Walking along the street, Qiao Bai soon saw the second street stall. This street stall sold pies. According to the person Qiao Bai inquired about in the last town, this pie It was very delicious. If it wasn't for his strength, the remote Huangsha Town, Qiao Bai might not have come here.

Qiao Bai has already tasted the aroma of pie, but in terms of aroma, this is a passing snack. However, whether he can use it to complete the test, Qiao Bai has to try it to know.

"Guests from afar, do you want pie?"

From Qiao Bai's clothes, the stall owner could tell that Qiao Bai was not from any nearby village or town.

"Have a pie."

Even though he was disturbed by Octopus, Qiao Bai was still not used to asking the price when he bought things. Anyway, if someone dared to rip off a customer, he would let the swindler feel what it was like to be robbed.


The stall owner quickly took out a pie from the oven and gave it to Qiao Bai.

The outside is crispy and the inside is full of meaty fragrance. Qiao Bai gave the pie a five-point rating in his heart.

"Tell me how to make the pie, then answer my other question and it's yours."

Qiao Bai put an ingot of silver on the stall owner's stall.

The stall owner's eyes lit up, but he didn't go to pick up the money. He asked cautiously: "Guests from afar, you ask me how to make pies. Do you want to sell pies here?"

"You're thinking too much! How long will it take to earn this ingot of silver by selling pies here?" Qiao Bai laughed.


The stall owner happily accepted the money, and then told Qiao Bai how to make the pie.

After listening to what the stall owner said, Qiao Bai felt that with his current weak knowledge in food, he couldn't make six points of pies without changing the grade of ingredients. A staple food that can't even reach six points can't be used as a backup for the ancient competition test, and it can only give Qiao Bai more experience in eating.

"Guest from afar, what is the question you want to ask?"

Wanting to make the money in his hands his own sooner, the stall owner took the initiative to ask Qiao Bai.

"Who in Huangsha Town has the best cooking skills? Except the chef! Or, who do you know can cook very delicious dishes!" Qiao Bai asked.

The stall owner shook his head: "Except for the chef, there really isn't such a person as the guest asked."

"Think about it carefully, isn't it true?" Qiao Bai asked again.

The stall owner still shook his head: "My pies are already a famous delicacy in Huangsha Town, and I can tell that the guests are not very satisfied with the taste of my pies, so if my pies can't satisfy the guests Satisfied, there is no one in Huangsha Town who can make delicious food that satisfies customers."

Hearing what the stall owner said, Qiao Bai didn't say anything more, and immediately rose into the air after leaving Huangsha Town.

Today is the tenth day for Qiao Bai to accept the task of the ancient struggle. He didn't find the delicious Qiao Bai he wanted in Huangsha City, and he decided on a few more towns in his heart as the direction to look for. He hoped that he could gain something in the future! After all, this test is of great significance to him, and there are only 20 days left before the end of the mission. During these 20 days, he has to find delicious food, and also has time to return.

The next town Qiao Bai is going to is called Muchun Town. This town is relatively rich in products. As long as you fly over the desert under your feet, you can enter the range of Muchun Town.

The sunset in the desert was spectacular, and the original landform with undulating sand dunes had also undergone some changes. Qiao Bai saw some oases and some lakes in the desert.

It was already dinner time, and smoke was rising from some oases. Just as Qiao Bai was hesitating whether to go down to try his luck, his eyes were attracted by a small boat on the lake.

There was also cooking smoke rising from the boat, and an old man seemed to be stewing something in the bow.

Qiao Baifei was relatively tall, and it was impossible for him to smell the fragrance, but an indescribable feeling made him want to go to that boat to have a look, and he felt that he might have unexpected gains in that boat.

As the distance from the boat got closer, Qiao Bai's eyes lit up. He smelled a scent, which was the smell of stewed fish. The smell was rich and charming, the kind of scent that food should have!

Seeing Qiao Bai descending from the sky, the old man knelt on the boat with a 'plop', and at the same time he called the Great Immortal, he burst into tears.

Qiao Bai frowned, the old man was a little outrageously excited, giving him a feeling that he was finally waiting for him.

"Are you waiting for me?"

Qiao Bai was a little unsure.

"Yes! Xiaomin is indeed waiting for the Great Immortal, please save our family!" The old man kowtowed to Qiao Bai.

"Tell me first, what is going on!"

Qiao Bai lifted the old man up with his celestial power, and the old man also started to talk.

The old man is not a local, he came here as a married woman, and his wife has been sick for many years and has been bedridden.

The night before yesterday, the old man had a dream. In the dream, someone told him that he was asked to cook Qiyu in the lake for dinner tonight, and a fairy would come to help him.

The old man didn't believe this at first, although it was sound, but it was just a dream after all. However, the old man's wife actually had the same dream, which forced the old man to take risks.

The reason for taking the risk is because the Qiyu is the totem of the local people and the sacred fish in the lake. Let alone eating it, even if it is caught occasionally while fishing, it must be quickly put back into the lake and kowtows to make amends. OK.

Qiyu is not unique here, the old man's hometown also has it. In the old man's hometown, Qiyu is a rare delicacy, and the old man's cooking of Qiyu is even better.

Qiyu needs to be stewed for a long time, and the more stewed, the more delicious it is. Half an hour ago, the old man had already stewed the Qiyu, but he was discovered by a local fisherman, and the fisherman has gone back to inform the villagers. People will come soon.

Before seeing Qiao Bai, the old man had been suffering all the time, and even scolded himself for being stupid, how could he believe in a strange dream, thus breaking the taboo of the villagers! If he was burned to death by the villagers because of this, his wife probably would not live long, after all, they had no children.

After hearing what the old man said, Qiao Bai also felt emotional in his heart, he never thought that such a strange thing would happen to him. This is indeed a strange thing, the old man and his wife had the same dream, but when he was flying at high altitude, he would have such a special feeling that he landed on this fishing boat, Exactly what the old man said in his dream.

"I beg the immortal to help me!"

Seeing that Qiao Bai didn't respond to what he said, the old man was even more anxious.

"Don't worry, you had such a dream, and I happened to be attracted by the food you cooked, which means that we have a certain fate, and I will not ignore your affairs." Qiao Bai said.

"Thank you Immortal, thank you Immortal!"

Hearing what Qiao Bai said, the old man hurriedly thanked him.

"Is the fish stew ready now?"

Qiao Bai looked at the pot where the fish was stewed. There was no lid on the pot. In a pot of milky white fish soup, the pale yellow fish looked very firm, and the aroma was appetizing. In terms of aroma alone, compared to the 'Charcoal Roasted Black Dragon Scorpion' that Qiao Bai is already satisfied with, the aroma of stewed fish is even better.

"The Qiyu hasn't been stewed yet, and it still takes time for a cup of tea."

While the old man was talking, he added more firewood to the stove.

"Since it will take a while for the stewed fish to finish, I also want to taste the taste of your stewed fish, so you can take advantage of this time to tell me how to make the stewed fish, and we will wait by the way Those villagers who came to make trouble." Qiao Bai said.

The old man nodded, and then told Qiao Bai how to stew Qiyu.

The seemingly simple stewed fish is very particular about the processing of the fish and the selection of spices. This makes Qiao Bai, who has not tasted the fish, feel that the stewed fish is the second dish he wants to compete with the ancients.

The Qiyu has been stewed, and Qiao Bai started to taste it. The delicious taste made him nod his head. In his opinion, this is a delicacy that can reach nine points, which is rare in the world!

After eating a piece of stewed fish, several boats on the lake also approached this way. As the old man said before, the people in the village came to settle accounts with the old man! Before the people arrived, the voices denouncing the old man's treachery had already sounded one after another.

Qiyu is the sacred fish in the hearts of the villagers. The old man was seen killing Qiyu. According to normal circumstances, he would have to be burned to death by the villagers to vent his anger.

Qiao Bai promised to help the old man. He wanted to take the old man and his wife out of this place, which would save a lot of trouble. Otherwise, if he stepped forward to suppress these people, after he left, who knows if they would have the guts to make a move? Old couple.

However, the old man told Qiao Bai that her wife would not agree to leave the village, they were already very old, they were not used to being outside, and they did not know how to survive. That being the case, Qiao Bai can only start from other aspects.

"Cha Baoshu, you dare to eat holy fish, you are really brave!"

"Don't you know that if you eat holy fish, you will be burned to death? What will your wife do if you die? Why are you so old and so confused?"

The old man's boat was caught between two boats, and two men boarded his boat separately, but they turned a blind eye to Qiao Bai on board.

"Qiyu is the holy fish of our Green Leaf Village. How could I prey on Qiyu? It's all Daku who misread it!"

The old man looked innocent, and the Daku he was talking about was the fisherman who discovered his cooking of Qiyu.

"How could I be wrong, I obviously smelled very fragrant, and when I got on your boat, I saw that what you cooked in your pot was Qiyu!"

Daku had already boarded the boat while he was speaking, and he also ignored Qiao Bai at the side.

"I said no at the time, I told you to take a closer look if you didn't listen, did you smell the fragrance at that time?" said the old man.

"That's right, it's this scent!" Daku affirmed.

"Open it and see if you don't know!"

Among the first two men on board, one lifted the lid of the pot while speaking.

"Huh? This is not Qiyu, this is oolong fish!" The person who lifted the lid of the pot frowned.

There are many kinds of fish in the lake, two of which are special, one is the holy fish in the hearts of the villagers, and the other is the poisonous oolong fish. Because these two kinds of fish are quite special, the villagers have seen them, but they have never eaten them, and naturally they don't know their fragrance. In fact, at this moment, what was stewed in the pot was still Qiyu, but Qiao Bai let everyone on board have an illusion.

Seeing that the stewed fish in the pot turned out to be oolong fish, Daku couldn't help muttering to himself: "Why is it oolong fish? I clearly saw that the stewed fish is Qi fish!"

"Everyone makes mistakes! It doesn't matter if you get it wrong. If you let everyone follow you, you have to apologize to everyone. Otherwise, you should explain to everyone why you think oolong fish is a succulent fish. About the fish! Could it be that you have stewed fish?"

According to what Qiao Bai said, the old man beat Daku upside down, and the other two men on the boat also frowned and looked at Daku. They needed an explanation from Daku, and they couldn't let the big guy just follow him around like this. And almost wronged people.

"I'm really sorry everyone, I must have been drinking at that time, and I didn't smell the smell of stewed oolong fish, so I made a mistake. I apologize to everyone here, but I really haven't stewed oolong fish. How could I know how to stew Qiyu!" Daku suddenly panicked, and he hastily explained.

"I also believe that you have never stewed fish, but you should be careful when you drink and speak!" the old man said displeased.


Seeing that the old man didn't hold on to this matter, Daku appeared to be in a hurry.

"Okay, since it was a misunderstanding, let's all go back! But, why do you stew oolong fish here? Could it be that you feel that life is hard and you want to kill yourself by eating oolong fish? If you What about your wife who committed suicide after eating oolong fish?" Another person who boarded the boat before asked.

"After so many years, how can I be short-sighted? The reason why I stewed oolong fish here is because I had a dream last night. In the dream, the lake god told me a kind of stewed oolong fish to cure my wife's paralysis. In addition, the Lake God also gave me some silver, so that I can live a little better in the future!" The old man said happily.

The God of the Lake is the god of reverence in the hearts of the villagers. No one dares to make fun of him on weekdays. It is said that Qiyu is the family fish of the Lake God, but the old man who is not a local does not believe that there is a Lake God, let alone that Qiyu is the family fish of the Lake God. In other words, Qiao Bai also told him that there are no so-called gods in this lake. Therefore, the old man put some things on the lake god, so as to save himself from being questioned again when he uses the money Qiao Bai left for him in the future.

When the old man mentioned the Lake God, he said it clearly and clearly. Although the people on the boat didn't believe it, they didn't dare to question it.

"Okay, you all go! Did I lie, won't you know soon?"

Hearing what the old man said was not unreasonable, the three men on the boat also left, and told the rest of them about the lake god's entrusted dream.

After the villagers left, Qiao Bai easily fished out a qi fish from the lake, and cooked it according to the method the old man said. A pot of very delicious stewed qi fish would come out in a while.

The delicious stewed fish is also a rare delicacy in the world. Qiao Bai thinks that after adding some of his ideas, the stewed fish will definitely be a nine-point dish.

Taking out a fairy artifact in the shape of a jade bottle, Qiao Bai put dozens of fresh fish into it. Although it is said that Gu Zheng's test only needs to use one Qiyu to cook, after all, Qiao Bai still needs to try to integrate his own ideas before giving Gu Zheng a job. This may reach the ideal point once or twice, or it may require Many times, so it is better to prepare more of this kind of regional ingredients, just like the black dragon and scorpion before, Qiao Bai prepared more than two hundred.

Qiao Bai didn't go back to the village with the old man, because he knew where the old man's house was, he went there first.

Because the old man told the villagers that he was entrusted with a dream by the lake god, when he returned to the village, there must be a large group of people asking questions, and even wanting to see his wife after eating stewed oolong fish. look.

The time difference would allow Qiao Bai to leave after healed the old man's wife. Before he left, he would tell the old man's wife a few more words. When the old man came back with the stewed oolong fish that Qiao Bai had detoxified, she would eat it. You can go to the field, and a perfect miracle will be shown in front of the villagers. Even if the old man uses the money left by Qiao Bai, he will not cause any trouble. In this remote village, who would dare to beat the person favored by the lake god? What do you think?

Seeing someone suddenly appearing in front of the bed, the old man's wife who was paralyzed on the bed was naturally very panicked, but when they learned that Qiao Bai was the fairy in their dreams, they burst into tears with excitement.

Paralysis is a serious illness for mortals, but it is a minor illness for cultivators. Qiao Bai gave the old man's wife a healing pill, and after using immortal power to help her relax her tendons and correct her muscles and bones, the old man's wife Immediately be able to get out of bed.

According to Qiao Bai's instructions, the old man's wife still lay on the bed pretending to be paralyzed, and when the old man came back with the stewed oolong fish, after eating the stewed oolong fish, she said that the stewed oolong fish produced miraculous effects.

The old man had already returned to the village with the stewed oolong fish, and almost everyone in the village was waiting for him. The news that the lake god entrusted the old man with a dream was like a thunder in the village, and the villagers wanted to see it too. Whether the Lake God will appear, the doubt in my heart that I want to say but dare not say, is it true!

Oolong fish is indeed poisonous. For the villagers, whether it was the lake god entrusting the old man with a dream, or there is a problem with this matter, everything will be known when the old man's wife eats the stewed oolong fish.

If the old man's wife was poisoned to death by the oolong fish, it means that there is a problem with this matter. If the old man's wife is not poisoned to death by the oolong fish, but heals because of it, then it is really a miracle. .

The old man's house was already crowded with people, even when he was married, it was not so lively.

The stewed oolong fish had been eaten by the old man's wife, and the old man's wife, who had been paralyzed for many years, appeared in front of the villagers walking like flying, which made the villagers call the gods to appear.

The villagers were happy that the old man's house was favored by the lake god, and Qiao Bai, who had already flown far away, was also very happy. Today is the tenth day of the registered disciple test, and two of the three dishes have already been served. And he still has some spare dishes, which can be used as a third dish when he really can't find delicious ones. It can be said that he can go back to Gu Zheng now.

In the test of three dishes, two of them were considered top quality, and even if one was not as good, according to Qiao Bai's estimate, he could still pass the test. However, Qiao Bai is a person who pursues perfection. He hopes to find another delicacy in the next time. As long as this delicacy is seven points, if it is eight points, it will be a surprise. Charcoal-grilled black dragon and scorpion' and 'stewed fish' are rare delicacies in the world, and they are really perfect.

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