Back in time to a hundred years ago, when the Bull Clan, as the first batch of races to come over, stepped into this world, they were still extremely excited.

As the first batch, they naturally had more choices. They quickly found a large island in the surrounding area as their base camp, enough to accommodate their 60,000 population.

Yes, their population is very pitiful, only tens of thousands, and of course they don't think anything of it, because they are already too many. It is said that when they were at their peak, there were hundreds of thousands of people, but because of the small A thousand worlds are not enough for them to have many people, so the fertility is reduced.

Fortunately, otherwise, it would have been eaten up a long time ago. He still clearly remembers the first big battle, when the Baimeng was established at that time, but a civil war broke out due to lack of food, and hundreds of thousands of people died. Only then did they settle down, and all races ensured the premise of controlling their own numbers, and took the initiative to reduce births.

Therefore, there are not as many as a hundred races in the Baimeng now, and there are quite a few of those who are only a few hundred, and almost all of them have been exterminated. In other words, many races have actively merged together, just to survive, but they don't have to worry. At least they have many races, especially after coming to the prehistoric world, they have developed even more.

Not only them, but also the giant apes not far away were also extremely excited. They could hear each other's chirping and shouting excitedly all day and night, and it was so noisy that no one knew it.

After quick preparations here, at least 400 people, including Lu Ya, were ready and began to explore in different directions.

Most of them are the masters of the Golden Immortal Stage and the Celestial Immortal Stage, each led by Da Luo. Their task is to better understand the world and explore the world at the same time, while a small number of elites, including Lu Ya, , all dispersed operations, mainly to find a new living place for them.

Yes, their task is even more important, because they want to leave here completely, and Gu Zheng also promised them that if they think they want to leave, they can leave at any time. Naturally, they can't leave so easily if they are cautious. Under the protection of the quasi-sage, almost most of his strength was dissipated.

It’s not them who do this. Almost all the races that came to the above will all set out after they settle down. It’s just that their strengths are different, and the scope of their exploration is different. guy.

After Gu Zheng helped them deal with the danger, they also started to set off one after another.

Luya quickly set out towards the distance with the expectations of the people.

In the beginning, Lu Ya was excited but cautious. He wondered if it was because Gu Zheng had looked at thousands of miles for their safety and found no danger at all. Of course, there were a few good places to rest, but he could I didn't notice it, it was too close to here.

They are the first to come out, so naturally they will not waste time in this place. It is said that the prehistoric world is very big. They are located in the southern sea area of ​​Nanzhan Buzhou, and it is said that the South China Sea is behind them. It’s just a comparison of the size, only this continent The size of the range is thousands of times larger than all their spaces, and there are four similar continents in the prehistoric world, which is surprising.

Even if they didn’t find anything when they came out, they felt that Honghuang was really a good place, with enough spiritual energy, many of them got stuck in the bottleneck and became vigilant, even if other people felt that cultivation was much easier, people couldn’t help but sigh, it’s really a good thing, No wonder Baimeng always wanted to come in.

It's a pity that the other party failed in the end, and it was cheaper for them. If they had known this earlier, they might as well have surrendered.

Lu Ya followed his direction all the way, and soon completely left this area. There was a strange and novel place in front of him. There were many peaks rising in the distance. From the time he passed by, he could feel how many mountains were inside. There are some monster races who have cultivated well.

When they came out, they naturally also had a piece of information about Honghuang, most of which was told by Gu Zheng, knowing that there are many monster races in Honghuang, and there are more human races, so they must be careful, because there may be more powerful characters behind them if they are not careful.

They naturally praised this point, they all have such high strength in Xiaoqian world, let alone in this place, of course the number of people is here, there are more people with less strength, they are just looking for a good place, and at the same time inquire about the outside world news.

As soon as he walked, he ran in one direction for a year in one breath. Most of them were endless grassland forests and towering mountains. He didn't slow down until he encountered the first place where there were people. Take a breath.

The first thing Luya encountered was a small village with a population of only a few hundred people. They looked ragged, and all of them were very ordinary humans. Only a few were stronger, and they were three-stars. It's just strength, they don't have any immortal practitioners to help them, they are all self-reliant, and it seems to be okay.

This is the news that Lu Ya got after observing for a few days. He didn't get in touch with these people. He just saw how ordinary people in this world live. Leave here and continue to move forward. According to them, there is a city a hundred miles away, and there should be additional gains there.

It took a little time to go outside that city. It was indeed very prosperous here, and it was almost the same as their main city. It seemed that there was only this city here, but there were also no people with cultivation base here. It seemed to be a closed city. After a few days of observation, Luya left again.

He knows that most of the human beings here are ordinary people, many of them are just like this, just find a place outside to live without any communication with the outside world, most of these places have no characteristics, even he feels that The aura of the school is a bit low, and it is not a good place for cultivation.

After leaving Luya here, he continued to move forward. At this time, he stopped running all the way and began to search for a suitable place. He didn't know where he was. Now the only feeling is that he is big, very big. The small thousand worlds add up to one room, while Honghuang is thousands of times bigger than them, and it is the kind of multi-storey duplex, which is completely incomparable.

It didn't take long before he went all the way and encountered human beings again. This time, he was not as ordinary as before. He could even detect many celestial and golden immortal masters here, and counting the number of them, there were at least hundreds of them. It made him extremely enthusiastic, so he immediately disguised himself and mixed in, which was very simple for him.

The main reason is that he wants to inquire about the nearby terrain. After all, these people are better than him wandering around alone.

In a few days, he found out that there was a terrifying valley seven days away from here, because there was a big monster over there, which was a great threat to this side. At any rate, the big monster was not Hurt humans at will, and sometimes take out some rare herbs in exchange for something.

When he got the news, he went straight there immediately, because he knew that a place that could be occupied by the strong must be a good thing. In this case, it could greatly increase their success rate in finding a suitable place.

They are not picky either, first find a suitable foothold, and then start slowly.

After getting the specific information, he immediately rushed towards the valley, and soon found the place. After a little observation, his eyes lit up, and he found that it was indeed a good place.

The entire valley is located in a place where auras meet, which should be the gathering point of the nearby mountains. The space is large enough to accommodate 100,000 people, and it is like spring all the year round. It is simply a very ideal place. The only thing I don’t like is that That is, there is a demon clan whose strength is in the early stage of Da Luo, and a group of opponents' subordinates.

After patiently observing the surroundings for a few days, he finally attacked the opponent. With his own cultivation, after a fierce battle, he naturally drove the opponent away and regained this satisfactory valley.

After looking inside and outside here again, mark here and leave your own breath, and continue to rush in other directions, without asking to find a place.

After fifty years of searching, he found several satisfactory places, and at this time he also started to return, but what he never expected was that he was attacked on the way back.

The first attack almost killed him. He didn't know who the other party was and why he attacked him. He felt that the most likely person was the one who let go of a few monster clans before and was found by the other party.

When he came back by chance, he realized that the other party was coming for them.

On the way back, he kept hiding himself, and saw dead companions, some of himself and others, which made him even more horrified. Finally, when he was approaching this side, he was ambushed again. Fortunately, he was a little alert, so he was safe rushed over.

After hearing Lu Ya's words, the group of Fierce Cows also frowned, but they still didn't get much useful news from him.

In fact, in the past few years, they discovered this problem. Some people who came back by chance were ambushed, and many people didn't come back at all. If they went out to find them, they could even find those corpses nearby. This caused a panic here, but it was impossible to find Gu Zheng for this matter.

Because they understood from the very beginning that once they asked each other for help, they might break their previous oath. After all, they demanded to be independent, even if they encountered any problems, they could only carry them alone.

What made them even more miserable was that thousands of members of the Fire Rat family who escaped by chance were all arrested by the other party. They were looking for a small place to make a transition a few years away from here.

"Go down."

After letting Luya go down, the patriarch looked at the other elders again, but saw the same dodging eyes, and they had no better way. The last elder seemed to think of something and said immediately.

"Didn't the patriarch of the giant ape say last time that we should join together to discuss it, it's better to listen to what other people have to say."

It's not a solution, but it's a solution, and the chief of the Lie Niu can only agree.

At the same time, Mu Lian and Lin Tie were also at the temporary resting place of Gu Zheng. Of course, there was an extra dark eyeball, about the size of a basketball. This is the current patriarch of the Demon Eye Clan.

His strength is not weak, he has Da Luo's late cultivation base, and his eyes are full of respect when he looks at Gu Zheng, because he was rescued from the once evil patriarch. Their clan is not a race with strong desire to attack, but there is A patriarch who is as evil as the painted soul clan is a sad person, but fortunately, they were all rescued in the end.

"Master Gu, do we really want to go back to Xiaoqian World? What if there are some problems outside?" Mu Lian asked worriedly.

"Leave some of their clansmen to watch. If you don't teach these people a painful lesson, they won't really obey." Gu Zheng said affirmatively.

"But the other party can also recruit them. If they surrender to them, it will not be a big loss." Lin Tie also persuaded.

"Even if they surrender, the other party will not want them. The smell of the small thousand worlds on them can be easily detected even after tens of thousands of years. What's more, what they did before has completely angered the other party. How can they accept it? Their surrender." Gu Zheng chuckled.

They naturally know their affairs. Although most people are strict with themselves, a small number, no matter active or passive, have battles with the people here, especially under the deliberate guidance of Gu Zheng, which has led to the expansion of the scale , and then attracted some people's attention.

"But they are all monsters, and with so many powerful subordinates, would they be willing?" Mu Lian didn't explain.

"Yeah, they might have been patient in the past, but at this time, they really don't care about this. At this moment, their huge number will care about these monster races that come out of nowhere? It must be different, and the same is true for the monster race here." Gu Zheng stood up and said relaxedly.

"You know, why they sometimes fight, it's because for the monster race, the opponent's corpse is also a great tonic."

No matter how much they ask their own people, they will never find out that Gu Zheng has pushed behind. These years, Gu Zheng has been paying attention to this. These people don't care about the Yaozu, but for them, they really need them. There is a more brutal way, just to make them not look for something to do in the future, it is still a little tricky, just because they have nothing to do now, and they are taking care of Wan'er.

Now that the monster clan has become extremely inflated, in normal battles, if the opponent dies, they will also put away the corpse, either for themselves or for their subordinates. This is also the case for those humans with good cultivation bases. For those low-level humans, only the lowest-level monster race might be interested in that bit of blood.

If it was said before that they would still have scruples, but at this time, what else should they be scruples about? He has watched a lot over the years.

"What about those humans?" Mu Lian asked suddenly, "They may suffer more damage outside, and if the other party follows them back, it may arouse their suspicion."

"I will leave a magic weapon for them. If the other party does not have a quasi-sage, it will definitely not be able to break it, and Yaowei will also stay in it to help us check the other party's affairs. As for the Yaozu, wait a while when you leave , Tell them how to open the passage, so that the other party can hide in."

Gu Zheng has arranged everything he can do. If there are no accidents, this operation will end in three to five years. I will sit back and watch the fishing from now on. Let's see them. As for the loss, it is inevitable. Let them know the power of Honghuang, and they will not surrender to their own side at all.

In the original plan, Gu Zheng also wanted to attract a quasi-sage, but after searching around, he couldn't find it. After all, the quasi-sage is not a bad street thing, but anyway, there may be a chance to see it in the future.

"Although I don't want to ask, Mr. Gu, why do you need so many people? Our wood demon clan is not weak." Lin Tie couldn't help asking.

It's really more than fighting power. The remaining people of their wood demons have now been cultivated and adapted, and almost all of them have perfectly integrated into this place. After this stage, they will come out and station outside, including the painting souls who have returned to normal.

"Of course it is to save Lin Xin, and there is another elder. As my subordinates, you will naturally not let the other party go. With a batch of extra help, the chance of success will be greatly increased. If the other party kills Lin Xin , I will make them pay back their debts in blood." Gu Zheng said with a serious expression.

It is true that he had no strength in the past, but now he is definitely at the peak of the quasi-sage according to the aura exuded by the opponent at the beginning of the battle, but it seems that he has forcibly improved his cultivation by relying on special methods The suddenness, which no one could have predicted, caught Lin Xin. If it was this level, he could definitely deal with it.

Of course, he will check it out as a striker, and if he has a higher level of cultivation, he will go to the rescue secretly, and if he is lucky, if he finds the remaining earth wind stone, the success rate will be greatly increased.

If the opponent's strength is really as you think, then relying on yourself alone, even if you are not afraid of the opponent's strength, you can't kill the opponent successfully. If you take the wood demon and the demon clan to go there, the success rate can be greatly increased.

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Mu Lian and Lin Tie were taken aback for a moment, and then they were extremely moved, because they knew how big the risk was in the past. People, too, may be gone forever.

"All of us are willing to go there together to rescue patriarch Lin Xin." Lin Tie said firmly, not giving up any of the clansmen is their purpose.

"Naturally, the more people, the better. In fact, I have also wanted to pass these years. You also know that I have fully recovered a while ago. I promise, after this incident, I will contact the local government and find some way to pass. Don't worry. "Gu Zheng looked at the other party's excited application and couldn't help but comfort him.

"We're not in a hurry. If the opponent wants to kill Lin Xin, he should kill him immediately instead of taking him away. There should be no problem in a short time." Mu Lian said quickly.

They have also thought about it, just thinking about it, even thinking about it, after thousands of years, whether their strength can go further, after the other party completely relaxes their vigilance, at that time, they asked Gu Zheng to beg Guoguo to go there alone, just The longer the time, the greater the danger for Ruby Lin.

Not to mention the hundred years now, even after hundreds of years, Lin Xin should not be in any danger, and can keep them from being excited.

"Okay, then the plan begins."

Gu Zheng ordered directly.

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