As the fox said, Chief Crow came to the mine again within a few days.

Chief Crow came to the mine this time to collect all kinds of minerals produced in the mine recently, and it was time to pay tribute to the Jinshi tribe.

After handing over the recently produced minerals to Chief Crow, the eagle-beaked supervisor said, "Chief, do you have something on your mind?"

"This time the Jinshi Tribe asked for a lot of hidden jade, it seems that Gu Zheng has to increase the production."

Chief Crow paused, and said again: "Besides the need for more tributes, I've been feeling a little restless recently, as if something is about to happen."

"What could it be?" the eagle-beaked supervisor asked.

"I don't know, but it feels bad. Has anything special happened in the mine recently?" Chief Crow asked.

"Nothing special." Eagle-beaked supervisor said.

"How is Gu Zheng doing? Has anything suspicious happened to him?" Chief Crow asked again.

"The ancient battle is okay, and there is nothing special."

The eagle-beaked supervisor paused, and then told some recent things about the ancient dispute. Whether it is suspicious or not is left to the chief crow to judge.

After hearing what the Eagle-beaked supervisor said, Chief Crow went to find Gu Zheng.

"You've been doing pretty well recently!" Chief Crow argued to Gu.


Gu Zheng smirked, and then made a deep sniffing sound at Chief Crow.

"Chief, what's on you, it smells so good!"

Chief Crow felt a little relieved that Gu Zheng would do such a thing, which meant that Gu Zheng had been assimilated by this world, otherwise he wouldn't be able to smell the fragrance of Dark Feather.

"This is the fragrance of dark feathers. Besides being very delicious, it also has the effect of increasing longevity." Chief Crow said.

"Chief, can you give me some dark feather fragrance? I want to taste it."

Gu Zheng salivated, but felt disgusted in his heart.

"Yes! If you can complete the tasks continuously in the next month." Chief Crow said.

"As long as the chief can give me the fragrance of dark feathers, I promise to complete the task for one month in a row."

Gu Zheng didn't expect that Chief Crow would offer to take the fragrance of dark feathers as a reward, which made him overjoyed.

"If you want the fragrance of dark feathers as a reward, the task is not five catties a day under normal circumstances, but seven catties!" Chief Crow said.

"Seven catties!"

Gu Zheng looked surprised, then gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, then let's make a deal!"

For Gu Zheng, it is not impossible to complete the task of seven catties of hidden jade a day. Anyway, he spends very little time on cultivation now, and can complete the task every day, which ensures that there is sufficient food. The luck is not too bad, you can still dig up seven catties of hidden jade a day.

Seeing that Gu Zheng agreed, Chief Crow took out a bottle and said, "Drink the contents here!"

Gu Zheng's heart skipped a beat. Chief Crow didn't play cards according to the routine, which he didn't expect. However, he didn't dare to hesitate, and first received the bottle handed over by Chief Crow before speaking.

"Chief, what is this?"

Gu Zheng pulled out the cork, and a smell of wine overflowed from the bottle. He didn't think Chief Crow was so kind, and even gave him wine to drink.

"This is a rare fine wine. This chief rewards you because you have performed well." Chief Crow said.

"Thank you Chief."

Although Gu Zheng didn't want to drink, he had to show joy, and he quickly drank the small bottle of wine into his stomach.

Gu Zheng originally thought that this wine would have some weird effect, but after drinking the wine, his heart was relieved, because the effect of this wine was to speed up his integration with the world.

Indeed, the wine that Chief Crow gave Gu Zheng was to speed up his integration with this world. Only the people who make Gu Zheng truly become this world are the ones who can truly reassure Chief Crow.

In fact, Gu Zheng's previous performance has reassured Chief Crow, but Chief Crow has been restless recently, and he heard from the eagle-beaked supervisor that when Gu Zheng entered the wine pool meat forest, he did not touch any female spirits inside, so he also With this out now.

"Okay, work hard! I will give you the fragrance of dark feathers after you complete the task."

Chief Crow left behind a word, and Gu Zheng drank his wine, so he had nothing to worry about Gu Zheng.

After Chief Crow left, Gu Zheng immediately started working. Now he had a one-month agreement with Chief Crow, but in fact, more than a month had passed. At that time, if Chief Crow keeps his word and gives him the Fragrance of Dark Feather, then there will not be much time left before the opportunity that comes once every five years. In the following period of time, Gu Zheng must concentrate on mining, which is the key to his exchange of Dark Feather Fragrance from Chief Crow.

Not long after Chief Crow left, the fox got in touch with Gu.

Gu Zheng told the fox about his agreement with Chief Crow, and the fox was naturally very happy.

Time passed unconsciously, and more than a month passed like this.

During this period of more than a month, Gu Zheng was still able to complete the task every day. Although there were a few days of danger during the period, he was still lucky in the end.

Today is the last day of the agreement between Gu Zheng and Chief Crow. After Gu Zheng handed over Yinyu, Chief Crow came not long after.

Chief Crow came to the mine in a hurry this time, and he left in a hurry after giving Gu Zheng the Dark Feather Fragrance.

The last resource for refining the special potion has been obtained, and there have been no changes during the period, which makes Gu Zheng very happy.

On the same day, Gu Zheng met with the fox, and he gave the fox the fragrance of dark feathers and the water jade that had been with him before.

"How long does it take to refine a special potion?" Gu Zheng asked.

"It will take seven days," said the fox.

"It takes so long? Won't it be discovered by the supervisors?" Gu Zheng worried.


The fox patted his belly: "At that time, it will be refined in this space, and will not be discovered by the supervisors. I will give you the potion after it is refined. You can hide it on your body."

Gu Zheng nodded: "After you give me the potion, there are only eleven days left before the five-year opportunity!"

"Yes." The fox voice sighed.

"I haven't talked about the latter before, so you should tell me now, right?" Gu Zheng said.

"Now that all the items needed to refine the potion have been collected, it's time to tell you about the follow-up. After you give the potion to the God of Mines, the God of Mines will not only remove the brand for you, but also give you a physical body The chance of recasting, the recasting of the physical body is very important, if one is lucky enough to have a strong physical body, things will go smoothly afterwards, and the worst thing is the current treant body."

"Without the brand mark, you can leave the mining area, and then you have to go to a tribe called Green Sea. This tribe is relatively friendly, and the residents inside are more like humans. You have to try your best to get it in this tribe. The treasure of their tribe, 'the sand of the green sea'. After you get the sand of the green sea, you have to go to the Jinshi tribe. When you arrive at the Jinshi tribe, you have to exchange the green sea sand with the chief of the Jinshi tribe for a silver bell. Scepter."

"The silver bell scepter can be said to be the key to leave this world. When you return to the Maosen tribe with the silver bell scepter, after killing the crow chief, put the silver bell scepter into the hands of a statue in the tribe's stone house, and you can Out of this world."

After hearing what the fox said, Gu Zheng said, "This looks like a very long road!"

"Indeed, just to go to the two tribes, you need more than a month, not to mention that various things may happen during the period. All in all, this is not an easy road, but I want to leave this place The only way in the world." said the fox.

"What about you, how do you go?" Gu Zheng asked again.

"After you come back with the silver bell scepter, come to the mining area to find me. When you leave this world, I will leave with you," said the fox.

"Originally, I wanted to get this fairy-level space artifact, but I didn't expect that it would take such a long time if I didn't get it." Gu Zheng smiled wryly.

"Who isn't?"

The fox also gave a bitter smile, and then said: "However, if you can escape from this world, it means that you have temporarily obtained this fairy-level space fairy artifact. But I advise you, don't enter it easily, there is a lot of truth in it. It's too dangerous."

"Well, if I can get out of this world, I will prepare enough before considering entering next time." Gu Zheng said bitterly.

"Here's something for you."

The fox touched his belly and took out something like a maple leaf.

"What is this?" Gu Zheng asked.

"This thing can resist the pursuit from the brand, but it only works for a short period of time. You put it on your body in case there are any changes." The fox said.

"Good stuff!"

Gu Zheng put away the maple leaf-like thing close to his body.

After chatting with the fox for a while, Gu Zheng began to mine minerals again. Now everything is ready, but his daily life will continue. He doesn't want any more changes in the last period of time.

Time passed day by day, and after seven days, the fox gave Gu Zheng the special potion he had refined.

Another eleven days have passed, and that once-in-five-year opportunity is finally coming today.

The bell to notify the slaves and overseers to assemble was about to ring, and the fangs came to Gu Zheng's side at this time.

"Stop working, gather with me now." Fang Fang said.


Gu Zheng stopped mining and walked behind the fangs. He didn't expect the fangs to come at this time. This is a variable! But he won't really go to the rendezvous with the fangs.

When he followed Fang Fang to a side road, Gu Zheng's eyes turned cold, and at the same time he lowered his head towards Fang Fang, the flower on top of his head also bloomed instantly, and a glaring white light shot out from the stamen. The fangs were rushed out directly.

The fangs screamed, white flames had already ignited on his back, and when he stood up from the ground, his whole body was completely surrounded by white flames.

Gu Zheng really wanted to kill the fangs directly, but it was a waste of time. He couldn't waste any time now, so he fled to the depths of the mine as soon as possible.

Fang Fang's screams alarmed the rest of the overseers who were already at the meeting place, and they all ran towards the place where they were screaming. There may be only one that could make one overseer scream, and that was the slave attacking the overseer.

"what happened?"

The Overseer was huge, but he was the first to run to Fang.

The fangs were not killed by Gu Zheng with a single blow. He, who was about the same strength as Gu Zheng, was only seriously injured at this time. The white flames on his body had been extinguished, but he was lying on the ground and couldn't get up for a while.

"Ancient struggle..."

Fang Fang weakly pointed to the overseer in the direction of Gu Zheng's escape.

"I want you to die!"

The chief supervisor roared, and there was an extra bottle in his hand, which was the crow shadow bottle that could kill Gu Zheng.

The overseer flicked his finger on the crow shadow bottle, and Gu Zheng deep in the mine immediately felt a tingle in his head, and cracks appeared on the maple leaf that was close to his body.

The overseer flicked his finger on the crow shadow bottle three times in a row, and under normal circumstances, Gu Zheng would be wiped out. However, with the maple leaf given by the fox, the overseer flicked the crow shadow bottle three times, which only made Gu Zheng's first pain worse than the first time, and did not achieve a fatal effect.

"Fortunately, if it weren't for the maple leaf given by the fox, the variables this time would be terrible!"

Gu Zheng looked at the maple leaf in his hand, it was already dilapidated.


The bell had already sounded, and the overseers took the slaves to hurry up and evacuate. Gu Zheng, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, cheered up again.

Seeing the mine god, this is an extremely important step to get out of this world. Gu Zheng doesn't want any variables to appear, but no one knows what the result will be when the time comes.


Not long after, a loud noise came from another mine tunnel, and Gu Zheng understood that it was the voice of the mine god appearing.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Zheng walked towards the place where the sound came from.

The God of Mines is very cruel, it can be said that he will kill everyone, but every five years, it will have a relatively peaceful day, and only during this day, people who want to leave this world can complete the so-called agreement.

Before Gu Zheng got to the mine where the mine god appeared, a feeling of extreme danger had already appeared in his heart.

Turning around suddenly, Gu Zheng saw a huge monster behind him.

The colossus was golden in color, and it stood there almost blocking the entire mine tunnel. It looked like some kind of insect, with a pair of very scary pincers.

"Why don't you go?"

An old and cold voice sounded in Gu Zheng's mind.

"Mine God, I need you to help me remove the brand."

Knowing that this behemoth was the God of Mining, Gu Zheng took out the bottle containing the potion.

"Someone actually asked me to lift the brand!"

The voice of the mine god was a little surprised: "I don't know how many years I have been in this world. You are the first person who wants me to help remove the brand! Is the bottle in your hand 'Wangyou Water'?"


Wangyoushui is the name of the special potion. When Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, the bottle that he was holding tightly in his hand suddenly flew in front of the mine god.

"Forget worry, forget worry."

The mine god murmured, the cork of Wangyoushui flew up, and the glistening liquid flew into the mouth of the mine god.

The mine god who drank the Wangyou water swayed, as if he was drunk.

"Forget worry, forget worry."

The mine god kept repeating the same words.

Gu Zheng waited quietly at the side, and after about a meal, a sigh sounded in Gu Zheng's mind.

"You gave me Wangyou, according to the contract, I will help you remove the brand."

When the mine god's voice fell to the ground, a ray of light shot out from its left eye. When the ray swept across Gu Zheng's face, the phantoms of the six crows that were originally hidden on it flew up and disappeared in the air.

"You gave me Wangyou, you let me have a sweet dream, and I will give you a sweet dream too. What you can gain from the dream depends on your luck."

A ray of light shot out from the right eye of the mine god, and after the light fell on Gu Zheng's body, Gu Zheng fell asleep immediately.


"Meow meow!"

"Butterfly spirit!"

Gu Zheng exclaimed, all the people he missed were in front of his eyes.

Cheers, hugs, endless longing, endless concern, Gu Zheng already understood that this was a dream given to him by the mine god, but he really didn't want to wake up from the dream.

However, when the dream is about to wake up, Gu Zheng knows that he is about to leave this dream.

"When will you come back!"

Qi Ling cried to Gu Zheng, but Gu Zheng didn't dare to look at Qi Ling's face.

"As soon as possible." Gu Zheng said it very hard.

"Look at me! Why don't you look at me?" Qi Ling cried even harder.

Gu Zheng still didn't dare to look at it, he knew that Qi Ling was already crying.

Suddenly, Gu Zheng's eyes began to ache at this moment, and there was a bang in his mind, and a strange yet familiar feeling made Gu Zheng feel it again.

"The Eye of the Tao!"

Gu Zheng exclaimed in his heart, he didn't expect that the dream given to him by the God of Mines would allow him to open the eye of Tao that he had always dreamed of.

Surprises are surprises, but Gu Zheng is still afraid that he hasn't woken up from his dream.

However, the scene in the dream has disappeared, and there is no one he misses in front of Gu Zheng, and there is only a huge mine god, but the Dao Eye he awakened in the dream is a real existence.

"At the end of the contract, you have a chance to choose a physical body. What physical body do you want to choose?"

The voice of the mine god sounded again, and many ghostly shadows appeared in Gu Zheng's mind.

"Can I only choose from these shadows?"

Gu Zheng wanted to become himself even more, and he really didn't know whether it was good or not for those shadows that appeared in his mind.

"Yes, you can only choose from those shadows."

The mine god paused, and then said: "However, since you can gain something from the dream I gave you, I can show you a way. If you really don't know what to choose, then you still want your The treant is in good health, and I will make your body stronger."

"Okay, then I want this body!"

Gu Zheng didn't take any risks. He was afraid that if he was unlucky and chose a weaker body, he would really want to cry without tears.

The mine god's eyes shone at the same time, and after the light swept across Gu Zheng's body, Gu Zheng instantly felt full of power.

It's a pity that Gu Zheng's body has not become particularly strong. He was originally equivalent to the early stage of transforming gods, but now he is equivalent to the early stage of returning to the void.

Gu Zheng originally planned that if the God of Mines could raise his strength to the late stage of Void Return, then he would kill the supervisors outside the mine first, but if his strength is only in the early stage of Void Return, then he would release those supervisors first. Horse, wait until you get the silver bell scepter.

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