Qiao Bai didn't use the last 'Hurricane Tornado' anymore. The big mushrooms are already so weak. If he uses 'Hurricane Tornado' again, he won't be able to experience the thrill of chopping with a sword.

Qiao Bai also joined the battle. Without the big mushrooms available for their demonic power, they were like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered. This made Qiao Bai and Xu Ran have a lot of fun.


When Xuran was about to kill the last big mushroom, he was stopped by Qiao Bai.

"Did you forget about the rise of killing? Didn't you have a curiosity before and wanted to take a big mushroom back to ask the master? Now only this big mushroom is left intact, don't you want to Take it back?" Qiao Bai said.

"Okay! It is indeed the rise of killing, I will pull it out now!"

Although the big mushroom frustrates Xu Ran, Xu Ran has not changed his love for the big mushroom. He is like a child pulling a carrot, and he has to use a lot of strength to uproot the big mushroom.

"Uncle is amazing!"

Jin Huo cheered for Xu Ran.

"of course,"

Xu Ran originally wanted to say something smug, but when he thought that Jin Huo, a silly bird, would praise him, it must not be that simple.

Sure enough, Jinhuo let out a 'chicken crowing' laugh again.

"Such a powerful uncle, you won't forget your bet with me?"

Hearing what Jin Huo said, it must be that the whole person is not well.

"Remember it!"

Although he is not happy in his heart, Xu Ran is also a person who is willing to gamble and admit defeat.

"Jin Huo, you have to thank your uncle. This time, thanks to your uncle's wisdom, he thought of using fire magic to deal with big mushrooms. Otherwise, it's hard to say how much will be left in the end!" Qiao Bai laughed. road.

"That's it!"

Hearing what Qiao Bai said, Xu Ran felt a little better.

"Thank you uncle."

Jin Huo thanked him politely, but what he said next made Xu Ran want to strangle it to death.

"Uncle will take me to fly later, but it will take a little longer, after all, uncle is so powerful." Jin Huo said seriously.


Responding to Jin Huo angrily, Xu Ran went down the mountain with the big mushroom in his arms. In order to express his love for the big mushroom, he prepared to treat himself with 'mushroom soup' or 'charcoal grilled mushroom slices'. Anyway, this big mushroom is also an ingredient.

"Uncle, don't leave. It's better to fulfill the promise first, or I will be embarrassed to urge uncle to fulfill the promise on such a solemn occasion when I meet the ancestor later." Jin Huo said seriously.

"Okay, okay, take you to fly, take you to fly high!"

Xu Ran gritted his teeth, he put the big mushroom on the ground, and raised his hand to establish contact with Jinhuo with Xianli.

"Uncle, wait a minute!" Jin Huo said hastily.

"What's the matter?" Xu Ran asked impatiently.

"There are definitely not many opportunities for my uncle to fly with me. I have to pose properly!"

Jin Huo's words made Xu Ran grit his teeth, surely there are not many chances? It must be gone!

However, when Xu Ran saw Jin Huo's pose, the sound of teeth rubbing followed.

I saw that Jin Huo Man was lying on his back like a human being, with his wings under his head, one leg bent, and the other leg dangling on top of it.


Xu Ran only said one word, established a connection with Jinhuo with Xianli, and flew towards the sky with Jinhuo.

Jin Huo laughed in the air, and it was still the sound of 'chicken crowing', which made Xu Ran really want to throw it down and die.

Qiao Bai laughed on the ground, so much that he couldn't help but bend his back, but Xu Ran in the air had a sullen face, like a horse pulling a cart.

Flying around in the air with Jinhuo, and after landing on the ground, Xu Ran didn't look at Jinhuo whose eyes became flattering, and continued down the mountain with the big mushroom in his arms.

When Xu Ran and Qiao Bai saw Gu Zheng, the two of them couldn't help but smile wryly at each other, because there was also a big intact mushroom on Gu Zheng's side, and Gu Zheng was looking at it as if he was studying it. This kind of situation can only show that when Gu Zheng went to change the formation, he had already killed a big mushroom and put it in the storage bracelet.

Seeing the big mushroom that Xu Ran was holding in his arms, Gu Zheng smiled: "That's right, it seems that you killed all the big mushrooms, and it didn't take too long."

Hearing Gu Zheng's praise, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran felt a little more at ease. They both knew that Gu Zheng was relatively strict, and it was already very good to have such a compliment.

"Master, we are very curious about this big mushroom!"

Now that Gu Zheng is already studying big mushrooms, Qiao Bai will not say what his curiosity is, he knows that Gu Zheng will definitely answer the doubts in his heart.

"There are many things in the world outside the circle. Half of the body of the big mushroom belongs to wood, and the other half should not be seen in your realm. Its other part is actually complete with the five elements, just like our body, which also has the five elements. Complete! The state of the big mushroom is actually a state of cultivation. If it loses the essence of wood, then it will have a very powerful body with all five elements. You can see the state of it at that time. To do it is to change form and open spirit!"

Gu Zheng's words solved the biggest doubt in Qiao Bai's heart.

"Sir, we used the energy of the wind attribute to break through the formation of the big mushroom, but since the big mushroom is originally of the wood attribute, why are they afraid of the energy of the wind attribute?" Xu Ran asked curiously.

"To put it simply, the wind can stimulate the growth of woody plants, but it is a natural wind, not the wind you use. You can also use another analogy, that is, water can carry a boat and also capsize it. " Gu Zheng said indifferently.

Seeing that Qiao Bai and Xu Ran didn't ask any more questions, Gu Zheng said again: "This big mushroom is a very good ingredient, and it contains a lot of substances that can only be sensed by the heart of the Tao. It's also far away, but you can collect those big mushrooms, and if one day you open the heart of the Tao, the meaning of the big mushrooms is no less than a treasure of heaven and earth."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran immediately flew up the mountain. They didn't collect those big mushrooms before, because in their opinion, the ingredients of big mushrooms were only of medium grade, and it was enough to take away a whole one. The broken ones are of no use either.

"Don't rush to practice after collecting the big mushrooms, I'll wait for you to come back here."

Gu Zheng's voice sounded behind Qiao Bai and Xu Ran.

Like picking up treasures, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran collected all the big mushrooms that had been chopped up, and then went back down the mountain again.

"Do you think the big mushroom is easy to deal with this time?" Gu Zheng asked.

"It's not easy." Qiao Bai said.

"It feels similar to the goat monster before!" Xu Ran laughed.

"Difficult training often yields rewards. After the experience of the goat monster, I cooked food for you that may cause changes in the eyes. This time, you have passed the experience of the big mushroom, and I will give it to you. Make a bowl of mushroom soup each of you!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran's eyes lit up.

"I was going to make mushroom soup, but I didn't know that my husband would do it!" Xu Ran laughed.

"Master, is mushroom soup also a food cultivator with special effects?" Qiao Bai hurriedly asked.

"That's right!"

Gu Zheng nodded: "It's still the same as last time's food cultivation, whether you can gain anything from it depends on your own good luck."

"Master, is it the harvest of the wood attribute?"

This is the only possibility Qiao Bai can think of for the time being.


Gu Zheng made a fool of himself: "The food cultivation this time is different from the last one, it will trigger a mysterious realm."

"It was able to trigger the mysterious realm!"

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran's eyes widened, they could trigger the mysterious realm, which is completely different in meaning from the food cultivation they took last time! After all, it is possible to achieve enlightenment in the mysterious realm, which is something that cannot be expected.

Gu Zheng smiled and didn't speak. The reason why he's making a fuss is because the Food Cultivator will trigger the Mysterious Realm! At this time, it's better not to tell Qiao Bai and the others too much, otherwise it won't do any good, because in the mysterious realm, the more you know, the harder it is to comprehend.

Just like the food cultivation that Gu Zheng is about to cook, the so-called mystical realm is triggered by the spores of large mushrooms that can make people fall into illusion. The easiest thing to comprehend in the mystical realm is the things about wood.

Although Qiao Bai had already guessed about the wood, but Gu Zheng did not admit it, and took the initiative to tell them that food cultivation can trigger the mysterious realm, then when they wake up in the mysterious realm, their hearts will become bigger, and they will pay attention to what they see around them. everything of. But if Gu Zheng admits that it is the wood attribute, then after they wake up in the mysterious realm, they will pay special attention to things related to the wood attribute, thereby reducing the possibility of comprehending other things.

If it wasn't for Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, they would definitely watch the cooking process, and Gu Zheng also wanted them to gain some experience, or else Gu Zheng really wanted to say nothing, just take out the cooked food and let them take it, so that they can't eat at all. There is no connection with the genus of wood. However, in Gu Zheng's view, it is better not to be too deliberate about things like chance, so whether they can comprehend in the mysterious realm, and what they can comprehend, all depends on their own good fortune.

Cooking mushroom soup was not difficult for Gu Zheng. When Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were fighting against the big mushrooms, he had already cooked a mushroom soup for himself. It was the same with the goat monster before, he also caught a goat monster in advance and kept it, otherwise why would the goat monster be so afraid of him.

The food repair has already cooked a dish, during which there was a food repair crossing the catastrophe, but it was easily suppressed by Gu Zheng.

Last time Shixiu Qiaobai, who cooked with sheep's eyes, took it first, and this time the mushroom soup was taken first by Xu Ran.

He walked aside with the mushroom soup, and waited for the effect of the medicine to take effect after taking it.

Seemingly with his eyes closed, Xu Ran has been paying attention to when the mysterious realm will appear.

But when the mysterious realm really appeared, Xu Ran didn't feel it at all.

Xu Ran is in a forest, and as far as the eye can see, there are all flowers and trees.

Xu Ran didn't know who he was or what he was going to do, he just felt very calm and the surrounding environment was beautiful, he wanted to walk in this forest.

Walking and stopping, Xuran sometimes touches the strange-looking green grass, kicks the raised stones and soft soil under his feet, looks up at the tall trees that do not see the top, and smells the flowers beside him. The flowers on the tree stared blankly at a plant for a while.

At this moment, Xu Ran was still wandering in the mysterious realm, and Gu Zheng's cooking for Qiao Bai was halfway through.

After glancing at Xu Ran, who hadn't seen any movement, Qiao Bai said, "Master, I suddenly thought of a question."

"What's the problem?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Enlightenment is possible in any mysterious realm, and after enlightenment, there will be blessings from heaven and earth. We are not in the prehistoric world, but in the enchantment, so if we two enlightenment, will there be blessings from heaven and earth?" Qiao Bai asked.

"Yes, although this is a different world from Honghuang, some things are the same, including the blessings of heaven and earth." Gu Zheng said.

"But Master, isn't this an enchantment? Once there is a blessing from heaven and earth, the situation you experienced last time should reappear, right?" Qiao Bai asked again.

"should be!"

Gu Zheng paused, and then said: "We are fairy chefs, so we don't need to worry too much about improving our cultivation, so here I don't want you to send blessings from heaven and earth because of your improvement, and thus end our journey prematurely! After all, when I get out of the enchantment, I will be busy with other things, and who knows how many years will be when I see you again. However, if you really enlightened because of the mysterious realm, which would trigger the blessings of heaven and earth and cause us to leave If you have obtained the enchantment, then this is a valuable thing, so what is there to worry about? What is there to be dissatisfied with if you can realize the Dao with just one experience?"

Looking at the smile on Gu Zheng's face, Qiao Bai felt a little tangled in his heart. On the one hand, he wanted to realize the Tao, which is after all the dream of all immortal cultivators. After leaving, he still wanted to stay by Gu Zheng's side for a longer period of time.

At the same time, Xu Ran in the Mystic Realm felt anxious, which was an instinctive warning that the Mystic Realm was about to end.

The feeling of anxiety is getting stronger and stronger. I don't know who I am, and I don't know what I want to do. Xu Ran anxiously wanders around in the forest, like an ant on a hot pot.

Suddenly, Xu Ran's heart trembled, a lot of information flooded into his mind, and he actually remembered who he was because of anxiety!

"My God, this mysterious realm is coming to an end, I haven't realized it yet!"

Knowing who he is, Xu Ran also understands what the anxiety in his heart represents.

"A mysterious realm that can't be met! Do I really want to be unable to comprehend it here?"

Xu Ran ran wildly in the forest, using his eyes and divine sense at the same time, he wanted to find something that could trigger his comprehension.

Unfortunately, the anxiety in my heart became more and more intense, but Xu Ran still didn't find anything special.


Xu Ran yelled at himself, nearly shedding tears of anxiety.

In Xu Ran's feeling, there were less than 30 seconds left before the end of the mysterious realm. He looked around and finally stopped on a flower tree.

There are many bowl-sized white flowers blooming on the flower tree, which looks very beautiful and smells very fragrant. Such flower trees are not uncommon. After entering the Xuanmiao Realm, I have seen eighty if not a hundred.

There is nectar in the white flowers, and it tastes sweet, but there is no special feeling after eating.

Now, Xu Ran had no time left, he was like a dead horse treating a living horse doctor, grabbing the flowers from the flower tree and stuffing them into his mouth crazily.

In the end, the scene in front of him was shattered, and Xu Ran, who was about to cry, ended his mysterious realm.

When Xu Ran finished the Mysterious Realm, Qiao Bai was about to take the Food Cultivator. Seeing Xu Ran standing up, he hurriedly asked, "How?"

"No comprehension!"

Xu Ran had a mournful face.

Looking at Xu Ran's appearance, Qiao Bai felt uncomfortable. He knew that Xu Ran attached great importance to this mysterious realm, and the more he valued things, the more uncomfortable he felt when he was disappointed. If it's a normal thing, Qiao Bai can still comfort Xu Ran to come back next time, but how can he come back next time for such rare things as the Mystic Realm?

"It's not completely unrewarding. This time you are the same as Qiao Bai last time, so it's a consolation prize!" Gu Zheng said.

"Consolation prize?"

It must be a little unclear.

"Examine yourself!"

The reason why Gu Zheng said that was because he felt before that a special energy similar to the blessing of heaven and earth had entered Xu Ran's body. At that time, Qiao Bai was so engrossed in staring at Shi Xiu Du Jie that he didn't notice it at all.


Xu Ran's eyes widened.

"What's wrong?"

Qiao Bai hurriedly asked, he was very curious what Xu Ran's 'Huh' represented.

"This is really a consolation prize!"

Xu Ran smiled wryly: "The source of my real wood has turned into the spirit of my real wood! However, this consolation prize is not even as good as your night vision ability!"

Xu Ran really wanted to cry, he had already taken the food cultivation that Gu Zheng had cooked for him before, and it was only a matter of a month before the source of the real wood of life became the spirit of real wood of life.

Since there were food repair medicines acting on the source of the real wood, Xuran's source of the real wood has always had a strange feeling, it feels like the wound is recovering, and there is a constant numbness there. After ending the mysterious realm, the source of the real wood of the natural life also becomes the spirit of the real wood, but the feeling after the transformation is also numb! Because of this, Xu Ran, who is a cultivator of immortals, did not immediately perceive the changes in his body.

"What's going on here? Isn't it true that in the Mysterious Realm, there is either comprehension, or lack of comprehension, or comprehension of immortality, or breaking through the bottleneck, or enlightenment? How can there be such a situation of accelerating the absorption of medicine?"

Qiao Bai also felt that Xu Ran was speechless.

"I think it should be with,"

"Eat your food repair!"

Xu Ran wanted to tell Qiao Bai that he thought it must have something to do with eating flowers in the mysterious realm, but Gu Zheng interrupted him before he finished speaking.

Gu Zheng didn't want Qiao Bai to be affected by Xu Ran's answer, after all, the two of them were taking exactly the same diet! It is miraculous to be able to trigger the mysterious realm, but the power of this kind of food cultivation is not enough to trigger two completely different mysterious realms, so the mysterious realm that Qiao Bai will experience will be very similar to Xu Ran's mysterious realm.

Xu Ran got a consolation prize in his mysterious realm, Gu Zheng didn't want Qiao Bai to get a consolation prize in the end because of being affected, that would be too much of a waste of the food cultivation they took. After all, this kind of cooking with big mushrooms will trigger a rare mystical realm only after taking it for the first time in their life.

After Gu Zheng said that, Qiao Bai didn't dare to say anything more, so he quickly took food repair.

"What did you do in the mysterious realm?"

Gu Zheng sent a voice transmission to Xu Ran, and he was also very curious about what Xu Ran experienced in the mysterious realm.

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