One day later, the first thing Xu Ran did when he woke up was to curse the goat monster.

"What's wrong with you?"

Qiao Bai felt that Xu Ran's swearing was a bit weird. Under normal circumstances, even if he was frustrated in the experience, he could simply swear, but it would be like this, it was just swearing.

"During the time I was in a coma, I was in a nightmare-like state. I was very awake. I knew what happened around me, but I just couldn't wake up. And that kind of nightmare is still some of the things I don't want to recall in my memory. Thing! If I hadn't just stabilized my state of mind, then I feel that this coma will be very dangerous." Xu Ran gritted his teeth.

Qiao Bai smiled wryly: "No one knew that the goat monster's sight attack would be so weird."

"What are you going to do next?" Xu Ran asked.

"First kill a goat, pay attention to avoiding their sight and attack, and then let's deal with them with beast spirit food repair!"

Qiao Bai now also gave up his plan to use the goat monster as a training experience. The goat monster itself is already quite powerful, and it can release sight attacks. Moreover, this kind of attack is not like a normal attack. Being hit is just an injury. It is a weird attack that completely loses combat effectiveness and takes a day to recover! Although Gu Zheng said that there is no need to pay too much attention to time, and when time may not be wasted, Qiao Bai does not want to waste it either.


Xu Ran didn't say much, and after nodding in agreement, the two left immediately.

The goat lived in the cave, and Qiao Bai and Xu Ran had no plans to go to the cave to fight them. They planned to use the 'invisibility technique' to guard the entrance of the cave and give the goat a blow when it came out.

The last time Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were discovered by the goat while gathering ingredients, this time they used the 'invisibility technique' when they arrived at the place where the ingredients were collected.

Without alerting the goat monster in advance, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran reached the entrance of the cave.

Qiao Bai notified Jin Huo with his thoughts, and Jin Huo immediately blew in the air.

The goats naturally remembered the sound of the golden fire, and they rushed out of the cave screaming strangely. Qiao Bai and Xu Ran tried their best, and prepared to land on the first goat with a knife and a sword.

However, the sound of an emergency stop sounded, and the first goat in the lead stopped unexpectedly, and the rest of the goats almost didn't collide with each other.

"Damn it, how did they see through the 'invisibility technique'?"

Qiao Bai sent a voice transmission to Xu Ran, and the goats stopped moving forward. This can only explain one situation, that is, the 'invisibility technique' has been seen through again.

The invincible 'invisibility technique' was seen through one after another, which made Qiao Bai and Xu Ran disillusioned about obtaining the corpse of the goat monster by sneak attack.

"What should we do now?" Xu Ran asked via voice transmission.

"Retreat first!"

Now that they've been seen through, it's pointless to stay in a stalemate, so we might as well use other methods.

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran did not retreat in an invisible state, they flew directly into the air. And as soon as they appeared, the goats rushed out of the hole and launched an ice attack at them, like a rain of arrows.

He didn't fly into the air to chase Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, and when they were out of sight, the goat went back to the cave again.

"The first time the 'invisibility technique' was seen through, and it could be said that the goat monster's eyes were abnormal, and I don't know how to see us, but the second time we were on both sides of the cave entrance, they couldn't see us at all, and they couldn't see us. How did you find us?"

Xu Ran was still depressed about the fact that his invisibility was found out, and he almost plucked out the hair on his temples.

"Maybe it's because of the smell, anyway, it just needs to be seen through." Qiao Bai gritted his teeth.

"I don't know if Mister has ever encountered such a situation where the invisibility was seen through?" Xu Ran smiled wryly.

Qiao Bai shook his head: "Master must have never encountered it before, or else he would definitely mention this when teaching us the 'Invisibility Technique'."

"Any other plans?" Xu Ran asked.

"There is another plan, but I don't know if it will come true." Qiao Bai said.

"Oh? Tell me quickly, what kind of plan is that?" Xu Ran became interested.

"Use the array!" Qiao Bai said.

"'Wind Killing Formation'?" Xu Ran's eyes lit up.

"It's not just the 'Wind Killing Formation'! These sheep monsters like to get together. If there are too many goat monsters trapped in a 'Wind Killing Formation', not only will it be difficult to hurt them, but they will also be easily broken by their concentrated attacks. The formation of the 'Wind Killing Formation' will be destroyed because of this. We can arrange all the formations that can be arranged, and then lead them into the formation as much as possible, as long as we don't Let too many of them gather together, not to mention killing one to study beast spirit food cultivation, even if it is because of this, it is possible to get through this experience." Qiao Bai said.

"I feel that this method is feasible, why didn't you say it before?" Xu Ran rolled his eyes at Qiao Bai.

"Don't get too excited, it's just an idea, I'm not sure if it will work or not!"

Qiao Bai's voice paused, and then he said: "The phantom formation from before appeared in the same position after entering the formation space. Although we entered the formation space, we were confused by the illusion, but this confusion There must be a time, right? Even if it confuses us for a short while, we still have a short time to look at the environment, have you ever seen the bones of the Faun near there?"

"No." Xu Ran shook his head.

"The formation was finally broken by the master. It stands to reason that things that did not belong to the formation would appear because the formation was broken. Although after we left the formation space, the place that appeared was void, because of the trees below, the line of sight It was also covered, but have you seen the bones of the Goat Monster on the ground?" Qiao Bai asked again.

"I was so shocked at the time, who would care to go up and look at the ground!" Xu Ran said with a wry smile.

"Let's not talk about that time, let's talk about it since then! We haven't encountered a single goat skeleton on the mountain, so it's unlikely that their bones were eaten by something, or they were brought back to the cave have you gone?"

Seeing that Xu Ran didn't say anything, Qiao Bai said again: "Since there are no bones, it means that the goats with abnormal eyes may have never entered the phantom formation. They can detect the existence of the phantom formation, so they can avoid Death! Although we are not particularly clear about the level of that phantom formation, it must be much higher than the fairy formation we can arrange! Such formations can be seen through, and the formations we can arrange, What do you think are the chances of surviving?"

"Hearing what you said, why do I feel that setting up the formation is a waste of effort?" Xu Ran scratched his head.

"Is it a waste of effort? Only after you try it will you know!" Qiao Bai said.

"You shouldn't have told me this, you've made me lose my original interest." Xu Ran gave Qiao Bai a supercilious look.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Qiao Bai smiled: "Let's go, set up the formation!"

"Do you really want to try?"

Xu Ran's eyes widened, he was quite repulsed when his efforts were wasted.

"If the bones of the goat monster were really eaten by something, or brought back to the cave by them, then the formation we arranged may still take effect!"


Seeing Qiao Bai's serious look, Xu Ran didn't know what to say for a while.

Turning his eyes, Xu Ran said again: "Actually, there is another way to catch a goat easily."

As for Xu Ran, Qiao Bai already knew a lot about it. Seeing Xu Ran smiling like that, he already knew what method he was talking about.

"You want Jinhuo to catch a goat, right?"

Qiao Baibai glanced at it, and it was really not difficult for Jin Huo to catch a goat.

"Yes! It is your spirit beast after all!" Xu Ran laughed.

"That was caught by Jinhuo, not by us!"

Qiao Bai sighed and said, "Let's try the fairy formation! If the fairy formation doesn't work against the goat, then let Jinhuo catch a goat for you to study."

"Okay, then let's set up the fairy formation!" Seeing Qiao Bai's compromise, Xu Ran said with a smile.

The formations all had a certain range of effect, so Qiao Bai and Xu Ran stopped at a place far away from the cave and began to set up the formation for fear of alarming the goat monster in advance.

There are not many formations that the two can form, and with the addition of the 'Wind Killing Formation' that can be arranged with formations, there are only five types in total. However, if the formations can take effect, five formations are enough to deal a devastating blow to the Goat Monster.

The formation has been set up, and Qiao Bai asked Xu Ran to be responsible for attracting the goat monster, while he waited in place.

Although the formation at this time has been arranged, it has not really been opened, and Qiao Bai can also foresee the scene at that time.

At that time, Xuran must be running in front, and the sheep monsters are chasing behind, and they are still attacking with icicles. If the formation is activated in advance, then some icicles will definitely disappear due to entering the space of the formation.

Goat monsters are not particularly stupid monsters. If Bingling disappears inexplicably, let alone whether they can see the existence of the formation, they will already feel that something is wrong. Therefore, Qiao Bai had to activate the formation at the right time, that's why he didn't go with Xu Ran to attract the goat.

The sound of Jin Huo had already attracted the attention of the Goat Monsters, and they ran out of the cave again, and the first thing they saw was Xu Ran standing directly in front of them.

Xu Ran slashed towards the leading sheep monster with a single knife, and the flock of sheep immediately spit out ice mist, and the knife energy Xu Ran slashed was dispelled.

"Baa baa..."

The angry flock screamed strangely, their red eyes were fixed on Xuran, and they rushed towards Xuran with their hooves spread.

Xu Ran started to run wildly, and the goat monster chased after him and launched an attack at the same time.

Xu Ran ran or flew with the goat monster to the place where the formation was arranged, and the journey was safe and sound, and he was not hit by the goat monster's attack, thanks to the distance he kept from the goat monster in advance.

Qiao Bai was suspended in the air, and Xuran ran past him, and the goats stopped collectively again, and they stopped at the edge of the formation.

The Goat Monster not only noticed Xuran in the sky, but also stared at the fairy formation Qiao Bai had set up. It was obvious that they found something unusual.

The next scene that made Qiao Bai's eyes widen appeared, the goat monsters stopped running, they walked towards the stopped Xuran, and their traveling route just perfectly avoided the range of effect of the formation.

"Your uncle!"

Xu Ran cursed and used the ice dragon to rush towards the goat monster. The formations were not fully activated, so the ice dragon would not disappear just because it fell into the space of the formations.

It's a pity that the goats are still not afraid of Xu Ran's ice dragons. They use the magic power of ice fog protection, which feels like a trick that is eaten all over the world.

A sigh resounded in Qiao Bai's heart. He was so helpless that he wanted to give up, because this damn goat could not only see through the formations that had been activated, but also the formations that had not been activated.

Just when Qiao Bai was going to let Jin Huo sneak up on the sheep and capture a goat, his brows frowned. Things turned around at this time, the goat couldn't see through the trap set up by the array. "Wind Killing Formation", five or six goats have already entered the unopened "Wind Killing Formation".


Qiao Bai couldn't help applauding, startling the cautious goats, they launched an ice attack on Qiao Bai.

However, due to the relatively long distance, Qiao Bai easily dodged the ice attack, and when he dodged those ice attacks, he activated the 'Wind Killing Formation' that had not been activated before through the changes in his hand up.

Once the 'Wind Killing Formation' was activated, the formation space was formed immediately, and the six goats within the formation space disappeared.

The companion beside him suddenly disappeared, and the goat was stunned.

The goats were stunned, but Xu Ran and Jin Huo were not stunned. Qiao Bai had told them before that if a goat fell into the space of the formation, in order to prevent more goats from entering it, resulting in a formation Therefore, when this happens, they must attract the attention of the Faun, and it is best to lure the Faun away.

The golden fire launched an attack from the air, and the flame tornado that descended instantly burned the trees on the ground. Xu Ran also activated the second supernatural power of the double snake scissors, and the two strange snakes rushed towards the goat monsters shaking their heads and tails.

The Goat Monsters were no longer in a daze, most of them fought back against Jin Huo and Xu Ran, but there were also a few of them rushing towards the 'Wind Killing Formation' without fear of death.

Qiao Bai was a little startled. There were as many as ten goats trapped in the 'Wind Killing Formation'. Although these trapped goats were under the flurry of wind blades, they seemed to know some ways of the formation. Launch an attack towards the same void.

Although the void that the goats attacked was not the weak point of the space, but if one more goat entered the formation space, then the eleven goats would attack the same place in the formation space without waiting for the wind. Kill any goat monster with a blade, and they will be able to destroy the 'wind killing array'! At that time, these trapped goats will not only be freed because the formation space is broken, but also the set of formations that arranged the 'Wind Killing Formation' will also be destroyed because the formation space is broken.

Qiao Bai's eagerness was sensed by Jin Huo, and Jin Huo, who shared his master's worries, immediately appeared among the sheep through teleportation, grabbed a goat and flew up.

For Jinhuo's sneak attack deep into the group, the goats were naturally extremely angry. They all raised their heads and launched sight attacks on Jinhuo. At such a short distance and such dense sight attacks, Jinhuo wanted to escape the possible attack by flying. Sex is zero!

Without hesitation, he dropped the captured goat, and Jin Huo appeared on the other side of the flock through teleportation again, grabbed a new goat and flew up.

This time, since Jin Huo launched a surprise attack at the edge of the flock, even though some goats reacted quickly and launched a visual attack, Jin Huo escaped without any risk.

"Jinhuo, make this goat suffer a little!"

Qiao Bai moved to give Jin Huo instructions, and the understanding Jin Huo immediately closed his claws.

Although the sheep monster is powerful, if it is only one and it still falls into the claws of Jinhuo, then it is no different from a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. The huge force generated by the golden fire's claws is enough to pinch the sheep monster He sticks out his tongue and screams incessantly.

The sheep monster's screams made the sheep even more angry and nervous. They seemed to abandon their companions trapped in the formation space, and chased the golden fire into the sky.


Seeing the flock of sheep chasing the golden fire, Xu Ran applauded and immediately jumped into the 'Wind Killing Formation'.

The 'Wind Killing Formation' belonged to Qiao Bai, but Xu Ran also knew this fairy formation very well. He knew that the ten goats trapped in the formation now put a lot of pressure on Qiao Bai. It will take some time to solve the goat monster, so he has to enter it to help. As for the wind blade attack in the 'Wind Killing Formation', Xu Ran was not worried that it would fall on him, because Qiao Bai had a certain degree of control over the wind blade.

After Xu Ran entered the formation, he immediately let the pair of snakes cut towards a goat monster.

Goat monsters have very keen senses, which is also a difficulty in killing them. However, after entering the formation space, the goats were all injured and frightened in the face of the slashing wind blades all over the sky! Under such circumstances, they have become so stupid that they just want to quickly break the formation space, and they did not launch an attack immediately when they entered the formation.

The double snake scissors had already clamped a goat monster, and the sound of bone shattering sounded, and the scene of blood stains appeared immediately. The goat monster caught by the double snake scissors was about to be cut into two pieces.

"Baa baa!"

The death of their companion made the goat monsters furious. They gave up attacking the formation space, and turned to shoot at Xuran with sight and ice piercing.

It's a pity that the glance and the ice piercing all failed, and Xu Ran had no intention of fighting hard with the goat monster, and had already left the formation space through the life gate.

The Goat Monster's eyes were also brightened, and Xu Ran's sudden disappearance allowed them to see a way out. With ice fog under their feet, they rushed towards the place where Xu Ran disappeared at the fastest speed.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Explosions rang out one after another in the formation space, and the moment he exited the formation space, Qiao Bai had already made a trick to change the life gate of the formation, which also made the goat monster fall down instantly as if it had hit a wall. Landed several.


There was another scream, and Xu Ran, who entered the 'Wind Killing Formation' from another direction, cut off another goat with a pair of snake scissors.

Before the goat monster attacked again, Xu Ran escaped from the 'Wind Killing Formation' through the new birth gate.

The goat monster who didn't believe in evil also rushed towards the place where it should disappear, but it ended up hitting its head against the wall again.


The remaining eight goats screamed angrily, and their hatred eyes fell on the pair of snakes that Xu Ran hadn't had time to take away.

The ice mist sprayed towards the double snakes, without the twin snakes controlled by Xu Ran, they could only be sprayed quietly.

Thinking of the Snake Shears who stayed in the formation space, Qiao Bai stopped him who wanted to enter the 'Wind Killing Formation' again.

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