A hundred years have quietly passed since Gu Zheng came back from Shuang'er.

In ten years, for them, there has been little change. The only change is that Wan'er has finally recovered her own appearance after these ten years. Even her cultivation base has come to Jinxian, and her progress is rapid.

The only pity is the height, because according to what Gui Han said, the other party has become like this, and the growth trajectory can refer to the Phoenix Dragon Clan, perhaps tens of thousands of years is equivalent to one year of human beings.

But looking at Wan'er, who was making a fuss all day long, Gu Zheng felt that this was pretty good, at least he didn't have to worry about those things, seeing the other's happy face, even his own mood improved a lot.

These years, Gu Zheng has not been idle. Apart from regularly checking the changes in Xiaoqian World, he also has to deal with some external matters. The most important thing is to repair the injuries in his body. He once suffered a blow from Master Hua, although he seems to have healed on the surface. , in fact, deep in the body, there is still the opponent's power, just use this time to completely pull out the hidden danger in the body.

And the changes in the Xiaoqian world also made him more and more incomprehensible. Now, except for the area where the control is located, everything has become fragmented, just like the islands on the sea surface, which have been cut into tens of millions of pieces, but there is nothing on it. Any damage, looking at it with his amazing eyesight, can completely assemble the cut range.

Of course, there is no initial blockade now, and he can only enter the intact space, but the core is still changing, but he also doesn't know what this thing is doing, maybe he will only know until the end, and can only wait. go down.

"Dad, I'm going out for a while."

Wan'er, who was in the distance, waved at Gu Zheng, and then jumped from the nearby cliff. Just a little bit down, a fiery figure caught Gu Zheng from below, and then soared into the sky.

"Xiaohong, fly quickly, we are going to the south today, there is a big whirlpool over there, swimming in it is very comfortable."

Wan'er's excited voice came from far away, Gu Zheng shook his head, the vortex over there was still fixed by himself, as long as he entered it, it was like a slide, anyway, Wan'er had a very good time, so naturally he didn't have to worry about anything, and then went to Flying to another island, because there are several waves of races that have come back, it seems that the process is not so smooth, all of which are in Gu Zheng's plan.

Wan'er secretly watched Gu Zheng leave in the air, but she didn't notice herself. She secretly smiled in her heart, and then patted Xiao Hong under her body. The direction immediately shifted slightly, and it seemed that she was still flying towards that direction, because she There is no need to go there today, although it is very fun there, but some time ago, she found a more exciting and fun place, just to prevent Gu Zheng from worrying, so she did it on purpose.

Speaking of which, these ten years were the happiest time for her. She didn't think about anything, didn't do anything, and she was accompanied by her father. The only regret was that her mother didn't know where she was.

After getting away from the island, Xiaolan had been waiting for her long ago. As for the other Xiaoqing, she was injured a little while ago due to accidental practice, so she can only regret to recuperate at home, otherwise she would definitely take her with her.

Soon they crossed the area where Gu Zheng had left, and stopped on an ordinary sea. That thing was here. Some time ago, when Wan'er was floating on the sea, she accidentally fell asleep. When I came here, I was sucked down by the other party. Fortunately, Xiaoqing was by my side at that time, otherwise it would not have been easy to come out, and Xiaoqing was injured at that time.

This time, she wanted to see if there were any strange things here. Anyway, it was not difficult to leave. With Xiaohong and Xiaolan, there was absolutely no problem.

With a little bit of Wan'er's hand, bubbles rose up on them, wrapping them and swimming down.

"There, follow me."

After going deep into the bottom of the sea, Wan'er began to search for the nearby regular rocks of different sizes under the sea surface thousands of meters, and soon found her target, which was among the rocks, one of which was obviously missing A large piece, as if a layer had been peeled off by something, it was hard not to be noticed.

Wan'er was overjoyed, and immediately took the lead to swim there. Before Xiaoqing rescued her, she just wandered around a few places, maybe she could find something good, and then bring it to her father, for sure. will be commended.

Thinking of her father praising her, Wan'er couldn't help smiling.

"Xiao Lan, you stand guard outside, Xiao Hong, follow me in."

Wan'er is not stupid either, although she was not in danger last time, but this time it might not be so, so leave one outside, and if something goes wrong, she can react in time.

Xiaolan shakes her head up and down, her fighting power in the water will not decrease in any way, but Xiaohong's strength will be greatly reduced in this situation.

"Okay, Xiaohong, let's go!"

Wan'er flicked her little hand, and then jumped in directly, followed by Xiaohong, curled up into a ball, and then squeezed in. There was no way that the hole was not big, and fortunately, they were not too big.

After going down, this is a huge cave, which is very dry, because there is a simple barrier at the entrance to prevent seawater from entering.

Looking at the palace in the distance, there are some caves that don't know where they lead, as if they have come to a ruins, and the several buildings near here have been found by Wan'er, but most of them have taken too long , couldn't find anything useful at all, so she looked into the distance, the huge palace was obviously different from the surroundings, and it was close to the wall behind it, which was the hall at the end of this space.

"Hey, Xiaohong, let's go,"

Wan'er rubbed her hands excitedly. This feeling of treasure hunting made people look forward to it. This time she had enough time, so she ignored other places of different sizes and ran directly to the largest place. She believed in this place. There must be something good.

Although this space is large, it can't stop the enthusiasm of treasure hunting, and soon Wan'er came to the middle hall.

"It's so tall! It's so dirty!"

It looks larger from a distance, but even bigger from a close-up. Even if Wan'er stands in front of the door, it seems that she is only as tall as the bottom decoration, and she can't even see the top when she looks up. Wan'er stretched out her hands and pushed it tentatively. Pushing the door, the greasy dust in one hand made her pooh several times.

"Xiao Hong, sweep the dust off it for me."

He looked at his clean hands, then at the dust on the door that was thicker than his own palm, hesitated for a while and still didn't step forward, instead he backed away and ordered to Xiao Hongfa.

Xiao Hong naturally didn't care about the dust, she immediately flapped her wings, and slammed into the air against the door, the huge air flow swept over like a storm, thoroughly cleaned the dust at the door, and flew behind with the dust.

"here you go!"

Wan'er shouted excitedly, and then came to the door again, stretched out her small hands to press the two sides of the center of the door, then shouted loudly, and pushed her arms forward suddenly.


Following a shock that seemed to shake the ground, a large cloud of dust rushed towards her face, covering Wan'er almost in the blink of an eye, completely turning her into a gray person.

Xiao Hong, who was a little farther away, flew into the sky immediately, looked at Wan'er who was like a clay sculpture, and let out a laughing cry, which made Wan'er's already dark face even more ugly.

Who would have thought that this seemingly incomparably strong door would collapse directly with just a little force, and she was caught off guard by the dust splashed from inside, and she took a full body bath, and the effort just now was in vain.

Wan'er shook her body angrily, and the dust disappeared immediately, but she could still feel the musty smell. I don't know how long no one has been here, but soon she didn't have the time to raise it, because it was in the middle of the hall. There is actually a place that looks like an altar.

At this time, a layer of blue spheres surrounded the whole inside, and there was only a floating thing in the middle, but Wan'er didn't know what it was.

But it doesn't matter, it must be a good thing to be kept here for such a long time.

Excitedly, Wan'er went over immediately, not caring about the dust everywhere, accidentally going through the baptism just now.

"What the hell is this?"

The cyan color is like a fruit, which rotates automatically in the air. Its surface looks like growth rings. At first glance, it has a sense of age, as if it has been here for thousands of years.

Wan'er also knows that if this thing is not protected by this weak barrier, it will definitely have no effect in the end. The most important thing now is to take this thing away, then it belongs to her.

"anyone there?"

Wan'er yelled towards the surroundings, her voice echoed, apparently no one responded to him, then she walked out of the hall and yelled outside.

"anyone there?"

The sound was so loud that the entire cave vibrated.

Xiao Hong tilted her head, not quite understanding the meaning of Wan'er's actions, she bounced to Wan'er's side, and rubbed her head against her, eyes full of doubts.

"Dad said, you can't take other people's things casually, so I asked if there was anyone else. If there was no one, it was unowned. Now I asked, and no one came out, which means I can just take it away. " Wan'er explained seriously.

Xiaohong also cried out in joy, and then motioned her head inside, telling Wan'er to go and get it directly.

It was naturally impossible for a mere weak barrier to block her. After carefully breaking it open, Wan'er dragged the green fruit into her hand before it fell to the ground.


Wan'er raised the object in her hand and shouted excitedly at Xiaohong at the door, but she saw the other person's frightened and anxious expression, flying towards her quickly, as if there was something behind her.

Wan'er turned her head subconsciously, but saw a withered arm appearing in the corner of her eyes. The next moment she felt her body was being grabbed, and at the same time, a force surged through her body from behind, rolled her eyes, and passed out.

Seeing that it was too late, Xiao Hong hurriedly screamed, and at the same time, a burst of flames spewed out from her mouth, a bowl-sized pillar of fire streaked across the sky, and landed directly on the overly long arm, making it To his disappointment, the attack he had given high hopes only splashed a few sparks on the opponent's body without leaving even a trace.

With just this chance to attack, the lower arm has been retracted, leaving only a thigh-thick black hole behind the hall in front of him.

Even if there were mountains of knives and a sea of ​​fire in front of her, Xiao Hong couldn't retreat. With a shake of her body, her originally huge body suddenly shrunk, and at about the same time, she rushed in with an acceleration.


Xiao Hong, who had just entered, was hit hard by an invisible force immediately, and her whole body flew out at an even faster speed, rolling along the ground like a soccer ball towards the outside until it reached them. where it stopped.

At this moment, Xiao Hong's state was extremely miserable, many feathers had fallen off her body, and there was even a large amount of blood on her body, she lay unconscious on the ground, her body twitching slightly to show that she was not dead yet.

And the top of its head is the small entrance that came in. Xiaohong groaned, and saw Xiaolan through the hole, but the other party didn't seem to notice the abnormality at all. I continued to look at other places, and then looked at it curiously, as if there was a kind of desire to come down.

Xiaohong closed her eyes weakly, and fell into a coma again. Xiaolan outside didn't find any abnormalities inside at all. From her point of view, the bottom was still the same as before, but she was curious about what good things were down there. Stay outside and force yourself not to go down.

"Who are you? Let me go."

At this time, Wan'er found that she had been pulled into the middle of the mountain, tied directly to a vertical stone pillar, and unable to move her whole body. When she looked up, she felt nauseated in her heart. There was a wrinkled face in front of her. The face of the old woman, her body bent almost ninety degrees, her hair disheveled, and her body emitting a stench that made people sick, combined with her ragged clothes, people would believe that she was a beggar woman.

"What an immature little girl." The old woman laughed with her mouth open, not caring about her sloppy body at all, showing her jagged yellow teeth, looking at Wan'er and smiling with satisfaction.

"Let go of me quickly, do you know who my father is, one hand can crush both of you to death." Wan'er struggled hard, but found that she couldn't break free, and immediately continued to threaten.

"Of course I know your father is amazing, otherwise I wouldn't be able to raise you, a young girl like you. It's my life." The old woman stretched out her skinny arm and gently touched Wan'er's face.

"Stay away from me, when I come out, I won't respect the old and love the young, you are finished." Wan'er shouted loudly.

At this moment, she felt as if she had fallen into a trap.

"I have stepped into the grave with one foot. No matter how much you threaten, it's useless. You should cooperate with me obediently and give me your body. Maybe I can give you a chance to be reincarnated."

Regardless of Wan'er's shaking, the old woman inspected Wan'er up and down, feeling extremely satisfied in her heart.

As a closed sea clan, she felt that she had a chance to break through that level. Unfortunately, an accidental failure caused her to fall into a state of irreversible serious injuries. She could not blame others, but she had no hope of breaking through. Desperate to make another choice.

At that time, she was thinking that if she couldn’t break through, she would be willing to die, but at that moment, she was very nostalgic for this world, and used the last elixir on her body to forcibly save herself, but she also became a ghost. Not a ghostly look.

She was even more frightened because she found that her lifespan was running out, and in order to close the death test, she couldn't break through with her current strength. There was nothing more frightening than waiting to die.

Faced with her own situation, she tried to commit suicide several times, but at the last step, she still didn't have the courage, so she thought of another way to lure a person with a similar cultivation level to come here, so she worked hard on it. Make an exit, use a little cultivation base to make a trap on it, and try to catch a powerful person as much as possible.

It's just that this place is inaccessible, and the ordinary creatures caught occasionally can't contain her soul. Even if they are forcibly fused together, they will only expand and explode with a "bang", and they will die together completely.

As time goes by, her strength is also gradually declining, and the power spreading outside is not enough to catch anyone. She is desperate, but she just uses a small amount of strength to set up a pulling force outside, maybe she can still Pulling one, she then set a trap with her treasure in the middle, and finally she fell into a deep sleep.

Her strength is only enough for one time, and she even needs hunting skills to actively break the trap before she can sense that if there is no harvest next time, then there is no hope at all, and she can only wait here quietly to die.

In the end, she felt that she really deserved her life, and that she would not be overjoyed that such a talented little girl came here.

"What are you going to do like this? My father will come soon. Now that he has let me go, he can still let me go and take you out to treat your illness."

Wan'er watched the other party get busy next to her, lines that she couldn't understand, like ghostly drawn symbols, rose up around her little by little, and seemed to want to surround herself. I can't help being a little scared.

In the past, even if she was caught by others, she would not worry about it, but now that her strength has not recovered, and she is a body of flesh and blood, if there is an accident, it will be miserable.

"Thank you, now I only want you, we are two as one, regardless of each other, such a good opportunity, ordinary people I would not give it to others." danger to the opponent.

"The situation outside is different now. Don't take the initiative to go too far. Even if something happens, report Mu Lian to them. I won't let you go out."

Thinking of what her father told her, Wan'er regretted it very much. She regretted that because she was naughty and wanted to surprise Gu Zheng, she forgot her father's instructions. That silly Xiaolan probably didn't know to take the initiative to check the things inside. Xiaohong just now He was beaten out again, and there was no way to even notify the outside.

"Cooperate obediently, and you will suffer less. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Looking at the silent Wan'er, the old woman continued to warn.

The deadlock place she set up by herself is not easy to find. The terrain here is complicated, and it is even more difficult to find her own location. The defense is fully activated, and it is not so easy to get in, and she only needs three days, enough to complete everything by herself.

Looking at the rising light, Wan'er felt a chill in her heart, she murmured.

"Father, come and save me, I will never be disobedient again, this old woman is going to eat me."

"I am really scared!"

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