsters.

After a while, Qiao Bai's scalp began to tingle. As the distance increased, he could see farther. He found that there were more than thirty humanoid skeletons.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Ran doesn't have the powerful night vision ability of Qiao Bai, and he hasn't noticed the terrifying scene yet.

"There are at least three hundred humanoid skeletons!"

Qiao Bai told Xu Ran through sound transmission, but Xu Ran's eyes were as big as a cow's.

"At first I thought about using the 'Wind Killing Formation' to deal with these monsters, but there are too many monsters! Then how can we introduce the right amount into the 'Wind Killing Formation'?" Qiao Bai said distressedly. .

Although the plan was to test the strength of the monsters first to see if they could be killed by force, but in fact both Qiao Bai and Xu Ran knew that the chances of a monster's strength being lower than the Void Returning Realm were very low. Therefore, the formation was also regarded by Qiao Bai as his greatest reliance! But nowadays, there are so many monsters, which really gave him a headache.

"Are those humanoid skeletons motionless?" Xu Ran thought for a while and asked.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Qiao Bai asked back.

"The number of them is a bit too much, but I don't think it will affect our plan." Xu Ran said.

"Oh? Why didn't it affect you?" Qiao Bai asked.

"When we first set fire to the white 'mycelium', we saw that the humanoid skeletons seemed to be in a state of deep sleep. This can be seen from their slow speed when they first woke up, and then their speed is very fast. They are now motionless, Then it is very likely that it has fallen into a deep sleep again, that is to say, if we still set fire to these white 'hyphae', the burning flame will be extinguished by the ground beetle at the last position, so the alarmed human-shaped skeleton, It should be more than 30 from last time!"

Hearing Xu Ran's words, Qiao Bai's eyes lit up: "It makes sense, if this is the case, then let's set the fire now, and then step back a little, lest the sound of fighting will attract more human-shaped skeletons."

Like shaking a flag, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran threw the flames on the cave wall again, the fire spread immediately, and the two began to fly back.

Although the place where the fire was set was different from the first time, the place where the flames were extinguished was still the same as last time, and the ground beetle again released black mist that could extinguish the flames.

The flames were extinguished, and more than 30 human-shaped skeletons came to life. Together with the ground turtle, they went on the road again as if they were on patrol.

There were green flames dancing in the eye sockets of the human-shaped skeletons. When they saw Qiao Bai and Xu Ran standing in the cave, the green flames that were only dancing in the eye sockets instantly filled the entire eye sockets, as if they were burning with anger .

"It's a pity that the green flames are not real eyes, otherwise I really want to try the power of my current 'Light of Profound Eyes'." Xu Ran thought.

"Do it!"

Qiao Bai greeted Xu Ran, and activated the 'Fire Dragon Technique' first.


Xu Ran also activated the 'Fire Dragon Art', and the roaring fire dragon rushed towards the human skeleton.

The scene where Qiao Bai and Xu Ran's eyes widened appeared. The two fire dragons didn't even touch a human skeleton. The human skeleton looked like a monkey. From the top of the high cave, he quickly climbed towards Qiao Bai and Xu Ran.

The fire dragon didn't hit the human skeleton, but behind the human skeleton there was a huge ground turtle.

The ground turtle was not as flexible as a human-shaped skeleton. Facing the attack of the two fire dragons, it did not dodge or evade, and once again spewed out the kind of black mist that could extinguish the flames.

The black mist seems to be the nemesis of fire-attributed magic. As soon as the fire dragon touched the black mist, it immediately extinguished as if the darkness was spreading.

At the same time, the human-shaped skeleton, which had not been crawling on the roof of the cave, jumped down from the roof of the cave like a dumpling.

Qiao Bai's flying sword stabbed at a falling human-shaped skeleton with a stream of light

The human-shaped skeleton swung the bone sword in its hand, and the flying sword that was shot at it was thrown out.


Xu Ran's double snake scissors cut a human-shaped skeleton into two sections, but the human-shaped skeleton that fell on the ground did not die, it crawled forward with its upper body.


A human-shaped skeleton fell apart in the air. Qiao Bai's flying sword pierced its eye socket, and the green flames in it went out, making it truly dead.


Xu Ran's double snake scissors cut off the head of a human-shaped skeleton.

Xu Ran originally thought that if the head of the human-shaped skeleton was cut off, the human-shaped skeleton would definitely die, but this is not the case! The skull that fell just now flew towards the body again.

"come over!"

Xu Ran snarled, and with a wave of his hand, he wanted to take the skull into his hand! But it's a pity, the skull has great strength, it broke free from the intake of Qiao Baixian's power, and after flying back to the body, the body immediately returned to normal, as if it hadn't been cut off at all.

"Cutting off the head won't kill you, but the head will fly back. Is this forcing me to deal with the green fire in your eyes?"

As soon as Xu Ran gritted his teeth, he raised his hand and a piece of ice shot towards the human skeleton.

The sound of "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping" kept ringing, and Xu Ran wanted to shoot the green flames in the eye sockets of the human-shaped skeletons with ice, but the ice he shot was chopped up by the human-shaped skeletons with their swords! From this point, it is not difficult to see that the swordsmanship of the human-shaped skeleton is better than imagined!

Both Qiao Bai and Xu Ran thought that the bone sword in the hands of human-shaped skeletons was just a sharp weapon at first, and their use of bone swords was at most simple actions such as chopping, but it turned out that these human-shaped skeletons knew how to use swords .

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Of course, the human-shaped skeletons were not just passively beaten, they also launched a counterattack towards Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, and their attack method was beyond Qiao Bai's and Xu Ran's expectations again, they even slashed with sword energy!

"Get out!"

Qiao Bai notified Xu Ran via voice transmission, and the two used the 'Misty Illusion Technique' to retreat.

After the brief contact just now, both Qiao Bai and Xu Ran already understood that these humanoid skeletons do have the power to return to the Void Realm, such guys can only trap ten at most in the 'Wind Killing Formation' at a time. Moreover, beheading human-shaped skeletons through the "wind killing array" is bound to consume more energy than killing goats, because goats will be injured as long as they are hit by wind blades, but if you want to kill these human-shaped skeletons, you must You have to hit the green fire in their eye sockets! As for the wind blade in the 'Wind Killing Formation', although Qiao Bai could control it, he couldn't control it so precisely. At most, he could only make the wind blade attack in a certain direction.

"Is the original plan still in use?" Xu Ran asked.

"Yes, but let the golden fire out and let it help in the 'Wind Killing Formation'." Qiao Bai said.

"Okay, then continue to follow the original plan!" Xu Ran nodded.

Although the speed of the human-shaped skeleton is fast, it is not as fast as Qiao Bai and Xu Ran. They performed the 'invisibility technique' again, and Xu Ran's figure disappeared in the eyes of the human-shaped skeleton, and the position where he disappeared was the 'wind killing array' the edge of.

Qiao Bai was still running forward, he wanted to attract the attention of the human skeletons and lead them into the 'Wind Killing Formation'.

A golden light flashed on his arm, and Qiao Bai let Jin Huo out, but there was an air barrier to stop him, so Jin Huo could only stand on the ground.

Through his thoughts, Qiao Bai used the fastest speed to let Jin Huo understand his intention, and then opened the 'Wind Killing Formation', and the nine human-shaped skeletons immediately disappeared without a trace. Under the shock of the spirit of the real fire, a sea of ​​fire appeared on the ground.

A wide range of flame attacks appeared, and many human-shaped skeletons were attacked. They did not have the supernatural powers of extinguishing fire like the ground turtles, and they were very afraid of flames.

Originally, Xu Ran thought that even if he used flames to attract the attention of human-shaped skeletons, there would definitely be human-shaped skeletons rushing into the 'Wind Killing Formation', but he did not expect that human-shaped skeletons would be afraid of flames to such an extent!

I saw that the human-shaped skeletons covered in fire flew back, and they rushed towards the slow-moving ground turtle.

Knowing that the Turtle Monster would help the human-shaped skeleton to put out the fire, he naturally would not let go of this opportunity to beat the dog in the water, and the knife energy he slashed focused on the human-shaped skeleton's neck.

Even if the head of the humanoid skeleton is cut off, it will return to the body again, but this time it must be impossible to let it do so.

"Capturing the Dragon Hand!"

Xu Ran activated the Dragon Capturing Hand, and took a skull that wanted to fly back into his hand.

The power of natal real fire was attached to the two fingers, when Xu Ran grasped the skull with the 'Dragon Capturing Hand', his fingers had already pierced the skull's eye sockets, extinguishing the green flames inside.

Gu Zheng taught Xu Ran and Qiao Bai a long time ago the fairy art of 'Capturing the Dragon Hand'.

The function of the "Dragon Capturing Hand" is to take objects from a distance, this "object" includes the enemy's fairy weapon, and even the enemy himself! However, in order for the 'Dragon Capturing Hand' to be good, in addition to its own strength, the 'Dragon Capturing Hand' must be trained to a great degree.

Both Xu Ran and Qiao Bai's "Dragon Capture Hand" are only at the initial stage, and they can't catch people and catch immortals, but fairy arts are fairy arts after all, and the effect of using it to catch skulls is naturally better than that of ordinary immortals. Energy uptake is better.

At the same time, in the formation space.

Even in the formation space, because the formation is arranged in a cave, the formation space is also in a forbidden state.

Jin Huo, who can't fly, can only stand on the ground, which makes him feel awkward in this way of fighting.

However, being awkward is awkward, but the golden fire is not dangerous. After all, there are many wind blades in the formation space dealing with human skeletons.

The crescent-shaped wind blade is difficult to kill the human-shaped skeleton. Its shape determines that it cannot be directly inserted into the human-shaped skeleton's eye socket, unless the human-shaped skeleton's head is cut open, it is possible to hurt the green flame inside. However, the hardest part of the human-shaped skeleton is the head, and it is not easy for the wind blade to split it.

However, just because the human-shaped skeleton's head is hard, it doesn't mean that the rest of its body is also hard. Although it is difficult for the wind blade to split their heads, it is easy to maim them.

Originally, the sword attack of the human-shaped skeletons was quite powerful, but after they were crippled by the wind blade, they were in a state of missing arms and legs, so naturally they couldn't talk about the metal physique that could hurt Jin Huo.

The role of Jinhuo in the formation space is not the main force, its biggest role is to make up damage, and the characteristics of the flame key are also determined, it is very suitable for making up damage. It is not easy for the icicles launched by Xu Ran to penetrate the eye sockets of human-shaped skeletons. Apart from the reason of the human-shaped skeleton's swordsmanship, the bigger problem is Xu Ran's own strength.

Jin Huo itself is stronger than Xu Ran, and the Flame Key is stronger than Ice Ling. Against the almost crippled human skeleton, the harvesting speed is almost accurate. Because of this, the ground beetle in the cave had just extinguished the flames on the human-shaped skeletons, and the nine human-shaped skeletons in the original formation space had also died.

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