"Are you envious of others opening the sixth sense?"

Gu Zheng looked at Xiong San with a half-smile.

"Of course I'm envious, after all, there are so many benefits of opening the sixth sense."

Xiong San was a little uncomfortable being laughed at by Gu Zheng, so he said again: "Master, what are you laughing at?"

"Since I envy you, I will find a way to help you open the sixth sense!"

"Master, how can you help us?"

Seeing the seriousness of Gu Zheng's words, Xiong San immediately regained his spirits, and the others also responded in the same way.

"Although I can help you open the sixth sense, the key reason is still in you."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "The method used for the teacher to open the sixth consciousness is through the power of vows, and the accumulation of the power of vows depends on your own ability."

"Master, what is wish power?"

Xiong San was a little confused, Gu Zheng hadn't told them about the wish power yet.

The so-called power of will and the power of pure faith are things that are only known to some cultivators in later generations. Like in today's wilderness, there are very few people who know the power of will and the power of pure faith Existence, rumors are even less likely.

"The power of will can also be said to be the power of expectation. It is produced through sincere expectations. Just like you in Jixiang Xiaozhu, if someone expects to eat the delicious food you cook, then there will be a will to produce." Gu Zheng road.

"Master, we can't feel the power of this vow, right?" Qiao Bai asked.

"That's right, you can't feel it with your current cultivation, but it really exists."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "You can't feel the existence of wish power, so naturally you don't know how to collect and use it, but this matter has been prepared for you by the teacher."

"When Jin Yan and Qiao Bai hadn't entered Jixiang Xiaozhu, my teacher had already arranged a fairy formation for you two that can absorb the power of wishes."

Gu Zheng glanced at Xiong San and Lingzhu, and flicked his fingers into the air amidst their gratitude.

A bit of immortal power ejected by Gu Zheng caused ripples in the air like a stone falling into the water, and at the center of the ripples, the void began to emit light, and the two originally hidden light balls were quickly captured by everyone seen.

"Whoever wishes, can only be used by whoever. These two source power light spheres, the larger one belongs to Xiong San, and the smaller one belongs to the Lingzhu. The accumulated will power." Gu Zheng said.

Xiong San's sphere of wish power looked like an apple, and Lingzhu's sphere of wish power looked like an orange.

"You two have too little wish power, and you can't use them to open the sixth sense, but you can use them to strengthen the basic five senses of the two of you, which will make you more discerning! So, the two of you choose to wait. After they get bigger, they will activate the sixth sense, or should they be used to strengthen the basic five senses now?" Gu Zheng said.

Facing Gu Zheng's inquiry, Lingzhu looked at Xiong San, as if he was taking his opinion as the standard.

Xiong San thought for a while, and then asked: "Master, according to your estimation, how long will it take for us to accumulate our vows before we can activate the sixth consciousness?"

"If it's according to my estimate, it will take five years for yours, and seven years for the Lingzhu." Gu Zheng said.

"Up to seven years, which is not a lot."

Xiong San thought for a while, looked at Lingzhu and said, "Although strengthening the basic five senses can help us see and hear, it is more useful to activate the sixth sense. I think we should wait to unlock the seventh sense."

"Yeah." Lingzhu nodded.

"Don't think that you can accumulate enough will power for up to seven years. This is linked to your expectations. If your expectations are high in the next time, then the speed of your wish power accumulation will also increase. Just fast, if your expectations are low, then the speed of accumulation of will will naturally be slower."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "If it was when I was in Jixiang Xiaozhu, then your expectations would naturally be low, even if I was not in Jixiang Xiaozhu, your expectations would still be low High, because there is still Qiao Bai! So, if you want to quickly accumulate will power, you need to have better cooking skills."

Xiong San and the others naturally understand what Gu Zheng said, and they also understand that Gu Zheng wants them to improve their diet.

"Master, how big is my wish power light sphere?" Qiao Bai asked.

Gu Zheng bent his finger again and pointed a bullet in the air, and a wishing light ball larger than Xiong San's wishing light ball appeared.

"If you want to use your willpower to open the sixth consciousness, according to my estimation, you will need three years at most."

Gu Zheng looked at Qiao Bai with affirmation in his eyes. When he was not in Jixiang Xiaozhu these few years, Qiao Bai's contribution was the greatest.

"What about you? Do you want to wait to use your wish to activate the sixth sense, or strengthen the basic five senses now?" Gu Zheng asked Qiao Bai.

"Master, I want to strengthen the basic five senses now. After the basic five senses are strengthened, the senses and the like will become more acute, and it will definitely help the way of eating." Qiao Bai said.


Gu Zheng nodded and smiled. From the different choices of Qiao Bai and Xiong San, it can be seen that Qiao Bai is more suitable for diet. After all, in the current state, Qiao Bai doesn't need to worry about accumulating wish power, it's really just a matter of time, and the time won't be too long! Then it is indeed a wise choice to strengthen the basic five senses with the existing willingness.

"Would you like to see how big your respective wish power light spheres are?"

Gu Zheng looked at Jin Yan, Huang Ying and Xu Ran again.

"Sir, no need. After seeing them, I have already guessed the approximate size of my wish power light ball."

Jin Yan smiled helplessly, and she also had a plan in her heart to work harder in the future.

Jinyan didn't look at the size of her wishing light ball, Huang Ying and Xu Ran also didn't choose to look at it, they also knew themselves, knowing that compared with Jin Yan's wishing light ball, theirs must be smaller.

"Okay, what should I be busy with, Qiao Bai, you come upstairs with me."

Holding Qiao Bai's Yuanli light ball, Gu Zheng led him to the upstairs room, and then arranged a fairy array to help Qiao Bai strengthen his basic five senses.

The basic five senses have been strengthened, and Qiao Bai's appearance has not changed much, except that his eyes look brighter. However, in fact, in the way of diet, the strengthening of the basic five senses is still very beneficial.

In the following time, Gu Zheng went to the clinic again as scheduled, and before he knew it, on the twelfth day, Huang Ying also cooked a medium-grade Zengyuan Food Repair.

Huang Ying was able to cook the medium-grade Zengyuan food repair five days in advance, which was beyond Gu Zheng's expectations! Such a good result was not only due to Huang Ying's hard work, but also a certain amount of luck. However, luck is such a thing, Gu Zheng has always felt that it is very important, if not for good luck, Gu Zheng himself would not be able to reach that state in such a short period of time.

According to the prior agreement, Gu Zheng gave Huang Ying a very generous reward, after all, she arrived five days earlier than expected.

Now, among the members of Jixiang Xiaozhu, there is only Xu Ran who has not yet cooked the middle-grade Zengyuan Shixiu, and the time left for him is only five days.

There is not much time left for Xu Ran, and in the next time, everyone thought that Xu Ran would work harder! But no one expected that after Xu Ran went home, he didn't come to Jixiang Xiaozhu for four days.

Huang Ying and Xu Ran are different from Lingzhu and them, so Gu Zheng has very low requirements for them. Usually, if there is something wrong at home, Gu Zheng will naturally let them go home to deal with it, but like the current situation of not coming to Jixiang Xiaozhu for four days , this is the first time that Xu Ran has been in Jixiang Xiaozhu for six years.

Although Gu Zheng didn't say anything about it, Huang Ying, who has the best relationship with Xu Ran, was still very worried. She worried that Gu Zheng would get angry because of this, and even remove Xu Ran from Jixiang Xiaozhu.

Today is the last day of the time given by Gu Zheng, and Xu Ran still hasn't appeared in Jixiang Xiaozhu, which makes Huang Ying feel that she must go to Xu Ran to find out what happened in his family.

Just when Huang Ying was going to ask Xu Ran for clarification, Xu Ran unexpectedly returned to Jixiang Xiaozhu.

Since it was very early at this time, the rest of the people in Jixiang Xiaozhu had not entered the kitchen, so there were only Huang Ying and Xu Ran in the kitchen.

"Sure, what's going on with you these days? What happened at home?" Huang Ying asked.

"sister in law."

Xu Ran looked at Huang Ying, hesitant to speak.

Xu Ran is a young man, only in his thirties, so it is not too much for him to call Huang Ying his sister-in-law.

"What the hell happened, tell me? I'm so anxious!"

Huang Ying is impatient, seeing Xu Ran's current appearance, she is even more impatient.

"It's fine, it's just that my child has some problems in cultivation, and I've been taking care of it at home these days."

Because Xu Ran is already an immortal cultivator, he also taught his relatives to cultivate immortals. In fact, not only Xu Ran did this, Huang Ying did the same.

"What's the matter now?" Huang Ying asked again.

"It's all right now." Xu Ran said.

"Although I know that you don't want to trouble others, but now is a critical period. How can you delay such a few days for your child's cultivation problems? You directly take the child to Jixiang Xiaozhu, and ask Mr. or Fellow Daoist Yunqing Wouldn't it be good to have a look?"

Huang Ying looked at Xu Ran complaining, and couldn't understand why he was so out of touch in such a matter.

Seeing that Xu Ran didn't make a sound, Huang Ying also hated iron and steel, and said with air in her heart: "There is only one day left now, let me see how you complete the task! Once you fail to complete the task, accepting punishment is a trivial matter, the key is you let What do you think sir?"

"Accepting punishment is not a trivial matter. Only the elites are reserved in Jixiang Xiaozhong, and when the elites face some problems, they must have a reasonable way to deal with them!"

That is, when Huang Ying's voice fell to the ground, Gu Zheng's voice also sounded outside the kitchen.

When Xu Ran returned to Jixiang Xiaozhu, Gu Zheng had already refined an inner alchemy, and he was about to go downstairs to the kitchen, so he naturally heard the conversation between Huang Ying and Xu Ran.

Although Gu Zheng didn't want to take care of Xu Ran's mundane affairs, but Xu Ran didn't come to Jixiang Xiaozhu for several days in a row, which also made him very unhappy. Anyway, when he and Huang Ying became members of Jixiang Xiaozhu, Gu Zheng once said that this place will be their home from now on, and if there is anything, just tell the family. It's okay to be a little cautious at ordinary times, but when something like this happened, it was still during a period similar to the assessment, and his actions really made Gu Zheng angry.

"Sir, I'm sorry!"

Seeing Gu Zheng enter the kitchen, Xu Ran lowered his head even lower.

Originally, Gu Zheng was angry with Xu Ran, but when he saw Xu Ran, his brows furrowed, because Xu Ran had a demonic aura on him.

"What happened at home these two days?"

Gu Zheng looked directly at Xu Ran, as if he wanted to see Xu Ran's heart.

Xu Ran avoided Gu Zheng's gaze, and lowered his head that had just been raised: "Sir, it's okay."

"It's all right? It's all right, why do you have a demonic aura on your body?"

Gu Zheng's voice was like thunder, but suddenly his body trembled, and he seemed a little panicked: "Monster, demon aura?"

"That's right, tell me what happened in the past two days." Gu Zheng said patiently.

Although Xu Ran has a demonic aura in his body, his abnormalities these days must be related to bumping into a demon, but Gu Zheng understands that the demonic aura has not confused Xu Ran's mind. If Xu Ran tells the truth, then Gu Zheng will not be special Angry, but if he still doesn't say anything, Gu Zheng will find out the truth through soul searching! Although there is no harm in searching the soul, but after all, he is one of his own people, Gu Zheng easily does not want to use the soul searching technique on his own people, and once he really uses the soul searching technique on his own people, then This person is no longer his own.


Xu Ran knelt down towards Gu Zheng: "Sir, I was wrong, the thing is like this..."

Seeing that Gu Zheng was really angry, Xu Ran didn't dare to hide it anymore, he told Gu Zheng what happened in the past two days.

Of course it wasn't that there was something wrong at home, that day when he was returning home from Jixiang Xiaozhu, he met a woman on the way.

The woman I met by chance was as beautiful as a flower, she fascinated Xu Ran, and Xu Ran spent a few days with that woman at home.

During the few days he spent with that woman, Xu Ran also suspected that she was not a human being, but with his cultivation base, he still couldn't see any clues.

During the few days with that woman, Xu Ran felt that he was really seduced, how many times he wanted to go back to Jixiang Xiaozhu, but as soon as this thought came up, it would naturally dissipate. The reason why Xu Ran was able to return to Jixiang Xiaozhu today was because when he was not with the woman, he had the idea of ​​returning to Jixiang Xiaozhu, and then he didn't dare to say goodbye to the woman, so he quietly He left without a sound.

On the way back to Jixiang Xiaozhu, Xu Ran became more and more frightened as he thought about it.

After returning to Jixiang Xiaozhu, facing Huang Ying and Gu Zheng's inquiries, Xu Ran really didn't know what to say.

"Get up!"

After hearing what Xu Ran said, Gu Zheng wasn't so angry anymore, and he already understood that the fundamental reason why Xu Ran didn't come to Jixiang Xiaozhu these days was because he was confused by that woman. If that woman is together, then he still can't come to Jixiang Xiaozhu.

"Thank you, sir!"

Xu Ran got up with a guilty face.

"What do you want to do with this matter?" Gu Zheng asked Xu Ran.

"Sir, I don't know."

Xu Ran shook his head in distress, and then said: "I'm not with her now, and I don't feel so attracted to her. Although she has delayed my time for a few days, it doesn't hurt me. If she doesn't If you pester me, I think this matter will be left alone!"

Hearing what Xu Ran said, Gu Zheng nodded: "Then I'll go home with you and see what she wants to do!"

Whether there is such a fate between that woman and Xu Ran, or if the motive is not pure, Gu Zheng is not clear now, but Xu Ran, as a member of Jixiang Xiaozhu, had such a thing happen to him, Naturally, Gu Zheng couldn't sit idly by.

"Thank you, sir!"

Gu Zheng was not angry, and he had to go home with him to deal with this matter, which made Xu Ran very grateful and ashamed at the same time.

Seeing Xu Ran's ashamed expression, Gu Zheng didn't intend to say some things at first, but he still said them: "Since you are members of Jixiang Xiaozhu, this is your home. If you don't treat yourself as outsiders, you don't have to People will treat you as outsiders, but if you treat yourself as outsiders, how can others treat you as family?"

Gu Zheng's words were not only spoken to Xu Ran, but also to Huang Ying, which made both of them a little ashamed.

Without saying anything more, Gu Zheng followed Xu Ran out of Jixiang Xiaozhu.

Xu Ran has no wife, only his parents and young children at home, usually the children live with his parents, and he does not live with them.

When Xu Ran appeared in the courtyard with Gu Zheng, the door of the main room opened immediately, and pretty girls appeared with joy on their faces. However, when the pretty woman saw that Xu Ran was still following Gu Zheng, her face immediately changed.

A puff of white smoke rose, and the pretty woman disappeared in place, she was trying to escape.

"Where to go!"

Gu Zheng yelled, and the energy of heaven and earth within a certain range was dispatched, forming a strong pressure, which immediately forced the woman who wanted to escape.

The woman who was forced out by Gu Zheng panicked. Seeing that she was hopeless to escape, she turned to kneel down to Gu Zheng.

"Shangxian, spare your life, Shangxian, spare your life!"

The woman kowtowed to Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng also walked towards her.

Seeing Gu Zheng approaching with a stern face and not speaking, the woman was even more frightened, and she turned to Xu Ran to beg for mercy.

"Of course, please beg the god to let me go! I didn't harm you, it's just that there is such a fate between us!" The woman cried.

Seeing the woman crying, Xu Ran also couldn't bear it, he said to the woman: "If you really didn't mean to harm me, Mister would not make things difficult for you."

While speaking, Gu Zheng had already come in front of the woman.

Today's ancient struggle is not comparable to what it was six years ago. When he came to the woman, he frowned slightly. He had already seen through the woman's real body. She was a cat demon in the realm of mysterious demon.

"You said you have a fate with Xu Ran?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Going back to Shangxian, it's true! Otherwise, even if you give me a hundred courage, I wouldn't dare to provoke the people in Jixiang Xiaozhu!" the cat demon cried.

"What is your purpose, I have to search the soul to find out, this will also determine your life and death!" Gu Zheng said.

"Please go to the immortal to search for the soul!" The cat demon closed his eyes.

Gu Zheng didn't say much, he put his hand on the top of the cat demon's head, and started searching for its soul.

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