Inside Alcatraz prison.

It is said to be a prison cell, but there is only one person imprisoned here, and there are two kitten-like creatures, in which the female is locked in the middle, nailed to death on the wall in a large character shape, and five special purple crystals lock her directly His limbs and neck were buckled on the wall, so that the latter could only be trapped on it.

The other two are only the size of a newborn baby, and their fur makes people want to touch them, but there is also a purple ring set around their necks, and the other end is embedded on the wall.

This kind of metal is extremely strong, and it also has a special shielding effect, making them completely sealed like ordinary people at this time.

It is natural that Pan Xuan and the kitten who were unfortunately caught here are locked up here.

"Mistress, do you think the master will come? This place is so far away from that place that I can't sense it at all." The kitten lay on the ground and said lazily.

"Definitely come back, if I'm still alive." Pan Xuan was also in a bad mood, but she cheered up and replied when she heard the kitten's question.

Thinking of Gu Zheng, it seemed that the confession was still yesterday, which made her smile slightly.

"Brother, don't waste your energy, maybe you will be the first to see Hades." Another kitten whispered.

"That's a good relationship. We have such a good relationship with Hades. Maybe we will come back to life immediately after death, and get out of bondage." The kitten didn't care at all.

"Okay, kitten, Xiaolan, stop talking, it seems that someone is coming." Pan Xuan suddenly said to them.

The name was naturally re-given by her, whether they accepted it or not, the key to whoever asked them to name themselves was very ugly.

As soon as her words fell, footsteps came from a distance, making them all shut their mouths, and soon they found two people from here, and a woman who looked strange, from the other party's breath From the looks of it, it seems to be from Hades.

"Yue Qian, you will guard them here from now on, and if anyone approaches, just use the weapon that the adults gave you, and completely freeze the opponent." The person on the left said to Yue Qian.


Yue Qian took a careful look at Pan Xuan, then nodded, and said in a daze.

"It turned out to be controlled, it's a pity." Kitty looked at it and found Yueqian's request, and couldn't help but say.

But it's right to think about it, an ordinary member of the underworld, how can she escape the control of the other party, if they don't need to live on their own side, I'm afraid the ending will be no different from her.

"By the way, except for the warrant of the lord, no matter who, even we are not allowed to approach here, do you understand?" The guard on the right ordered again.

"I see."

Yue Qian nodded, and then directly took out a white bead that was emitting cold air, as if about to crush it.

"Wait, except this time." The guard on the left had quick eyes and quick hands, and immediately pressed her palm to stop the opponent's movement.

"That's right, it doesn't count this time, it's just an assignment for you." The guard on the right gave a look to the left, and the latter immediately took the ice ball gently, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

I was almost killed by this woman with some IQ problems, but this is the order of the apostle, and they will naturally follow it, because she is just a test subject, but the result seems to be very poor, not even as good as the one here. People, at least luckier than the first two, are still alive no matter what.

The guard on the left held the ball of ice and heaved a sigh of relief. There was a directional attack in it, and as long as it was broken, it could freeze the daughter in front of him, and there was almost no way to untie it, at least The apostle himself could not untie it safely.

"Okay, I think I'll return it to you after I arrange things, bad!"

The guard on the left was talking while putting away his things first, but halfway through, he suddenly felt a pain in his wrist, which seemed to be an old injury from the past. He couldn't help loosening his hand, and the ice ball fell from his hand.

The guard on the right was also startled, and immediately flew over, trying to catch the opponent. Normally speaking, he was absolutely sure of catching this thing, but the bad thing was that the guard on the left subconsciously wanted to lift his knees and hold the opponent again. The ice ball was caught.

So the head of the guard on the right collided with the opponent's hard knee, two cries of pain sounded in the air, and the ice ball just fell to the ground.


There was a crisp sound of glass shattering, and a gap in the ice ball cracked, and a white cold air that was as thin as a hair and as long as a little finger overflowed from it, leaving only a white trace in the air, which instantly submerged into Pan Xuan's body. physically.

I saw that Pan Xuan closed her eyes subconsciously, and within a breath of time, a layer of blue ice crystals surrounded him, and finally fell directly from the wall, and she was still kept in that posture, five The purple is bound like handcuffs, more like a sleeping princess, waiting for the arrival of the prince.


Kitten and Xiaolan yelled almost at the same time, wanting to rush towards this side, but the chain firmly controlled them, but it was in vain.

"This is terrible, tell the apostle quickly."

The two guards were dumbfounded when they saw it, and hurriedly ran outside in a panic, but Yue Qian didn't seem to care about this, and just leaned a little outside to guard the only entrance.

"Order, guard!"

Soon, the young apostle came here, saw Pan Xuan who had turned into a lump of ice, and shook his head.

"Don't ask, it's not very useful anyway."

"Then what about these two pets? Or they will be converted into our people."

The two guards breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that they hadn't pursued themselves. Anyway, they didn't want to become that kind of inhuman and ghost-like, even if their strength increased greatly.

"It's just two trash, let them wait here to die." The apostle took a look, and then left without even looking at Yueqian.

For him, Yueqian's role is gone, so if he stays here, he might be able to confuse the other party, anyway, it's not a loss.

Soon it became silent again, only the frozen Pan Xuan, two anxious kittens, and Yue Qian who only knew orders.

"Huff" "Huff"

The two kittens struggled for a long time, and they were exhausted to death, but it was of no use.

"Mother, it's over now, we're dead." The kitten gasped a few breaths, lying on the ground with its head up, and said miserably.

"It's definitely possible. Come on, I'm optimistic about you." Xiaolan also panted.

Compared with her younger brother's talent, she is completely different from the other. She has a more keen insight into space and can repair space to a certain extent, but it complements the other, just like a talent is divided into two halves, one of the two is half .

But taking it out alone is useless, and it doesn't help the combat power at all. After all, she can't tear open the space, or she can only use her ability to stick to it.

"I'm going crazy, who can untie me from my shackles, I want to thank the eighteen generations of his family, master, Gu Zheng, Gu Gongzi, your poor kitten is going to starve to death here. "The kitten yelled suddenly.

He was just fantasizing in vain, and naturally he knew it was useless, but at this moment, he wanted Gu Zheng to appear here and rescue them.

But after he finished howling, Yue Qian who was standing guard outside suddenly frowned, and his eyes suddenly showed signs of struggle, as if someone was fighting for control of his body, and soon his dull eyes became active.

Although the apostle managed to control her, it was only an experiment after all. It was the first time he had such a thing in the soul, which was naturally different from that of a living person, but Yue Qian also knew that he would lose control soon. If it wasn't for the other party calling Gu Zheng's name, I'm afraid I'm still in a daze.

Suppressing the drowsiness in her body and heart, she turned around and walked directly in front of the kitten.

"Hey, what are you going to do, be careful that I bite you, my teeth are very sharp." The kitten furled immediately, growling and shouting at Yue Qian.

It's just that this appearance has no deterrent effect at all. After all, Yue Qian can easily crush the other party to death with his cultivation base sealed.

"I'm under control. I'll let you out and take them out of here."

Yueqian didn't know who they were, maybe this kitten was Gu Zheng's pet, or else he wouldn't call him master, as long as he knew it had something to do with Gu Zheng.

The room they were trapped in didn't have any doors. It was like being imprisoned in a large prison cell, divided into three directions, because they believed in the efficacy of the purple crystal stone's imprisonment, and it also made it easy for Yue Qian to come to the kitten.

"This chain locks us, and we can't escape here with the mistress." The kitten was startled, although he didn't quite believe it, but thinking about it would not do any harm to him, he said directly.

"Mistress!" Yue Qian glanced at Pan Xuan in surprise, and then seemed to have made up her mind, "My strength is to let go of both of you, and you must take away the adult's wife."

"Let go of me, I will take you away together." The kitten said immediately when he saw that the other party was extremely serious.

"The chain doesn't look very strong. It needs to be replaced, or it will break if the enemy breaks free."

Yueqian pointed to the purple chain on the kitten, and suddenly said, this made the kitten confused, he didn't understand that the other party didn't help, but did it instead, the key is that if the words were useful, he would have already become the number one person in the world .

But he didn't know that it was because Yueqian had discovered an abnormality in her body, and after going through all sorts of difficulties, she managed to master it a little bit. Although it wasn't too much, she could barely control it on her own, and she could only try this way.

After her words fell, about two breaths later, she suddenly felt herself spinning, causing her to almost fall to the ground. She shook her body and said hastily.

"Hurry up, I can't hold on anymore, if I turn into that ghost, kill me directly."

The kitten felt that he should look at the other party like a fool, but seeing the other party's painful expression, he also twisted his body, which was a symbolic jump forward, and it was a break free, because he didn't believe it at all.

But first there was a tug on the body, and then there were several slight cracking sounds, and the chain that claimed to be able to imprison the quasi-sage began to collapse, turning into purple powder and falling to the ground.

Unexpectedly, the kitten, who didn't hold back his strength, bumped into the second sister over there. The two rolled into a ball, and finally hit the wall before stopping.

"You're going to kill me." Xiao Lan said weakly, this end hit her hard.

"Hurry up!" Yue Qian yelled suddenly, and then fell to the ground.

"Quick, quick! Where is it?"

The kitten stood up as soon as it turned over, and shouted at its sister.

"This is on my head." Xiaolan immediately pointed to the back of her neck, where there is a relatively fragile spot.

"Give it to me."

The kitten stretched out its sharp claws, and slashed directly at the position Xiaolan said. A tiny black trace flickered on the tip of the sharp claws, and took a small piece from the purple spar. This piece has been exiled to Inside the void.

I saw the purple chain flickering suddenly a few times, destroying this point is equivalent to destroying all the operations, and suddenly lost the power of restraint.

No matter how strong the purple spar is, it cannot resist the power of the void.

"Find a way to get out of here. I'll take the mistress and let's go!" The kitten came directly to Pan Xuan, urging sister Byte.

Although at this time, as long as Yueqian is killed, they can buy enough rest time, but he won't do this. Looking at Yueqian who wants to wake up, he immediately continued to shout.

"Sister, you can control all our lives, and find a passage away from here for the sake of the mistress."

If they were found to have escaped and were caught again, they would probably be executed directly and there would be no second chance.

"Of course I know, it will be ready soon, you prepare!"

Xiaolan pointed in front of her, "Open a coordinate leading to here, and turn around three times, don't hesitate."

As soon as her words fell, the space in front of her vibrated silently, and soon a passage enough for Pan Xuan to enter appeared in midair.

"Come with me."

Xiaolan jumped in without hesitation, and at the same time, the kitten pulled Pan Xuan and jumped in, and the space behind him healed automatically.

Almost at the same time, the figure of the apostle appeared here, and when he felt the space fluctuation, he reacted, but it was still a step late.

"Order, guard!"

Yue Qian stood up unsteadily, still speaking dully, but didn't know that the person she was guarding was gone, and still walked towards her position foolishly.


The apostle didn't suspect that it was Yue Qian's matter, and thought it was the other party's plan for a long time, but just at this time, the other party found a chance to escape, and left without looking at Yue Qian.

It's not that he doesn't want to chase, but that he has to maintain the blue channel so that the adults inside can connect with that side and continue to send power there. If the channel is closed due to his own mistakes, he will be dead. The connection inside has been completely stabilized, so this side can be abandoned.

Under the leadership of Xiaolan, the kittens here rushed into a space after turning around in the void for several times. The main reason was that their strength was not enough, otherwise they would have escaped further.

"Let's stay here first, or we will die in the void." The kitten gasped.

Because of the suppression of Amethyst, even if she was freed from the shackles, she did not recover to the best condition, and was directly crushed by the space forcibly.

"I'll take the mistress with me, let's find a place to rest first." Xiaolan immediately stepped forward and took over the responsibility of the kitten.

At this time, they are in an underground world, with khaki walls above their heads and surroundings. They don’t know where it is. It’s more like a man-made world, but the height is barely enough for an adult to stand up. The mother's ice cubes have already touched the wall above.

Looking around for a while, they had no choice but to give up guessing, but they knew it was still in that world, and they didn't have the strength to go back.

But when they were about to leave, holes suddenly appeared in the ground around them, and then one by one, gopher-like heads emerged from the ground one by one, their eyes were dark, and they looked a little scary, and apart from the different colors of their bodies, Besides, they all looked like they were carved out of the same mold, so they kept on guard again and looked around carefully.


A gopher suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, as if opening a chatterbox, countless gophers began to shout excitedly.

"Nick! Nick!"

"Brother, let's go, the longer we delay, the worse it will be."

They couldn't understand what the other party was saying at all, and they were still excited about something. The only thing that made them relax was that the other party's strength was not strong, and they were basically angels, so they basically couldn't stop them.

It's just that they just moved, and the underground gophers rushed up one by one, blocking in front of them.


One of them, a rather burly Nick, walked towards them, speaking a language they didn't understand as he walked. Although he didn't understand, he couldn't feel any malice from them.

"It seems that they want us to go with them?" Xiaolan looked at the other party's small handwriting for a long time, and said a little uncertainly.

Before the kitten answered, Nick shouted excitedly again in front of him, his little head kept lighting up.

"Let's go, maybe this is their territory." The kitten hesitated, then nodded.

As long as they are given a little time to recover, they can leave completely, so naturally they don't need to worry too much.

Everyone in Nick cheered and began to lead the way. Did he still look back at them, discussing excitedly with his companions.

Following them, the kitten found that the front became more and more spacious, and soon one by one low houses appeared in front of them. After passing through these houses, they came to a place that seemed to be a square. There were no houses here, but a larger than usual Some stone statues, this stone statue is actually a weapon, a long knife that looks quite domineering, but it is just a stone.

At this time, only the Nick who led the way at the beginning, the others were already outside the square, and a Nick who was obviously aged came in front of them.

"Follow the ancient language and welcome guests from afar."

This time, the little cat and the others understood what the other party said.

"Thank you for bringing us here, we just want to take a rest, and we will leave when it is about the same time." The kitten still said vigilantly at this time.

He doesn't believe that the other party can do whatever they say, especially if this world is still the other party's world, and after listening to Empress Tu, it is still a world that is not inferior to them.

"It's fate that you came here, but why are you leaving in such a hurry, the outside has been occupied by demons, and almost all of them have become puppets of the other party." Old Nick said slowly.

"We have to take the mistress away and find a way to restore the situation of the mistress." Xiaolan said from the side.

Old Nick looked at the frozen Pan Xuan, and continued to shake his head, "This can be untied, but according to your strength, at least a saint can do it, and if there is no other way, the chances of this life will be lost in half a month." Completely lost."

"Then what should I do?" The kitten panicked as soon as it stopped, and it was impossible to find the empress in half a month.

"Stay here, although we can't solve it completely, but there is another way, first help her get out of trouble." Old Nick smiled slightly, as if he had been waiting here.

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