Gu Zheng originally thought that he could harvest a certain amount of water-attribute inner alchemy at the Blackwater Market this time, so that he could turn the source of the true water into the spirit of the true water.

When he first arrived at the auction house, Gu Zheng saw that there was no inner alchemy of water attribute on the auction list, but he felt nothing. After all, just because it doesn't exist in the auction house doesn't mean it doesn't exist in the store.

After visiting the first store, Gu Zheng got a water-attribute inner alchemy, which made him feel that the Blackwater Market and his party made him feel quite happy.

When visiting the second store, not only did Gu Zheng not encounter the inner alchemy of the water attribute, on the contrary, because of the Taoist in yellow, his mood became less pleasant. However, among the 18 shops in the Blackwater Market, Gu Zheng didn't even find a single water-attribute inner alchemy.

"I really can't find it when I want it, and there are a lot of it when I don't want it!"

When Gu Zheng came to visit the Blackwater Market last time, he saw more than a hundred water-attribute inner alchemy. Who would have thought that there was only one this time? The gap is really too big.

For Gu Zheng, the meaning of going out to collect water-attribute inner alchemy this time is naturally to call Jixiang Xiaozhu to purchase ingredients. But now, something of great significance has not yet been settled, which made him have to change his original plan.

Gu Zheng's original plan was to find enough water-attribute inner alchemy in the Blackwater Market, and then return to Jixiang Xiaozhu to see if he could turn the source of the true water into the spirit of the true water. If this can be done , then he will stay in Jixiang Xiaozhu for a while. But now, the inner alchemy of the water attribute has only been harvested, and he doesn't expect that with just this one, he can be lucky enough to accomplish what he wants! Therefore, he decided that after returning to Jixiang Xiaozhu, he will go out again for a while. The length of time he will go out this time is unknown. After all, this time the world of mortals has been refining his mind for a while, and he will also return to the world of immortals , and only there, there are more water attribute panaceas waiting for him.

The auction will start soon, and Gu Zheng stays alone in Tianzi No. 2 room.

The seats in the auction house are roughly divided into two grades, one is the auction hall where people gather, and the other is the private room where Gu Zheng is now. The actual difference between the two different grades of seats is that the environment in the private room is cleaner. When participating in the auction, because of the private room, the divine sense will not be tracked by other auction participants, and it is also avoided. Cause some hate.

"Bang bang bang!"

The auctioneer knocked on the wooden tray, indicating that the auction was about to start.

"The first item to be auctioned today is a fairy artifact. This fairy artifact is a wood attribute artifact, and the grade of the fairy artifact is above average."

The auctioneer took out a green token, and pointed it toward the air. Ripples appeared in the void, and a picture emerged.

In the picture, the auctioneer is standing in a forest. After he sacrificed the green token in his hand, the token flashed with light, and the whole forest seemed to come alive. Those thousands of years old trees all obeyed the auctioneer's instructions. Commanding, there is a posture of directing where to fight. Moreover, with the strong wind that was born on the token, the dead branches and fallen leaves in the forest turned into a huge wooden dragon. Under the fingers of the auctioneer, it slammed into a big tree that needed four people to embrace. Tree.


A huge sound came out of the picture, the old tree was broken by the wooden dragon's blow, and the whole picture disappeared.

"Everyone has seen the power of the Wooden Dragon Token. The auction for this fairy artifact is now starting. Its base price is two hundred and fifty blue fairy coins, and the price increase should not be less than twenty yellow fairy coins."

As soon as the auctioneer's voice fell, there was the sound of bidding in the hall.

"Forty yellow fairy coins!"

"Sixty yellow fairy coins!"

"Eighty yellow fairy coins!"

"One hundred and twenty yellow fairy coins!"

"One hundred and seventy yellow fairy coins!"

"Two hundred and thirty yellow fairy coins!"

"Three hundred yellow fairy coins!"

When the price was raised to 300 Huangxian coins, the restless scene also quieted down.

"Three hundred yellow fairy coins once!"

"Three hundred yellow fairy coins twice!"

"Three hundred yellow fairy coins!"

"make a deal!"

The auctioneer dropped the hammer, and the person who took the picture of the wooden dragon order was the immortal cultivator in yellow who made Gu Zheng feel a little uncomfortable.

"I didn't expect to be quite rich!"

Looking at all the ancient disputes below in the Tianzi No. 2 room, the corner of his mouth could not help revealing a hint of sarcasm.

Three hundred yellow fairy coins, plus the reserve price of two hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins, this fairy artifact is a medium-grade wooden dragon order, and the final auction price, converted into blue fairy coins, is as many as twenty-two blue fairy coins! And twenty-two blue fairy coins can almost buy a high-level fairy weapon.

A total of forty items were auctioned at this auction. Immediately after the auction of the first item, the Wood Dragon Order, the auction of the second item began.

There are only two things that Gu Zheng is interested in this time, and these two items are the 26th and 39th in the auction order, so he only needs to watch the show in the previous auction.

The auction process was very lively, and there were endless bids. Until the twenty-fifth item was sold, there was no unsold auction. And in the process, Gu Zheng discovered that the Taoist in yellow had warned many people with his gaze during the auction because he wanted to get something! Of course, most auctioneers chose to turn a blind eye to the warning from his eyes, wondering how to increase the price or how to increase the price.

"The twenty-sixth item in this auction."

The auctioneer looked at the maid next to him, and the maid immediately brought the plate in her hand to him.

The auctioneer lifted the red cloth covering the plate, and saw a pure white ginseng that looked like a child lying on the plate.

"The top-quality resource, white jade crocodile, is already in a semi-transformed state. I don't need to say how powerful its medicinal effect will be and how widely it will be used?" said the auctioneer.

Indeed, white jade scrophulariaceae is one of the better grades, and those that have been semi-transformed or fully transformed are even rarer. It can be used to refine many high-grade elixir, even if it is taken directly, it can produce Similar to the effect of natural treasures.

"The base price of White Jade Scrophulariaceae is six Blue Immortal Coins, and the price increase should not be less than one coin each time. The auction starts now!"

"A blue fairy coin!"

"Two blue fairy coins!"

"Three blue fairy coins!"

"Four blue fairy coins!"

"Five blue fairy coins!"

The bidding was still so fierce, but the price increases were not very aggressive, and they were all increased one by one. However, the bidders only add one piece each time, and what can be added is the blue fairy coin after all, which also makes the price of the white jade scrophulariaceae reach an impressive height in a short while.

"Twenty-four blue fairy coins."

Gu Zheng bid again, and this time he added two blue fairy coins at a time, which was unprecedented in the auction of white jade scrophulariae.

For ordinary people, they would have given up when the price of white jade scrophulariaceae soared to 20 pieces. Although the item is good, it is already worth the money for them, so the only bidders left are Gu Zheng and Taoist Ziyi. two.

After Gu Zheng reported the twenty-four blue fairy coins, the scene was quiet for a while, and the purple-clothed Taoist, who seemed to be calm at first, was obviously anxious, and his eyes began to look at the ten private rooms upstairs.

The yellow-clothed Taoist sitting next to the purple-clothed Taoist suddenly widened his eyes, and he pointed to the purple-clothed Taoist's No. 2 Tianzi room.

Only through the sound, the bidder can't trace it from which private room. Moreover, the voices coming from the private rooms are also changed, but after all, there are only ten private rooms. Taoist Ziyi and the others saw Gu Zheng asking for Tianzi No. 2 room beforehand, and the two sides had a very unpleasant fight , This time the Taoist in Huang Yi really guessed right.

In Huangyi Taoist's view, Gu Zheng was going to make things difficult for them, so he gritted his teeth at Tianzi No. 2 room.

Due to the rules of the auction, the Taoist in yellow couldn't make any threats, otherwise he would definitely be cursing by now.

"Twenty-four blue fairy coins once!"

The auctioneer began to push the price with dedication.

"Twenty-five blue fairy coins!"

The Taoist in purple gritted his teeth, and added another blue fairy coin to it.

"White jade scrophulariaceae, life-saving thing, I must have it!"

There will be rules in the auction, and some excessive words cannot be said, but Taoist Ziyi still implicitly conveyed his request.

Gu Zheng was not moved at all, although the purple-clothed Taoist looked better than the yellow-clothed Taoist, he didn't feel good about Gu Zheng either. What's more, the auction auction means whoever bids the highest wins, and he has no friendship with Taoist Ziyi, so naturally he won't give up bidding just because of his words! Although the current price of white jade black is not low, it is also of great significance to Gu Zheng.

"Twenty-seven blue fairy coins!"

Gu Zheng once again increased the price by two pieces, using the price to convey his attitude that he is bound to win.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you!"

The purple-clothed Taoist who said that he was bound to win gave up, and his expression when he spoke also showed his anger.

"Twenty-seven blue fairy coins once!"

"Twenty-seven blue fairy coins twice!"

"Twenty-seven blue fairy coins three times!"

"make a deal!"

Without the price increase from the purple-clothed Taoist, Gu Zheng finally won the white jade scrophulariaceae that can cook high-level food cultivators at the price of 33 blue fairy coins.

"There are still thirteen auction items, and the next one will definitely be exciting!"

The Taoist in yellow implicitly conveyed his threat, and in the following auctions, he was indeed doing things according to his method, and he would definitely increase the price several times for any items that he thought belonged to the Tianzi No. 2 room. go up. But it's a pity that he didn't bid on the auction item No. 39 that Gu Zheng was interested in before.

Finally, when the thirty-ninth auction item came out, the auctioneer lifted the red cloth from the plate in the maid's hand, and saw a pomegranate-like fruit on it.

It looks like a pomegranate on the outside, but it is very extraordinary, because it exudes a faint red light, giving people a very extraordinary feeling.

"I don't know what this fruit is called, but I feel that it is very extraordinary. According to the usual practice, the base price of such things is one blue fairy coin, and the starting price is ten yellow fairy coins. Now the auction begins."

"Ten yellow fairy coins."

"Fifty yellow fairy coins!"

Someone just offered a reserve price, and the mad dog-like Taoist in yellow immediately offered a high price.

Gu Zheng determined that Taoist Huangyi did not know the true value of this 'Changliu Fairy Fruit', and one of his high ranks has become a routine.

After the scene was temporarily quiet, someone offered 60 yellow fairy coins, and then the scene became quiet again. The mad dog Taoist in yellow did not increase the price again.

"Seventy yellow fairy coins!"

Someone raised the price again, and the increase was relatively mild. People are generally very cautious when buying something like this. Although it looks extraordinary, it is not necessarily a good thing.

When the price climbed up to one hundred Huangxian coins intermittently, Gu Zheng finally made an offer.

"One hundred and ten yellow fairy coins!"

Gu Zheng is from a private room, so the voice of the quotation will change every time. However, the mad dog yellow-clothed Taoist staring at him intently, his eyes lit up immediately!

For Mad Dog Huangyi Taoist, the change of voice is a kind of protection, but also a kind of exposure. After all, this changing voice must have come from the private rooms on the second floor, and Gu Zheng was in one of the private rooms.

"One hundred and twenty yellow fairy coins!"

The mad dog Taoist in yellow raised the price again, and at the same time he asked the Taoist in purple through sound transmission: "Brother Daoist, do you think this is not that guy?"

"It feels like, if he raises the price a few times, I can judge whether it is right or not." Taoist Zi Yi said humanely.

"One hundred and thirty yellow fairy coins."

For Gu Zheng, he is bound to get the 'Changliu Fairy Fruit'. This thing is considered an extremely rare ingredient. It is a treasure that combines heaven and earth treasures and fairy ingredients. I saw something strange before opening it.

"One hundred and forty yellow fairy coins!"

Mad Dog Daoist raised the price again.

"One hundred and fifty yellow fairy coins."

Gu Zheng's price increase followed closely behind, but he didn't increase much. It's not that he doesn't have enough fairy coins, it's just that the other party wants to play, so he can play with them.

"One hundred and sixty yellow fairy coins!"

Crazy Dog Taoist raised the price again, and Gu Zheng followed up again. The two quickly increased the price of "Changliu Fairy Fruit" to two hundred yellow fairy coins.

"it's him!"

The purple-clothed Taoist sent a voice transmission to his two companions.

"Brother Dao, how can you be sure it's that person?" Taoist in blue asked curiously.

"When the white jade scrophulariaceae was bidding for the auction, he showed that he must win it. Although he said that the price increase is stable now, he still shows that he is sure to win it. And the white jade scrophulariaceae is obviously related to this unknown fruit now. The commonality of being able to eat, so I'm sure it's that person!" Zi Yidao said humanely.

"Since he is bound to win, then give him the next big one!"

"Three hundred yellow fairy coins!"

The mad dog Taoist in yellow added one hundred yellow fairy coins at a time, which caused quite a stir in the auction hall.

Gu Zheng laughed. His quotation was more ruthless than that of the Taoist in yellow. He added two hundred yellow fairy coins at a time, so that the price of "Changliu Fairy Fruit" came to five hundred yellow fairy coins.

Adding the price to 500 yellow fairy coins, this is also an inferred figure calculated by Gu Zheng after analyzing the disturbances of the previous auction items by the yellow-clothed Taoist. He feels that this little fairy coin can just overwhelm the yellow-clothed Taoist , if they dare to add, they really have to beware of possible let go.

Indeed, five hundred yellow immortal coins is the limit that the three Taoists in yellow can make up now. The Taoist in yellow really wants to increase the price again, and it is a ruthless price, but he has to consider, if Gu Zheng suddenly let go what to do? In my mind, it would be a huge loss to buy such a fruit whose name I don't even know for five hundred yellow fairy coins.

"Forget it, since we have reached this number, let's give it to him." The Taoist in yellow sent a voice transmission to his companion.

"What should we do next? You can't take it easy!" the Taoist in blue asked.

"Of course we can't take advantage of him, the white jade scrophulariaceae that I will use to marry my Taoist companion is still in his hands!" Taoist Ziyi said humanely.

"Then let's leave now and wait for him outside the Blackwater Market!" Huang Yi said humanely.

"However, there are several exits in the Blackwater Market, and this kid looks crazy enough, and his cultivation level should not be too low. Even if one of us guards one exit, there are still two exits that cannot be guarded! Even if it happens by chance When it comes to him, if one person wants to trap him, I'm afraid he won't be able to drag the other two!" The real man in blue said worriedly.

"There is no need to separate, I know which exit he will take!" Taoist Ziyi affirmed.

Getting the 'Changliu Fairy Fruit' with 21 blue fairy coins was a big mistake for Gu Zheng, and his mood improved a lot because of it.

There is another auction item in the back, Gu Zheng is not interested in it, he quickly completed the junction with the auction, and walked towards the exit of the Blackwater Market with his harvest.

Taoist Huang Yi and the others left after the auction of "Changliu Xianguo" was over. Gu Zheng naturally saw it too. It's not that he didn't think that the other party would block him, but he didn't care at all. He didn't choose any one from the Blackwater Market. The secret door left, but swaggered out the long way.

Going out from the archway and flying forward for a short time, Gu Zheng saw three Taoists in yellow clothes who suddenly appeared in the void.

"Oh, I didn't expect to be fooled by you!"

After getting the 'Changliu Fairy Fruit', Gu Zheng was in a really good mood, so much so that he took the initiative to speak, and even gave Taoist Huangyi and the others a smiling face.

"You're crazy, so you're going to go the right way!" The purple-clothed Taoist grinned, and the hypocrisy from before had disappeared from his face.

"It seems that you are trying to kill me?" Gu Zheng pretended to be scared.

"That's right, because you are so hateful, it's no use begging for mercy, you must die!" the Taoist in yellow said, licking his lips.

"It seems that I haven't killed anyone for a while, since you all want to die, then I'll give you a ride!"

When Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, the aura around him suddenly exploded, and the eyes of the three Taoists in yellow widened instantly.


"Is this the Golden Immortal Realm?"


The three Taoists in yellow are all in the early stage of returning to the void, and their strength can't be said to be too low, but they can't be considered too high either. With such a cultivation base, when encountering an existence like Gu Zheng, running or not running is actually not very important. If you don't run, you will die quickly. Running is just to live a little longer.

Of course, Gu Zheng knew that he would spread his aura. The three Taoist priests in yellow were bound to run away like bereaved dogs, so how could he let the other party do what they wanted? Letting go of the aura is not for the sake of being handsome, but just for the purpose of being able to dispatch the energy of the world to the greatest extent.

The violent heaven and earth energy oppressed the three Taoists in yellow, so that their escape speed became very slow. Gu Zheng's natal real fire spirit trembled in his body, and he used the "fire dragon technique" he was familiar with.

Although the current cultivation base of Gu Zheng, the fire dragon is only five feet long, but a five-foot extraordinary fire dragon is enough to kill three yellow-clothed Taoists. After all, this is no ordinary fire dragon, this is a fire dragon that can fight independently.

This was a conflict without any suspense. Under the double kills of Gu Zheng and Huolong, the three of Taoist Huang Ying fell in screams. They originally wanted to rob Gu Zheng, but in the end it was Gu Zheng who robbed him them.

After killing the Taoist in yellow and the three of them, Gu Zheng immediately checked the mustard pockets of the three of them, and was lucky enough to find nine water-attribute inner pills.

Nine water-attributed inner alchemy, plus the one obtained in the Heishui Market, exactly ten water-attributed inner alchemy, is enough for Gu Zheng to try for another day.

With a good mood, Gu Zheng started his return journey, and when he returned to Jixiang Xiaozhu, the time was exactly seven days.

After handing over the ingredients to the kitchen to clean up, Gu Zheng entered the room and began to refine the inner alchemy of water attribute.

If the refinement goes well this time, and Gu Zheng can use ten inner pills to turn the source of the true water into the spirit of the true water, then he will stay in Jixiang Xiaozhu for a longer period of time and hand over the basic cultivation techniques to Huang. After Ying and others, give them the most basic "fire control formula" and "water control formula" in cooking fairy art.

But if it is still impossible to practice the spirit of true water, then Gu Zheng's own "water control formula" is not perfect, so naturally he is too embarrassed to hand it over to Huang Ying and others, then he will have to follow the instructions in the Blackwater Market The plan is to return to the world of immortal cultivators for a period of time, and after training the spirit of true water of natal life, it is also possible to come to Jixiang Xiaozhu to teach Huang Ying and others.

Gu competed for a day to refine the ten water-attributed inner pills, but the result was still the same as before, and the source of the true water of his life had not changed at all.

In the next few days, General Gu Zheng taught Huang Ying and others the exercises they practiced, and then bid farewell to Bai Li.

Although Bai Li was a little bit reluctant when Gu Zheng proposed to leave suddenly, but he was not unprepared. Anyway, Gu Zheng is also a cultivator of immortals, he can't stay in Jixiang Xiaozhu all his life.

Huang Ying and the others were even more sad. Although Gu Zheng did not accept them as apprentices, they regarded Gu Zheng as a master. Now that the master is leaving, they don't know when they will meet again. Not upset.

"Don't look so sad, you won't be happy if you let me go. I have something to do when I go back, and it's not like I won't come again. Laugh at me now, laugh out loud!"

Gu Zheng had a look on his face, as if he reprimanded Huang Ying and others on weekdays, and his face, which was familiar to Huang Ying and others, made Huang Ying and others laugh obediently.

"Haha, hahaha,"

Amid the awkward laughter of Huang Ying and the others, Gu Zheng's figure disappeared from the Jixiang Xiaozhu.

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