After flying for three days, Qiao Bai finally arrived at Boundary Village at the junction of Qingfeng City and Qiuse City.

The Boundary Village at the junction of the two cities is relatively more prosperous, because caravans traveling between the two cities often stop here, and the products in this area are relatively rich.

It was time for meals, and there were restaurants on the streets of Boundary Village, as well as some snacks sold along the streets.

"One of the requirements of the test is that you are not allowed to go to restaurants and restaurants, so the places where you can learn how to cook without going to restaurants and restaurants are only street snacks, or residents' homes."

Thinking about the rules of the test, Qiao Bai quickly approached the nearest snack.

The closest snack to Qiao Bai is steamed stuffed buns, there are two kinds of meat and vegetables, Qiao Bai ordered two of each kind, broke it and gave it up after smelling it.

Qiao Bai understands that when looking for suitable food outside, it is impossible to taste all the delicious food like in Jixiang Xiaozhu. This requirement must be lowered a bit.

However, the two kinds of buns just now disappointed Qiao Bai too much. Their taste was far from what Qiao Bai had in mind. Even Qiao Bai felt that the people who made these two kinds of buns didn't wash their hands after going to the latrine.

Qiao Bai frowned, it was a very strange feeling, a feeling that he had never felt before.

Quickly walking towards the second snack on the street, this second snack is stewed pork, which is gurgling and steaming in the pot, exuding a fragrance. Several diners in front of the stall are also waiting for the stall owner to give it to them. They caught fire.

When the distance was far away, Qiao Bai felt that the stewed pork tasted delicious, and if the taste was not bad, it could be a candidate dish. However, as the distance got closer, Qiao Bai felt that the scent was not good, as if too much spice was put in it, and the meat scent was not so pure.

Staring at the stewed meat in the pot for a while, Qiao Bai frowned again. He had a feeling that the stewed meat in the pot was not fresh. Spoiled meat.

"Guest officer, how much fire do you want?"

The stall owner's hands and feet were very nimble. During the time from Qiao Bai approaching to being in a daze, he had already set the fire for the previous customers, and it was time to start Qiao Bai's business.

Qiao Bai didn't speak, just turned around and left, this was no longer the snack he was interested in.

A faint fragrance wafted into Qiao Bai's nostrils from the third snack stall.

There were no other diners in front of the booth, steam was rising from the steamer, and a slightly sweet smell wafted out of the steamer.

"What is this for sale?" Qiao Bai asked the stall owner.

"Jujube flower cake."

While the stall owner was speaking, he lifted the lid of the steamer, and there was a steaming cake in the middle of the cage.

The square cake is light yellow in color, with some crushed dates and flower petals dotted in it.

"A piece."

Qiao Bai bought a jujube flower cake, and stood in front of the booth to taste it.

It has a flowery scent and a jujube scent. It tastes sweet and the taste is a bit sticky.

"What kinds of ingredients are this jujube flower cake made of?" Qiao Bai asked.

"It's made of millet flour, honey, snow safflower and candied dates." The shopkeeper replied.

Without saying anything else, Qiao Bai walked towards the next booth.

Looking for three dishes that can complete the task this time, Qiao Bai also has a standard in his heart, that is, the color, aroma and taste of each dish must reach eight points in his heart.

The full score is 10. This is not affected by Jixiang Xiaozhu. It is a standard specially designated by Qiao Bai for this test. A score of 6 is considered a pass, a score of 8 is considered satisfactory to Qiao Bai, and a score of 8 or above is a surprise. .

Although there are 10 points in color, Qiao Bai has the lowest requirements. In his opinion, there is a lot of room for change in this aspect, and few foods can fail in this aspect.

Fragrance, Qiaobai has strict requirements on this point. It believes that a qualified dish must have an attractive smell. If the smell is not attractive, no matter how good the taste is, it is already inferior.

The steamed stuffed buns and stewed pork that I met before gave Qiao Bai a bad feeling in terms of fragrance, so I didn't even try it.

Taste, this is the soul of a dish. It must have enough flavor. The taste of jujube flower cake made Qiao Bai feel a bit inferior. It could only achieve four points, which is still a long way from passing.

"It's a pity that the ingredients used in jujube flower cake are of low grade. If senior Tie made it, even with the same ingredients, I think it must have surpassed the very standard in my heart." Qiao Bai sighed in his heart.

Qiao Bai is very smart. Although Gu Zheng did not limit the grade of ingredients he used, he knew that there was a standard in Gu Zheng's heart. This standard would fluctuate due to different grades of ingredients. If he wanted to use high-grade ingredients for opportunism , will definitely not pass the level, Gu Zheng must have scary high requirements for food cooked with high-level ingredients.

While thinking about it, Qiao Bai had already arrived at the fourth stall.

Although the streets in Boundary Village are not short, there is only one street where you can see the end at a glance. On this street, there are a total of four food stalls, and the rest of the restaurants and restaurants do not meet the requirements of the test.

In front of the last booth, Qiao Bai just passed by without stopping at all, and only left a sigh.

The last stall sold fried cakes. Although Qiao Bai could smell the smell of oil when he was far away, when he got close, Qiao Bai felt that the smell of oil made him a little sick. He felt like the oil used to make fried cakes. Has been used for a long time. Although folks make fried cakes and the like, the oil is reused, and the diners who eat these fried foods think it's nothing, but Qiao Bai just has a disgusting feeling.

Although he didn't find a dish that could complete the test, Qiao Bai was actually quite happy, because this time the test made him truly feel his extraordinary in the way of eating.

The person who made the buns didn’t wash his hands after going to the latrine, the spices used to marinate the meat suppressed the smell of spoilage, and the oil used for frying the cakes took too long. Qiao Bai felt that these feelings were not groundless, but belonged to his genius in the way of eating. point! It's just that I have never observed the food at the bottom with this mentality before, so I didn't find it. In other words, because of receiving the task of the test, something was awakened under the excitement and tension!

It was still meal time, and there was a lot of smoke rising in the city. Now that the snacks had been seen, Qiao Bai decided to go to the houses to have a look.

Using the invisibility technique to make him invisible to mortals, Qiao Bai easily entered a residential house.

This is a family of six, two elderly people, a couple, and a pair of children.

The meals are already on the table, and the family of six is ​​ready to eat.

Four dishes and one soup is already a very hearty meal for ordinary people, but Qiao Bai just shook his head secretly when he saw it. His face was distorted.

"Mother, the dishes are too salty again." The child said with a bitter face.

Qiao Bai jumped and appeared in the yard of the second house.

"So early!"

Smiling wryly in his heart, Qiao Bai jumped into the yard of the third house again, because the housewife of the second house was already washing the pot of water upside down.

Compared with the first two, the third house has dinner later. In the main room are men and old people waiting to eat, and in the kitchen are busy mothers-in-law and daughter-in-law.

This should be a hunter's house. Qiao Bai saw hunting equipment such as bows and arrows hanging on the wall, as well as some animal skins drying in the sun.

In the kitchen, the mother-in-law is rolling out noodles, which seems to be making noodles, and the daughter-in-law is burning the fire. There should be rabbit meat stewed in the pot, and the smell of rabbit meat is wafting from it.

Qiao Bai originally wanted to leave, but suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. He felt that he had walked into a misunderstanding before.

Before, Qiao Bai felt that he would only learn a suitable dish if it had a good color and fragrance, but whether a dish has a good color and fragrance depends not only on the ingredients, but also on the person who cooks it, just like Jixiang Xiaozhu. Can it be said that the traditional diet is magical?

Since the aura was born in this family, Qiao Bai decided to stay a little longer, at least to watch the cooking process of the food in the pot. Moreover, similar cooking process, he will have to watch more in the days to come, not only to watch, but also to have his own ideas when watching, or to put it into practice! Although there is not much time, he feels that this is necessary and will help him complete the test.

The daughter-in-law was humming a ditty tune while lighting the fire, looking extremely relaxed, like a chef in a restaurant, which made Qiao Bai look forward to the rabbit meat in the pot.

"Daughter-in-law, take a look, don't burn the meat."

After rolling out the noodles quickly, the mother-in-law reminded the daughter-in-law who was still lighting the fire and humming a tune.

"Don't worry, mother-in-law, you won't be confused!" said the daughter-in-law.


The mother-in-law hesitated to speak, but finally couldn't help reminding: "It hasn't been turned over for a long time, and there is not much water in the pot, so it's better to have a look."

"Don't worry mother-in-law, this is how my mother stewed rabbit meat. This method is definitely much more delicious than mother-in-law's usual method. Let my daughter-in-law show you a good trick today!" The daughter-in-law said proudly.

"Daughter-in-law! I can already smell the smell." The mother-in-law smiled wryly.

"Smell? Is this a smell?"

The daughter-in-law frowned, then her eyes widened suddenly: "It seems so!"


The panicked daughter-in-law hurried to lift the lid of the pot, but she didn't know that there was a lot of heat in the pot that hadn't been opened for a long time. The rising heat was so hot that she dropped the lid and kept rubbing her ears with her hands.

The lid of the pot was lifted, and the strong smell of paste that had been sealed up instantly wafted up, and the face of the daughter-in-law was black.

"Grandmother, I, I clearly saw that my mother's stewed rabbit meat would take a long time."

Looking at the burnt rabbit meat in the pot, the daughter-in-law made a bitter face.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's inevitable for the bride to have some problems in the kitchen! How about your hands being hot, go and wash them quickly, if it doesn't work, just apply some medicine!"

Seeing her mother-in-law comforting her daughter-in-law, Qiao Bai shook his head and smiled, ready to go to the next house.

I thought there would be a lot of gains here, but I didn't know that this daughter-in-law looked like a chef, but it was actually two hundred and five.

Then Qiao Bai went to a few more houses, two of which were housewives who were skillful, and the food they cooked was praised by the whole family. However, the dishes they cooked still failed to meet Qiao Bai's standard.

The meal is coming to an end soon, and it's a bit late to cook at this time. Basically, most residents in the border village have already had dinner.

With a little melancholy in his heart, Qiao Bai's eyes lit up again, and he had inspiration again. Instead of searching blindly like this, why didn't he ask someone?

As soon as he thought of it, Qiao Bai walked towards a shop on the side of the road.

The store sells things like oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, tea, etc. It is definitely right to ask the shopkeeper, he has more opportunities to contact those housewives.

"Guest officer, what do you need?"

Seeing the well-dressed Qiao Bai enter the store, the elderly shopkeeper who was eating immediately put down his job and burst into smiles.

"I need you to answer some questions for me. After answering them carefully, it will be yours."

Qiao Bai put an ingot of silver on the counter, and the shopkeeper stared at the silver with straight eyes: "Guest officer, if you ask, the little old man knows everything and can't stop talking!"

"In this border village, who is the housewife who cooks the best food? Where is her home?"

Qiao Bai felt that a good cooking skill was something that a mortal woman would be proud of. This would not be a secret in Boundary Village, and the shopkeeper would definitely know who the housewife was.

"It's the housewife of the Dong family!"

The shopkeeper replied without hesitation.

"Where does her family live?" Qiao Bai asked again.

"The third house at the east end of the village."

The shopkeeper answered, Qiao Bai turned around and left, looking at the ingot of silver that was so easily obtained on the table, the shopkeeper felt a little guilty, he quickly said: "Guest officer, please stay, the little old man is a little curious, do you want to buy it?" What do you do with the housewife with the best cooking skills?"

"Don't worry, I just want to learn cooking from her, and I don't have any evil intentions."

Qiao Bai understood that the shopkeeper was afraid that something would happen.

Hearing what Qiao Bai said, the shopkeeper's eyes widened. He couldn't believe it. Why did a young man with such extraordinary clothes learn to cook, something that men disdain.

"Guest officer, why don't you learn cooking skills in restaurants?"

The shopkeeper asked cautiously, with a smile on his face, for fear that Qiao Bai would get angry.

"You haven't seen me. You picked up the silver when you went out. Now put away the silver and have a good meal."

Qiao Bai frowned. He cast a magic spell on the shopkeeper. The shopkeeper put away the silver in a dull manner, and then sat down to eat slowly. It wasn't until Qiao Bai left that he shivered.

"Yinzi, I just went out and picked up Yinzi!"

The old man's eyes widened suddenly, he fled the ingot of silver that Qiao Bai gave him from his arms, and then quickly put it back into his arms, looking around for fear of being seen.

Of course Qiao Bai knew that if he wanted to learn cooking skills, the best way was to go to restaurants and restaurants to find real chefs, but if he did that, it would be a foul, and it was something he would not do. Moreover, Qiao Bai has a deep understanding of the rules. He understands that it is best not to change the concept secretly in this matter. Although Gu Zheng only refers to restaurants and restaurants, it actually refers to all real chefs! Therefore, if he wants to learn cooking skills, he can only talk to farmers, or the owner of a food stall. Farmers are not chefs, and neither are food stall owners. Although they can cook food, they are different from real chefs.

The Li family of the village owner had already had dinner, and the whole family was taken aback by Qiao Bai's sudden appearance in the yard.

"Don't panic, I'm a fairy, not a villain!"

Qiao Bai's time is very precious, if it wasn't for the fact that searching for the soul is definitely a foul, then he really doesn't even bother to talk much.


Qiao Bai lifted his palm upwards, and the loess on the originally flat ground surged up, quickly forming the appearance of the Dong family, and the Dong family couldn't help but exclaim.


With Qiao Bai's palm, the original loess man turned into loess again. After returning to the ground, it was so smooth that no abnormalities could be seen.

"Immortal, forgive me!"

The Dong family was terrified, and they begged Qiao Bai for mercy.

"Bang bang bang!"

A special sound sounded in front of the Dong family, it was the sound of several silver ingots falling to the ground and bouncing.

Seeing the huge wealth on the ground, the Dong family who were still begging for mercy were stunned.

"I said that I am a fairy, not a villain. What are you afraid of? I just need to use some things about cooking, so I came here to ask your housewife for advice, so you really don't have to be afraid! When your housewife is satisfied After I make some demands on cooking skills, all the money will be yours!" Qiao Bai said.


The Patriarch of the Dong family swallowed hard, he really couldn't believe that such a good thing happened to them.

"Of course it's true. Get up quickly. I want to talk to your housewife as soon as possible."

While Qiao Bai was talking, he walked into the house, and the people of Dong's family also got up quickly, and those who received the cash gave up their seats, and those who gave up their seats gave up their seats.

The woman from the Dong family is very flamboyant, perhaps because she is relatively timid, her body is still trembling a little.

"do not be afraid."

Qiao Bai gave Dong's housewife a smile: "Think about the dishes you can cook. Among them, you are the best and the most delicious dishes. Which four are they?"

Qiao Bai didn't ask too many questions. Dong's housewife just thought about it and immediately reported the names of the four dishes.

"Now you cook these four dishes for me, by the way, tell me what I need to pay attention to when making these four dishes?" Qiao Bai said again.

"Immortal, the ingredients for these four dishes are lacking at home." Dong's housewife regretted.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it is sold in the border village, you tell me what it is, and I will buy it immediately."

Hearing Qiao Bai's words, Dong's housewife immediately told Qiao Bai the ingredients she needed, and told Qiao Bai where they could be bought in the village. Qiao Bai immediately disappeared into the house.

Soon, Qiao Bai, who had collected the ingredients, appeared at Dong's house again.

After this period of buffering, Dong's housewife has calmed down a lot. She took the ingredients Qiao Bai bought back and went into the kitchen to get busy.

Qiao Bai was also in the kitchen. From time to time, he would ask Dong's housewife about cooking skills. Besides answering Qiao Bai's questions, Dong's housewife would also tell Qiao Bai the skills of cooking these dishes. and some things to watch out for.

After a while, all four dishes were out of the pot, and after tasting the last dish, Qiao Bai left Dong's house.

Qiao Bai had already tasted the three previous dishes. For the four dishes made by Dong's housewife, he gave three three points and one four points respectively in his heart, and none of them reached five points. Qiao Bai was a little disappointed, he had expected that the housewife with the best cooking skills would bring him a five-point dish.

Although there are no five-point dishes, Qiao Bai is quite relieved. He has listened to Dong's housewife's explanation and watched Dong's housewife cook. He has never cooked before. He can make almost perfect dishes! However, this is nothing to be proud of, after all, it all depends on the super memory of the immortal cultivator.

However, Qiao Bai is confident that after cooking these four dishes three times, he will definitely cook them better than Dong's housewife. In addition to the super memory of a cultivator, there are also some ideas of his. I feel that after adding his ideas, the changes he made to the dishes will improve the taste of the dishes! Especially the four-point dish, he is confident that it will turn him into a five-point dish.

However, according to Qiao Bai's standard, a score of six is ​​considered a pass and can be designated as a backup, and a score of five doesn't even qualify as a backup, it can only give him a little more experience in eating and drinking.

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