Xiong San was blown into four under the second lightning calamity of the Celestial Tribulation, but these four Xiong San were not the same as the big black bear just now, they were four little black bears standing there At most, it was two feet in height, which couldn't be compared with Xiong San's burly body before.

"Master, how about this disciple's natal supernatural power?"

Knowing that the natal supernatural power surprised Gu Zheng, Xiong San smiled very proudly.

It's just that Xiong San is now divided into four. When one speaks, the other four also speak, and their voices sound much more immature.

"This supernatural power is really good. It allowed you to resist the second thunder of the Celestial Tribulation without using a demon weapon. However, as a teacher, I have already seen that you have actually suffered internal injuries. The last Heavenly Tribulation will be even more powerful, I advise you to be careful!"

Gu Zheng couldn't help but remind him again whether it was his apprentice.

"I know Master!"

Having said that, Xiong San no longer intends to use the mace at this time, and his thoughts have changed after experiencing the second thunder disaster.

Before experiencing the second tribulation thunder, Xiong San felt that his natal supernatural power should be able to withstand the second tribulation thunder, but after resisting, he could not know in advance what kind of situation he would be in. After all, he has never used his natal supernatural powers before, and when the second tribulation thunder really uses his natal supernatural powers to resist, he doesn't know what the result will be.


The third tribulation thunder fell, and Gu Zheng frowned accordingly, Xiong San didn't intend to use the demon weapon.


There was an explosion when Jielei hit Xiong San, and his body was pulverized in the explosion.

However, Xiong San has four in total, and the one that exploded is only the first one.

"Bang bang!"

There were two explosions in succession, and Tian Jie chopped the other two Xiong San into pieces.


Only one of the three Xiong San was left, and the last Xiong San vomited blood. However, Jie Lei did not intend to let him go, and still flew towards him aggressively.


Xiong San roared with a drawn-out voice, and black mist sprayed out from his mouth, attacking Heavenly Tribulation continuously.

Facing the monster mist blocking the way, Tianjie's aura is still indomitable, and all the monster fog that touches it is instantly purified.

However, after all, Heavenly Tribulation has experienced consumption, and its power is no longer as good as when it first came down.

"You rock!"

Gu Zheng couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't know whether to scold Xiong San or praise him.

Regarding the power of Xiong San's natal supernatural power, Gu Zheng was somewhat unexpected, but what was even more unexpected to him was that Xiong San had a rare ruthlessness in the face of this kind of thing! He was so ruthless that even if the inner alchemy in his head was destroyed due to crossing the catastrophe, he would still survive the catastrophe without using a mace!

The inner alchemy in his mind is what sets Xiong San apart. If it were Gu Zheng, he wouldn't make such a choice.

The Mystic Realm is precious, but the second inner alchemy is equally precious, even in the eyes of Gu Zheng, it is more precious than the Mystic Realm. After all, entering the mysterious realm does not mean that there will be comprehension, and what the ultimate comprehension will be is also unknown. However, Xiong San did this, and it also triggered a situation that even Gu Zheng hadn't thought of!

Xiong San's inner alchemy is not in a state of being completely controlled by him, so he doesn't know how many secrets there are in the inner alchemy. The ball is the same as the celestial ball.

When the third heavenly tribulation broke through Xiong San's monster mist and landed on Xiong San's body, the second inner alchemy that should have been destroyed suddenly burst out with a strong pink light, which completely canceled out the force that entered Xiong San's body. Heavenly Tribulation Power.

Xiong San survived three or nine days of calamity, but now he is lying on the ground motionless, Gu Zheng is not clear about his situation.

Gu Zheng didn't know the situation of Xiong San's second inner alchemy. The reason why he knew that Xiong San's second inner alchemy burst out with light was because Xiong San's head was glowing at that time.

Since Xiong San only used a foreign object called the Lightning Array, he had a 70% chance of entering the Mystic Realm, so Gu Zheng didn't know if he, who was motionless now, had already entered the Mystic Realm. After all, if Xiong San has already entered the mysterious realm, then there is a good chance of being disturbed at this moment, even a hasty sweep of divine sense is not suitable. However, Gu Zheng knew that Xiong San was not dead because he was still breathing weakly.

In the current situation, Gu Zheng can only wait, but the wait will not be too long. Even if Xiong San does not wake up, Gu Zheng can judge from the situation in the air whether he is seriously injured and comatose, or has fallen into a mysterious state realm.

Under normal circumstances, after passing through the catastrophe, the catastrophe clouds in the sky will become auspicious clouds, and the heaven and earth will also bless the successful existence of the catastrophe. However, if the mysterious realm is triggered during the process of crossing the catastrophe, then the process of auspicious cloud condensation will be slowed down, and the amount of blessings from heaven and earth will also increase accordingly.

"Good luck!"

Seeing that the auspicious clouds were gathering very slowly, Gu Zheng finally felt relieved, which meant that Xiong San was not in a coma, but had entered a mysterious realm.


Gu Zheng stretched comfortably, then took out a pot of fairy wine and drank it slowly, waiting for the end of Xiong San's mysterious realm.

After waiting for about five minutes, Gu Zheng, who was drinking, couldn't hold back, and spit out the immortal wine in his mouth.

Xiong San, who was originally calm, turned out to be hysterical, and started to move his four paws, and even his breathing became short of breath. If Gu Zheng didn't know that he had fallen into the mysterious realm, he would definitely think that he was Had a spring dream! Because, what he showed was like a anxious person picking up the clothes of the opposite sex.

"I'll go! Third Senior Brother, do you want to do this!"

Gu Zheng was not in the mood to drink, let alone look at Xiong San's appearance, because not only did Xiong San's body react, but the actions he made were also very eye-catching.

Turning his back to Xiong San, Gu Zheng entered a state of meditation, but he still couldn't help but feel that the third senior brother is a master in which one, even entering the mysterious realm where the body should be calm and peaceful, he can do such a thing. Big movement.

Although Gu Zheng no longer listened to voices he shouldn't have heard, when Xiong San's calling sounded, he also knew that time had passed.

Gu Zheng looked back at Xiong San. Although Xiong San's body had returned to normal and the fairy clothes had been put on, he still didn't dare to look Gu Zheng in the eyes. With his head down, he was very embarrassed. Of course, Xiong San, who has stepped out of the mysterious realm, knows clearly what happened outside. At this time, he really wants to find a crack in the ground and sneak in. He has never been so embarrassing.

At this time, Xiong San was so embarrassed, although Gu Zheng really wanted to know what was going on in his body, he didn't want to check his body either.


Gu Zheng cleared his throat and said, "The blessings of heaven and earth are about to come down. You should calmly accept this blessing! If you are lucky enough, you can also gain a lot when you accept the blessings of heaven and earth."


Xiong San's voice was so small that he could hardly hear it.

Under normal circumstances, when accepting the advanced blessings of heaven and earth, no matter whether it is an immortal cultivator or a demon cultivator, they can't help but let out a long howl. This is a release of pressure after finally passing the test, and the other is because of the wonderful mood.

Obviously, Xiong San was not in a good mood at all. He made Gu Zheng more knowledgeable. During the process of blessing from heaven and earth, he kept a bear face all the time and kept silent. If Gu Zheng didn't know that he was receiving blessings from heaven and earth, he would definitely Thought it was a statue.

Anyway, now is not the time for Xiong San to enter the mysterious realm and not be disturbed. In order to ease the embarrassment, Gu Zheng also flew towards the waterfall, and he wanted to ease Xiong San's shame.

Sure enough, feeling that after Gu Zheng left, Xiong San, who was still receiving the blessings of heaven and earth, opened one eye a crack, and after seeing that Gu Zheng was indeed not nearby, he opened both eyes. Let out a mouthful of suppressed breath.

Seeing that the auspicious clouds in the sky had gathered, Gu Zheng flew down from above the waterfall.


Xiong San shouted happily.

After this effort eased, the embarrassment disappeared from Xiong San's eyes, and Gu Zheng also smiled and said: "Why, you have experienced it?"

Seeing Gu Zheng's question, Xiong San's eyes immediately showed embarrassment again.

"You don't need to talk about what happened to you in the mysterious realm." Gu Zheng hurriedly said.

Xiong San hesitated for a while, and then said: "I have to mention the matter in the mysterious realm, and I also hope that Master can make it happen!"

Gu Zheng's eyes widened sharply, Xiong San said that he wanted him to do it, and he immediately thought of a possibility.

"Could you have seen the Lingzhu in the mysterious realm?" Gu Zheng frowned.

"That's true. This disciple still has a vague feeling that it will be very helpful to the disciple if he can form a Taoist companion with Lingzhu!"

Xiong San paused, and then happily said: "Master, in that mysterious realm, I seem to have found my own way!"

Gu Zheng's heart moved, some preordained things, what should come has come, Xiong San has come into contact with his Dao so quickly! Although experiencing all of this as a Tiexian, some things will change a lot, but some things are still fixed.


Seeing that Gu Zheng was in a daze, Xiong San, who was afraid that Gu Zheng would not agree, called out.

Gu Zheng was in a daze, partly because he had a vague feeling that Xiong San and Lingzhu had a certain fate, but he didn't know whether it was an evil fate or what. However, judging from the situation of later generations, Lingzhu was not always by Xiong San's side.

"You have just become a demon cultivator, and you are looking for a Taoist partner. This matter is really your way!" Gu Zheng sighed.

"Master knows what my way is?"

Xiong San's eyes widened. After all, he hasn't told Gu Zheng what his Tao is, and he doesn't know how to speak.

"I am your master, of course it is clear!"

Gu Zheng would not tell Xiong San that he is actually Xiong San's junior junior.

"Master is Master, so powerful!" Xiong San looked up.

Gazing at Xiong San, Gu Zheng became serious: "Since this is your way, I don't object to your pursuit of Lingzhu as a teacher, but there are some things that you have to take seriously, especially the matters between men and women!"

It's not good to point too much on some things, and Gu Zheng doesn't know if it's good for Xiong San, he just doesn't want Xiong San to lose his Lingzhu, and his hair will turn gray like when he lost Fairy Feiyu later.

"Disciple wrote it down!"

I know a little bit about Gu Zheng. Xiong San knew that when Gu Zheng said something vague in such a serious tone, he usually didn't want him to ask any more, so he didn't ask any more.

"Let me check your body to see how your inner alchemy is." Gu Zheng said with a relaxed expression.


Xiong San stuck out his tongue, and only now did he remember being afraid. He knew that Gu Zheng must be worried about his adventure.

However, what made Xiong San somewhat rejoicing was that Gu Zheng didn't say anything about his adventure after inspecting his body.

It was inevitable that Xiong San's second inner alchemy was damaged. However, the damage to his inner alchemy is not serious, as long as Gu Zheng cooks him a food cultivation, and he concentrates on practicing for a month or two, he will be able to recover as before. However, the original plan has to be changed because of Xiong San's adventure.

Originally, Gu Zheng planned to take Xiong San to Jixiang Xiaozhu after Xiong San survived the Tribulation of Three or Nine Heavens and completed his transformation, and let him stay with him for a while, so as to teach him the way of diet matter. However, because of the injury of the inner alchemy, Xiong San failed to transform after going through the three or nine days of calamity. If he wants to transform, he must wait until the damaged inner alchemy is intact. However, once Xiong San's inner alchemy is intact, then the transformation is nothing to him who has gone through three or nine days of calamity.

"You stabilize your realm first, and tomorrow I will teach you a food practice as a master. After you eat it, you can transform into a shape within a month or two. Zhu find me." Gu Zheng said.

"A month or two!"

Xiong San had a bitter face, but after remembering that these were all thanks to his adventures, he stuck out his tongue and stopped saying anything.

Xiong San went to the cave to stabilize his state, while Gu Zheng practiced a little outside the cave. If it hadn't been for a while since he left Jixiang Xiaozhu, it would be fine for Gu Zheng to wait here for Xiong Sanyi or two months, but he is also very concerned about the situation of Jixiang Xiaozhu now, even though it is impossible for anything major to happen there, After all, the Lingzhu didn't use the jade talisman that could tell him the danger.

It took Xiong San a day to stabilize his realm, and Gu Zheng gave him a food practice, and after telling him to practice hard again, he began to return to Jixiang Xiaozhu.

Qingfeng City was brightly lit at night, it was not late at night, but Jixiang Xiaozhu had already started to close.

Although the daily opening time of Jixiang Xiaozhu has increased, compared with other restaurants, the opening time of Jixiang Xiaozhu is still very short. In fact, it is not only for other restaurants, but also for the diners. Every day there are diners who cannot eat Jixiang Xiaozhu dishes even if they line up. The reason is naturally the people who go to Jixiang Xiaozhu to eat Too much.

The guys were cleaning, and seeing that Jixiang Xiaozhu was about to close, a young man walked towards Jixiang Xiaozhu.

This young man was wearing a fine attire that was rarely seen among the sons and daughters of Qingfeng City. He was probably in his twenties, and he had no entourage around him.

"Guest officer, our Jixiang Xiaozhu has closed."

Seeing that the young man was about to enter the Jixiang Xiaozhu, the guy who was cleaning outside hurriedly spoke.

"I know!"

The young man didn't stop walking, he still walked towards the extremely fragrant small building.

"Guest officer, Jixiang Xiaozhu has rules..."

The man went to stop the young man, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt blurred, and the young man who was facing each other suddenly disappeared, and when he turned around in doubt, one of the young man's feet had already stepped into the The thresholds of the extremely fragrant small buildings.

Jixiang Xiaozhu has more than one buddy, and the rest of the buddies also saw what happened just now. They saw the young man turn into an afterimage in an instant, and when they could see clearly again, he had already arrived at the current place. place. However, none of the guys dared to stop him, they had already seen that this young man was not an ordinary person!

"Guest officer, you are breaking the rules of Jixiang Xiaozhu!"

Huang Ying was doing accounts in the front hall at the moment, she frowned and looked at the young man who entered Jixiang Xiaozhu.

If it had been changed before, Huang Ying, as a woman, would not have dared to say anything in this situation. But it is different now. Huang Ying knows that Gu Zheng is a cultivator, and she also knows that Lingzhu is not an ordinary person. She also knows that the friendship between the cultivators stationed in Qingfeng City and Gu Zheng is not ordinary. The visitor has been to Jixiang Xiaozhu many times, and every time he is polite, no different from ordinary diners.

"Are you the person in charge of this store?"

The young man glanced at Huang Ying, and sat down at a table by himself.

"It is." Huang Ying said.

"Well, I heard that the dishes made by you Jixiang Xiaozhu are delicious. Even the gods will be greedy after smelling them. You ask the cook to cook some dishes for me now."

When the young man said this, his tone was slightly contemptuous.

"Guest officer wants to eat Jixiang Xiaozhu's dishes, we naturally welcome, but Jixiang Xiaozhu has the rules of Jixiang Xiaozhu, and now it's closing time, if guest officer is interested, come early at noon tomorrow, forgive us now Jixiang Xiaozhu is no longer entertaining."

Although Huang Ying spoke politely, her expression was already somewhat cold.


The young man smiled, and all the chairs that had been placed on the table in Jixiang Xiaozhuzhong fell to the ground because of cleaning, and the pot of tea that was originally placed beside Huang Ying also flew onto the young man's table.

Some of Jixiang Xiaozhu's buddies are new recruits. They don't know the identity of Gu Zheng, so seeing this abnormality, their legs are a little weak in fright. They really don't run or walk. In their hearts, they have already linked the unkind young man with some mountain spirit and ghost.

Gu Zheng not only taught Huang Ying and others cooking skills, he also taught Huang Ying and others how to practice. Now Huang Ying and others have been practicing for a while, and they have reached the point where they can feel the immortality in the air, and Therefore, I also understand that the young man has used Xianli.

"The guest officer has such good means, he shouldn't bully us common people." Huang Ying shook her head.

"People? I'm afraid you are not an ordinary person!"

Seeing that Huang Ying was not panicked, the young man stood up and walked towards her.

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