After Gu Zheng went up, he didn't tell others about the following things.

Without telling others, Gu Zheng went straight to a transfer base not far away, which was the only place where the opponent was here. The enemy who attacked them before was here.

According to Pan Xuan, the opponent's current strength is the same as yesterday's strength. During the long period of consumption, the opponent has suffered even greater losses. Gu Zheng decided to deal with them first.

In just three days' journey, Gu Zheng saw a large island, densely populated with enemies, who were simply resting.

Don't look at the armor they are wearing, it's just their appearance, because the armor is empty inside, like a cloud of black mist supporting the outer armor, the only thing you can see is a pair of blood-red eyes, they are also ordinary creatures, barely distinguishable On the side of ghosts, there are high and low levels of cultivation, happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy, as well as their own code of conduct.

At the same time that the ancient battle came, the ancient battle was found below, and there was a commotion immediately. The enemies gathered one by one continuously, and a mysterious breath connected them.

In Gu Zheng's perception, this mysterious aura was actually absorbed by a more powerful enemy above. The two matched very well, allowing the latter's strength to increase significantly. This increase even ignored the upper limit, and he could play far beyond himself Strength.

Gu Zheng thought that the other party was like this, and he was not afraid of a few more quasi-sage masters, but then he saw an even more surprising scene. The master of the corpse also matched with the opponent, and his own strength reached the level of beheading the two corpses in a blink of an eye, which is really surprising.

Even if this kind of strength is obviously invincible in normal terms, it is much better than Zhan Yi. In just a dozen breaths, three enemies with the aura of Zhan Zhe appeared in front of Gu Zheng.

Although Gu Zheng is a little afraid of the opponent, but the opponent's method is also amazing, but the opponent's flaws are naturally great.

First of all, it is necessary to gather together to form an array. If the dispersion is too large, or the number of people is too small, it will naturally not be able to provide it. The cultivation level that was forcibly raised above will naturally be lowered again. Moreover, the opponents seem to be surrounded, and the threat is stronger. But the inability to act automatically also makes them lack too much freedom.

It is equivalent to wearing a prison for all the people below to maintain the cultivation base above. Their flexibility is greatly reduced, and the threat is also greatly reduced.

Gu Zheng smiled lightly, facing the scene where the enemy was waiting in full battle, he rushed up directly. At the same time, Yuhuan appeared again before, and rushed towards the crowd below.

The three enemies rushed towards Gu Zheng, surrounded him, and launched a fierce attack towards him, while the enemies below him rushed directly to the transformed form of the five rings to prevent them from attacking the weaker enemies below.

Gu Zheng wanted to test the opponent's strength, so he was not in a hurry. He just fought against the opponent patiently. However, he soon discovered that the opponent was not much different from them here. , itself is not as good as Yaozu.

If the exact metaphor is used, all aspects of them look similar to humans, and they are very balanced.

Of course, none of them said anything, as if the communication was not based on voice, and they didn't know that they would speak when they met two people, maybe the other party didn't bother to speak.

In short, Gu Zheng quickly figured them out, and then stopped hesitating. The transformed body of Wuhuan ignored their attacks and began to kill the subordinates below them.

Basically, even if they defended with all their strength, they could not resist their attacks. Suddenly, a large number of enemies were wiped out under various attacks.

Without Gu Zheng's action, the cultivation of the three people in front of him began to become unstable. Seeing that they wanted to escape, this time Gu Zheng didn't give them another chance and stopped them instantly.

However, in order to kill the high-level people like them, they had no time to take care of the little soldiers below, and fled into the sea. They didn't know where they would flee this time.

Gu Zheng didn't care. After killing the opponent, he immediately returned. As long as he can deal with their masters, these enemies with average strength will naturally have other people to deal with them.

It's just that when Gu Zheng returned halfway, he suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Baidao.

In less than seven days, he was fine before he left, but when he came back, he was attacked by the enemy again.

On the Hundred Islands, in the distorted sky above, enemies keep appearing one after another, and they have already killed everyone in the Hundred Islands. What makes Gu Zheng more concerned is that an enemy with two corpses appeared in the sky. .

This is not piled up one by one, but the strength has really reached the level of beheading the two corpses. The only thing that Gu Zheng is not sure about now is that the opponent can gather the power of everyone and pile up to the realm of a saint. Even if only the strength reaches the level, it will sweep away. Even the ancient battle is impossible to resist the opponent.

But worry is worry. After Gu Zheng came to the battlefield, he let go of his breath without any scruples, and went straight to the enemy.

To tell the truth, no matter how high or low the enemy is, there is almost no difference in appearance. If the opponent hides his aura, no one will be able to find out who the opponent is. If he mixes with ordinary teams, it will be a disaster. At this point, one's own aura is like the sun, it will never set.

That enemy seemed to be waiting for Gu Zheng. When Gu Zheng appeared, a blood-red cloak was raised behind him. At this moment, it seemed that he had become a mighty army and was extremely arrogant.

"It's great that my husband is finally back." Pan Xuan saw Gu Zheng's figure below, and the heart that had been hanging in the air finally fell down.

Not only him, but everyone else breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Gu Zheng's return. It's really because the enemy in the air that people can't ignore, I'm afraid only Gu Zheng can deal with it.

Apart from this enemy, they are not invincible against other people.

Everyone began to cheer up, because most of the people below believed that Gu Zheng could defeat that enemy, but they did not expect that it would be so easy.

I saw that when Gu Zheng rushed towards the opponent, his whole body swayed, and an identical phantom appeared next to him, as if a shadow rushed forward at the same time.

"The seventh sword, Wushuang strike!"

With Gu Zheng's sudden shout, they threw out the two Yunhuang swords. Among them, the slightly dim phantom Yunhuang sword was submerged in the body of the Yunhuang sword. It accelerated in the air and appeared at high altitude. A huge A golden giant sword tens of feet high appeared in the air and fell down.

This time the enemy's original relaxed expression disappeared, and almost at the same time a layer of extremely thick shield appeared on the top of his head. Although it seemed to only cover himself, compared with the giant sword above, it was more rice Compared with Gaoshan, this enemy absolutely believes that it is impossible for the opponent to break through his own defense.

But at this time, the people fighting below felt a coercion like Mount Tai falling from the air, and before they could react, they all fell into the sea below like dumplings.

"Quickly, open all the formations to the highest level." Seeing this scene, Pan Xuan immediately shouted down.

But it's still a little late, because the golden giant sword has already slashed heavily on the opponent's shield.


An incomparable air wave exploded and raged towards the surroundings. Those who fought nearby barely resisted the Wia above, and this time, no matter the enemy or us, it was impossible to block the aftermath of this time. Blowing away, fortunately, Gu Zheng controlled most of the power and vented it around. The island protection circle below just flashed wildly and was not damaged.

The huge golden giant sword and the black shield just stalemate each other for a while in the air, but with the flash of the golden giant sword, a faint phantom flew out of it, only the size of ordinary Yunhuang sword, ignoring the opponent's The shield rushes right in.

The next moment, the outer shield trembled suddenly, and it shattered silently. The blocked golden giant sword was no longer hindered, and instantly passed through the opponent's body. When it fell, it turned into golden light scattered all over the sky, and fell A heavy rain of golden light, so as not to accidentally injure his own island.

At this moment, the entire battlefield became messy due to the sudden attack of the ancient war. Countless enemies and reports were still fighting on the bottom of the sea. A group of people were blown away and rushed towards this side while attacking each other. , while the enemy standing in the air stood blankly in the air.


In fact, most of the eyes of the crowd were still focused on the air, and they didn't know what the enemy who resisted Gu Zheng's blow was, but as the opponent's body appeared golden, a huge explosion rose suddenly, and the enemy that made them so fearful, Just like that, it exploded in the air.

It was just one blow, and he was very confident just now, waiting for Gu Zheng's enemies to be directly beheaded by Gu Zheng.

Who would believe that a master who cut two corpses could be killed by a single blow like an ordinary person.

More importantly, although the strength of the opponent has the ability to kill two corpses, it is only to let them know that they have not followed the way of killing corpses. Once a body has cultivated to this level, once it dies, that is really dead.

At this moment, everyone was shocked. The enemy, including his own people, couldn't help but stop the battle in their hands and stared blankly at the empty ancient battle. At this time, he was as invincible as a saint.

"This is my husband!" Pan Xuan was extremely excited.

Although she knew that it was the other party's arrogance that resulted in being killed by Gu Zheng in one blow, it also showed that Gu Zheng was extremely powerful now, even if the other party stood in front of her, it was impossible to hurt the other party in the slightest.

"Wow wow wow"

The first thing that came to mind was the race of Hundred Islands. They were extremely shocked, but they were extremely excited. At this time, they felt that it was a wiser decision to follow Gu Zheng.

If it wasn't for Gu Zheng to force them to leave, if they really left here, facing such a large crowd, they would have been killed one by one, how could they hold together like this, let alone they also watched Gu Zheng helplessly With the rapid development of strength, he might soon become a saint or something.

This is what they are looking forward to the most. If that is the case, as the first batch of people to pass, the treatment can be imagined.

Others also reacted one after another, their morale was high and they attacked the opponent.

On the other hand, the enemy even turned around and ran away, like a big collapse. Facing their attack, they had no resistance at all, and ran away with their shoulders on their shoulders. I died here.

A huge victory appeared, and everyone started to cheer and kill each other, forcibly tearing off a large piece of flesh from the opponent's body, and Gu Zheng was not idle, and even blocked at least ten quasi-sage masters, making them stay forever it's here.

Strange to say, once the enemy collapses, basically they can't fight back, even if they die, they have to leave. Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise the prehistoric world would have been killed by the opponent long ago.

When all the dust settled, even though the island was affected a lot due to the battle, everyone was extremely happy, and the enemy was solved this time without much consumption.

Gu Zheng sent a voice transmission to Pan Xuan, and then returned to his room. Soon Lin Xin and the others came here one by one. After the border, I don't understand what Gu Zheng asked them to come here, especially now that there is still a mess outside.

Gu Zheng saw that everyone was due, so he opened his mouth.

"I have one thing to tell you. In order to completely solve the opponent, I need to gather some elites from the prehistoric era, and prepare to go straight to the opponent's lair and completely solve the opponent."

"What? Isn't this too dangerous?" Mu Lian said in surprise immediately,

The others also nodded, because this is too dangerous. There are only so many people in the other party's lair. There are too many ants and they can kill people, not to mention that the other party is not an ant, and there are enemies with strange methods.

"I understand everyone's worries, so listen to me first." Gu Zheng glanced around, and it was obvious that everyone was worried about him, and it was not something that could be broken through with the strength of a few dead bodies.

"The strength of the opponent is endless. Although we can kill the opponent every time, we will lose a lot every time. We don't know how powerful the opponent is and how many people are behind him. If it is blocked, it will only become weaker and weaker, and more importantly, everyone knows about the problems in Hades." Gu Zheng said to the following.

Everyone didn't speak, because everyone knew about the accident in the underworld. Although the operation of the six realms still captured most of them, some would still leak out and wreak havoc on the prehistoric world.

"So the only way is to completely close the entrance of the opponent. Only in this way can we slowly solve the opponent." Gu Zheng said firmly.

Not only that, although Pan Xuan didn't say anything when he came up, he understood why. The Hades and the Shura clan are closely related. She couldn't let the other party occupy the Hades. .

"But there are people from the other party along the way, how can we go there, and if so many people are taken away, if the other party comes, I'm afraid." Lin Xin said hesitantly.

"I don't need everyone, I just need Nick!" Gu Zheng had already had a plan in his heart, so he said confidently.

"Yeah, Nick is totally up to it!"

The following also reacted one after another, whispering.

Speaking of Nick, they play the biggest role in guarding. Wherever there are enemies, there are them. Anyway, they are not afraid of death. Up to now, only dozens of them have been involved in the void, and the rest are in the game battle , and the strength has soared.

To be honest, without them, the casualties here would definitely be higher, which also cultivated them to attack Nick a few times to maintain the opponent's combat effectiveness.

It’s impossible to say that there are no sequelae, at least there are a lot fewer fish within a thousand miles, and they all know that there is a monster here that doesn’t eat you, but just scares you.

"Yes, let old Nick lead them to open up a safe route directly, and then you go to inform others, and let me do the rest." Gu Zheng said with a smile.

"I'm going to inform Lian Yi." Mu Lian said immediately, "There are still a few monsters with good strength over there. If the plan is successful, we will defend for a while."

"I'll go to Shuang'er to inform him. The other party knows the location of Haiyang, and there are a few not weak masters there." Pan Xuan also said softly from the side.

"I still have a few friends who are not far away, so there should be time." Another monster clan also said suddenly.

"Very good, the more people there are, the better. I will personally go to the base camp of the monster race, and I will also take a look at the human race. I heard that there are a few quasi-sages with good talents, and they can go with them." Gu Zheng smiled. He said to everyone.

"After the opponent's attack this time, I'm afraid they won't come here for a long time. What to do in this time, solicit them so that they can never launch an attack."

Everyone nodded and stood up to bid farewell to Gu Zheng. Now in their hearts, they are already full of impatience. If they solve the other party, they will be stable for a long time.

Anyone who sees every battle, the friends beside him will never see each other again, and he is also full of hatred for them, and wants to solve this matter thoroughly.

"Husband, you are really busy, it's really distressing."

When everyone left, Pan Xuan was the only one left, and she said very distressed when she came to Gu Zheng's side.

"Haha, don't worry about me, I won't be able to calm down if I don't solve this matter." Gu Zheng laughed, looked at Pan Xuan, who was blushing, and said suddenly, "Go with me, I have the ability to protect you safety."

"Ah!" Pan Xuan looked at Gu Zheng with some surprise, the latter definitely nodded, his brows relaxed, "Of course I would."

"That's good. To be honest, these years are not as long as we stayed at that time. Back then, I was only thinking about myself, and I didn't want to bring you a lot of trouble." Gu Zheng faced Pan Xuan and said tenderly , while grabbing the opponent's palm.

Pan Xuan's face turned red immediately, feeling the heat of her palm, she didn't know how to speak, she just shook her head, and there was nothing in her heart except joy, because if she remembered correctly, this was the first place in the ancient battle. For the first time, he really opened up to her.

"What are you talking about in the past, we are not together now." Pan Xuan blushed, but she bravely spoke out in the face of Gu Zheng.

Although sometimes she looks like a little woman, but that's just the other party's shyness and doesn't know how to behave. In his bones, he is still the kind of Pan Xuan who dares to love and hate.

"Yes, you are right, we are together, well, my dear wife, you can prepare to arrange the things at hand, and we can leave after a week." Gu Zheng laughed.

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