"Spiritual thoughts are indeed a way to deal with phantoms, but because the phantoms are too strange, and you are using sonic attacks to deal with me, so the effect of spiritual thoughts is not good, and I will not use them."

Speaking of divine thoughts, Gu Zheng also felt helpless, thinking how powerful the divine thoughts of his main body were, not to mention immortal cultivators who were far beyond the same realm, and even cut off the tail connecting the spiritual thoughts with the main body early on, making Spiritual thoughts can take shape and fight alone, which is a very powerful means against the enemy. But now, when experiencing everything as a Tiexian, he has not yet been able to cut off the tail between the divine sense and the body, and there is no way to do other complicated things when using the divine sense to hurt the enemy .

"The old man is very curious, what are you going to use to deal with me without divine sense?"

Niu Xiu's phantom has been talking to Gu Zheng, and he actually has a purpose. This way can weaken Gu Zheng's rationality and let negative emotions control Gu Zheng earlier. But it is a pity that Gu Zheng's rationality is much stronger than he imagined, so that Gu Zheng is still talking to him while resisting the sonic attack, and is still approaching him constantly. Now, the distance between him, who was fighting for the distance in ancient times, is only one shot away.

"Are you a pig? Didn't you see that I don't even use the book of life and death, but use this high-level fairy weapon?"

Gu Zheng roared, and stabbed at Niu Xiu's phantom with the soul-chasing gun in his hand.

Niu Xiu's phantom was very agile, and when he saw the soul-chasing spear approaching, he couldn't help showing regret on his face.

Not only is Niu Xiu not a pig, but he is also an old monster who has matured into a mature person. When Gu Zheng took out the soul-chasing gun, he already knew that this seemingly ordinary silver gun was actually made of a very rare "meteorite secret" Silver', a fairy artifact made of this material, can be regarded as the nemesis of phantoms. In the absence of a better way, Niu Xiu's phantom can only be chattering, in order to let negative emotions overwhelm Gu Zheng's rationality, thus ending the unfavorable battle. But unfortunately, the reality once again ran counter to the hope.

Gu Zheng's soul-chasing spear had pierced Niu Xiu's phantom, and his phantom gradually dissipated.

"Do you really think I don't know what you're talking about?"

Gu Zheng sneered before Niu Xiu's phantom was about to dissipate, and then stabbed the phantom of refining corpse with the soul-chasing gun.

Without the help of Niu Xiu's phantom, Gu Zheng's sonic attack could be resisted by the automatic operation of Gu Zheng's Anshen Art just by the ghostly scream of the corpse refining phantom, which also relieved the pressure on his body immediately.

"Disappear for me!"

Gu Zheng shot one by one, just like stabbing a scarecrow. The few refined corpses quickly disappeared, and the whole world became quiet.

Gu Zheng experienced a relatively difficult battle, and Lingzhu and Master Yunqing were also not idle. When Gu Zheng was fighting against Niu Xiu Phantom, some corpses also crawled out of the ground and approached Lingzhu and Yunqing. Master Yunqing launched an attack.

Fortunately, these refined corpses crawled out of the ground were not the ones that were difficult to distinguish between real and fake, so when Lingzhu and Master Yunqing killed them, they didn't pull out any killing moves of the fairy formation.

"Sir, is it hard work?"

Seeing Gu Zheng approaching, Lingzhu immediately showed concern.

Although Lingzhu and Master Yunqing were also fighting just now, they could see the situation on Gu Zheng's side. Although due to the distance, the area they are in is not within the attack range of Niu Xiu Phantom and Corpse Refining Phantom, so they can't hear the sound of ghost crying, but they can see that Gu Zheng is approaching at a super slow speed. Niu Xiu's Phantom and Corpse Refining Phantom ended the battle, and they knew that the reason why Gu Zheng was so slow was because the space of the Immortal Array lengthened the distance between Gu Zheng and Niu Xiu's Phantom! And in that part of the road where they couldn't hear the sound, Gu Zheng must have experienced many hardships.

"The ancestor has worked hard!"

Master Yunqing looked at Gu Zheng with admiration.

At the beginning, Master Yunqing wanted to use the power of Gu Zheng to make meritorious service. It is undeniable that he thought things too simply. He did not expect that Niu Xiuhui would be so powerful, nor did he expect Gu Zheng to be so powerful. It really opened his eyes, so much so that he really worshiped Gu Zheng a little bit.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Looking at the solemn Yun Qing who stood like a javelin, he thought of the soldiers standing in a military posture to say hello to the officer, and couldn't help laughing.


Although Master Yun Qing didn't understand why Gu Zheng was laughing, but when he saw that Gu Zheng was happy, he also laughed.

"Let's go, now you can enter the Diaojiaolou, and you can take a little rest."

Gu Zheng took Lingzhu and Master Yunqing into the Diaojiaolou, and the sight in front of him changed to the inside of a tower.

"A tower?"

Gu Zheng's eyes couldn't help but widen. The space in the eye of the array turned out to be a tower, which means that the array here is probably a tower.

Gu Zheng has a special feeling for the tower. After all, he owns the Chaos Tower, which is a fairy weapon that he has contributed a lot to along the way.

Although it is said that the internal structure of the array eye space is the appearance of a tower, but whether the array spirit is a tower or not, Gu Zheng didn't say anything more, and immediately used his divine sense to investigate. He wanted to know what the array spirit was as soon as possible. How to destroy.

Gu Zheng was closing his eyes to explore the space of the formation, Lingzhu and Master Yunqing didn't dare to move, they could only sit down and tease.

A moment later, Gu Zheng, who had finished his investigation, opened his eyes and let out a sigh.

"Sir, what's the matter?" Lingzhu, who was adjusting her breath, opened her eyes and asked.

"Unfortunately, this is not a tower." Gu Zheng smiled wryly.

"Mister seems to really hope that this is a pagoda!" Lingzhu said.

"That's right, because I used to have a tower that grew up with me, but unfortunately it broke down later." Gu Zheng said.

"Old Ancestor, this is clearly the inside of the pagoda, so what is the formation spirit if it is not a pagoda?" Master Yun Qing asked.

"Just like in the last space of the eye, what we saw were two coffins, but they were actually two stone boxes. Although it looks like the inside of a tower, it is not surprising that it is not a tower, because it only has two floors. How can a two-story tower be considered a tower? Then we can only know what it is after breaking through the formation." Gu Zheng laughed.

"Then how do we break the eye space? What dangers will there be?" Master Yun Qing asked again.

"There is no danger here. It can be regarded as a trap-like formation eye space. Once you enter this space, unless you are the person who arranged the fairy formation, you can only break through the formation eye and go out. There is no other way. As for Talking about how to break the formation eye space is actually simple, that is to find!"

Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, and his eyes immediately searched in the tower, as if he was looking for something.

"Sir, what are we looking for?" Lingzhu asked.

"Find everything that may be the space of the eye of the formation. There are three of these things in total. After you find them, send them to the tiger's mouth."

Gu Zheng pointed to the opposite wall, where hung a picture of a tiger descending the mountain, with the tiger's mouth wide open.


Lingzhu and Daoist Yunqing stared wide-eyed. The interior of this tower is very luxurious, but on the first floor, there are two to three hundred objects of all sizes, not to mention the second floor.

"Haha, it's actually simple, but it's just a waste of time, why don't we take these objects and try them one by one?" Master Yunqing said happily.

"It's not that simple. Didn't you see Mr. frowning? It would be great if it was that simple!" Lingzhu said angrily.

"It's really not that simple. We only have ten chances. Once the ten chances are exceeded and the eye space is not destroyed, we may be destroyed with the automatic destruction of the eye space."

Gu Zheng spoke so seriously that the smile on Master Yun Qing's face froze in an instant.

"Old Ancestor, how do I find these three items? I have no idea at all!" Master Yun Qing looked as if he wanted to cry.

"Your cultivation base is too low, and your sensing ability is not good, but the Lingzhu can barely sense it."

Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said again: "The objects that can be used to break the formation will have a special weak fluctuation. Of course, not only objects that can break the formation will have that kind of fluctuation, some cannot be used to break the formation. Objects also have that kind of fluctuation, and the difficulty of distinguishing between true and false is the most troublesome part."

While Gu Zheng was speaking, he picked up a bronze tiger on the table in the tower and put it aside: "Lingzhu, you also look for it, let's gather the objects that can feel special fluctuations first."

"Boy, as for you, hurry up and recover your butt!"

Gu Zheng said something jokingly, but Master Yun Qing's wrinkled face like a bitter gourd did not relax because of this: "Old Ancestor, I feel that it will be very difficult to break the space of the Immortal Formation, and the number of things you find may be too much. Hundred!"

"Crow's Mouth!" Lingzhu gave Master Yunqing a white look.

"Even if it's difficult, you have to find it. You should hurry up and recover."

Gu Zheng's voice fell to the ground, and he began to pick out the objects that he had felt special fluctuations when he was exploring the space of the eye of the formation before, and this selection was more than 50 objects.

When Gu Zheng was picking out objects with special fluctuations, Lingzhu was also picking out, and she found more than a dozen of them.

"Damn it, some objects don't fluctuate when they are sensed for the first time, but they will produce fluctuations when they are sensed again!" Lingzhu gritted her teeth.

"Lingzhu, you choose on the first floor, and I will go to the second floor."

Gu Zheng didn't say much, because he had already discovered what Lingzhu discovered, and talking more would only make people more frustrated. Moreover, there is another reason why Gu Zheng chose to go to the second floor, that is, the second floor is more luxurious, and there are more interior decorations, the number of which is at least double that of the first floor! If this makes Lingzhu go to the second floor, I don't know how she will react.

As time passed, more than 20 items with special fluctuations were selected just because the spirit beads were on the first floor. These items range from as small as a piece of sandalwood to as large as a table.

Gu Zheng has also come down from the second floor. He seems to have nothing with him, but he actually put the things he picked in the storage belt.

When Gu Zheng poured out the things selected on the second floor, the eyes of Lingzhu and Master Yunqing were straightened. Those things piled up on the first floor like a hill, and there were also large and small objects.

After an inventory, Gu Zheng and Lingzhu found a total of 333 items from the two-story tower.

"Three hundred and thirty-three items, there are only three that can be used to break the formation. I don't know if they are among the three hundred and thirty-three items. Moreover, we only have three chances to try!"

Lingzhu's voice paused, and she said slightly crying: "Sir, what should I do?"

Lingzhu is not very afraid of death, but she is afraid of this maddening torture. Picking out three correct items out of 333 items and only having ten chances to try is not torture. What is it again.

"Go through it again, pick out the things that feel more likely, then go through it again, and pick it up again!"

Gu Zheng's complexion is not good, but it seems that there is no other way except for the elimination method.

After sensing one by one, Gu Zheng and Lingzhu began to select 333 items.

It took about a cup of tea, Gu Zheng and Lingzhu adjusted the 330 items and selected the ten most sensuous items.

The ten items are an incense burner, a bead, a picture scroll, a teacup, a broom, a piece of sandalwood, a chair, a table, an evil sword and a copper coin.

"Sir, which one should I try first?" Lingzhu still had a mournful face.

The special fluctuations of the ten items are all the same. After selecting 333 items, Gu Zheng also feels a little tired. He really can't tell which one to try first.

"Try the smallest one first!"

Gu Zheng gritted his teeth, picked up the smallest sandalwood among the ten items, and walked towards the picture of the tiger descending the mountain.

It seemed to be just a picture scroll, but when Gu Zheng handed the sandalwood to the tiger's mouth, the Xiashan tiger on the picture scroll suddenly poked its head out and swallowed the sandalwood in Gu Zheng's hand.

Xiashanhu chewed the sandalwood, the word 'king' on his forehead wrinkled up, and the whole tiger's face was also deformed by the constant chewing, turning into Niuxiu's appearance.


The sound of vomiting came from Niu Xiu's mouth. After the sandalwood was spit out by him, his face gradually changed into Xia Shanhu's face again, and the picture scroll returned to calm.

Although the picture scroll regained its calm, the space in the eyes of the formation trembled because of it.

The trembling stopped after a while, and everyone's faces were very ugly. They had already sensed that due to a mistake, the space of the formation eyes had begun to collapse automatically. This kind of collapse will stop when it reaches a certain level. Obviously, if it goes wrong again, the collapse will continue! When three mistakes are made, that is when the formation eye space is destroyed.

"Damn Niu Xiu!" Lingzhu gritted her teeth and scolded.

"Looks like it's wrong!"

Gu Zheng, who also gritted his teeth, set his sights on the largest table.

With a wave of his hand, the table flew over, and Gu Zheng sent it to Xia Shanhu: "Here, you eat, you are full!"

In Gu Zheng's anger, the tiger on the picture scroll opened his mouth wide, swallowed the table and began to chew.

Everyone's hearts were picked up by Xiashanhu's chewing, and a scene that people didn't want to see happened. Xiashanhu first wrinkled the "king" stripes on his forehead, and then his face twisted into Niuxiu. look like.

With the sound of vomiting, Niu Xiu also vomited out the table, and the space in front of the eye also trembled.

"Damn Niu Xiu!"

This time, not only Lingzhu was scolding, but even Master Yunqing, who had already adjusted his butt, scolded.

"Sir, what should we do now?"

Cursing is scolding, but Lingzhu still wants to ask Gu Zheng what to do next.


Gu Zheng sneered: "If you don't try it, I still don't believe it. If you don't use this method to break the formation, there is no other way!"

After Gu Zheng finished speaking, he immediately closed his eyes and sat up cross-legged, thinking about the past in his mind.

If there is a weapon spirit, Gu Zheng believes that Niu Xiu's entire fairy formation is nothing! After all, this is only a double-level fairy formation, but Qi Ling has helped Gu Zheng solve a lot even the triple-level fairy formation and even the formation outside the circle.

Of course, even if Qi Ling is not around now, even if Gu Zheng has a complete memory, relying on the formation experience he learned from Qi Ling, he believes that it is not difficult to decipher a double immortal formation. But, after all, now is not the time before, he is experiencing all this with the identity of Tiexian, and his memory is vague in some aspects, such as in the formation! But now he closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, just to see if he could recall something about the formation.

Gu Zheng sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, and Lingzhu also began to adjust his breath after chatting with Master Yunqing for a while.

The original author, Daoist Yun Qing, stood up, and now neither Gu Zheng nor Lingzhu could talk to him, and since his buttocks were well-raised, he had nothing to do anyway, so he decided to take a stroll in the tower, since there was no danger here anyway.

After Master Yunqing walked around on the first floor, he came to the second floor of the tower.

"This is really luxurious!"

Seeing that some of the items had been removed by Gu Zheng, but the second-story pagoda was still full of beautiful things in eyes, Master Yunqing couldn't help feeling emotional.

"There are a lot of good things in here!"

Looking at the dazzling array of beautiful things in front of him, Master Yun Qing's eyes lit up.

When chatting with Lingzhu before, Master Yunqing learned that all the things inside are real, including gold and jewelry, calligraphy, painting and antiques, etc.! These mortal treasures are not attractive to Gu Zheng and Lingzhu, but to Master Yunqing, their attraction is not small! After all, with these things, some cultivation resources can also be exchanged, although the grade will not be too high.

"Good stuff!"

Master Yunqing touched and touched the jewels and jades, but in the end he couldn't hold back and stuffed them into his mustard pockets.

"Although there is no way to break the space of the formation eye, and there is no way to take these things away, but at least it hits my own space fairy, and I will feel a lot more fulfilled in my heart!"

Daoist Yun Qing was secretly happy, and with a smile on his face, he robbed the mortal property in the second-story pagoda.

"Hey! Why is this turtle looking at me?"

Master Yun Qing who was robbing suddenly stopped, looking suspiciously at a turtle carved from white jade.

When Immortal Yunqing was robbing it just now, he clearly noticed that the eyes of the white jade tortoise were looking at it, as agile as human eyes. However, when he looked directly at the white jade tortoise, he found that the eyes of the white jade tortoise were nothing more than two black jade beads inlaid, and there was no sparkle like human eyes.

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