I felt that the current state of the heterogeneous unicorn had been seen once before. In order to confirm, Master Hangu inspected the body of the heterogeneous unicorn again, but this time he did not use immortal power to investigate, but changed to spiritual exploration.

A moment later, Master Hangu's second investigation of the heterogeneous unicorn was over, and his brows became even tighter because of this.

"Fellow Daoist, what's up?"

When Master Hangu conducted a second investigation on the heterogeneous unicorn, Gu Zheng also conducted a second investigation on it, using the same method of divine sense.

"How about you, fellow Daoist?"

Master Han Gu didn't answer Gu Zheng's question, but asked it back.

"I didn't find anything, at least for the time being." Gu Zheng said honestly.

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Master Han Gu, who was still a little hesitant, made up his mind.

"Pindao feels that what this heterogeneous unicorn suffers from is a 'disease of transformation'."

As far as Master Hangu is concerned, whether the heterogeneous unicorn suffers from the "disease of transformation" is actually not sure in his heart. However, Gu Zheng didn't find anything that he wasn't sure about, so this must be a tricky thing, and it should be very time-consuming if he really wants to figure it out!

Master Hangu didn't want to do time-consuming things, he just wanted to finish this time with Gu Zheng as soon as possible, and return to Danzong as soon as possible to continue retreating. Moreover, since winning or losing is not too important, let's just assume that the disease that the heterogeneous unicorn suffers from is the 'disease of transformation'! At least under the investigation of divine sense, some of the symptoms of the heterogeneous unicorn are indeed similar to the 'disease of transformation'.

"Senior, what is the 'disease of transformation'?"

Cangsong's inquiry can be regarded as asking everyone's curiosity, not to mention the elders of the other two sects, even Gu Zheng doesn't know what the disease of "transformation" is.

"Some alien spirit beasts have the possibility of transformation. The so-called 'transformation disease' is a disease they get when they are about to transform."

The reason why Master Hangu knew about the strange disease of 'transmutation disease' was that it happened when Lao Tzu just accepted him as a registered disciple. At that time, Lao Tzu's Qingniu was also like this strange unicorn for a while, drowsy all day long, and when he woke up, he was very stupid. After the "disease of transformation" was cured, the cattle really underwent a transformation.

"Senior, since you know that the heterogeneous unicorn is suffering from the 'disease of transformation', is there a way to cure it?" Cang Song asked again.

"Of course there is a way."

Having said that, Master Han Gu's heart is not particularly deep.

First of all, master Han Gu did not dare to be 100% sure whether the heterogeneous unicorn was suffering from a "disease of transformation".

Secondly, even though he knew how to make the elixir that Lao Tzu used to treat the ‘disease of transformation’ for Qingniu, Qingniu is Qingniu after all, and it is two completely different spirit beasts from the heterogeneous Qilin! He also needs to carefully consider the selection of medicinal materials at that time.

Hearing Master Hangu said that he has a solution, Cang Song couldn't help feeling a little worried. It wasn't because he was worried about whether the heterogeneous unicorn could be cured, but because he was worried that Gu Zheng would lose this sparring! Therefore, Cangsong's slightly worried eyes also cast on Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng smiled slightly and said, "Since fellow daoist knows what the disease is and has a cure for it, then fellow daoist can start to heal it! If fellow daoist can heal it, then this discussion will be a fellow daoist. you win."

Gu Zheng doesn't care much about winning or losing now, because the premonition has become stronger and stronger! Regardless of whether Master Hangu can cure the heterogeneous unicorn, he feels that this is an opportunity to trigger his chance.

"Okay, then the poor Taoist will find a place to make alchemy."

Master Han Gu paused, and then continued: "However, this 'disease of metamorphosis' is not a minor illness, so the refining of the elixir also takes two days!"

"It's no problem, it's only two days. Senior goes to the junior sect, and the junior arranges a cave for the senior." Cang Song said.

Without saying anything outside the mountain gate, everyone followed Cangsong into the Canglan Sect.

After arranging master Hangu to enter the cave, Cangsong returned to the main hall of the Canglan Sect to meet Gu Zheng and others.

After chatting for a few words, Cang Song couldn't help being curious, and he looked at Gu Zheng with some hesitation.

"Ask whatever you want!" Gu Zheng said to Cangsong.

"Senior, don't you really see what kind of disease the heterogeneous unicorn is suffering from?"

There were no outsiders in the hall, so Cang Song spoke directly.

In Cangsong's heart, Gu Zheng is an almost omnipotent existence. He thought that Gu Zheng would treat the heterogeneous unicorn as a disease, and that would be something that could be easily captured, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

"It's true that I didn't see it, but I know that this time it's not that simple!" Gu Zheng said.

"Senior, do you mean that the disease that the heterogeneous unicorn suffers from is not the 'disease of transformation' that Master Han Gu said?"

Cang Song was a little surprised. When he heard Gu Zheng say that he didn't see it, he thought that Gu Zheng had really surrendered.

"Yes." Gu Zheng said.

"Senior is tall!" Wu Weizi said.

"Indeed, if the disease of the heterogeneous unicorn is not a 'disease of transformation', then Master Hangu will definitely not be able to cure it according to the 'disease of transformation'. The rules have been laid out there in advance. If it is cured, then the person who wins this time will be the senior." Han Fengzi said.

"Winning or losing is actually not important anymore. What I'm more curious about now is what kind of disease the heterogeneous unicorn is suffering from, and how to cure it." Gu Zheng frowned.

"Seniors don't need to take this matter to heart. For juniors, the heterogeneous unicorn is actually incurable."

Cangsong is very sensible, he already knows the disease of the heterogeneous unicorn, it is not as simple as he imagined before! Therefore, he didn't want Gu Zheng to spend more time on this matter. If Gu Zheng put in more effort but got no results, then Gu Zheng's face would be bad, and he would definitely be terrified of it.

"Don't worry!"

Gu Zheng smiled at Cangsong, and then said: "It's boring to wait, since you have come to your Canglan Sect, if you have anything to entertain, come up!"

"In the Canglan Sect, there are indeed banquets and rituals and music for honored guests, but I'm afraid that these things won't catch the eyes of the seniors!" Cang Song smiled wryly.

"Don't talk nonsense, come up if you have something, how can there be so many things!" Gu Zheng said.


Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Cang Song no longer struggled, and immediately made arrangements for this matter.

While Gu Zheng and others were listening to music, dancing, drinking and having fun in the main hall of the Canglan Sect, Master Hangu was still in the cave with his eyes closed.

Venerable Hangu closed his eyes, naturally he was not thinking about the elixir, he was thinking about the elixir formula.

Numerous kinds of herbs flashed through Master Hangu's mind. Master Hangu synthesized the prescriptions that Lao Tzu used to treat Qingniu, and deduced the medicinal properties and selected the herbs that passed through his mind.

After a whole half a day, Master Hangu, who had his eyes closed, finally opened his eyes. The elixir formula already exists, and the properties of the medicine have been deduced countless times. Master Hangu, who is sure that there will be no problem, is ready to Alchemy started.

The elixir for the heterogeneous unicorn was refined this time, so it would take a little longer. Master Hangu estimated that it would take a day and a half.

"How sure is the ancestor that he will treat the heterogeneous unicorn?"

Seeing that Master Hangu was about to start alchemy, the boy who had never had a chance to talk to Master Hangu could not help asking out of curiosity at this moment.

"Tong Er, what do you think?" Master Han Gu asked back.

"Tong'er thinks that the ancestor doesn't seem to have much confidence." Tong'er said.

"Why do you say that?" Master Han Gu asked again.

"If the ancestor is really sure, he would never have thought about it for so long. Besides, Tong'er has already felt the heart of the ancestor. If the ancestor didn't want to return to the Danzong, he probably wouldn't have concluded that the disease of the heterogeneous unicorn It's the 'disease of transformation'."

Hearing what the boy said, Master Hangu smiled and said nothing, the boy looked young, but in fact he had been with him for many years, and the boy could guess some of his thoughts.

Seeing Master Hangu smiling without saying a word, the boy didn't ask the previous question again, because he already had the answer in his heart.

When Master Hangu was concocting alchemy, the banquet in the Canglan Sect's main hall had already ended, and Gu Zheng also refined an inner alchemy of earth attribute in a cave.

A day and a half passed quickly, Master Hangu took the elixir he made for the heterogeneous unicorn out of the customs, and Gu Zheng, who had a feeling in his heart, also walked out of the cave at this time.

Everyone came to the gate of the Canglan Sect again, and there was nothing extra to say. After Cangsong awakened the heterogeneous unicorn, Master Hangu directly sent the elixir into the throat of the heterogeneous qilin.

The elixir melts in the mouth, and it was like a fool. The alive and kicking alien unicorn, its eyes widened in an instant, its limbs stretched, and it fell to the ground. If it weren't for the fact that it was still breathing, it would really look like dead Same.

"Senior, this"

Looking at the heterogeneous unicorn lying on the ground without moving for a long time, Cang Song hesitated to speak.

Master Hangu's complexion was not good, according to his understanding of the efficacy of the medicine, and according to his previous investigation of the body of the heterogeneous unicorn, this kind of situation should never have happened to the heterogeneous unicorn. Now that this has happened, the biggest possibility is that the medicine is not right!

"Wait and see!"

Apart from what Master Hangu said, he really didn't have anything else to say.

Fortunately, Master Hangu knew that even if the medicine was wrong, he would not kill the heterogeneous unicorn, otherwise he should think of remedial measures now. After all, instead of curing the mountain guard beast, they put it to death. If it spreads, it would be a very shameful thing.

Everyone waited for a while, and the strange unicorn that was about to die suddenly jumped up. It first sprayed a ball of unicorn flames at everyone, and then flew into the air, as if it was in a hurry to escape from Dongxu Mountain.


The heterogeneous unicorn even attacked him, which made Cangsong grit his teeth.


Master Hangu sighed in his heart, the strange Qilin appeared crazy and abnormal, which completely shattered the only illusion left in his heart, and now he will die if he does not rush to remedy it.

"Naughty animal!"

Master Hangu's stern shout was not loud in everyone's ears, but in the ears of the escaping alien unicorn, it sounded like a thunderclap, which directly stunned him.

The stunned heterogeneous unicorn fell from the sky, Master Hangu waved his hand at it, and the sudden gust of wind swept it back.

Before the heterogeneous kylin woke up, Master Hangu applied a few spells on it, then took out a jade bottle, poured some liquid into its mouth, and the sober heterogeneous unicorn was at the gate of the Canglan Sect. The former vomited madly.

"Naughty animal!"

After cleaning up the filth produced by the heterogeneous unicorn, Cangsong couldn't help but cursed as he watched it rejoicing like two idiots.

"Chi Chi!"

Responding to Cangsong was the alien Qilin snorting like mocking.

"Pindao has lost."

Master Han Gu was also generous, he didn't care about the eyes of his surroundings, and he directly surrendered to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng didn't say anything, just nodded.

"Fellow Daoist, don't you stop looking at the situation of this heterogeneous unicorn?" Venerable Han Gu said again.

"Fellow daoist, watch it first, I'll watch it after fellow daoist has seen it!" Gu Zheng said.

Master Hangu didn't say anything else, and started to inspect the body of the heterogeneous unicorn. He was also unwilling to do so, and wanted to see if there was any change in the body of the heterogeneous unicorn after taking the wrong medicine.

Just like before, Master Hangu first used his celestial power and then his divine sense to investigate the body of the heterogeneous unicorn twice. However, the results of the two investigations were still the same as before, and there were no new discoveries.

For a moment, Master Hangu was a little disheartened, and he sent a message to Gu Zheng: "The enmity between Dao of Alchemy and Dao of Diet is over, what do you think, Fellow Daoist?"

"Yes!" Gu Zheng replied via sound transmission.

"Fellow Daoist, Pindao won't wait to see the results of your investigation, let's just leave it alone! In the future, if there is a chance, Pindao will patronize Fellow Daoist's Jixiang Xiaozhu. If Fellow Daoist has time to pass by Danzong, Pindao also welcomes you." Fellow Daoist, go to Danzong to be a guest!" Master Hangu sent another voice transmission.

"Okay, friends, let's go, let's leave here!" Gu Zheng said via voice transmission.

He didn't say anything to Gu Zheng, nor did he say anything to the elders of the three sects, Master Hangu took his boy and left directly.

After Master Hangu left, the elders of the three sects didn't say anything.

Gu Zheng understood that even though the elders of the three sects didn't say anything, they were actually curious to death about Master Hangu's voice transmission before he left. However, since Master Hangu used sound transmission, he naturally didn't want them to know some things, so no matter how curious they were, they didn't dare to ask about it.

Gu Zheng understood the curiosity in the hearts of the elders of the three sects, and also understood what they were most concerned about, so he said: "The festival between Danzong and Jixiang Xiaozhu is over, and you don't have to worry about this matter anymore .”


Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the elders of the three sects couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The end of the festival between Danzong and Jixiang Xiaozhu also means that their sect's offense against Danzong has been written off! This made the big rock in their hearts that had been suspended for many years finally let go.

"Senior, let's go back to the sect! The feud between Danzong and Jixiang Xiaozhu has been resolved, and this is something worth celebrating!" Cangsong said.

"Don't be busy, let me see what's going on with this heterogeneous unicorn!"

Cang Song was actually afraid of hearing what Gu Zheng said, but since Gu Zheng said so, he had no choice but to pray that the heterogeneous unicorn would let Gu Zheng see the cause of the disease, and he must not break Gu Zheng's words. face.

Gu Zheng began to probe the body of the heterogeneous unicorn with celestial power, but after some exploration, he found nothing.

Instead of using divine sense, Gu Zheng continued to probe the body of the heterogeneous unicorn. When his divine sense probed into the mind of the heterogeneous unicorn, he caught a familiar fluctuation.

The familiar fluctuations were fleeting, but it still shocked Gu Zheng. Things were really as he had guessed. After being stimulated by Master Hangu's elixir, something unusual finally appeared on the alien unicorn.

Regarding the fleeting familiar fluctuation, Gu Zheng already had a guess in his heart, that is, there may be a fairy-level space fairy in the body of this heterogeneous unicorn!

The guesswork results are astounding! After all, the Immortal-level Space Immortal Artifact is the first-level item of the Tiexian Ling. Items of this level are really too rare, and there are only a handful of them in future generations, let alone today.

From Gu Zheng's point of view, in fact, that strange fluctuation may have been encountered by Master Hangu when he used his divine sense to investigate before! However, because Master Hangu has no experience, he should have regarded this strange feeling as the brain fluctuation of a different kind of unicorn! After all, not everyone has a fairy-level space artifact in their bodies. If Gu Zheng didn't have the Tiexian Token, he would also regard that kind of fluctuation as the brain fluctuation of a heterogeneous unicorn.

Immortal-level space artifacts have the ability to prevent detection, and their state of existence in the owner's body is not solid! Moreover, it can also teleport within the owner's body, so it is not an easy task to find a fairy-level space artifact that has been refined into the body without special means.

Things that are not easy for others are not so difficult for Gu Zheng, because he knows what the fluctuations emitted by the fairy-level space fairy are, so there is no possibility of missing them, and the fairy-level space fairy Every time the device is shifted, there must be such a kind of fluctuation! Moreover, due to the efficacy of Immortal Hangu's elixir, the fairy-level space fairy weapon can no longer be as invisible as before, otherwise Gu Zheng would still not be able to detect it this time! Therefore, the difficulty for Gu Zheng to find it has been reduced again.

Point your finger at the head of the alien unicorn, and there was a sound of hitting metal, and the alien unicorn fell to the ground.

Seeing that Gu Zheng behaved abnormally, Cang Song hurriedly asked: "Senior, have you discovered anything?"

"There are indeed some discoveries."

Gu Zheng paused, and then said: "Lend me a cave, I may have to stay in your Canglan Sect for a while."

Cangsong was a little surprised by Gu Zheng's words, because what Gu Zheng said was not a few days, but a period of time! From this point, Cangsong could tell that this time things were extraordinary.

However, Cangsong would not refuse Gu Zheng's request, so Gu Zheng quickly appeared in the cave where he stayed before with the fainted Qilin.

"Originally, I wanted to have another banquet with you, Canglan Sect, but now it seems that I can't."

"Since senior will stay in Canglan Sect for a period of time, I will stop bothering you and go back to the sect first. If there is anything going on here, fellow daoist, please let me know!"

After Gu Zheng entered the cave, the elders of Yufengzong and Yinleizong bid farewell to Cangsong. Although they were also curious about what Gu Zheng found on the alien unicorn, they didn't know anything about Gu Zheng. Don't dare to discuss too much.

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