"Is what the ancestor said true?"

Reverend Yun Qing was a little excited, the him at this moment was also the one who wanted to apologize with death.

"Of course it's true. This is our agreement. As long as you agree, it will take effect." Gu Zheng smiled.

"I promise!"

Master Yun Qing agreed, this is an agreement similar to the oath of the heart demon, Gu Zheng will not go back on his word, and Master Yun Qing will not go back on his word. If the agreed loser is Gu Zheng, then Gu Zheng will abide by the promise, and if the loser is Yun Jing, this real Yun Qing who is equivalent to a heart demon will disappear, real Yun Qing will hate Yun Jing, and everything will come to an end When it is about to end.

"Go, the ancestor will take you to a place, let you see what your beautiful Yun Jing did when you didn't see her."

Gu Zheng used his celestial power to fly Daoist Yunqing out of Jixiang Xiaozhu. Although flying is not allowed in the city, it is not absolute. What's more, even if a person of Gu Zheng's status flies in the city, it will cause serious injuries. There is only exclamation and worship, no self-blame or attack.

"Look, Lord Tiexian!"

"Master Tiexian, where are you going?"

"Isn't Master Yun Qing the one who was taken flying by Lord Tiexian?"

"What is this going to do?"

The residents of Qingfeng City on the ground exclaimed, and on the street where Gu Zheng landed, the residents even more exclaimed and fell to their knees.

"Lord Tiexian!"

"Lord Tiexian!"

"Lord Tiexian!"

The residents didn't know what to say, they just shouted the name of Gu Zheng enthusiastically.

Gu Zheng smiled at everyone, and following the 'sedation technique', the originally fanatical residents instantly calmed down, feeling indescribably comfortable all over.

"Thank you, Lord Tiexian, for your blessing!"

The residents shouted again, but due to the effect of the calming spell, they were not particularly fanatical this time.

Gu Zheng nodded to everyone, and then said: "All folks, I have some things to deal with when I landed here this time, all folks, just go and do what you should do!"

Gu Zheng wants to prepare for collecting the power of pure faith in the future, so naturally he has to be a bit airy, and he needs to pay more attention to his image.

Without taking the residents to say anything, Gu Zheng cast the magic spell when the voice fell to the ground, covering the surrounding area with a circle of white mist, so that the residents could not get close, nor could they see and hear what happened in the circle of white mist .

"Are you familiar with this place?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Familiar." Yun Qing said honestly.

When Gu Zheng brought Reverend Yun Qing to land here, Reverend Yun Qing's face twitched. How could he not be familiar with this place? This is where Yun Jing pestered him last time.

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and waved the air around, and time retreated in a small area under Gu Zheng's control, appearing on a light curtain in the air.

After a while, the things that originally flowed quickly in the light curtain became normal, and time flowed normally in the light curtain.

The scene that Gu Zheng let Master Yun Qing see was exactly the reactions of Yun Qing after Master Yun Qing fled in a hurry that day.

In the picture, Yun Jing stood there in a daze, but soon her facial expression changed. First, she narrowed her eyes angrily and looked at Yun Qing's staggering back, then her eyes were contemptuous, and finally she became very disgusted.


Yun Jing spat on the ground, frowning as if she wanted to throw up, because he had just kissed Master Yun Qing.

The disgusted expression appeared on Yun Jing's face again, she wiped the mouth that had kissed Master Yun Qing, and disappeared into the darkness of the morning.

The picture in the light curtain disappeared, and in the silent circle, only Reverend Yun Qing's rapid breathing remained.

Reverend Yun Qing's hands were clutching his chest, it seemed that if he didn't do so, his beating heart would jump out of his chest cavity.

This was a day when Yun Jing hurt Master Yun Qing very much, but this day also left an indelible shadow in the soft place of Master Yun Qing's heart, because he became intimate with Yun Jing, and Yun Jing actually took the initiative to kiss him, Yun Jing wanted to become his Taoist companion to atone for his sins, and this scene often appeared in Master Yun Qing's reverie.

However, Master Yun Qing didn't know that Yun Jing behind him had such a wonderful expression on his face, and his actions were so hurtful.

"Am I stinky? Why do you spit and wipe your lips after kissing me? I didn't do anything sorry for you, why do you hate me so much? If you hate me so much, why didn't you say it earlier? I always I thought you were arrogant, but you didn't look down on me like others, but what is the contempt in your eyes? I have seen it in the eyes of many people!"

Master Yun Qing talked to himself, and then wept bitterly.

Gu Zheng didn't speak, he just watched quietly, because he knew that Master Yunqing was about to lose his composure, that's why he didn't let those residents see this kind of time return, which is hard to see at ordinary times, you know, this is pretending to be a ghost great opportunity.

Seeing Master Yunqing crying very sad, and when anger appeared while crying, Gu Zheng was ready to add fire in time.

"Is Yun Jing still beautiful? Did he really want to save you before pestering you?"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Master Yun Qing was still just crying, but his body trembled even more.

"No, it's because she took a fancy to your background. After you rejected her, did she care about your life? If she had a little affection for you and a little bit of intolerance, she wouldn't treat you like this people!"

Gu Zheng used the self-proclaimed Master Yunqing that day. This self-proclaim is very important, and it has indeed produced the desired effect.


Master Yun Qing let out an inhuman roar, and the originally rational man regained his body at this time, and he shouted to the sky: "Yun Jing, why are you doing this to me!"

If the rational side of Master Yunqing can take advantage of his anger to dominate his body for a moment, then the emotional one, which is equivalent to the inner demon, will disappear, and Gu Zheng will be able to complete a very important part of the process of getting rid of his heart disease. ring! Of course, the disappearance of the perceptual Master Yunqing does not mean that the future Master Yunqing will be purely rational and have no emotional side at all, because the eliminated sensibility is not his real sensibility, but A demonized sensibility.

However, Master Yunqing's hatred was not so strong that the rational side could suppress the demonized sensibility, his body was trembling, and the demonized sensibility also spoke: "Forget it! Don't you know what you are? If it wasn't for the ancestor, Yun Jing, who is so proud, would take the initiative to kiss? Yun Jing is certainly hateful, but the key is that she is too salty to be hurt like this!"

The demon-like sensibility is very strong, even if Gu Zheng let Master Yun Qing see the hurtful actions Yun Jing made with his back turned, the demon-like sensibility cannot be spoken for Yun Jing. I will switch to another angle, to convince the rational side from myself.

"Yeah! It's because I'm too salty to be hurt like this!"

It has to be said that the demon-like sensibility succeeded, and Master Yunqing cried and laughed, and the anger that was originally overwhelming has dimmed a lot.

However, what Gu Zheng let Reverend Yun Qing see still greatly stimulated him. Although the demon-like sensibility dimmed Reverend Yun Jing's anger towards Yun Jing, this dimming was not extinguished, it was There is no way to completely suppress the rational side of Master Yun Qing, and the crying and laughing now shows that they are jointly controlling the body.

For Gu Zheng, it was not an accident that the demon-like sensibility could not be eliminated in one fell swoop, otherwise it would be too easy to deal with. It doesn't matter if he failed to help Daoist Yunqing eliminate his demon-like sensibility in one fell swoop, he still has a second-hand medicine.

"Yun Qing, have you noticed that Yun Jing's dislike is abnormal? The Yun Jing you know is not like this! Although she is very realistic, although she looks down on you from the bottom of her heart, she does not hate you! "

The words that Gu Zheng said made Yun Qing, who was crying and laughing, seem to be sober.

"Yes! There must be something wrong with this, otherwise Yun Jing wouldn't hate me so much, this is not the one I know, if she really hated me so much from the beginning, how could I treat him Dedicated to love!"

Master Yun Qing seemed very happy, and the original anger completely disappeared at this moment. However, the disappearance of the anger is not extinguished, it is still only dimmed!

At this moment, Master Yunqing is very dangerous, falling into a situation where he is about to be completely controlled by his demon-like sensibility. However, everything has two sides, the harder the pressure is, the more intense the outbreak will be. Of course, there is a reason for Gu Zheng to say something that is not good for Master Yunqing.

"There is indeed a problem, and I will let you see what the problem is right away."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and the topic changed: "Yunqing, Long Yuanzi told you that because they are going to become affiliated sects of the Xuanqi Sect, the disciples of the elite generation in the sect will also choose Taoist companions for the sake of the sect. If you become involuntary, the things between you and Yun Jing will probably be voided because of this, right?"

"That's right!"

Master Yunqing clutched his chest in pain, Long Yuanzi's visit to Jixiang Xiaozhu was the beginning of Master Yunqing's pain.

"In fact, things are not like this at all. There are things you don't know about. Shanhaimen is indeed going to become an affiliate of the Xuanqi Sect, but the Xuanqi Sect does not interfere with the selection of Taoist companions by the disciples of the sect's leading generation. A leading disciple of the affiliated sect. Why did Long Yuanzi lie to you? Because your ancestor is not in Jixiang Xiaozhu, God knows when he will come back, and Long Yuanzi also knows that you have a deep love for Yun Jing, even if you Whatever Yun Jing did, you will forgive her, and because of Yun Jing, you will save their Shanhaimen in front of your ancestors, that's why he wants to lie to you!"

"Actually, another main reason why Long Yuanzi lied to you is that the sect master of the Xuanqi Sect chooses Taoist companions within the influence of the sect! The Xuanqi Sect is a big sect, and each of their suzerains is going to become a Taoist in the future. The scorching sun generation of the elders, and almost all the single female cultivators within the sphere of influence of the Xuanqi Sect, all value the selection of the Taoist partner by the Sect Master. Your good Yun Jing is so realistic, how could you let this opportunity go? So Long Yuan Zizi wanted to lie to you, and he was very insidious and didn't say anything to death, because Yun Jing might not be selected. There are several female cultivators in the sphere of influence of the Xuanqi Sect who are more outstanding than Yun Jing in terms of cultivation and beauty. Long Yuanzi If you don't say it to death, you are leaving a way for Yun Jing, and even if you are not selected, you can still consider you, poor man."

"Your good Yun Jing is really amazing. She is actually the first one to pass the primary election among more than a hundred female cultivators!"

"What is the primary election?" Master Yun Qing asked eagerly.

"Don't worry, I'm here to tell you about this wonderful primary!"

Gu Zheng sneered coldly, and said again: "The primary selection test of the Xuanqi Sect is called 'Testing Heart', which is actually a special illusion test generated by an innate magic weapon. The reason for saying this The hallucination test is special because it is different from ordinary hallucinations. Not only will the participating female cultivators not get lost in this hallucination, but they clearly remember what their purpose of participating in the election is, and they also know how to pass the initial exam. However, because the female cultivators who participated in the test had their memories erased before they left the illusion, they did not know what they had done in the illusion, but they themselves changed because of what they experienced in the illusion !"

"Because of the special reason for the master of Xuanqi Sect's practice, his Taoist companion must cut off the shadows of the other sex in his heart. A shadow was left in Yun Jing's heart. The illusion is very powerful. Among the more than 100 female cultivators who participated in the competition, only eight passed the preliminary round. One can imagine how difficult it is to make a choice in the illusion. Yun Jing left the illusion at least an hour earlier than the other seven female cultivators who passed the initial test!"

"Yun Jing passed the initial test of the illusion and became a candidate for the Taoist companion of the Xuanji Sect master, but she is still not satisfied. After my strong return, she actually wants to be your Taoist companion again! Such a reality is so overwhelming that seeing Gao Zhi If you want to fly, the woman you can deny to your relatives for the purpose is the beautiful Yun Jing in your heart!"

Gu Zheng's last voice was like thunder, and the dazed Master Yun Qing was awakened, and a deep struggle appeared in his eyes.

"No! That's just an illusion. Even if she killed me in the illusion, it doesn't mean she can kill me in reality!"

The demon-like sensibility is on the verge of collapse, and the reasons he wants to persuade rationality are already fragile and vulnerable.

"Look! This is what Yun Jing experienced in the illusion. After seeing these things, if you still feel that she is still beautiful in your heart, then I have nothing to say, Patriarch!"

Gu Zheng took out a piece of jade slip, and under the urging of immortal power, rays of light shot out of the jade slip into the air to form a light curtain, and images began to appear on it.

Gu Zheng knew quite a few people, among them were the elders of the Xuanqi Sect, who had seen Gu Zheng's formidable power, their respect in front of Gu Zheng was undoubtedly the same as that of the elders of the three sects.

After Gu Zheng returned to Jixiang Xiaozhu from the cultivation world this time, the handsome man who came over at closing time on the third night, that is, the man who left in a hurry after communicating with Gu Zheng through sound transmission, was Yun Jing's other high branch is Jianzhen, the suzerain of Xuanqi Sect.

Through Jianzhen, the master of the Xuanqi Sect, Gu Zheng knew that Yun Jing had passed the initial test, and also knew what the content of the "trial test" was, and he couldn't help feeling that this was a ruthless person.

Feeling that Yunqing would still suffer from Yunjing, Gu Zheng asked Jianzhen to make a jade slip from Yunjing's "heart test" that day, and he gave Jianzhen a piece of the "Jade Talisman of Mother and Child" sub character.

Jian Zhen left Jixiang Xiaozhu in a hurry that night to make Yun Jing's jade talisman for Gu Zheng. After all, "Testing Heart" is to choose a Taoist partner for Jianzhen, so he has watched every female cultivator's "Testing Heart" process, and he is even the one who wiped the female cultivator's memory afterwards. The piece of talisman that Gu Zheng gave Jianzhen was able to quickly convey the message, and let Jianzhen do something according to his requirements at that time. This is Gu Zheng's deployment.

The illusion of "Testing Heart" is very strange. Every female cultivator who accepts the first test will remember in the illusion that their purpose is to become a true swordsman. Moreover, they also know that only by killing the opposite sex that they think of in the illusion can they become sword-true companions.

However, what these nuns don't know is that this is just an illusion! In their eyes, everything they experienced is real, and they have to choose between the opposite sex who left a shadow in their hearts and Jianzhen, either choose the opposite sex who left a shadow in their hearts, or choose To become a Taoist partner of Jianzhen, the third situation rarely occurs.

'Try your heart', try your heart! It depends on what kind of heart you have, whether you are suitable to be Jianzhen's Taoist partner, and whether you are suitable to practice unfeeling Taoism to assist Jianzhen in the future.

Every time there are many female cultivators who take part in the first test of Xuan Qi Sect's patriarch, but very few of them can pass the first test, because the "trial test" is a test of human nature, which is very cruel and very real reflect some circumstances.

When Yun Jing was in the illusion, the first alien she wanted to think of the most was naturally not Daoist Yun Qing. What she thought of was a handsome man who was her first Taoist companion.

Yun Jing still has a lot of attachment to her first Taoist companion, but unfortunately in reality her first Taoist companion has already died.

Because it was an illusion, Yun Jing thought that she really saw her first Taoist companion, and she no longer remembered that her first Taoist companion had died, and she just felt that she hadn't seen her for a long time.

Just as the delighted Yun Jing was rushing towards her first Taoist companion, a strange feeling arose in her heart, making her understand that she wanted to become Jianzhen's Taoist companion now, and that Jianzhen was the same as what she saw. Among the men she got, she could only choose one.

Yun Jing finally flew into the arms of her first Taoist companion, showing a tenderness that Daoist Yun Qing had never seen before, and even the femininity that she never imagined would appear on Yun Jing.

The lingering lingering after a long absence, this was the longest hurdle Yun Jing had experienced in the illusion of "testing the heart". When the man closed his eyes satisfied, she suddenly took the man's life.


The scene changed, and it became the Shanhai Gate that Yun Jing was familiar with. Long Yuanzi was outside her cave gate, welcoming her to leave the gate with a smile on his face.

However, after going through the first level, Yun Jing also retained the memory of the first level. She knew that she had killed her Taoist partner, and she knew that she was going to become Jianzhen's Taoist partner, and her father was also her obstacle. Moreover, a sense of urgency also accompanied Yun Jing, letting her know that she must have a quick result, which would be beneficial for her to become a sword-true companion.


Yun Jing smiled and walked towards Long Yuanzi, but when Long Yuanzi was about to say something, a handkerchief suddenly flew out of Yun Jing's sleeve, turning into a silver snake and piercing Long Yuanzi's stomach.

Long Yuanzi was shocked, and immediately flew back, while shouting angrily: "What are you doing? I'm your father!"

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