"Nick, Nick! Nick!"

In the distance, Little Nick was yelling excitedly as he quickly approached the other party. Every time he yelled, a red light beam shot out from his chest. Although the speed was not fast, as long as he shot out, he could definitely kill an enemy accurately. In half a day, thousands of people have come, and it is obvious that the originally stable blue vortex has become a little unstable.

"Master, I have something to tell you."

Nick is still killing all directions, but the latter can't resist effectively at all. Being killed by little Nick is also dead. If he escapes from the blue vortex without authorization, he will also be absorbed by the vortex and die completely. The difference is only the speed of the two. At this time, the kitten came back from the front and suddenly spoke to Gu Zheng.

"What is it?" Gu Zheng turned his eyes back, looked at the kitten, not knowing what the other party wanted to say.

"I heard from Little Nick that there are more hidden races among the fragments of the Little Thousand World. Although there are not many of them, each of them is an elite among the elites. If we go to rescue the empress next time, we can also Bring them, at least they have an unforgettable hatred for the bereaved family, if they all join in, it will be a huge help." Kitten said immediately.

"Do you want to stay here?" Pan Xuan also asked in amazement.

"Not only my brother, but also me. Only in this way can we find their hidden world as soon as possible, and the Nick family will also send someone to assist us. As long as you bring little Nick with you next time, he will know You guys are here, when the time comes, we will rescue the empress together." Xiaolan said from the side.

The kitten nodded at the side, because their strength could not keep up with Gu Zheng at all. If they encountered any danger, they could only hide on Gu Zheng, and their own abilities were too limited. It is only because of the special situation here that they only want to help their master do something, or else they will be completely reduced to pets.

"Since you have thought about it, you can do it at will, but don't worry, whether it is you or the empress, I will come again." Gu Zheng just thought about it, and readily agreed.

"Then you must be careful. If you can't do it, you should focus on protecting yourself." Pan Xuan also urged.

"Here is our territory, no one can stop us." The kitten breathed a sigh of relief and assured him.

After finishing speaking, he and Xiaolan secretly looked at each other, and they could see a sense of relief in each other's eyes, because it was relatively smooth, but in this way, Gu Zheng and Pan Xuan didn't see it, otherwise they would definitely be aware of the other party's stay here, Not exactly what they said.

The rest of the time is just waiting. With Little Nick showing his might, in just three days, nearly one-third of the enemies have died from his only means of attack. Although Nick was found here. It seemed impossible to break through, but it also made his cultivation reach that of beheading two corpses abruptly.

Although compared with the real Killing Two Corpses, he might not even be able to withstand a single move from the opponent, but facing these live targets, no matter how cultivated, a beam of light will pass by, and the world will be clean.

At present, the blue vortex has completely begun to collapse, and it looks as if it could explode at any time. Little Nick was so frightened that he no longer took it there, dragged his huge body, and fled back. Facing the blue vortex again.

Colorful rays of light bloomed on Yi Yi's body, all the power gathered in the first area, and the intermediary rushed towards the crumbling blue vortex.

Although this attack is a negligible damage to the blue vortex. Under normal circumstances, it is like a stone falling in the sea, which cannot make any ripples at all, but at this time, the self that is about to collapse, just Like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

I saw the blue vortex stagnate suddenly, as if it was abruptly stopped by an unknown force, and then I saw the remaining enemies below, all of them were extremely terrified, and then everyone was sucked into it. In the blue vortex.


A low-pitched vibration caused the entire space to tremble suddenly, and the blue color suddenly burst out from the middle, and a blue shock wave, with the blue vortex as the center, spread towards the surroundings very quickly, almost blinking. The eyes disappeared at the end of the gaze, and the people who were passed through in the middle did not suffer any harm.

"It should be over." Pan Xuan looked completely dim, with only a silhouette hanging in the sky.

"It's over. It was the opponent's last struggle just now, and all the strength has been exhausted, but what the opponent has done, I won't worry about this for a long time." Gu Zheng nodded affirmatively.

Last time they seemed to eliminate the blue vortex there, but in fact they just closed the channel opened by the other party. For this side, it just took a little bit of power here. Paralysis, although it didn't destroy the foundation, was enough to make it impossible to return to normal here for tens of thousands of years.

"Nick, Nick!" Little Nick shouted proudly from the side, because most of the credit for this was his, so he was naturally extremely happy.

"Little cat, let those Nicks come out, we are going to leave now." Gu Zheng also smiled, and ordered to the kitten.

The kitten nodded, and opened the void again to drill into it. Because he wanted to be safe, he had to bring some of them back in person. He could bring up to twenty people at a time, which was worth thousands of Nicks. It still needed to spend some money. effort.

Soon the first group of people were brought up. After the old Nick came up, he kept looking around like other Nicks. For them, they even almost forgot the scenery outside. They were eye-opening, and every Nick was extremely excited, shouting and venting his inner excitement.

Asking Pan Xuan to deal with those Nicks, he looked at the two people beside him, one was Lin Xin who escaped from death, and the other was Yue Qian who was just recovering some spiritual consciousness, and the latter even lowered his head and dared not look at it. Gu Zheng, as if he had done something wrong.

"Lin Xin, I didn't expect you to survive." Gu Zheng said with emotion.

At the beginning, he was confident in rescuing the other party, but based on the fact that he didn't understand the situation here, after he understood it, he didn't have much confidence in his heart.

"Thanks to the other elder, otherwise I would have died here, or I would have been discovered by the other party when I came out. If you hadn't saved me, I would have died." At this moment, Lin Xin became much more stable, as if she had been reborn. In general, he thanked Gu.

In fact, the shock in his heart was far from leaking out. At that time, he has never imagined until now that how much time has passed, and Gu Zheng's cultivation base is like a rocket, and he has come to the strongest in their history. Cultivation, thinking that the other party's cultivation seems to be still at Daluo, if he didn't see it with his own eyes, he would definitely think that he was hiding his clumsiness before.

"Mu Lian and the others are still waiting for you over there, and your clansmen have fully adapted, so you don't have to worry about it in the future." Gu Zheng laughed and patted Mu Xin on the shoulder to comfort him.

He clearly knows that the future may be even worse, but why should he strengthen this situation on others, as long as he knows it.

Lin Xin nodded heavily, and didn't say anything more, because he missed them too.

"Yueqian, I know you were captured and bewitched by the other party, but it is thanks to you that the cats and the others took Pan Xuan away." Gu Zheng turned his head to the side, and then said, he knew Yue Qian at a glance. That little hidden thought committed another crime,

"It's good that Master Pan Xuan is fine, otherwise I will be guilty, it's all my fault, otherwise Master Pan Xuan will not be frozen." Yue Qian still said with her head down. Although she was controlled, those experiences She didn't forget it, so she naturally knew the threat of that thing.

"Don't blame yourself. I have already removed that little thing on your body with you. In fact, it is because of that that you have not completely fallen into the sinking. Otherwise, even I would not be able to save you." Gu Zheng sighed Said.

Because Yue Qian was arrested here, for Gu Zheng, although the other party undoubtedly did something, it benefited him a lot. The mouth broke the calm, allowing him to find a path that was not too strenuous but also easy.

"Master Gu, you mean." Hearing this, Yue Qian suddenly looked up at Gu Zheng and asked excitedly.

Gu Zheng nodded slightly, and Yue Qian couldn't help cheering. This meant that the things he had been troubled by forcibly corrected by himself finally fell away, although because of his own confidence later, he did not develop towards the bad. , but this thing is always on the top of her head, after all, she is afraid that one day she will cause irreparable mistakes.

Perhaps the disappearance of this thing would do more harm than good to her, but she was still happy that she could finally relax without having to carry this thing on her head.

Gu Zheng watched Nicks appearing one by one all around, his ears were already filled with their cheers of surprise, which made him swallow what he was going to say, since there was nothing important anyway.

The chaos lasted for most of the day, and when the kitten was exhausted, there were a total of 5,000 Nick's clansmen, all gathered here.

"Gu Zheng, they are all here. We can leave at any time. I think you haven't rested these days. It's better to rest for two days and we are leaving. They will definitely not be unwilling." Pan Xuan also came over here, stood In front of Gu Zheng, looking at his tired face, he said softly.

Hearing Pan Xuan's caring words, the fragrance from the other party's body made Gu Zheng feel even more proud, and even made a move that she would never do normally. She put her arm around Pan Xuan's shoulder and looked down at him. Pan Xuan.

The eyes of the two are less than one centimeter long, and they can even hear the beating of the other's heart clearly, not to mention the sound of panting like fire waves so close at hand.

Pan Xuan only felt her heart beating fast, and her whole body was a little confused, she was dizzy and didn't know what to do, only heard Gu Zheng say.

"After the matter is over, we will have another child, take a good rest, and enjoy the peaceful life together regardless of the mundane world."


Pan Xuan rolled her eyes slightly and couldn't help asking.

She did think about the future, but most of them were alone in the past, or one day, she would fight for Shura and die on the battlefield, because with blood on her hands, it seemed that she no longer dared to hope for such a clean life.

Even after Gu Zheng agreed with her, she occasionally fantasized about the two of them, but she still felt that it was just a fantasy. Now when Qi Er heard what Gu Zheng said to her, she was afraid that it was her own hallucination, because she actually didn't like it at all. The current position is just that I have to do it now.


Gu Zheng said seriously, before waiting for the other party to answer, he bowed his head and kissed him.

He doesn't know the fate of the future, he doesn't know how much future they have, but he wants to overcome obstacles and create a brighter future for their future, but now he can't stop, maybe it will make the other party feel wronged , he just wanted to use his actions to tell the other party that he was just working hard, not giving up.

Pan Xuan trembled all over, then closed her eyes, her whole body was limp and hung on the other person, feeling the sincerity and a trace of real fear from the other person, and she was instantly lost in it.


No matter what he does in the future, she is willing to be with her, no matter what is ahead, even if it is an abyss, she will jump into it together, even if there is a endless loop.

They were the only ones left in the whole world at this moment, and even Nick beside him stopped his cheering one after another. Kitten and Xiaolan even winked and gave their best wishes.

I don't know how long it took before Gu Zheng let go of Pan Xuan, who was blushing. Otherwise, it might have lasted for half a year. Pan Xuan still leaned on Gu Zheng's shoulder, and his eyes seemed to be a little blurred. No one would Thinking that Pan Xuan would still be such a little girl.

After waiting for a while, Gu Zheng saw Pan Xuan who had almost recovered, and then said teasingly with a smile.

"Otherwise we will stop here for a while, at least we can enjoy our two-person world before dying."

Pan Xuan gave Gu Zheng a blank look, thinking that she had been fighting with Gu Zheng for so long under the eyes of everyone, she couldn't help blushing again, and then coughed twice, trying to recover her appearance, and then said.

"Hurry up and go back, the Underworld doesn't know what will happen now."

"Well, kitty, are you sure? You can leave together now, and I won't be able to take care of you at that time." Gu Zheng said to the kitten beside him, he didn't want the other party to take risks.

"Master, I've thought about it, I'll wait here for the master to pick me up." The kitten said seriously.

"Yes, master, we have to do something for the master, this is the time we should do it." Xiaolan said with the same serious expression beside her.

"Okay, then I hope you all succeed perfectly and protect yourself." Seeing that they were determined to do so, Gu Zheng just said so.

"Master, then let's go first."

Kitten and Xiaolan flew directly into the distance. A member of the Nick family was already waiting for them there, and soon they pierced through the void and disappeared into the distance.

"Let's go back."

Gu Zheng said to Pan Xuan.

Outside the main gate of Mingcheng, she has been here since Qingyu sent Gu Zheng away. Even if more things happened in the middle, she is still here to command, because she is always waiting here.

But she is not alone, there is another person beside her, it is Xiaoying, the latter came all the way, originally wanted to ask how the underworld will do next, and also heard the news of Gu Zheng, so stay here.

Because once Gu Zheng came back from there, he would definitely appear here.

"Master Qingyu, when will my young master come back?" Xiaoying couldn't help asking, seeing that there was still no movement in front of her.

"I don't know, maybe a hundred years, or maybe ten thousand years." Qingyu closed his eyes and rested his mind, and directly gave the other party a general answer, "As long as the other party wants to come back, he can come back regardless of whether he has fulfilled his goal or not."

Her original intention was to tell Xiaoying, don't worry, after all, she didn't know the situation there, and she might never return, but Xiaoying became a little happy when she heard it.

"Then you can come back tomorrow."

"Why do you say that?" The two hadn't communicated before here, and Qingyu didn't quite understand what the other was thinking.

"Because the young master is very powerful. If there is something, if he wants to do it with all his strength, he can finish it very quickly. Usually, it can be completed at this time, and then the matter will be resolved, and our place will become safe." Xiao Xiao Ying said it as a matter of course.

Although she has grown into an area that is extremely enviable, and has grown a lot through the training and indoctrination of the Shura clan, her unconditional trust in Gu Zheng has not changed. From the beginning to the end, she always thinks that she is Gu Zheng's maid.

She also has a small wish in her heart, which is to defeat other maids and become the only maid of the son.

"Really? But, hope is hope after all." Qingyu looked up at the sky, the black clouds still covered the sky, and she couldn't even see the slightest fluctuation, because she also understood that even if the blue vortex was destroyed, the opponent During these times, this position has long been locked. Even if the vortex on the opposite side is really destroyed, the only effect is that once the dark clouds here are resolved, the opponent will not be able to locate the invasion here for a short time.

"How is it possible, even if it is the most difficult, even if there is no hope in sight, even if it is impossible to do it now anyway, but my son will definitely be able to do it." Hearing what the other party said, Xiaoying said unconvinced.

"Young Master once said that even when difficulties are difficult, we must step closer to the past. When there is no hope, we must work hard to tear open our mouths and strive for a glimmer of hope. Not enough, not enough magic weapon, not enough elixir, these are not excuses, as long as you work hard and don't give up, you will succeed sooner or later, even if you fail because of time, then try your best to make up for the lost regrets, revenge, and revenge Complain and complain."

Xiaoying thought about when she was arrested, wouldn't it be like this at that time, if the son really took a step back, he would not have himself in the end, but in fact, he has succeeded in the end, as he said, step by step .


Girl Qingyu was also a little surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that the other party had been doing this all the time.

"Of course." Xiaoying replied proudly.

Qingyu suddenly became curious, and wanted to ask more about Gu Zheng, but suddenly something interesting and unusual in front of them made them fix their eyes on it.

"Young master is coming back!" Xiaoying shouted in surprise.

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