In the pitch-black world, a large number of broken meteorites streaked across the air, but there was a clean area, no matter what it touched, it would turn into nothingness and disappear completely.

Taotie stood at the forefront of this area, with a pair of calm eyes, it seemed that through the endless starry sky, he could see the end of the prehistoric world.

There was a blue teleportation array like a nebula, and countless intruders flew out of it to join the front attack sequence.

As early as everything around was evacuated, even the planet was completely blown up, because they didn't arrange the first line of defense. When the opponent came in for the first time, the invincible posture made him They had no choice but to retreat and were forced to give up blocking each other. It was an existence that even Hongjun Daosheng could not resist. Only with the help of the power of the place of birth could there be hope.

If the top strength of the opponent is hopeless, and the strength of the high-level is not willing to give in, but the strength of the opponent's lower-level is not so strong, and there is no comparison with them. This time, almost everyone knows that if they do not win, then Just die, without any hope.

And behind him, there is a neat team of hundreds of thousands, all waiting silently, the minimum cultivation level is the peak of Da Luo, even if it is a quasi-sage, there are hundreds of them, each one is fully armed, Take out your real background, the real background of the prehistoric world is very large, but so many people are just cannon fodder, and there are at least ten such teams.

But their task is just a bait, to protect those planets that have fallen into a hidden situation. If they are discovered, then including the planets, I am afraid that they will be swallowed by the other party, and they will never be spared.

"The second batch is already dead, the opponent is coming, and the reinforcements of the opponent are still rushing in. There is no end to despair." Nuwa said calmly beside Taotie.

"If you don't accompany the great sage Fuxi, be careful not to leave here." Taotie glanced at her and then looked in front of her again.

"Don't worry, my brother, he's safe in the back, ready to fight the opponent, but I'm still scared!" Nuwa said sadly.

"Afraid of what?" Taotie knew that the other party was not afraid of his own death.

Having lived through countless yuanhuis, none of the dangers among them were dangerous, but they were all passed through under the leadership of Hongjun Daosheng. For them, death would not make them feel any fluctuations in their hearts. If it was not for helping Hongjun If the Daoist breaks through this layer, I am afraid that the endless life will make people commit suicide in despair.

"I'm afraid that for countless years, we will fail in the end. We have already touched our brows a little. If you give us a few Yuanhui, there will definitely be something to gain." Nuwa said.

"Why should you care about this? If we succeed, it means that we are on the right path. If the other party succeeds, then it means that the other party is on the right path. Who doesn't want to rush out and have a look." Taotie was silent for a while, and then comforted.

"Yeah, who doesn't want to rush out to have a look, even if I die, I'm willing to die outside." Nu Wa said with some longing.

Taotie knew that many people thought this way, but for him, he really didn't care, but he still said, "Isn't it a new cage outside, it's just that there are more people in the cage, the strength is stronger, and things are different. "

"I know, I just hope that Taoist Hongjun escaped death and obtained the treasure of the Great Dao from the outside, but he refused to tell us what happened outside. Should even the Taoist be afraid?"

Nuwa continued to speak, but at this moment, there were already many enemies rushing over in the distance, fully occupying the entire range of sight in front of them. A rough calculation shows that there are millions of them. These flies-like things are just annoying.

However, their sweet bait is to lure the other party step by step, and the other party will definitely be fooled. If the other party is allowed to slowly eat away here, they will only fail in the end, without any accidents.

"You should go, tell that guy Taiyi, I've been pestering me for so many years, I'm really annoyed, especially don't regret killing the Wu Clan, now you can't even make a move on the younger generation, I miss those guys so much, I really I'm bored." Taotie issued an order to evict the guests.

The front has already started to attack the opponent. In the starry sky, a vast ocean river appeared in midair, pouring down towards the opponent like a galaxy. Countless enemies directly merged into it at the moment of contact. With just such a blow, at least dozens of Wan completely disappeared, but the vacated defect was filled in by the follow-up in the blink of an eye, as if it had no effect.

This attack seemed to kick off the prelude. Various attacks continued to appear. Large areas of the opponent disappeared, and there was a blank space everywhere, but the number of opponents was enough to make people despair, so they continued to fill in. approaching his side.

"In fact, why does the other party miss the other party, but miss the other party's combination, if you can summon the Great God Pan Gu, you don't have to give up like this, and you will definitely be able to fight the other party head-on." Nuwa explained to the other party.

"You should go, or the plan will be disrupted." Taotie did not argue with the other party, but continued.

"Take care, I will miss you."

Nu Wa sighed, knowing that the other party was dead, the kind of death that could never be revived, but she still left a word, and then left here.

"You take care too!"

Seeing Nuwa leave, Taotie's lips moved a few times, but no sound came, and he began to face the real battle, just walking forward casually. The enemy's offensive was like a huge wave, and all of them disappeared in front of them, as if a piece had been bitten off. Even with the endless number of opponents, it took a full half a cup of tea to make up for it.

"Let you learn a painful lesson here!"

Taotie looked in front of him, with fighting intent in his eyes, and a huge figure appeared in the distance, walking towards this side.

"What is your name."

"Little demon and big wolf!"

On a hillside not far away, Gu Zheng began to carefully interrogate himself as a prisoner. The enemy in the mere celestial stage would naturally not waste time on the opponent, and he would not waste too much time if he was destined to die. He just hypnotized him, and the opponent began Answer honestly.

Soon Gu Zheng knew why the other party wanted to kill these villagers. Gu Zheng also thought wrong before. It wasn't them who killed them at all, but another group of people killed some people and took others away. I just came here to see if there was any bargain to pick up, and then I met my grandpa and grandson, so I naturally ate him, but he didn't eat it, and let his younger generation eat it. .

It's no wonder that there are only two people in the village, the grandpa and grandson, and the other bloodstains seem to have been there for many days. According to him, it has been at least a month.

And this Dalang is not far away from the nearby practice, and usually sometimes runs nearby to eat people with his younger generation, because he learned from a news that if the monster has not yet developed spiritual wisdom, eating more people can open the spiritual wisdom earlier , and this news has been circulating for decades, and everyone nearby knows it, but not many people do it.

And he basically doesn't have much contact with the outside world, he only knows the monsters in his own area, and he doesn't know the previous group of people at all, and he doesn't dare to approach them.

Soon Gu Zheng couldn't get any useful information from the other party. After it was useless, he directly killed the other party. Even though the other party had never eaten people, there was not much difference between leading the younger generation and personally, so naturally he would not be spared. .

"Who is the other party, and why are they arresting so many humans?" Gu Zheng keenly felt that the other party had something to do with Zhao Man.

Going to the next village to see, Gu Zheng immediately made a decision. There is another village nearby, but he has given up hope.

Sure enough, when he rushed over, it was almost exactly the same as this side, only the ruined walls, which seemed to be older than this side.

If this is the case, I am afraid that everything in the vicinity will be swept away. He immediately made a decision to go to the nearest city to have a look. Of course it is not Chunhua Town, which is still some distance away from his side.

Three days later, Gu Zheng looked at the almost abandoned town, only a few little monsters were still digging things inside, not even a single person, which made him have a bad premonition in his heart, why did the other party arrest so many people.

Thinking of this, he didn't even ask the little demon below, and flew directly in the direction of Chunhua Town, he wanted to see what was going on there.

After several days of rushing on the road, after crossing this barren land, he finally came to the outskirts of Chunhua Town. After seeing some people doing well, he was relieved, because Chunhua Town was next to him. direction.

He didn't stop much, and flew directly in the direction of Chunhua Town. As a result, two people stopped him directly in front of him when he was flying. Because Gu Zheng saw that nothing happened, he had already slowed down his speed. At the same time, he saw if he could Sensing the trace of Zhao Man.

In the early stage of the two golden immortals, each held a weapon and looked at Gu Zheng vigilantly. The man on the left pointed directly at Gu Zheng with a weapon.

"Who are you, where are you from, and where are you going?"

The classic three-in-a-row question has rarely appeared in Gu Zheng's ears, and it made him look dazed for a while, but the opponent became more vigilant, and there was a faint light on the weapon. If Gu Zheng couldn't answer, he would attack directly .

"Misunderstanding, I just retreated for a long time. When I came out now, I found that the village not far away was looted, so I came here to see what happened." Gu Zheng spread his hands, expressing that he had no malice. That's it.

"Show off your cultivation, and then force a drop of blood to me." The opposite party remained unmoved and continued to point at Gu Zheng.

At this moment, the person on the right spoke up, "We also know what happened over there. Now many monster races have taken the opportunity to come over. Now we can barely patrol around to avoid being invaded by the other party."

Because he felt that Gu Zheng didn't look like an enemy, and if he came over so obviously, he was acting like a fool, and he could come out after a little testing.

Gu Zheng immediately understood that those mysterious monster races had already taken a fancy to this place, but they were blocked by the people here. It is no wonder why this place can be blocked, because Chunhua Town is the largest city in this area, and it is also one of the largest cities in the human range. There will naturally be some people in places that can be reached within.

There are even Daxueshan there, not to mention this side, which is closer to the center of the human race, maybe there are stronger masters sitting behind.

"Have you ever fought against the other party? Who is the other party?" Gu Zheng let go of his aura. To be on the safe side, he was only a peak Golden Immortal, and at the same time forced out a drop of his own blood, slowly drifting towards the other party.

"I fought, but I don't know who the other party is. It is said that this force has just appeared not long ago. It aims to enslave human beings and wants to completely establish the world of the monster race." Seeing Gu Zheng's cooperation, the person on the right said with confidence. .

The person on the left took out a strange thing like a jewelry box, directly sucked the drop of blood into it, then shook it, and opened it sincerely, the bright red blood had turned blue, and they both loosened it at the same time. He took a breath and put away his weapon.

"You just came out of retreat, so you don't know, you go in first, now the inside is strictly controlled, maybe you can only stay outside, everyone is like this now, please forgive me." The person on the right said politely.

"If you don't want to be here, leave as soon as possible, there will be no security checks behind." The sentence on the left followed, "Or you can join us and defend this place."

A typical white face and a black face, at least make the problem clear.

"Okay, I see, I'll take a look first before I talk." Gu Zheng didn't say much, and took a white sign thrown by the other party, which was regarded as a simple identification method here, and then left here, and continued to move forward according to the other party's instructions.

Calculated according to the speed of the Golden Immortal period, in fact, here is at least five days away from Chunhua Town. Along the way, I met several patrols in the ancient battle. Most of them are two people who cooperate, and the strength is basically Golden Immortal. In the early days, no matter how you enter, you can't avoid the opponent. From the breath of the opponent, it seems that they have just been promoted, and they are obviously benefiting from the current aura storm.

However, with the white sign, Gu Zheng was able to travel unimpeded all the way, and he also noticed that the several villages he passed had begun to organize their belongings, as if they were about to relocate their families. It seemed that everyone here was preparing to evacuate.

A few days later, Gu Zheng came to the outskirts of Chunhua Town, where a force could be felt spreading in the air, which seemed to be a kind of air-forbidden magic circle, covering the entire vicinity, plus several angelic periods in the sky Patrolling around, their task is very simple, take the initiative to greet each stranger, and then tell the other party.

It's just that most of them don't need them at all, and even a few newcomers have been instructed by the patrollers in front, so they naturally know that they will take the initiative to fall down, and don't give the other party any chance to show their prestige.

Moreover, the entire city seems to have been blocked, and there are only a few passages on the ground to enter, and the defenses are very strict. I don't know what the Yaozu did before, which made them so terrified.

Naturally, Gu Zheng would not try it out, and fell from the outside without getting close. There is a temporary town built around here, but there are no ordinary people in it, and there are no rooms. They are all rows of restaurants. Some odd jobs have at least a four-star cultivation base, and this is a temporary resting place for outsiders to come here.

As for Chunhua Town, the name sounds like a town, but the town is very large, even bigger than an ordinary city. Just now, Gu Zheng just took a few glances from the outside, and it can be seen that there are more ordinary people in it, and in the There are also many people leaving at the other exit. It seems that the situation is not optimistic. The most important thing now is to find out the news.

Gu Zheng landed at the only entrance. There were many odd jobs standing here. Seeing that Gu Zheng was unfamiliar, a young boy came in directly.

"Senior is new here, how about I lead the senior to rest first?"

Gu Zheng nodded and followed the opponent directly towards the inside.

"What's going on here? I remember it wasn't like this decades ago." Gu Zheng looked at the side on the road. There are many restaurants that are not weak. Some are resting in the room, and some are chatting with each other below, so he asked strangely. .

"It's not those monster clans. According to some reliable senior monster clans, we have been warned that some monster clans are united and want to enslave us completely. It's just that the other party is not very powerful now and is still recruiting people, but We have already begun to capture our people from the periphery," said the young man neatly.

"Especially after we started to prepare, the opponent started to harass here frequently. We have fought with the opponent a few times, but the opponent is strong. Our side loses more than wins, and has begun to abandon this side, so that all humans have begun to migrate to the back. "

"Is it safe in the future?" Gu Zheng continued to ask.

"Yes, there is our Lord Yan here, and the other party will never dare to be presumptuous." The young man said adoringly.

"Here, you can take any room here. If you want to enter Chunhua Town, please go to the center to get the qualification to get in. If you want to know some news, I think restaurants everywhere can disturb you. Of course you You can find me, but I don’t know much, it’s all news we should know.”

When he came to the restaurant nearer to the inside, the young man pointed to this and said.

"Thank you."

Gu Zheng nodded, and walked directly towards this restaurant. He was not going to ask the other party, but to ask other people. After all, the other party's knowledge is limited, and there may be some special precautions.

There are fewer people in this restaurant, and only a few people are deserted. Judging from the temperament of the other party, they should all be lone rangers, except that the room cannot be changed at will, and they will not ask you what you are doing.

He first found a room on it. Although it looked empty, many of the rooms inside were already occupied, and none of the good ones existed. However, Gu Zheng didn't care, and left his own room outside like everyone else. Breath, after occupying this room, he walked out directly.

On the way here just now, he had already looked around briefly. The busiest time was when he came in. The two restaurants next to him were almost full of people.

When he came to the restaurant, Gu Zheng saw a handyman and the only mistress on the first floor. Seeing that Gu Zheng wanted to come in, he hurried out and said respectfully.

"Senior, this restaurant and the restaurant across the street are all charged. Pills, medicinal materials, or other valuables can be used to provide something. If you bring your own, you can also go to the back. There is also free tea over there. It's not that the younger generation made things difficult for you, it's because there is a shortage of supplies, Lord Yan ordered you to come down, please don't be angry."

Gu Zheng nodded slightly, and then walked in. Even if he didn't care about such a small matter, he felt that it was a bit unnecessary to make this condition, which would easily arouse the resentment of others. Everyone here is so nervous, and it seems unwise to do so. I really don't understand.

But no one cares about this small amount of money, especially him who is regarded as a rich man. He casually threw down a good pill and said lightly.

"Look at it, it's not enough to ask me."

"It's enough, please go upstairs, senior."

Gu Zheng walked up to the other party's respectful voice.

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