
"Why is the chef here now?"

"What's up, chef?"

Although there is still an hour before the opening, there are many things that need to be dealt with in advance in the restaurant industry, so all the chefs are already in the kitchen now.

When everyone saw Gu Zheng enter the kitchen, they were a little curious when they greeted him. In the past, Gu Zheng would not enter the kitchen at this time, and they would take care of the ingredients that needed to be processed.

"The difficult guest came last night, and since the dishes he wanted me to cook moved me, I want to cook for him now." Gu Zheng laughed.

"Oh? The dish that can impress the chef, what kind of dish is that?"

Huang Ying asked curiously, and the eyes of the rest of the chefs were also full of curiosity.

"The dishes are relatively common dishes, 'mountain bitter gourd stewed bacon' and 'steamed dried fish', but what he wants to taste is the taste in his memory." Gu Zheng said.

"The taste in memory? It shouldn't be easy to make, right? After all, the taste in memory is not necessarily good, and if the chef cooks something different from the taste in his memory, will this be a blow to his own brand?" Huang Ying frowned.

Gu Zheng shook his head: "The taste in his memory is actually very vague. As long as the taste reaches a certain level, it will coincide with the taste in his memory. Don't worry about that."

"By the way, chef, we don't have all the ingredients for these two dishes in the kitchen!" Huang Ying said again.

"It's okay, he provided most of the ingredients for these two dishes by himself."

While talking, Gu Zheng took out the three main ingredients provided by Nanchen, bitter gourd, bacon and dried fish.

"It's interesting to even provide the ingredients by yourself!" The chefs laughed.

"Mountain bitter gourd is not bad. I have never seen such a juicy ingredient. It should be of medium grade, right?" Huang Ying asked.

During the period when Huang Ying and others were learning cooking from Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng also taught them the skills of judging the grade of ingredients. Although they sometimes misread the grade of ingredients because they don't have the eye of Tao, but most of them In most cases it will not go wrong.

"That's right, this is indeed a medium-grade bitter gourd." Gu Zheng nodded.

"Mountain bitter gourd is of good grade. I don't know what kind of meat this bacon is, but judging from the quality of the meat, the original ingredients should be of medium grade, but his method of making bacon is not good enough, so that the grade of this piece of bacon has dropped to Second class!"

Huang Ying looked and smelled the bacon, shaking her head constantly while speaking.

"That's right, look at this dried fish again."

Gu Zheng gave Huang Ying an appreciative look. When Jixiang Xiaozhu was full of customers, Huang Ying was the head chef of the building. She was able to be the head chef of the building. The more important reason is that her culinary skills are indeed superior to other chefs, and after learning cooking skills from Gu Zheng, her understanding is also the best among all the chefs.

"I don't even know what fish is used to make dried fish."

Huang Ying first smiled embarrassedly, then picked up the dried fish, smelled it, and observed it carefully.

"The original food grade of this fish should have reached excellent, right? Because of improper handling, its food grade has also been downgraded, but it should still be of medium grade!" Huang Ying said.

"Papa papa!"

Gu Zheng applauded Huang Ying, and the rest of the chefs immediately followed.

"Learn from Chef Huang, she is very accurate in judging ingredients!" Gu Zheng laughed.


He is in his dozens, but facing this situation, Huang Ying is still a little embarrassed.

"Let's put the matter at hand aside first. It's also rare to cook high-level ingredients today. You should all pay attention."

Gu Zheng first processed some of the auxiliary ingredients for the two cooking dishes, and then began to process the three main ingredients provided by Nanchen.

Bitter gourd is relatively small in size, but it has many seeds inside. Its processing is relatively simple. Gu Zheng washed it, cut it into sections, removed the seeds, and put it in a pot of cold water beside it.

"Bitter melon tastes bitter, and the taste of mountain balsam pear is even worse. People who don't like this bitter taste find it hard to swallow. People who like this bitter taste think it tastes more bitter and more fragrant. It can cure polydipsia, eyesight, etc. Red pain, carbuncle erysipelas and malignant sores. Bitter melon is also called Junzicai. No matter how bitter it is, when it is cooked with other ingredients, the taste will only be its fragrance, not its bitter taste! Bitter melon Among them, the bitter gourd has a stronger fragrance and taste, and is more popular among those who like bitter gourd, but if you want to cook the bitter gourd more deliciously, it is not enough to just wash it.”

As usual, when processing the ingredients, Gu Zheng would teach Huang Ying and the others about the medicinal effects of the ingredients.

"Put the processed bitter gourd into a pot of cold water, stop the fire when the water is 30% hot, and then stir like this for 300 laps."

Gu Zheng took a pair of chopsticks and quickly stirred the pot with bitter gourd. It took about three minutes for three hundred circles.

"This is a special treatment method for bitter gourd. Through this method, some substances invisible to the naked eye can be separated from bitter gourd, so that bitter gourd has a better taste after cooking. and taste."

Gu Zheng is also helpless, he does not have the eye of Tao now, and he has not yet turned the source of the true water into the spirit of the true water, otherwise it would be so troublesome to deal with the bitter gourd, and he can directly see the bad substances in the bitter gourd with the eye of the Tao Where, and then use the water control technique to condense those substances together, and then discard the part of the bitter gourd meat that condenses the bad substances.

Rinse the processed bitter gourd and put it aside, Gu Zheng started to process the bacon.

"The bacon's cured flavor is its unique flavor. It is inevitable that it looks a little dirty. I have told you many times before how to deal with bacon, so I won't say more today. Who will give this piece of bacon to you?" deal with it?"

Gu Zheng has let go of some food in the kitchen now, and in similar situations, he often hands it over to other chefs to increase their experience and hone their cooking skills.

"Chef, I'm coming!"

A chef named Zhao Wu spoke.

"Remember what I said before, how to deal with this kind of bacon with a lot of mold?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Remember, put vinegar in the rice washing water, wash the bacon well, then boil it in a pot under cold water until it boils, then take out the bacon, and rub it well with the water of fragrant wormwood."

Zhao Wu's answer got Gu Zheng's nod, and the happy Zhao Wu asked curiously: "Chef, what kind of meat is this meat for making bacon? Why does raw meat have a strange fragrance?"

"This is the meat of a spirit beast, and its name is musk deer."

Gu Zheng explained to Zhao Wu, and then handed over the bacon to him for processing.

The last ingredient Nan Chen provided was dried fish. Since the fish used to make dried fish was special, Gu Zheng didn’t let the chefs handle it. He put the dried fish in ginger water by himself and washed it over and over again. When I got up, I did not forget to tell the chefs why the dried fish was handled in this way, and what needs to be paid attention to during the processing of the dried fish.

All the ingredients have been processed, and Gu Zheng is ready to start cooking.

Put the cut bacon into the pot, add appropriate amount of water and auxiliary materials, and then use the fire control formula to urge the fire to start to simmer.

Under the urging of the fire control formula, the water in the pot boiled quickly, and the peculiar smell of meat also wafted out of the pot.

"Smell, it smells so good!"

"It has the smell of bacon, and also has the unique meaty smell of musk deer. It's really strange!"

"That's right, it has such a strong aroma just after boiling, it's really because of the special ingredients!"

"Don't patronize feeling, such a big fire, this initial stewing only takes a short time."

Gu Zheng interrupted the chefs' emotions and asked them to pay attention to the cooking time.

In about two minutes, Gu Zheng poured out the soup in which the musk deer meat was boiled, and then added fresh water and ingredients.

"The first soup is a treasure, and it has the strongest taste. Usually, the first soup is not willing to throw it away. However, musk roe meat is different from ordinary meat. Even if it is made into bacon, the first soup is also a It can’t be used, otherwise the fragrance of the ingredients added later will be completely overwhelmed by it, and this kind of fragrance can’t be tolerated by ordinary people, and there will be a greasy feeling in the mouth when you really eat it.”

While Gu Zheng was speaking, the Fire Control Art had already boiled the newly added water, and he put the bitter gourd that had been processed before into it.

"Now it is no longer necessary for me to use the fire control formula to ignite the fire. I will simmer on medium heat for three minutes, and then switch to low heat and simmer for two minutes."

Gu Zheng turned an hourglass next to the stove upside down, and when the quicksand flowed from one end of the hourglass to the other, exactly five minutes had passed.

Let the 'mountain bitter gourd stewed bacon' simmer slowly, and Gu Zheng started to make the second dish 'steamed dried fish'.

The fish used to make dried fish is called qiaoyu. This kind of fish has a lot of cartilage on its body surface. Gu Zheng has changed his knife after cleaning it.

After telling the chefs to steam this special dried fish and what kind of sauce is more suitable, Gu Zheng poured the prepared sauce on the dried fish, and spread some auxiliary materials such as onion and ginger on the dried fish. above.

"This dish is a test of the heat. You can't memorize the heat. It must be judged according to the aroma of the steamed fish. At first, boil the water with high heat. When the aroma of the fish reaches the first stage, change the fire to medium heat. The process of medium fire lasts relatively long. During this process, because the onion, ginger and sauce are fused with the fish, the aroma is not just the fish. This is the second stage of the aroma of this dish. What kind of scent is suitable at this stage can only be understood and cannot be explained in words, and when you really smell it, you will understand how peculiar that scent is." Gu Zheng said.

"Chef, do you have to use the fire control technique to cook this dish?" Huang Ying asked.

Huang Ying and others are very envious of Gu Zheng's fire control formula. Due to the appearance of the fire control formula, the original cooking process has been greatly shortened, and the cooked food is more delicious. After training the spirit of fire, it has already shown the magic that all the chefs have seen.

"No, the traditional method of urging the fire can also achieve this effect, but it is more laborious, and the taste is not as good as that made by using the fire control formula like this." Gu Zheng said.

"Chef, when will we get in touch with cultivation?"

Huang Ying smiled flatteringly. After seeing the control of fire by the Fire Control Art, all the chefs were more eager to get in touch with the practice.

"Tomorrow I'm going out to buy another batch of ingredients. When I come back, I'll teach you the first exercises."

"Very good!"

"Thank you Chef!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, all the chefs cheered and thanked immediately.

"Okay, don't just be happy, the scent of the first stage will appear soon."

Gu Zheng smiled, but at this time the water in the pot had been grilled, and the aroma of steamed fish had also appeared.

After a while, Gu Zheng said: "The scent at this time is the scent of the first stage of steamed fish. Please remember this scent carefully."

"Very strange, indescribably delicious."

"I've never smelled such a fresh scent!"

"It's very special. After smelling it, I will never forget it for the rest of my life!"

The chefs expressed their feelings and communicated with each other.

"The second stage uses medium heat. This process is to allow the fish to absorb the ingredients of the soup and auxiliary materials, so as to make up for some lack of dried fish."

Gu Zheng took some of the fire control formula, and continued to urge the pot on medium heat. As this process continued, the fragrance of the auxiliary materials also rose from the cage.

"The fragrance is starting to blend!"

Huang Ying was the first to speak out, and the aroma of the ingredients was completely integrated with the aroma of the fish at this time, making people want to spit.

"It smells really good. After the aroma reaches this level, it has completely overwhelmed the aroma of 'mountain bitter melon stewed bacon' over there." A chef said.

"Chef, is this dish almost ready? It's really delicious!" Huang Ying asked.

"No, this is the second stage of the aroma of this dish, and it will enter the third stage soon!"

When Gu Zheng said this, there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Huh? And the third stage?"

Huang Ying was very curious. Gu Zheng hadn't talked about this before. It seems that this third stage should be unusual.

"The third stage is also the last stage. This stage will let you see a phenomenon I mentioned before!"

When Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, Huang Ying and the others' eyes widened, and a word popped out of their minds in unison.

"Extremely Fragrant Transformation!"

Huang Ying and the others exclaimed at the same time, they had heard from Gu Zheng that when the deliciousness of the food reached a certain level, there would be a miraculous scene of extreme fragrance transformed into form, but they had never been lucky enough to see it before, could it be that they will see it today? Reached?

"That's right, it's the extremely fragrant transformation!"

Gu Zheng paused, and then said: "Remember the fragrance at this moment, it will soon enter the third stage, if you miss the recognition of the fragrance at this time, this dish will not have an extremely fragrant form! "

Following the reminder of Gu Zheng, everyone concentrated their energy. They smelled a different fragrance. A feeling similar to being dizzy and wanting to immerse yourself in it.

"It's now, change the medium fire to a big fire!"

Gu Zheng's voice was like spring thunder, and he woke Huang Ying and others who were a little distracted, and the fire control technique was also strengthened, and the originally stable flame suddenly jumped up.

The transformation of extreme fragrance can be regarded as the manifestation of a relatively elementary way in the way of eating and drinking. It is an inevitable phenomenon that occurs after the taste of food reaches a certain level. Although the extremely fragrant transformation hadn't appeared when Gu Zheng reminded everyone, it was already in the process of brewing! As a manifestation of Tao, it has magical power in itself, and this is the first time for Huang Ying and others to experience it. It is inevitable that they will lose their minds under the influence of it.

"In the end, this process didn't last too long, and the magic has already appeared."

As Gu Zheng said, the magic has really appeared. When he turned the medium fire into a big fire, the original fragrance suddenly improved, so that Huang Ying and others could clearly smell the fragrance. Variety.

"Smell, it's so fragrant!"

"Yeah! This fragrance is so fragrant, it smells so good, people can't help but want to swallow their mouths, and people can't wait to lift the lid and taste it now!"

"The scent at this time has subverted my previous perception of scent. I thought that the scent I knew before was already the most fragrant, but I never thought that there is a scent that can go to the next level!"

Huang Ying and others sighed again, and Gu Zheng also said at this time: "The fragrance has no limit at all, and the way is endless!"

After a while, the white mist condensed on the top of the steamer and did not disperse. When the white mist got thicker and thicker, Gu Zheng lifted the cover, and the white mist instantly poured into the steamed fish, and was placed on top of it by Gu Zheng Added a cover.

At this time, the two dishes were ready and served, Gu Zheng signaled Huang Ying to send them to Nan Chen.

"Chef, can we go and have a look?"

Although they have seen the transformation of Jixiang, but what the chefs saw was not the whole process of the transformation of Jixiang, so they begged Gu Zheng.


Gu Zheng smiled slightly, agreed to everyone's request, and led them to the hall together.

Both dishes had been placed on the table by Huang Ying, and the aroma that Nan Chen could smell through the cover of the dish already made him intoxicated.

"It's so fragrant, so familiar!"

Although Nan Chen was intoxicated, there was also a hint of sadness in his expression.

"Does it taste like the one you remember?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Like, it's all so fragrant!"

With emotion, Nan Chen removed the lid on the 'steamed dried fish', and his eyes widened immediately.

The white mist that had already entered the food immediately began to transform into an extremely fragrant form after Nan Chen removed the cover.

I saw a misty warped fish flying vividly above the plate. It was swimming and beating happily, and it looked really amazing.

"Extremely Fragrant Transformation!"

"I saw Jixiang transformed into form!"

All the chefs cheered, like children who have been waiting for the Chinese New Year.

"Okay, you guys go back to the kitchen!"

Now that what he wanted to see has been seen, Gu Zheng let the chefs do what they should do.

After the chefs left, Nan Chen asked, "Fellow Daoist, is this called Extreme Fragrance Transformation?"

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