After leaving the city mansion, Gu Zheng went straight to Piaoxiang Tower.

Today's Piaoxiang Building is not empty, and the Kong family brothers are still thinking about reopening it. Although there is no chef to be found for the time being, some people have been found to repair the Piaoxiang Building.

When Gu Zheng came to Piaoxianglou, the brothers of the Kong family were directing the servants to work.

Seeing Gu Zheng coming in from the door, the Kong brothers' eyes widened instantly, and they lost consciousness just as they were about to exclaim.

When the Kong brothers woke up again, they were in the same room, and Gu Zheng was watching them.

The brothers of the Kong family wanted to move, but they couldn't. The whole body hurt like being hit by a stone.

"what do you want?"

Kong Hu roared at Gu Zheng, but changed his tone because of the pain.

Gu Zheng looked at Kong Hu, stretched out his hand and waved it twice, Kong Hu was immediately slapped twice from the air, and the teeth in his mouth were slapped away a few times.

"Don't you know what's going on now? If you don't know, then I'll tell you now! The immortal cultivator you asked your cousin to find has already been taught by me. Your cousin also participated in this For this matter, I asked you to resign and leave Qingfeng City within ten days."

Gu Zheng paused, and then said: "As for the two of you, especially you Kong Hu, I have already shown mercy to you once, but you still don't want to repent, and dare to attack Jixiang Xiaozhu again. Then I will cripple your arm as punishment!"

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and pinched it in the air, and Kong Hu's arm immediately made a sound, which was the sound of bones breaking.


Kong Hu screamed in pain, he could feel the severe pain from his left arm, but the severe pain disappeared quickly, followed by a feeling of no consciousness, a feeling that he could no longer feel the existence of his arm.

Kong Hu couldn't move at all, and he couldn't see his arm, he just subconsciously wanted to see what happened to his arm.

Gu Zheng waved his hand and lifted the pressure on the Kong family brothers. Kong Hu stared at him, his eyes widened and he didn't know what to say. His right sleeve became empty, and his right arm had disappeared. If he Never had a right arm in general.

"Arm, my arm!"

Kong Hu burst into tears, and he slumped on the ground pinching his empty sleeves.

"The only thing missing is the right arm. This is already a very light punishment for you. If you think this punishment is a little lighter, then I will give you a heavier one now!" Gu Zheng said coldly.

"Forgive me, Immortal, I know I was wrong!" Kong Hu cried.

No longer looking at Kong Hu, Gu Zheng looked at Kong Fan: "As for it, it has something to do with this matter. My punishment for you will make you seriously ill in the future. Suffering is unavoidable! In addition, you have three days to leave Qingfeng City, if you dare to propose Jixiang Xiaozhu in the future, I will take your names without hesitation!"

"Thank you Immortal for your life!" Kong Fan knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Thank you Immortal for your life!" Kong Hu also knelt down to Gu Zheng.

"Let's do it for ourselves!"

Gu Zheng left a word, and he disappeared into the room.

After Gu Zheng left, Kong Fan, who was kneeling, slumped on the ground. He didn't expect that things would become so big in the end. Although he was a little bit reluctant to let him leave Qingfeng City, it was not so hard to accept. After all, Piaoxiang The building can no longer be opened. However, his younger brother's arm was gone, and his cousin was also implicated, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

None of the Kong family brothers spoke. After they sat on the ground for a while, Kong Fan sighed.

"Forget it, let's leave Qingfeng City! Anyway, life is still alive."

When Kong Fan said this, he looked at Kong Hu.

Kong Hu seemed a little distracted, he was still pinching his empty sleeve, and he didn't know if he was thinking about something.

"You go home and tell your family to pack up. Let's leave Qingfeng City as soon as possible. I'll go to Fucheng to plead guilty to my cousin."

Kong Hu acted as if he hadn't heard Kong Fan's words, until Kong Fan said the same words again, and then he came back to his senses.

After recovering, Kong Hu looked quite calm, he got up and walked out without saying anything.


Kong Fan called Kong Hu to stop, based on his understanding of Kong Hu, he felt that Kong Hu had not put down the hatred in his heart.

"Are you unwilling to give up?" Kong Fan asked.


Kong Hu answered very simply.

"He is a fairy, even if you don't give up, be honest with me, didn't you hear him say that he cleaned up all the fairy that my cousin invited?" Kong Fan said.

"Let's go, don't worry about me, the farther you go, the better!" Kong Hu said.

"Come back to me!"

Looking at Kong Hu who was walking again, Kong Fan shouted loudly.

However, Kong Hu, who had always listened to him since he was a child, didn't listen to him this time, instead he walked away without looking back.

Kong Fan had something to do for a while, and when he regained his breath and wanted to find Kong Hu, he couldn't find him, and his heart was filled with panic.

After going home and telling his family about the situation, and telling them to pack up quickly, Kong Fan went to the city mansion to find Wu Zhitian.

Seeing Kong Fan approaching, it was inevitable for Wu Zhitian to scold him, but after calming down and listening to what Kong Fan said, Wu Zhitian was also terrified to death.

"What do you think he will do?" Wu Zhitian asked Kong Fan.

"I don't know, but he must be planning something that is not good for Jixiang Xiaozhu. He really pissed me off!" Kong Fan gritted his teeth.

"Why do you think he is so single-minded? The other party is an existence that even the immortals in the city can take care of. He is not only going to die, but also implicating us!" Wu Zhitian became more and more angry.

"Cousin, why don't you ask your subordinates to go out of the city to look for him, and tie him back after finding him!"

When Kong Fan went to look for Kong Hu before, the sergeant who guarded the gate in the city had already learned that Kong Hu had gone out of the city.

"Okay, if I really find him, I'm going to beat him up!"

Fortunately, Wu Zhitian is still the lord of the city, so he immediately asked his subordinates to find Kong Hu.

Kong Hu left Qingfeng City on foot. It stands to reason that the people Wu Zhitian sent out were riding horses, so it should be easy to find him, but Wu Zhitian's people searched for two hours, but finally returned without success.

"Where do you think this damn guy is going?"

His subordinates failed to find Kong Hu, which made Wu Zhitian anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

"I do not know either!"

Kong Fan is really panicking now, even when he came to look for Wu Zhitian before, he was lucky enough to think that Kong Hu's arm was just crippled, and he couldn't hold back his face for a while, as long as he can get Kong Hu back, everything will be over. will be fine. However, Kong Hu could not be found now, and he did not dare to express any hope. He felt that this time the incident should really be more dangerous, and Kong Hu must have planned something.

"Why did he harm me so much? Isn't it enough to cause me to lose my official position?"

The suppressed Wu Zhitian finally broke out, he threw the teacup to the ground hard.

"Why did he drag me to kill him?" Wu Zhitian yelled at Kong Fan.

"Cousin, he not only attracted you, he also attracted the young and old of our Kong family!" Kong Fan smiled wryly.

"Then what do you say now?"

Wu Zhitian narrowed his eyes, and the ruthless light that flashed in them surprised Kong Fan, it was a kind of killing gaze.

Kong Fan understood that the pain in Wu Zhitian's eyes could not be a fight against Gu, so it could only be against his younger brother Kong Hu.

"Cousin, cousin, what are you going to do?"

"Let me ask you, do you want to be buried with Kong Hu's madness? Does your family want to be buried with Kong Hu's madness?"

Wu Zhitian has calmed down, and his eyes are also unprecedentedly cold.

"In no mood!"

The coldness in Wu Zhitian's eyes made Kong Fan shiver uncontrollably, but he answered without hesitation.

"Since you don't want to, there is only one way to go now, and that is you go to Lord Tie, tell him about Kong Hu, and put aside the relationship between your family and Kong Hu. You smashed Jixiang Xiaozhu twice, Lord Tie He didn't even kill you, but this time you go over, I think he will still let you Kong family members go."

After hearing Wu Zhitian's words, Kong Fan fell silent.

Seeing that Kong Fan didn't speak, Wu Zhitian said again: "Are you worried that Lord Tie won't have a good temper anymore? Even if you are so worried, you have to go this way, there is no other way to go Yes! He is a powerful immortal, even if you leave Qingfeng City now, where can you escape? Do you want to be in fear for the rest of your life, and do you want your family to be in fear for the rest of your life?"

Wu Zhitian's voice was like enlightenment. Kong Fan, who was still a little hesitant at first, finally made up his mind. Even though he and Kong Hu brothers are deeply in love, but Kong Hu doesn't consider the vitals of so many people in his actions, so it's no wonder he is.

"Cousin, I'm going now. If I can't come back and my family is not implicated, please take care of my family in the future."

Kong Fan's voice paused, and then he smiled wryly: "If because of this incident, my cousin is implicated again, I will repay you in the next life!"


Wu Zhitian didn't say much, he just patted Kong Fan's shoulder.

After leaving the city mansion, Wu Zhitian went straight to Jixiang Xiaozhu.

At this moment, Kong Hu was hiding in a farmland outside Qingfeng City. The people from the city lord's mansion were galloping along the road. He knew that these people must be looking for him, so he hid and wanted to wait until dark before rushing on. .

Kong Hu didn't want to hurt the rest of the Kong family, so he wanted to wait a few days before launching his revenge plan, and then he went away.

Kong Hu didn't know if his revenge could directly affect Gu Zheng, but he knew it would definitely affect the diners or chefs of Jixiang Xiaozhu.

Jixiang Xiaozhu often buys other people’s vegetables. Kong Hu knows this very well. His revenge is still poisoning. The ingredients provided by Xiaozhu were poisoned.

Kong Hu thought that his plan was very thorough, but he did not expect that his brother had abandoned him and was on his way to inform Gu Zheng.

Jixiang Xiaozhu was being renovated, and the staff immediately frowned when they saw Kong Fan coming to the door in person.

"What are you doing at our Jixiang Xiaozhu?" Huang Ying said coldly.

"Let him come up!"

Just when Kong Fan was about to speak in embarrassment, Gu Zheng's voice sounded from upstairs.

"Bang bang bang!"

Kong Fan knocked on Gu Zheng's door and entered Gu Zheng's room.


As soon as he entered Gu Zheng's room, Kong Fan immediately knelt down to Gu Zheng and told about Kong Hu.

"I also ask the immortal to show mercy. I really have nothing to do with him. The disaster is worse than my wife and children. I hope the immortal can let the rest of our Kong family go!" Kong Fan cried.

"Your brother is really trying to die!"

After hearing what Kong Fan said, Gu Zheng couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

"Immortal, he wants to die, he deserves to die, but we want to live!" Kong Fan begged.

"Give me Kong Hu's birth date." Gu Zheng said.

Although he didn't know what Gu Zheng wanted Kong Hu's birth date to be, Kong Fan hurriedly reported his younger brother's birth date.

"Immortal, will you spare us?" Kong Fan asked tearfully.

"You go back! According to my request, you will be fine within three days if you leave Qingfeng City with the rest of the Kong family. As for Kong Hu, you will not have this younger brother in the future. Pay attention to the news in Qingfeng City. I allow you to come and collect the corpse when the time comes." Gu Zheng said lightly.

Kong Fan left Jixiang Xiaozhu, he didn't know how Gu Zheng would deal with Kong Hu, but he believed that since Gu Zheng said that, Kong Hu should be dead.

Indeed, it is very easy for a cultivator to kill a mortal, let alone a cultivator like Gu Zheng.

"Why do you say you have to die?"

In the room, Gu Zheng shook his head and sighed alone.

This time in the world of mortals, Gu Zheng didn't want to reveal his identity as an immortal cultivator, so he didn't use any immortal artifacts, but Kong Hu insisted on letting him break this example.

Gu Zheng took out the book of life and death, and according to the date of birth provided by Kong Fan, he quickly found Kong Hu in the book of life and death, and the description of Kong Hu in the book of life and death was also the same as what Gu Zheng knew about Kong Hu.

When mentioning the Qianqiu reincarnation brush, Gu Zheng ticked off Kong Hu's name, and Kong Hu, who was hiding in the farmland outside the city, his eyes widened suddenly, and he fell to the ground dead.

After finishing Kong Hu, Gu Zheng continued to fall into cultivation. Taking advantage of the time when Jixiang Xiaozhu was still being renovated, he wanted to manifest his hidden origin of the Five Elements as much as possible.

During this period of time in Jixiang Xiaozhu, Gu Zheng did not give up on the cultivation of Tiexian Jue. The source of the natal five elements in his body, also because of the practice, was getting closer and closer to manifesting, but it was always missing So little.

Completely following the practice of the Tiexian Jue, it can help little to the current stage of the source of the five elements of life. Gu Zheng must use other methods to break this shackle, so that the recessive becomes manifest, and only the manifested life The source of the five elements makes it easier to control when cooking food.

After Gu Zheng circulated the Tiexian Jue in his body for thirty-six weeks, he took out a red inner alchemy after finishing his work.

The red inner alchemy is the inner alchemy of a fire-attributed spirit beast. Through refining it, it can change the original hidden source of true fire. This is the method Gu Zheng wants to use.

At this moment, the body has reached the conditions for using this method, Gu Zheng swallowed the fire attribute inner alchemy into his mouth.

The grade of the inner alchemy is not high, but it is enough to change the source of the real fire of life, and there will be no danger because of it, at most it will be a failure.

The inner alchemy is the agglomeration of the energy of the spirit beast, and it has extremely strong hardness. After Gu Zheng held it in his mouth, he operated the Tiexian formula to stimulate it. This kind of stimulation is relatively mild, just like waves washing the sand, one after another.

Under the continuous stimulation of Gu Zhengtie's celestial formula, the fire-attribute inner alchemy showed signs of melting in Gu Zheng's mouth.

The melted part of the inner alchemy turned into pure fire-attributed energy, which was guided by Gu Zheng into the dantian, and continued to revolve around his hidden source of real fire.

A strange scene appeared in Gu Zheng's body, the inner alchemy in his mouth was getting smaller and smaller, and the fire attribute energy in his dantian was getting more and more, finally surrounding his hidden source of true fire, forming a Small balls.

The small ball looks very similar to the five-element celestial ball in Gu Zheng's body at the beginning, but it is not real. This ball state is just an illusion. It is just a hidden life wrapped in fire energy. The source of true fire is formed. If the source of the real sphere of life and five elements can appear in Tiexian's body at this time, Gu Zheng might wake up laughing from his dream.

With the passage of time, the inner alchemy that Gu Zheng said had completely disappeared, and the fire energy in his dantian was still spinning, and it really looked like an alchemy had formed.


With a sigh in his heart, Gu Zheng opened his mouth and spewed out a very violent flame, which burned on the prohibition he had arranged in the void in advance, without causing any damage to the things in the house.

The first inner alchemy he refined failed, and Gu Zheng failed to pass it, so he manifested the source of the true fire of his life. However, this ancient dispute is not surprising. It takes a lot of luck to be able to manifest the source of true fire in one's life through a fire-attributed inner alchemy.

After adjusting the breath for a while, Gu Zheng started refining the second inner alchemy again, with the same steps and the same result.

When the inner alchemy reached the fifth one, Gu Zheng felt a little impatient, and he planned to stop today's one if there was still no progress this time. After all, mentality is also very important if one wants to manifest the source of the real fire of one's life, and it is inevitable that the inner alchemy of the refining fire attribute will feel restless.

However, the turning point of things usually occurs when people want to give up. When the fifth inner alchemy is completely refined, the hidden source of true fire still has not improved, and Gu Zhengdu is about to give up. The hidden source of the true fire of life suddenly jumped.

Gu Zheng was overjoyed, a seemingly simple beating was actually extraordinary, because in the previous few attempts, the source of the real fire of life had no reaction to this kind of external energy at all, it would If there is a reaction, it means that it has improved.

Gu Zheng hurriedly activated the source of the real fire of life, wanting it to absorb the fire attribute energy surrounding it. When Gu Zheng did this before, the source of the real fire of life did not respond at all. But this time, under the impetus of Gu Zheng, the source of the true fire of life is like a child who is anorexic. He reluctantly tasted the food under the order of his family.

The source of the real fire in his life absorbed a little energy of the fire attribute, just like a child who is anorexic encounters a delicacy that can impress him, he does not need Gu Zheng's control at first, and instinctively absorbs the energy of the fire attribute.


Gu Zheng applauded in his heart, the five fire-attributed inner pills allowed the originally hidden source of true fire to absorb the energy of the external fire-attribute, which was considered a very lucky thing. After all, as long as the source of the real fire of life absorbs this form of fire attribute energy, it can get rid of the hidden state and become the real spirit of the real fire of life. This is no longer a matter of how long it takes .

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