Without saying anything more, Xu Ran immediately started cooking.

This is extremely simple cooking, but I have never cooked like this in my life.

The skeleton of a humanoid skeleton, he put it on the fire and roasted it without washing it. He didn't pluck the hair of the huge flame bird, and didn't deal with the internal organs. He just chopped it and put it in the pot to cook.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Ran looked at Jin Huo with disgusted eyes.

"Uncle, is it really okay to deal with it this way? I've never eaten such a careless thing before." Jin Huo said in disgust.

"Silly bird! It's not for you to eat, it's just to feel the breath! You can also feel it later. If the method is really right, we will be able to suffer less from the monster that switches between virtual and real." It's funny.

"I'm stronger than uncle, I'm not afraid!" Jin Huo said seriously.

After giving Jin Huo a supercilious look, Xu Ran said, "I found out that you are driving a false spirit!"

"Uncle, what do you say?" Jin Huo's question was still serious.

"Can you die if you don't tell the truth?" Xu Ran said angrily.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Listening to the conversation of one person and one bird, Qiao Bai couldn't help laughing, and the original depression in his heart was also diluted a lot.

"It's okay, if the method is wrong, we can think of other ways then."

Qiao Bai understood that even though he agreed to cook the flame bird and the human-shaped skeleton, the method was thought up by Xu Ran after all, so there would be some pressure in Xu Ran's heart.

Xu Ran smiled, without saying anything, he began to focus on the two things of cooking.

With the passage of time, the bones of the humanoid skeleton have been roasted and browned, and if they are roasted any longer, they will turn black.

"The special substance will be catalyzed soon, pay attention to the smell!" Xu Ran reminded.

The special substance is invisible to the naked eye, and its catalysis did not cause any unusual reactions on the surface of the bone, but a smell was smelled by Xu Ran. This is an inexplicable smell. He used to Never smelled it.

"Did you smell it?"

Xu Ran was a little excited, he felt that this special smell must be related to the monster's switching between real and virtual.

"I smell it. It's an indescribable smell. I've never smelled it before." Qiao Bai said excitedly.

"What about you?" Xu Ran looked at Jin Huo.

"Uncle, I didn't smell it." Jin Huo shook his head.

"Didn't you smell it? I just saw you take a deep breath!" Xu Ran frowned.

"Did you smell it?"

Qiao Bai didn't seem like Xu Ran, he could only judge by listening to Jin Huo's words, but he felt the mood swings of Jin Huo's words.

"Uncle, will he die if he tells the truth?"

Faced with Qiao Bai's questioning, Jin Huo dared not lie, and with his head lowered, he was a child who had done something wrong.


Xu Ran was helpless, looked at the bowed Jin Huo, and said again: "Think I didn't say what I said before!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Qiao Bai laughed again, because he knew Jin Huo was not that innocent, he didn't lie because of Xu Ran's words, it just wanted to tease Xu Ran.

"Jin Huo, okay you!"

Qiao Bai touched Jinhuo's feathers: "I will definitely let you out often in the future, otherwise the two of us will be too bored."

Hearing what Qiao Bai said, Su Ran's suspicious eyes fell on Jin Huo again, and he didn't know whether Jin Huo was doing it on purpose or if it was just like that, it was already able to laugh smoothly, but it actually let out that kind of like It's the sound a chicken makes when its neck is pinched. Hearing Jin Huo laugh like this before, Xu Ran always thought it was very funny, but hearing Jin Huo laugh like this today, he always felt that there was a taste of treachery in it.

After a while, Xu Ran reminded Qiao Bai and Jin Huo that the special substance in the flame bird's body needs to be catalyzed, but since the flame bird is a whole body, it has a lot of smell, so it is necessary to carefully distinguish the special smell.

Xu Ran smelled a special smell, and this smell also had an inexplicable feeling.

"How?" Xu Ran looked at Qiao Bai.

"Smell it."

Qiao Bai nodded, and asked Jin Huo the same words. The smell of the boiled flame bird is quite mixed. He and Xu Ran smelled that special smell because of the fairy chef, and he was worried that Jinhuo didn't smell it.

Sure enough, Qiao Bai's worry came true, Jin Huo shook his head, indeed he couldn't smell that special smell from the chaotic smell.

"It's okay, if you don't smell it, you don't smell it, just be careful then."

After comforting Jin Huo, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran prepared to climb the mountain.

Still like the last hanging mountain, Jin Huo probed in the air, while Qiao Bai and Xu Ran walked on the ground.

"Do you think there are formations on this hanging mountain?" Xu Ran asked Qiao Bai.

"I don't know if there is a formation or not. I only know that the master has closed the forbidden space." Qiao Bai said.

Xu Ran wanted to say something more, but his eyes widened suddenly, and he saw something huge between the rocks in front of him.

"What a big mushroom!"

Xu Ran exclaimed, the mushrooms among the rocks are indeed big enough, the caps are as big as a round table.

"I've never seen such a big mushroom!"

Qiao Bai's eyes also widened. Judging from the color alone, these mushrooms are ingredients.

"Such a big mushroom, I don't know what grade of ingredients it is!"

Xu Ran quickened his pace. If he wanted to know what grade of ingredients these mushrooms were, he needed to observe closely.

"Let's investigate carefully with divine sense first!"

Qiao Bai stopped Xu Ran: "This mushroom is too big, I always feel something is wrong!"

"Sixth consciousness?" Xu Ran frowned.

"No, it's just a feeling that there should be something abnormal about such a big thing. If it's a small thing, maybe it won't feel that way." Qiao Bai smiled awkwardly.

"Be careful!"

Xu Ran smiled and released his divine sense to investigate the mushrooms.

There is nothing abnormal about the mushroom under the touch of divine sense, it is just a big mushroom.

Xu Ran's divine sense not only checked the mushroom, but also checked around the mushroom, and found nothing unusual.

Just when Xu Ran was about to withdraw his divine sense, he remembered what Qiao Bai had just said.

In fact, Xu Ran felt that Qiao Bai's caution was a bit too much, but since Qiao Bai was already cautious, and he had already sent out his divine thoughts, then let's investigate the mushrooms in depth.

Under normal circumstances, Xu Ran and Qiao Bai would not conduct in-depth investigations of the ingredients with their divine sense, because that would cause damage to the ingredients to a certain extent.

Such a big mushroom, not to mention how high-grade its ingredients are, just looking at it makes people like it. If Qiao Bai wasn't cautious, Xu Ran really didn't want to destroy it.

However, when it was necessary to stab the divine sense into the mushroom, he realized that Qiao Bai's caution was right! These mushrooms are really unusual, they have a very special suction, that suction seems to want to suck his spiritual body through Xu Ran's ray of spiritual thought.

Xu Ran was startled, and immediately cut off the connection with that ray of spiritual thoughts, and his head was stung by the loss of a ray of spiritual thoughts, but because what was lost was only a ray of spiritual thoughts, so he did not lose his mind because of it .

Seeing Xu Ran's painful frown, Qiao Bai already understood that there was something wrong with those mushrooms, so he immediately took out his flying sword and stabbed at the mushrooms.


There was a strange noise, and the caps of the twenty-three large mushrooms instantly turned up, making the original mushrooms look like a wine glass, and countless tiny white particles flew out from under the opened caps, so that it seemed to be shattered from the sky. It's snowing.

Without a sound, Qiao Bai's flying sword pierced the mushroom cap, piercing a deep hole in the mushroom cap, but failed to pierce it.


The big mushroom shook, and a huge force emerged from it, and Qiao Bai's flying sword was bounced back.

The flying sword bounced back, even though the hilt was aimed at Qiao Bai, but it had a higher speed than when Qiao Bai threw it out. If it really hit Qiao Bai, then the celestial protection on Qiao Bai's body would definitely be broken. Undoubtedly, even get hurt because of it!

However, facing the flying sword that was shot back, Qiao Bai had an obsessive smile on his face, like a fool, and Xu Ran beside him also looked the same.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were hit by this trick. The moment they saw the white particles flying up, the tranquilizing technique had been activated automatically, trying to weaken this psychedelic mental attack. It's a pity that Qiao Bai and Xu Ran saw too many white particles, and the calming spell didn't keep them awake.


A gust of wind fell from the sky, and the white particles that had been floating near the big mushroom were all blown away by the gust of wind.

The one that used the strong wind to disperse the white particles was naturally the golden fire. As Qiao Bai's spirit beast, it sensed that Qiao Bai's mind had lost its guard, and immediately rushed back with teleportation.

The golden fire destroyed the formation of white particles, and Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, who were hit by the attack, woke up at the same time. Looking at the flying sword that was close at hand, Qiao Bai's body leaped forward inconceivably, as if he was about to speed up when he was hit by the flying sword. He managed to dodge the flying sword.

Cold sweat was already falling from Qiao Bai's forehead. If Jin Huo hadn't arrived in time, the consequences of this attack would have been unimaginable. If he hadn't just learned the 'Piao Miao Illusion Technique', he would have been impossible to dodge the blow from the flying sword just now!

The fire dragon has appeared, and this is Xu Ran's attack. He controls the fire dragon to get close to the big mushroom, trying to burn the white particles that flew back after experiencing the strong wind.

The stems of all the big mushrooms bend down, forming a wine glass-shaped cap, and the green liquid has gathered at some point.

The next moment, twenty-three streams of green liquid sprayed one part towards the golden fire in the air, one part towards Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, and the other part towards the flying fire dragon.


The green liquid hit the fire dragon first, and the fire dragon was instantly extinguished. After the original green liquid was evaporated, it turned into a green mist and spread around.

The green liquid that attacked Qiao Bai, Xu Ran, and Jin Huo missed all of them, but after falling on the ground, an astonishing change occurred.

I saw that the moss-like plants spread rapidly on the ground, and small white mushrooms grew out of them.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran had already retreated to the distance, Jin Huo hovered high in the sky without Qiao Bai's order.

The green is still spreading, and the small white mushrooms are still growing. In just a few breaths, the vicinity of the twenty-three large mushrooms is already covered with green grass and snow-white dots.

The original white particles also flew back, and they gathered in the void in front of the big mushroom, but because they were far away from Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, they failed to confuse them again.

"What the hell is this?"

The shock in his heart still couldn't subside, Xu Ran never thought that one day he and Qiao Bai would be repelled by more than twenty mushrooms.

"Is this a monster or a plant!"

Qiao Bai frowned. He had heard some legends about powerful plants in the wild, but the protagonists in those legends were basically old trees, and they were the ones that could transform into shapes. He never knew that mushrooms could also so smart.

"We must destroy them!"

The frustration made Xu Ran's eyes ignite with fighting spirit, and he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

"Yes, we must destroy them!"

Qiao Bai narrowed his eyes, thinking of how to kill these mushroom spirits.

"Let's try it first! Only when we know more about them can we come up with a way to deal with them." Xu Ran said.

"Go, be careful."

Qiao Bai nodded and flew up first.

Since there is no air ban, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran are naturally the first choice for air strikes. The green grass and snow-white decorations on the ground don't know what's tricky, and it's unwise to walk over the ground.

He didn't fly too close, and Qiao Bai, who was worried about getting hit again, stopped in the air. Under the vibration of the real wood spirit in his body, a wind ball appeared in his hand.

Qiao Bai threw the wind ball at the big mushroom, and an incredible scene happened. Some of the plants on the ground that were originally small like moss grew wildly into long vines in an instant, and they flew towards the flying wind ball. .

The wind ball would be attacked, which Qiao Bai had already thought of, but he didn't think of the way of being attacked. However, the wind ball is not afraid of attacks, it is a method of using wind magic, and it will turn into a hurricane after being attacked.

The wind ball had turned into a hurricane, which obviously caught the big mushrooms by surprise. The white particles that had gathered in front of them were instantly blown somewhere.


Xu Ran casted the fire attribute magic, and the sea of ​​fire immediately fell on the moss on the ground, and the sound of "crackling" burning continued to resound.


The ice dragon cast by Qiao Bai flew towards the big mushroom on the ground.

Because of the burning of the sea of ​​fire, there were no more vines to deal with the ice dragon, but the small mushrooms in the green grass were not harmed by the flames.

Small white mushrooms soared into the sky one by one, and exploded when they touched the ice dragon.

Countless icicles fell from the sky, and within a short distance, the ice dragon was completely shattered by the small mushroom, but it still rushed in front of the big mushroom.

The ice dragon finally bumped into the big mushroom, but in Qiao Bai's opinion, bumping is not an appropriate description for that action! Because, the stalk of the big mushroom bent down again, and the empty 'wine glass' was aimed at the ice dragon. The ice dragon looks huge, even if it is incomplete, it is much bigger than the big mushroom, but the small 'wine glass' of the big mushroom is like a poisonous snake's mouth, and the huge ice dragon just hit it and disappeared without a trace up.

"You, your ice dragon was eaten by a mushroom?" Xu Ran asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"Is this damn thing still a mushroom?"

Qiao Bai roared angrily, another ice dragon flew over, this time there were not so many small mushrooms, he wanted to see if he could eat the next mushroom that the ice dragon had just eaten.

Xu Ran was not idle either, he also performed the Fire Dragon Art again.

When the fire dragon flew towards the big mushroom, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran's brows were all frowned. They thought that the big mushroom had no more green liquid to drink, but who ever bent down on them again, it was empty at first. The wine glass was filled with green liquid in an instant.

Things seemed to be back to the original point, the ice dragon was still swallowed by the big mushroom, the fire dragon was also doused by the green liquid, the green grass was once again dotted with white, and the white particles that flew to nowhere flew back again.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran didn't make another move, the tentative attack just now brought the situation back to the original point, so there must be a plan for the next step.

"How do you feel in your heart now?" Xu Ran asked Qiao Bai.

"Before I entered the enchantment, I thought I was very powerful, not to mention being a leader in the sect, even if you look at the entire prehistoric world, a person with such a cultivation level at such a young age can be regarded as a generation of scorching sun, right? I really I thought I was very powerful, even if I went outside for a while, there would be no problem! However, after entering this enchantment, I realized how small I am and how huge the world is. I was chased to the foot of the mountain by monsters before Forget it, but now I’m still stopped by a group of plants at the foot of the mountain!”

Qiao Bai laughed, but it wasn't the kind of disheartened laugh, but a self-deprecating and dissatisfied laugh.

"This is not a prehistoric place."

Xu Ran also laughed, he didn't have the deep feeling of Qiao Bai, but he also felt that in this enchantment, he was really hit again and again, and encountered things that he had never encountered before again and again.

"What should we do now?" Xu Ran asked again.

"Mushrooms can't move, and formations won't work. If we kill them by force, it seems that the fairy arts we have at this stage, except your 'Crazy Knife', can't hurt them, and food cultivation won't work, God Know……"

Qiao Bai's voice paused, when he was about to say "God knows what plants like to eat", he suddenly thought, wasn't his ice dragon just eaten by a big mushroom?

"Do you use poison?"

Xu Ran's eyes lit up, and then he frowned again: "Big mushrooms can also release poison. The green mist before that is. I feel that using poison on them doesn't seem to work. Let's not talk about how to mix the poison. Whether it can be delivered to their mouths is the same thing!"

"You don't need poison, we are fairy chefs, if you want to use it, you need to cultivate it with food!" Qiao Bai said.

"Food repair is just a name, what can be used to deal with monsters is poison to monsters!" Xu Ran laughed.

"Anyway, if you can use this method, don't use it. Besides, what you just said is right. How a food repairer cooks is one thing, but whether it can be delivered to their mouths is another! Yu Qi researches this kind of uncertain thing , then why not try to kill him by force!" Qiao Bai's eyes showed a ruthless look.

"If you want to kill by force, you must have a golden fire. The three of us can deal with twenty-three big mushrooms." Xu Ran said.

"Uncle is so right!"

Jinhuo flew towards Qiao Bai and Xuran, even because Xuran suggested to let it play, it was so happy that it rubbed its head against Xuran to show its goodwill.

"Jin Huo, what do you think of the three of us forcibly killing those big mushrooms?" Qiao Bai said.

"Master, even with me here, I think it will be a fierce battle!" Jin Huo said seriously.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Qiao Bai was a bit surprised. He originally thought that if Jin Huo was added, even if it would be somewhat difficult to kill by force, it shouldn't be too difficult.

"Master, I feel that those big mushrooms still have tricks to use!" Jin Huo's answer was still serious.

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