There is a strange air current in the source of the true water of life, and it is not too late to expel it.

Lingzhu's cultivation was too low, so Gu Zheng didn't bring her with him, so that even if nothing happened, she wouldn't be implicated.

Lingzhu told Gu Zheng the location of the demon lair, and then gave Gu Zheng a token, and Gu Zheng immediately went on the road to the demon lair.

The monster lair is about two days away from Guzheng's cave, and the road will not be peaceful. The closer it is to the demon cave, the more sea monsters will be there.

A day later, the sea water in front of him had turned red, and a large group of strange fish fell down like dumplings. Although these strange fish could not pose any threat to Gu Zheng no matter how many there were, they were so fearless.

In this day's time, Gu Zheng had killed more than a hundred sea monsters, and the number of strange fishes had already exceeded ten thousand, but he knew that as long as he still wanted to approach the monster lair, there would be many more of these monsters.

He didn't rest for a day, and he was still in a place like the deep sea, and killed many monsters. Even with Gu Zheng's cultivation, he was somewhat tired. He wanted to find a place to rest before going forward.

When Gu Zheng didn't know the information about the big demon before, he thought that the big monster could see his position, so when he was in the cave, he was also careful for a while. Afterwards, Gu Zheng's communication with Lingzhu made him understand that the situation he encountered at that time could not be regarded as being discovered by the big demon.

The big monster is currently retreating, and it left one of its eyes to monitor the undercurrent sea. It discovered Gu Zheng and sent the sea monster to hunt down Gu Zheng. In fact, it was the eye left by the big monster. And the big demon's eyes don't watch the dark current sea all day long, they have to rest for an hour after watching it for an hour. The reason why Gu Zheng wants to rest now is that it is time for the big demon's eyes to rest.

Ahead is a trench, Gu Zheng sneaked into it and dug a cave on the cliff, and then took a piece of Xianyuan Pill, which not only restores the power of the fairy, but also relaxes the tired mind.

After resting for half an hour, Gu Zheng left the cave and continued to the direction of the demon lair.

Compared with when the big demon eyes were watching the dark current sea, Gu Zheng encountered fewer sea monsters now. After all, the sea monsters he encountered now can only be regarded as patrolling sea monsters, and when the big monster's eyes were monitoring the dark current sea, some of the sea monsters he encountered were sent by the big monster's eyes.

Without the sea monsters sent by the big demon eyes, those that Gu Zheng encounters now are relatively weaker, and it is easier to solve them.

Unknowingly, it was time for the big demon to monitor the undercurrent sea again. Gu Zheng had just finished off a group of small monster fish, and several undercurrents immediately appeared around him.

Gu Zheng understands that this abnormal undercurrent is actually dispatched by the eyes of the big demon, and there will be sea monsters chasing and killing him.

Holding the Qianqiu reincarnation pen in one hand and the book of life and death in the other, Gu Zheng is ready. Now the source of his natal true water is sealed due to the strange air flow, so when killing these sea monsters, he can no longer use the water magic, so it seems a little troublesome and not as efficient as before.

Eight sea-monsters that looked like hairtails but had claws appeared from the undercurrent. These sea-monsters were considered to be the most powerful that Gu Zheng had encountered so far, and they were already equivalent to immortal cultivators in the late stage of Void Return.

As soon as the hairtail sea monster appeared, it shot towards Gu Zheng like a silver light, and as they swam, the sea water turned into ice, and shot towards Gu Zheng like an arrow.

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand to draw a circle in the seawater with the Qianqiu reincarnation pen, which blocked his front like a shield, and all the icicles shot over touched the circle and immediately reflected towards the sea monsters.

The sea monsters danced wildly. When the ice was shattered, the sea water condensed and turned into their clones. One turned into two, two turned into four, and four turned into eight. Originally, single-digit monsters suddenly became many, many.

Facing the large number of monsters, Gu Zheng was not afraid. He dispatched the energy of heaven and earth into Qianqiu Samsara's pen, and the sea suddenly became turbulent.

The light of Qianqiu's reincarnation pen shone, and in the tumbling sea, Gu Zhengfen wrote the characters 'death' one by one.

The word 'death' written by Gu Zheng is invisible in the dark sea water, but it is imprinted majesticly towards the sea monster and its clones.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

There were constant explosions in the deep sea, and all the clones of the sea monster that were printed with the word "death" exploded. Even after the word "death" was printed on the body of the sea monster, it was as if it had been crushed by a mountain.

Stop writing 'death', Gu Zheng quickly came to the side of the first sea monster whose internal injuries were printed by the word 'death', and Qianqiu reincarnation pen smashed down on its head.

The Kraken's head was blown off with a stroke, and blood splattered immediately, but the shadow of Gu Zheng was no longer there, and he had already come to the side of the second Kraken.

He swung the Qianqiu Samsara Pen and smashed it at the head of the second Kraken. The Kraken swung its claws to block it. The anticipation of Gu Zheng immediately changed. The Qianqiu Samsara Pen that was originally aimed at the Kraken turned into a pen spinning .

A sharp whistling sound came from the mouth of the second sea monster. Under the "brush" of the Qianqiu reincarnation pen, its originally strong body was twisted, as if it had encountered a boning steel knife, and it quickly became a pile of pieces. Meat.

Dodging the sorcery performed by the other sea monsters with a flick of his body, Gu Zheng threw out the book of life and death, smashing the head of the third sea monster.

"now you!"

Gu Zheng flew towards the fourth sea monster again.

The destructive power of sea monsters is good, but after all, they are only fierce beasts. They don't have the wisdom of immortal cultivators, which makes them relatively easy to deal with.

In a short period of time, the eight sea-monsters that looked like hairtails had all been resolved by the ancient dispute.

There was no undercurrent for the time being, and Gu Zheng easily cleaned up the battlefield, and it took away all the inner alchemy of the sea monster.

Although it is precisely because of refining the inner alchemy of the sea monster that there is a strange airflow in the source of the true water of life. However, according to Lingzhu, as long as Gu Zheng can rescue her grandma, her grandma will have a way for Gu Zheng to refine the inner alchemy of these sea monsters with peace of mind.

As he approached the demon lair, Gu Zheng killed more and more sea monsters. Now that he was only half a day away from the demon lair, Gu Zheng stopped again.

According to Lingzhu, at this moment, there is a critical line between Gu Zheng and the Demon Cave. Once he goes further, the sea monsters attacking him will no longer be a group of just a few, and there may be a situation where all the sea monsters attack him. . Under such circumstances, it would be fine if Gu Zheng was killed by the sea-monsters. If he hadn't killed those sea-monsters, maybe the big monster would be able to leave the customs because of this. In view of this situation, Gu Zheng needs to sneak to avoid the eyes of the big demon in the next time when he is approaching the demon lair.

Gu Zheng is now relying on Tiexian's body. When his ability is not as good as his main body, he doesn't know such great supernatural powers as 'space concealment' at all, and the invisible means he knows can't escape the observation of the big demon's eyes at all. , He has already learned this point. However, Lingzhu has a solution for this. After all, she is considered a wild beast, and she has a lot of supernatural powers.

Lingzhu gave Gu Zheng a bottle of sparkling liquid. This liquid is said to be the tears of the spirit beast Jiaoniang. Use this kind of tears on your body in an appropriate amount, and then match it with Gu Zheng's invisible means, whether it is a sea monster or a monster. It is difficult for the big demon's eyes to detect the existence of Gu Zheng. However, Jiao Niang's tears were not many, which was enough for Gu Zheng to use for most of the day, so Gu Zheng didn't dare to waste it before, which made all the way bloody and rainy.

After finding a trench, after Gu Zheng opened up the cave, he planned to adjust his breath in the cave, and then use some Jiaoniang's tears.

After taking the elixir, he closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, and the process ended soon after sitting quietly. Gu Zheng took Jiaoniang's tears out.

"It's still half a day before the demon's lair, these Jiaoniang's tears can be used by me to enter the demon's lair."

Gu Zheng looked at Jiaoniang's tears and muttered to himself, while going through the plan in his heart again.

According to Lingzhu, the strength of the big demon should be equivalent to that of the late Da Luo Jinxian. Although it is in a state of retreat now, it is not guaranteed that when Gu Zheng entered the demon lair, he would suddenly leave the barrier when he felt the crisis. Therefore, after Gu Zheng entered the demon lair, he could only rescue Lingzhu's grandma without disturbing any monsters as much as possible. According to Lingzhu, her grandma has more Jiaoniang tears, and Gu Zheng and her grandma will have no problem leaving the demon lair together with the help of Jiaoniang's tears.

Plans can never keep up with changes, this is a truth that Gu Zheng understands, so he dare not place all hopes on this original plan.

"Using foreign objects to make monsters difficult to find is not a good way after all. Unfortunately, I don't know how to hide in space now. It would be great if I could learn the invisibility technique that Feng Weikong taught me back then."

Gu Zheng couldn't help but think of the invisibility technique that Feng Weikong taught him during his expedition to the Skeleton Palace when he was not strong enough.

It was not the first time that Gu Zheng thought of the invisibility technique taught by Feng Weikong to Gu Zheng, but his memory of it was not complete, because he didn't think deeply about it. But this time is different, this time is going to Longtan and Tiger Cave, Gu Zheng wants to think about it as much as possible, if he can think about it, then the safety of this trip will be greatly improved.

After meditating for a few hours, Gu Zheng kept thinking about the invisibility technique that Feng Weikong taught him back then, but unfortunately there was no progress. In this regard, Gu Zheng didn't regret too much. He knew his own situation well. When he was about to make an attempt, he already knew that no progress would be very likely.

Standing up and getting ready to go, Gu Zheng used some of Jiao Niang's tears on his body, and his whole body suddenly became blurred. However, this is not true invisibility, it is just able to avoid the eyes of the big demon, which is not as good as looking directly with the naked eye, so it needs to be equipped with invisibility methods to be effective.

Using the invisible method again, Gu Zheng, who was truly invisible, left the cave, and flew towards the demon cave after leaving the trench.

It didn't fly far at all, and Gu Zheng encountered a few sea monsters. Normally, apart from breeding and feeding, sea monsters rarely form groups of three or four. Now this kind of gathering together, Obviously a patrol. Moreover, it is still time for the Great Demon Eye to monitor the Undercurrent Sea. Under normal circumstances, these sea monsters will definitely receive the order from the Great Demon Eye, and then launch an attack on Gu Zheng. However, the current state of Guzheng is Jiaoniang's tears and invisibility, and these sea monsters can't find him at all.

The sea monster cannot see Gu Zheng, nor can Gu Zheng attack the sea monster, otherwise his invisibility state will be broken, which is the characteristic of invisible supernatural powers.

Without the interference of the monsters, Gu Zheng's forward speed would not be much faster. After all, in the invisible state, he would not be able to advance at full speed due to the requirement for the dispatch of immortal power.

Along the way, he met too many sea monsters, and his tears were also consumed with the passage of time. Finally, when Guzheng Jiaoniang's reserves of tears were running low, he saw the big demon's cave.

The monster's lair is in a huge trench, and there are no restrictions outside this cave, which is convenient for monsters to enter and exit.

The monster lair is built on the stone wall of the trench. Although there is no restriction, it also has a gate, which is formed by the intertwined tentacles of more than a dozen octopus monsters. There is no gap in the middle. It can be said that even an ant is afraid of it. do not go in.

Gu Zheng waited aside, he knew that when a monster came out of the cave, it was his chance to enter the cave. As for the situation in the monster's lair, Lingzhu is quite familiar with it. She knows when a monster will return to the monster's cave, and when a monster will leave the monster's cave, so Gu Zheng can be regarded as taking time to come.

Nothing changed, Gu Zheng waited for a while, the octopus sea monster that was motionless began to move, and the entrance of the cave was gradually revealed. Led by a cultivator, together with a few sea monsters, they left the monster's lair at this time.

Gu Zheng knew that there were immortal cultivators controlled by the big demon, but this was the first time he had actually seen him. Gu Zheng didn't dare to use his divine sense to probe the other party's cultivation, but the other party's eyes made him feel emotional. Those are no longer a pair of human eyes, there are no pupils in them at all, they are completely blood-red in color.

Seeing the terrifying eyes of the immortal cultivator, Gu Zheng's desire to expel the strange airflow from the source of the true water of his life became stronger, otherwise he might become like this.

The immortal cultivator and several sea-monsters had already come out of the cave, and the octopus sea-monster was wriggling to seal the entrance of the cave. Gu Zheng flew forward quickly, and he wanted to hurry up to enter the cave.

The distance from the Krakens is unprecedentedly close, and even Gu Zheng almost touched the tentacles of the Krakens, but due to his invisible state, the Krakens didn't find him, which also allowed Gu Zheng to enter without any danger. demon lair.

There are many sea monsters living inside the monster lair. The environment here is not as dry as Gu Zheng's cave, and it is also filled with sea water.

It's like a maze, with forked paths inside the monster lair. In such an environment, it's not convenient to use spiritual thoughts to explore the way, because invisibility can only hide the body, and if you use spiritual thoughts, it will be exposed. Fortunately, the Lingzhu gave Gu Zheng a map of the inside of the demon lair, otherwise it was just a simple search, even if Gu Zheng was a cultivator, it would take a lot of time.

The stone wall inside the monster's lair is covered with things that look like bloodshots. Lingzhu told Gu Zheng that these bloodshots cannot be touched, otherwise the big demon's eyes will sense it. And these bloodshot things are the life energy for the sea monsters. Along the way, I saw many sea monsters leaning on the stone wall to rest, and those bloodshot things were next to their bodies, flashing red. Light.

There was no danger along the way, Gu Zheng was already approaching the cell where Grandma Lingzhu was imprisoned, and he only needed to go through two more forks. However, when Gu Zheng reached the first fork, he couldn't help frowning, and the fork was actually blocked by some octopus sea monsters.

There will be octopuses and sea monsters blocking the road at the fork. This is something Lingzhu didn't tell Gu Zheng. The 'protection' received in the cave is more than what Lingzhu imagined.

The octopus and sea-monster blocked the road, which was obviously to guard against something wrong with Grandma Lingzhu. It is impossible for the sea-monster to come out of it. Gu Zheng could only find a way to get the octopus and sea-monster out of the way.

It is indeed a difficult problem for ordinary people to let the octopus sea monster out of the way without being exposed, but it is not impossible for Gu Zheng to solve it. To go deep into the monster's lair to rescue Lingzhu's grandma, Gu Zheng also thought about whether he would encounter a large number of monsters gathering and make it impossible for him to pass, so he cooked some food for the sea monster in advance.

Putting a few grilled small fish in the water, Gu Zheng hid aside and waited for the opportunity.

The water flow sent the smell of grilled fish to the octopus siren, and the tentacles that were motionless immediately started to squirm.

Gu Zheng understands that the octopus and siren are struggling now, but he is confident in his cooking skills, and he knows that the octopus and siren cannot stand this temptation.

Sure enough, the ominous beast was just an ominous beast after all, an octopus sea-monster couldn't bear it first, it broke away from the 'wall' and swam towards the direction of the scent.

A chain reaction occurred, and all the octopuses and sea monsters that made up the 'wall' were dispatched. They rushed to the front and left the task behind, allowing Gu Zheng to pass through this line of defense smoothly.

There is only the last fork left in the distance from Grandma Lingzhu. Gu Zheng understands that there must be a line of defense waiting for him.

Things did not go beyond Gu Zheng's expectations. There was indeed a defense at the last fork, but this defense was extremely tricky.

There were hundreds of monsters like bullfrogs gathered in the side road. These little monsters are not big, even if there are hundreds of them, they can't block the side road tightly, and the gap they leave is enough for Gu Zheng to pass through. However, each of these bullfrog-like monsters has four eyes, and there is a premonition in the distance, as if he just passed by, the bullfrog monster can definitely see through his invisibility

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