"We have seen some of the monsters in this phantom formation. According to my understanding of this phantom formation, there should not be too powerful ones in the formation. Therefore, as long as I make a move, I should be able to keep all the fruits."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "However, whether I will make a move or not depends on the situation at the time. One of the important purposes of bringing you to the enchantment this time is to let you experience it. At that time, if If the monsters are the ones you can deal with, then I won’t make a move, and how much fruit you can keep depends on your own abilities.”

Seeing that Gu Zheng seemed to be thinking after saying this, Qiao Bai suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Master, why do I feel that you are planning something for Xu Ran and me?" Qiao Bai said cautiously.

"That's right, since it's time to protect the fairy fruit, if I really don't need to take action, then there must be rewards and punishments for you. As for what the rewards and punishments are, let's see what you will encounter later." Go!" Gu Zheng said.

Gu Zheng's words made Qiao Bai and Xu Ran feel pressured. In the following time, apart from spawning the fairy fruit, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran walked around the fairy fruit tree when they had nothing to do, looked up from time to time, and even In order to protect the fairy fruit, some plans were formulated, and their prudence also satisfied Gu Zheng.

The fairy fruit will mature in one day, and the sweet smell in the air is even more intense. Every fairy fruit is surrounded by dense light, which looks very beautiful.

"Master, can we arrange a fairy array to surround the fairy fruit trees?" Qiao Bai asked.

"Whether it is a fairy array that can play a role in isolation, or a restriction, these things are taboos when the fairy fruit or the treasures of heaven and earth are about to mature. The kind of isolation is absolutely harmful to the fairy fruit that is about to mature. No benefit! However, you can lay out the fairy array first without activating it, and then activate the fairy array when the fairy fruit is ripe, then there will be no disadvantage of isolation."

Originally, Gu Zheng didn't want Qiao Bai and Xu Ran to set up the fairy formation, but in the past two days, the coveting from the upper class has become more and more unscrupulous, so he also has a better understanding of the original unknown. There are actually a lot of monsters, maybe more than a hundred! Such a number, even if their own strength is relatively weak, will have a great impact on the completion of Qiao Bai's mission. Although Gu Zheng wanted to test Qiao Bai and Xu Ran, the test must be within the scope of their ability to complete.

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Qiao Bai and Xu Ran were also very happy, but at the same time they were even more cautious! They also understand that the test given to them by Gu Zheng will not be particularly easy. Now that they are instructed to arrange the fairy formation, it most likely shows that it will not be an easy task to protect the fairy fruit at that time.

On the third day, the sweet smell in the air became stronger, and when more than two hundred fairy fruits were finally about to ripen, the dense light that originally surrounded them had been completely sucked in by them, so that the peel became extraordinarily thin, It feels like it's about to explode.

The clouds and mist in the upper layer began to surge, strange screams continued to sound, and the heads of monsters were also seen by Gu Zheng and others.

The heads protruding from the clouds look like monkeys, but they have sharp beaks like mice. There are many of them, but their strength should be equivalent to those of immortal cultivators in the realm of transforming gods.

"Now give you rewards and punishments! Didn't you say before that after the fairy fruit is ripe, each person will be rewarded with three? If you can keep one of the fairy fruits from being destroyed under the attack of these rat monkey monsters, then if you can On the basis of the original reward of three fairy fruits, each of you will be rewarded with seven more, or it can be exchanged for fairy wine brewed in the future. If you fail to protect the fairy fruits, every time the rat monkey wastes one, you will be rewarded from One of your basic rewards will be deducted! If you are spoiled too much by the rat monkey monster, you will not even have your share in the fairy wine brewed in the future!" Gu Zheng said seriously.

"We will definitely guard the fairy fruit!"

Qiao Bai and Xu Ran spoke in unison, and then looked at each other with a strong sense of caution in each other's eyes.

There is no wind around, but the fairy fruit tree is shaking slightly. Every fairy fruit is shimmering at this time. They are already ripe. If they are not picked within a cup of tea, they will turn into heaven and earth again. Energy, dissipated between heaven and earth.

"Open the fairy array!"

With a shout from Qiao Bai, Xu Ran in the fairy formation immediately cast out a formula, and the outline of the fairy formation immediately appeared on the originally clean ground, and all ten fairy fruit trees were wrapped in the activated fairy formation.

That is, when Qiao Bai asked Xu Ran to open the fairy formation, mouse monkey monsters descended from the clouds like dumplings, and they screamed and waved at the fairy fruit tree.

The colorless barrier produced by the fairy array rippled under the beckoning of the rat monkey monster. Gu Zheng had no doubt that if it weren't for the protection of the fairy array, these rat monkey monsters wouldn't need to be too close to the fairy fruit tree to be able to kill them in the air. The fairy fruit on the tree is taken into the hand. However, even with the protection of the fairy formation, the rat monkey monsters cannot take the fairy fruit into their hands, but their waving movements are still impacting the fairy formation.

The fairy fruit was protected by the fairy array, which made the rat monkey monsters furious. Some of them used black magic to attack the colorless barrier of the fairy array, and the other part launched attacks on Qiao Bai and Gu Zheng.


Gu Zheng waved his hand, and the three rat monkey monsters that attacked him were immediately swept away by the strong wind, and the effect of hitting the cliff was like a watermelon thrown by someone.

The fairy formation was fighting outside, and Xu Ran in the fairy formation was hurrying to pick the fairy fruit. This was the division of labor and cooperation he and Qiao Bai had worked out.

Although Xu Ran is an immortal cultivator, his speed of picking the fairy fruit is not fast. This is not to say that Xu Ran is too stupid, but this kind of berry fairy fruit, you must be very careful when picking it. It will explode.

A lot of rat monkey monsters are besieging Qiao Bai, but Gu Zheng is not worried about Qiao Bai's safety. The rat monkey monsters are just monsters in the middle stage of transformation, and Qiao Bai's cultivation is already in the late stage of Void Return. Rat monkey monsters are very difficult to hurt him.

However, just because Gu Zheng didn't worry about Qiao Bai's safety didn't mean that Qiao Bai and the others could complete the test well, because among this large group of rat monkey monsters, there was another one that was twice the size of ordinary rat monkey monsters. It is an existence of the king.

The existence of the Rat Monkey King naturally aroused Qiao Bai's idea. Qiao Bai also understood the principle of capturing the thief first, but the strength of this Rat Monkey King was not only equivalent to that of a cultivator in the middle stage of Void Return, but also possessed With a special supernatural power, Qiao Bai easily dodged several attacks against it.

The rat monkey monster king is not as violent as ordinary rat monkey monsters. It has never shot at anyone, always staring at the fairy fruit on the tree, and the look in its eyes shows that it is obviously much higher than ordinary rat monkey monsters. wisdom.


The Rat Monkey Monster King called out, and the Rat Monkey Monsters who were attacking the colorless barrier in a frenzy, immediately launched an attack in another direction.

The attack launched by the rat monkey monsters this time is aimed at a point on the colorless barrier, and this point is the weakest point on the colorless barrier! Even if the rat monkey monsters are not strong enough, if all their attacks are aimed at this weak point, the colorless barrier will not be able to hold up a few waves at all.

The entire colorless barrier vibrated, and the situation had become very bad, because the rat monkey monster king who hadn't made a move also started to attack the weak point of the colorless barrier. Since his own strength is equivalent to that of a cultivator in the middle stage of returning to the void, the destructive power of the rat monkey monster king against the colorless barrier is no less than thirty rat monkey monsters attacking at the same time!

"Go to hell!"

With an angry roar, Qiao Bai pushed out the 'Cloud Stacking Palm' one after another, and finally killed all the rat monkey monsters that held him back.

At this time, there were only more than 70 mouse monkeys left in the original more than 100 monkey monsters. Even if none of the more than 70 mouse monkey monsters was Qiao Bai's opponent, it was inevitable that the colorless barrier would be broken.

Qiao Bai launched an attack on the rat monkey monsters targeting the weak points of the colorless barrier, but it was in vain. Under the command of the rat monkey monster king, the rat monkey monsters were no longer foolishly fighting, they also learned to Fight guerrilla warfare.

The first crack had already appeared on the colorless barrier, and the effect it caused was like the first crack appearing on the ice surface, spreading terrifyingly instantly.

Gu Zheng decided to make a move. He planned to use the Immortal Realm to take all these rat monkey monsters away. Although he also hoped that Qiao Bai and Xu Ran could complete the test, the rat monkey monster king could see through the weak point of the colorless barrier. A variable that he didn't even think of! Once the five-color barrier is broken, the rat monkey monsters only need to wave their hands, and they will snatch all the remaining fairy fruits on the tree. This is not the scene that Gu Zheng wants to see.

However, just when the colorless barrier was about to be broken and Gu Zheng was about to display the Immortal Realm, his brows frowned, and his original plan was canceled by him because he saw the inevitable anxiety in the Immortal Formation.

Xu Ran was indeed very anxious. Although he was busy picking fairy fruits in the fairy formation, he had seen Qiao Bai's battle outside the fairy formation and the crisis of the colorless barrier. There are more than 50 fairy fruits left on the road, and they will definitely be taken away by the rat monkey monsters.

Thinking of the failure of the mission, Xu Ran was going crazy, this kind of anxiety made his eyes turn red.

Xu Ran's eyes turned red, which is the reason why Gu Zheng canceled his original plan, because Xu Ran's eyes are different from ordinary people's eyes.

The reason why Xu Ran was able to open the 'Eye of the False Way' was because the Xuanmu civet, a prehistoric alien species, shared the 'Xuanmu Light' with him.

After helping Xuran to open the 'Eye of False Way', Gu Zheng once said to Xuran that the benefits that Xuran gained are not just in the way of food and drink! That is to say, eyes with the 'Light of Profound Eyes' will also have other supernatural powers! However, whether other supernatural powers can be awakened depends on Xu Ran's personal fortune.

Under special circumstances, Xu Ran's eyes turned red due to anxiety, which made Gu Zheng feel that this should be a precursor to the awakening of supernatural powers. Once he used the Immortal Domain to make Xu Ran's pressure disappear, then Xu Ran would be lost. This opportunity to awaken supernatural powers.

Fairy fruits are very important, but in Gu Zheng's heart, they are not as important as a chance! Although Gu Zheng is not 100% sure that Xu Ran can really awaken some magical powers, but he is willing to give Xu Ran this opportunity because Xu Ran is a member of Jixiang Xiaozhu.


With a loud noise, the colorless barrier of the fairy array was finally broken by the rat monkey monsters.


Almost at the same time when the colorless barrier was broken, Xu Ran let out a roar, which frightened the agitated rat monkey monsters.


The rat monkey monster king's cry sounded, and it would wake up the rat monkey monsters who were frightened by Xu Ran.

The awakened rat monkeys waved towards the fairy fruit tree, and all the fairy fruits on the tree flew towards them.

Xu Ran's roar finally stopped, his eyes were bloodshot as he lowered his head, and his pupils could not be seen at all.

Red rays of light emanated from Xu Ran's eyes, and all the rat monkey monsters caught by his sight were frozen, including the fruits flying towards the rat monkey monster.


The Rat Monkey Monster King screamed, it wanted to wake up the Rat Monkey Monsters, but the invincible summoning had lost its effect at this time.

Knowing that the general situation is over, the terrified Rat Monkey King is about to soar into the sky.

"Get down!"

Qiao Bai shouted, he was also shocked by Xu Ran's abnormality just now, but seeing the rat monkey monster king wanted to escape back to the upper floor, he immediately suppressed the rat monkey monster king with the energy of heaven and earth.

The Rat Monkey King was quite sensitive at first, but that was when Qiao Bai was held back by the Rat Monkeys. Now one-on-one, Qiao Bai's oppression of the earth's energy, even though it still couldn't continue to affect it, made it unable to move all the way. Soaring into the sky can still be done.


The oppression of the energy of heaven and earth caused the Rat Monkey Monster King to fall to the ground, and the cyan sword Qi that Qiao Bai slashed had already approached.


A fairy fruit tree fell under the control of the Rat Monkey Monster King, blocking Qiao Bai's sword attack for it, and the broken fairy fruit tree ran towards Qiao Bai again under its control.

The Rat Monkey is originally a wood-type monster, so it is not surprising that the Rat Monkey King can control the Fairy Fruit Tree.

Qiao Bai was fighting with the Rat Monkey King, while the Rat Monkeys that had been immobilized by Xu Ran burned up under Xu Ran's continuous gaze.


A scream came from the mouth of the Rat Monkey Monster King. It was powerless to resist Qiao Bai's sharp attack, and was finally pierced by Qiao Bai's sword in the chest.

Joy appeared on Qiao Bai's face. The task that he thought was impossible was completed due to a sudden change, which made him want to scream in excitement.

However, Qiao Bai failed to yell excitedly, and his face changed drastically in an instant. He saw Xu Ran's body moving, and the fairy fruit fixed in the air began to crumble.

"Qiao Bai, take away the fairy fruit soon, I can't hold it anymore!" Xu Ran said eagerly.

Before Qiao Bai could make a move, Gu Zheng swept all the fairy fruits in the air with a wave of his hand.

"Master, what happened to this?"

Qiao Bai had already supported Xu Ran who had fallen down, and Xu Ran had also passed out at this moment.

Due to Xu Ran's opening of the 'Eye of False Way', Qiao Bai also had some estrangement from him, but now seeing Xu Ran passed out, Qiao Bai anxiously seemed to see a fallen relative.

"Let me check his body first."

Gu Zheng understood that Xu Ran's fainting was actually caused by internal injuries, which was a small price to pay for awakening supernatural powers, and this internal injury was nothing in his eyes. However, Gu Zheng also understands that, as the saying goes, "A friend in adversity sees the truth", it is also easy to eliminate barriers in adversity, so this is an opportunity to untie Qiao Bai's knot. The effect will be better.

"He really suffered a serious backlash!"

After the inspection of Xu Ran's body was over, Gu Zheng's brows were also tightly frowned.

"then what should we do?"

Qiao Bai asked anxiously, seeing the deep anxiety in his eyes, Gu Zheng also smiled in his heart.

"I'll use Xianli to heal his injuries first, and then maybe I need to cook another diet for him."

Gu Zheng had already begun to heal Xu Ran, and seeing Xu Ran who was still in a coma, Qiao Bai also felt guilty in his heart.

Acting has to do a full set. Originally, Xu Ran would wake up after healed his injuries with immortal power, but Gu Zheng didn't let Xu Ran wake up, and made him take another diet therapy.

After Xu Ran woke up, Qiao Bai was obviously more enthusiastic towards him than before, which made Xu Ran feel a little uncomfortable.

"Of course, the supernatural power you awakened before is so powerful!"

Qiao Bai's voice paused, and his eyes revealed emotion: "If you hadn't awakened such supernatural powers at the critical moment, our mission this time would have really failed."

"Yeah! I didn't expect to be able to awaken such supernatural powers."

Xu Ran's voice was also very emotional, but more of a sense of relief, a sense of satisfaction from completing the task.

"Actually, the supernatural power I awakened is not that powerful. It can only fix things lower than mine. Otherwise, I would have fixed the Rat Monkey King at that time, and it would have saved you a few more rounds of fighting with him. "Xu Ran said.

"The supernatural power you awakened is already a very powerful supernatural power, belonging to the same level of suppression! This supernatural power, even for the mysterious civet itself, is also a supernatural power at the hole card level!"

Gu Zheng smiled, and continued: "As far as taking you out to practice this time, you have already gained a lot. With such a supernatural power, I will be able to do better after you leave Jixiang Xiaozhu in the future. rest assured."

"Sir, after leaving the barrier this time, I want to leave Jixiang Xiaozhu." Xu Ran thought for a while.

"Okay! Do you have any plans?" Gu Zheng smiled.

It was Gu Zheng's plan to let Xu Ran and Huang Ying leave Jixiang Xiaozhu, but he never thought that Xu Ran would bring up this matter in the end.

"I'm going to venture into the world of cultivation. I feel that the current life is very addictive. After I have been around for a few years, I want to open a fairy kitchen shop." Xu Ran said.

"Yes, it's a very good plan, but the cultivation world is more dangerous, so be careful in everything." Gu Zheng said.

"Understood sir." Xu Ran nodded.

At first, when Gu Zheng said that Xu Ran and Huang Ying would be allowed to leave Jixiang Xiaozhu after this experience was over, Qiao Bai still felt that it was nothing, but when he heard about this again now, Qiao Bai also had more emotions in his heart. A little sad.

"Master, are we going to the top of the mountain next?"

Qiao Bai changed the topic of sadness.

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