The auction of the Mutant White Jade Scrophulariaceae made the atmosphere at the auction climax, but after the auctioneer confirmed its ownership, the originally lively auction returned to silence, and the auction of another auction item is about to start .

Mutated White Jade Scrophulariaceae is auction item No. 46, and the next auction item that Gu Zheng has his eye on is No. 49. Before long, the auction for auction item No. 49 has arrived.

"Auction No. 49 is a set of metallic inner alchemy. There are three metallic inner alchemists in this group. The level is Tianyao. The base price is 1,500 Huangxian coins. Each increase should not be less than five." Ten yellow fairy coins, the auction starts now!" said the auctioneer.

"One thousand five hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins!"

"One thousand six hundred yellow fairy coins!"

"Seventeen hundred yellow fairy coins!"

"One thousand seven hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins!"

"One thousand and nine hundred yellow fairy coins!"

Among the five elements inner alchemy, metallic inner alchemy is the rarest and the most expensive.

In the realm of cultivating celestial beings, the three realms of refining essence and transforming qi, refining qi and transforming gods, and transforming gods into the void are collectively referred to as the heavenly fairyland. God, a difference on earth. For monsters, the Spiritual Demon Realm is equivalent to the Qi Transformation Realm, the Earth Demon Realm is equivalent to the Divine Transformation Realm, the Mysterious Demon Realm is equivalent to the Void Return Realm, and the Sky Demon Realm is equivalent to the Golden Immortal Realm! And once you reach the level of the sky demon, the difference from the previous realms is also that one is in the sky and the other is in the ground.

Whether it's because of the scarcity of attributes or the difference in realm, the final transaction price of the three metallic alchemy this time must be much more expensive than the inner alchemy auctioned before.

Soon, the bidding price for the three metallic alchemy had reached the point of 2,800 yellow fairy coins, and at this time there were only two bidders left.

"Three thousand yellow fairy coins."

Gu Zheng finally spoke, and he added two hundred yellow fairy coins at a time. This was the first time someone added so much during the bidding process for the three metallic inner alchemy.

"Three thousand and one hundred yellow fairy coins!"

Among the two bidders before, one bid without hesitation, while the other did not follow closely.

"Three thousand three hundred yellow fairy coins!"

Gu Zheng added two more Huangxian coins, and the scene became quiet for a while.

"Three thousand three hundred yellow fairy coins once!"

"Three thousand three hundred yellow fairy coins twice!"

"Three thousand five hundred yellow fairy coins!"

In the original bidding between the two, the person who seemed to give up spoke up, and also added two hundred Huangxian coins to it.

Now the price of the three metallic alchemy is already higher than the market price, but the metallic inner alchemy is relatively rare, and it is not easy to collect, let alone the metallic inner alchemy of the sky demon level. Therefore, even if it costs a little more money, Gu Zheng wants to get these three metallic inner pills! In Gu Zheng's mind, as long as there are no more than 5,000 yellow immortal coins, he will not even blink his eyes when it comes to bidding for these three metallic inner alchemy.

"Three thousand seven hundred yellow fairy coins." Gu Zheng quoted again.

After two breaths of silence, the auctioneer said, "Three thousand and seven hundred yellow fairy coins once!"

"Three thousand seven hundred yellow fairy coins twice!"

"Three thousand, seven hundred yellow fairy coins!"

"make a deal!"

No one made any more bids, and Gu Zheng finally bought three Heavenly Demon-level metallic inner pills at a price of 3,700 Huangxian coins.

The people at the auction soon sent Neidan over, and Gu Zheng also delivered the immortal coins.

"The reserve of fairy coins is not too much." Gu Zheng looked at the storage bracelet and said.

"What should I do?" Lingzhu asked hastily.

"Old Ancestor, this junior still has some fairy coins here!" Master Yun Qing said.

"Forget about your fairy coins. Even if the ancestor doesn't have a lot of fairy coins, he still has the money to buy the other two items." Gu Zheng laughed.

"Okay, sir, you surprised us both!" Lingzhu laughed.

"The old ancestor said that there are not many, which is not the same concept as the not many in our hearts!" Master Yun Qing also laughed.

"It seems that we need to add some fairy coins. Once the number of fairy coins falls below a certain level, the feeling of participating in the auction will not be very good." Gu Zheng shook his head and smiled.

"How does the ancestor want to replenish the immortal coins?" Master Yunqing asked.

"Let's watch the auction first, and talk about it later!" Gu Zheng said.

After a while, it was the turn to bid for the fifty-fifth auction item, and everyone cheered up at this moment.

"Our auction in Tianling City not only has 'the beginning and the end', but also this rather special fifty-fifth auction item. The fifth day of May is the first time the Tianling City Auction is held. As a commemoration, every day The start time of the Lingcheng auction must also be the fifth day of May! And the fifty-fifth auction item in each auction must be a good thing that can be taken out alone and can be the finale!"

The auctioneer's smiling expression turned serious. He lifted the red cloth from the tray in the maid's hand, and saw this jeweled fan on the tray.

"Top Immortal Artifact!"

"Oh my god, it's another top-notch fairy weapon!"

"This top-level immortal artifact is so gorgeous, I don't even know any of the gems inlaid on it!"

"This is the second top celestial artifact at today's auction. The first Yinshi Sword was sold for 3,300 blue celestial coins. I don't know how many celestial coins this fan will be sold for?"

"The transaction price of this fan must be higher than that of the Yinshi Sword. Its celestial artifact is more powerful than the Yinshi Sword, and its power must be greater."

"Not necessarily! I have a feeling that although this fan is not exclusive, it should be more suitable for female cultivators!"

"What's wrong with being suitable for female cultivators? Can't female cultivators afford the price?"

The sound of discussion made the auction hall very lively. The auctioneer knocked on the table to signal everyone to be quiet, and then he took out a jade talisman.

There is light on the jade talisman, and a light curtain is reflected in the void. The light curtain shows the back of a female cultivator, and what she is holding in her hand is the fan that is going to be auctioned now.

In front of the female cultivator was a group of monsters, among which there were many alien species. She waved the fan in her hand towards the monsters, and a huge flame tornado appeared, sweeping towards the monsters in a mighty way.

The ground was cracked under the ravages of the tornado, and some weak monsters were already burning some distance away from the tornado. Several prehistoric alien species escaped the tornado, some rushed towards the female cultivator, and some cast spells on the female cultivator.

The fan in the female cultivator's hand waved again, and a huge fire phoenix appeared. It was not the kind of immortal art that disappeared in a flash, but it could fight automatically like the fire dragon in the ancient struggle. Moreover, there is not one fire phoenix, the female cultivator fanned out three with a fan!

The female cultivator didn't make another move, and several kinds of prehistoric alien species couldn't even break through the fire phoenix's defense line, so they were burned to fly ash, and the scene ended here.

"The power of this fairy weapon is indeed greater than that of Yin Shi's sword!"

"What a terrifying fire phoenix! Among them, the alien beast husband Zhu who was burned to death definitely has the strength of the early stage of the Golden Immortal!"

"Bi Fang is also a fire attribute beast, but under the burning of the fire phoenix, he was still burned to ashes. The flames of this fire phoenix are really terrifying!"

"My God, what kind of person wants to sell such a fairy weapon?"

The voices of shock and emotion kept ringing out, and the auctioneer knocked on the table to silence everyone.

"This fan is called 'Skyfire Flying Phoenix Fan'. It has two supernatural powers, one is to fan out flame tornadoes, and the other is to fan out fire phoenixes. However, the supernatural power to fan out fire phoenixes can only be used by female cultivators. Therefore, it can be said that this fairy weapon is more suitable for female cultivators. In addition, this is also a real fairy weapon, and demon cultivators and demon cultivators cannot activate the supernatural powers in it, so don't shoot it! "Skyfire Flying Phoenix Fan", Xiu Because the Void Return Realm can barely be activated, the power is enough to kill the immortal cultivator of the Golden Immortal Realm, and the Golden Immortal Realm can be fully activated, and there is a certain chance of winning against the Daluo Golden Immortal Realm!"

At the end of the introduction, the auctioneer said again: "The Tianhuo Feihuang fan auction is open, the base price is 100 blue fairy coins, and the price increase should not be less than two."

Precisely because it is a fairy weapon more suitable for female cultivators, the base price of the Skyfire Phoenix Fan and the bottom line for each price increase are set to be the same as the Yinshi Sword. However, although the audience of Tianhuo Feihuang Fan is a bit narrower than normal fairy artifacts, there will still be many people bidding for it! After all, after receiving such a fairy artifact that can bring huge profits to the auction, the auction will naturally notify some regular customers and give this fairy artifact a certain amount of publicity. There are many people who come from fairy artifacts. What's more, everyone can see from the previous light curtain that if it is in the hands of a female cultivator, the Skyfire Phoenix Fan must be more powerful than the Yinshi Sword!

"One thousand blue fairy coins!"

The female cultivator who was the first to speak directly added 900 blue fairy coins, which really confirmed the sentence that the reserve price was used to surpass.

"Two thousand five hundred blue fairy coins!"

The second bidder was still a female nun, she was more ruthless than the first female nun, she added 1,500 blue fairy coins on top of the first female nun's bidding.

"Three thousand blue fairy coins!" The third female nun offered.

"Three thousand five hundred blue fairy coins!"

The fourth bidder was a male voice. Up to now, the sword of Yinshi with the highest transaction price has been surpassed. It is also a top-level fairy weapon. The bidding surpassed this record.

"Hey! Isn't this fairy coin paper? Add so many fairy coins at once, and it's still blue fairy coins, how rich are these bidders!"

Master Yunqing in the private room clicked his tongue. He rarely bought things that required blue fairy coins in his life. He usually traded with red fairy coins and yellow fairy coins. But now, these people's bids for the Tianhuo Feihuang fan, adding up to a thousand blue fairy coins at a time, really stimulated his nerves to jump wildly.

"It's nothing, it's just that it has just surpassed the price of Yinshi Sword."

Lingzhu licked her lips, looking a little excited. Although she felt sorry for Gu Zheng spending money, she also found it very exciting to see other people spending money like water.

"Three thousand five hundred and ten blue fairy coins!"

"Three thousand five hundred and fifteen blue fairy coins!"

"Three thousand five hundred and thirty blue fairy coins!"

"Three thousand five hundred and forty blue fairy coins!"

"Three thousand five hundred and seventy blue fairy coins!"

"Three thousand six hundred blue fairy coins!"

"Three thousand six hundred and five blue fairy coins!"

After surpassing the transaction record of Yinshi Sword, the auction of Skyfire Phoenix Fan became very low-key. There were five or ten blue immortal coins at a time, and there were not many bids that could increase thirty blue immortal coins at a time.

"What's the matter with these people? They paid more than a thousand blue fairy coins before, but now they are paying a few blue fairy coins, which is barely equal to the minimum price increase limit. What are they going to do?" Master Yun Qing Puzzled.

"Sir, do you mean that because the transaction price of the top-level fairy artifact, the Yinshi Sword, is higher, if they buy it too much higher, they will feel that they are at a loss?" Lingzhu looked at Gu Zheng.

"Yes and no."

Gu Zheng paused, and then said: "For the bidders, it is a good thing to be able to buy the auction items cheaply, and this is also their wish. However, the price increase in this way is not caused by being particularly distressed about the fairy coins. , They want to use this method to give their competitors enough time to think about it and see if anyone will give up."

"Sir, isn't it useless to do this? Will you give up? Every bidder should have their own bottom line in their hearts. When they don't touch the bottom line, they will naturally not give up!" Lingzhu said again .

Gu Zheng shook his head: "First of all, this situation is just the trough before the climax, and it will end soon. Secondly, you may not give up when you hit the bottom, and there may be a rebound. Although a small price increase will prolong the process, it will not It is easy to rebound, but if it is a large price increase, there is a great possibility of rebound! Because when the fairy coin is spent to a certain extent, the original concept of it will become blurred, and it will become easy to be overwhelmed by obsession or anger. Replacement, this is what is often said to be anxious and superior."

Sure enough, Gu Zheng's words were quickly confirmed, and the original price increase of a few blue fairy coins was quickly replaced by the price increase of dozens of blue fairy coins. Then, the price increase of a hundred blue fairy coins appeared again.

"4,500 blue fairy coins!"

With a slightly angry voice, the auctioneer got angry and added three hundred blue fairy coins at a time.

This auctioneer is a male cultivator, and the rate of price increase has always been the fastest. Before he bid this time, there were only three female cultivators left as competitors.


There was a sigh of rubbing the edge, which was made by one of the three female nuns. This was the second sigh made by this woman during the price increase process. Unlike the price increase after sighing last time, this time she did not make an offer after sighing, making people feel that she should have given up.

"4,550 blue fairy coins."

The voice of the quotation sounded. For the climax of this auction, it is rare to add fifty blue fairy coins at a time. The voice of her quotation this time also seemed very weak, giving people a feeling that this is her last bid. a feeling of.

"4,700 blue fairy coins!"

The last of the three female cultivators made an offer, and she added 150 blue fairy coins. Although she was not as ruthless as the male cultivator, her price increase was always calm, and no one could hear any emotional fluctuations at all. . And everyone also thought that the reason why the male cultivator's voice was angry was because he regarded her as the biggest enemy.

"4,850 blue fairy coins!"

The male cultivator’s voice was a bit sneering. He was the same as the female cultivator this time, only adding 150 blue fairy coins. As far as Xiu is concerned, the situation is really rare! And this situation also gave people a sense that the male cultivator was going to marry the female cultivator who raised the price by 150 blue fairy coins.

After two breaths of silence, the auctioneer said, "One time for 4,850 blue fairy coins!"

"4,850 blue fairy coins twice!"

"Five thousand blue fairy coins!"

The female nun who had been tepid made another offer, her voice was still so calm, it felt like the previous silence was not hesitating, but waiting for the sighing female nun. Now, even the lukewarm female nuns have already increased their prices, and the sighing female nun still didn't make a sound. It seems that she really gave up.

"Five thousand one hundred and fifty blue fairy coins!"

"Five thousand three hundred blue fairy coins!"

"Five thousand four hundred and fifty blue fairy coins!"

"Five thousand six hundred blue fairy coins!"

The following auction seemed to be a special event for male cultivators and tepid female cultivators, both of whom added one hundred and fifty blue fairy coins each time.

The audience was almost suffocated at this moment. They wanted to talk and cheer for the two competitors, but due to the restrictions of the rules, they could only swallow their words.

"Oh my god, it's broken through 6,000 blue fairy coins. Are the two of them making fairy coins?"

Master Yun Qing rubbed his face vigorously, as if the continuous bidding was just his illusion.

"It seems that the Tianhuo Feihuang Fan is about to exceed twice the transaction price of the Yinshi Sword, but I don't know when it will be the end."

Although she likes to watch other people spend money like water, Lingzhu also feels a little terrified at the moment. Think about the price of vegetables in Jixiang Xiaozhu, and then think about the 6,000 blue fairy coins in the current bidding price. What is it for? When can you earn such a fortune?

"What do you want fairy coins for? Isn't it to improve your own strength? Although fairy artifacts are foreign objects, they are also indispensable for immortal cultivators. If six thousand blue fairy coins can be exchanged for a substantial increase in strength, it is also Worthy thing! And, for some people, more than 6,000 blue fairy coins are nothing." Gu Zheng said.

"Ancestor, do you think this man is the one who bid for white jade scrophulariaceae with the ancestor?" Master Yunqing asked.

"Although the effect of the fairy array will change the tone of the voice of the divine mind, there will still be clues to follow if it is more audible. I feel that this man is not the same person as that one." Gu Zheng said.

The price rise is very fast when the price is soaring, that is to say, during the moment when Gu Zheng was talking to Lingzhu and the others, the price of the Tianhuo Feihuang fan has exceeded 7,000.

"Seven thousand two hundred and fifty blue fairy coins!"

The female cultivator, who had been tepid all this time, finally had a slight change in her voice, bringing out a little annoyed feeling.

"Seven thousand four hundred blue fairy coins!"

The male cultivator immediately followed with a smile, as if he was happy for the female cultivator's anger.

After two breaths of silence, the auctioneer said, "Seven thousand four hundred blue fairy coins once!"

"Eight thousand and one hundred blue fairy coins!"

The female cultivator spoke again and ended the management of adding 150 blue fairy coins. She directly added 600 blue fairy coins this time.

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