As evening fell, the entire city regained its previous vigor, and it was even more lively than before. However, the ordinary people who had been suffocating at home and unable to move were the first to get the news of victory.

Countless adults and children have come out of their homes one after another. If it wasn't for the night, the city has been completely closed, and they might all go out to see everything they once had.

There is a sea of ​​people on the street, whether they know each other or not, they are discussing excitedly. From time to time, some people cry because their family members have disappeared or died, but most of them still laugh, at least in the future. There is hope for the day.

Although there are still many ordinary monsters left, Lin Tie and General Lei have already volunteered to wipe out the nearby monsters. If there is no accident, they will soon be able to wipe out all the remaining monsters nearby.

In fact, none of the monster clans who were deeply immersed in the golden light before ran away, and less than half of the monster clans escaped by chance because they didn't rush in.

As for the rest of the monster race, under the enhanced golden light, both Jinxian and Daluo are like ordinary people, limp and weak, paralyzed on the ground, and even Master Hua's attack can be weakened, let alone them, who were subsequently killed Lin Tie and the others dealt with it.

At this moment, if the opponent has no new reinforcements, they can declare their victory. This makes the hermits ecstatic. Who can imagine that it will end so quickly, and the appearance of an ally will completely solve the dead situation. I found out that I didn't mean to pursue it. Anyway, everything is not important anymore.

In a nice room, there is only Gu Zhengguihan, and there are delicious food in front of him. The two of them have had a very pleasant past, so the atmosphere is not bad. Basically, after drinking a few times, after thanking again, Gu Zheng laughed and said.

"Return to the seniors, why didn't you proceed, was it influenced by the outside world?"

Theoretically speaking, the space where the other party is now is a truly safe place, and I don't know how many people want to go in.

"I've already been dismissed, and that was before the aura exploded, because I don't need it now." Gui Han didn't hide anything, and told Gu Zheng when he saw it.

In fact, for one reason, that set has no effect on him now. He needs more and more powerful power now, which is far more pure than what is needed below.

The reason why he told Gu Zheng was that he wanted to ask if there is any good suggestion for this huge improvement in strength and unlimited potential, and if Gu Zheng has any good suggestions.

"It's a pity." Gu Zheng regretted it for a while, and then asked curiously, "This is a return to the senior, is it looking for something?"

"That's right, you can guess it right away." Gui Han boasted with a laugh.

Gu Zheng didn't feel anything, because he had experienced it, and he naturally knew that the best way to break through was naturally to find something outside and cut off his own obsession, which was much easier than cutting it off by himself, and even in some aspects It is also more powerful and has no side effects, so it can be roughly guessed.

Of course, finding things also requires chance, and it is naturally impossible to entrust ordinary things, at least they can reach the level of Slaying Immortal Gourd.

Don't look at the immortal gourd that doesn't seem to be so powerful, that is, the golden immortal. Daluo is dangerous in the early stage, but that thing can be mastered by ordinary people, and other spirit treasures generally do not have the strength to use it at all.

"However, does Senior Gui have to take this path? This path has a lot of taboos." Gu Zheng suddenly thought of something and asked.

The smile on Gui Han's face disappeared, and it took a long time before he spoke, "There is no way, since I have gone this way, I must go on, I just hope that I can be smaller, and it is best that I can win over some other small races."

Because of his method, although it looks strange on the outside, it is not just belief, but in the final analysis, it is still a strong resource with those saints, not to mention that the basic territory of the monster race is Nuwa, and even the human race is favored by all saints. What he had to do was to snatch food from the opponent's mouth. As long as the sage sneezed at him casually, he could be destroyed forever.

"So Senior Gui wants to find something that can be used, and then a little bit?"

Gu Zheng's words have not been finished, but the meaning has been expressed.

Gui Han nodded. Originally, he was going to leave here to look for those unremarkable little monsters or other races. As for the human side, even if it was only indirect before, he dared not really touch it. Disaster befell on his head.

Gu Zheng laughed at this time, causing Gui Han to frown slightly, not quite understanding what the other party was happy about.

"I don't know, Senior Gui Han, I have a proposal here. I don't know if you will listen to it. It is beneficial to you and has no harm. The only fly in the ointment is that I don't mind it compared to you. I really thank you for making the move." " Gu Zheng said to Gui Han seriously.

In this short period of time, he suddenly thought of a very good idea. If possible, it can be said that he has drawn an absolute master of strength for the human side, and they are still tightly tied together, and they cannot be separated at all, for fear that the other party will be embarrassed. , or other concerns, simply bring up the previous matter.

Gui Han nodded, he wanted to know what Gu Zheng was up to, judging from the other party's smile just now, he was keenly aware that the other party also had his own ideas.

"I have a belief that can meet your needs. It's just a little help, and there is also a race that is not weak, who can be your confidant."


Gui Han's breath became a little short of breath, even if he had experienced so much, it was unavoidable, whoever let the original good thing is good, and it must meet his requirements, it is so rare, it is very possible to say that you can't find it , I didn't expect that I just took this opportunity to take revenge on Mr. Hua, and I would still get this news.

From the very beginning, he had no intention of cooperating with the other party. There were many stumbling blocks between the two, and he remembered them all in his heart. Unfortunately, the other party was blinded by interests and really thought that something could impress him.

"That's right, my daughter is actually the same as you. She has cultivated until now, but in the future, there is not much hope for her. I don't want her to go this way. As long as you help him a little, things will be fine." I have, but in terms of strength, only returning to the seniors can ensure success." Gu Zheng said affirmatively.

"No problem. Speaking of which, this is enough to repay everything before." Gui Han didn't hesitate, and agreed directly. I don't know how much time I will save myself, and even my team members are just curious. Also this way.

"Of course, this is only to solve your first problem, and I have a way to solve your second problem." Gu Zheng continued, because this is the most important problem.

"I know that if you want to be strong, you must attract a large number of people. This number is very huge, otherwise you will not be able to make your strength go any further."

Gu Zheng continued without waiting for Guihan to speak.

"Actually, I still have another identity, which is the spokesperson of one of the saints, and my task now is to attract more believers."

"What do you mean?" Gui Han's chest, which had just calmed down, started to rush again.

"If you want, you can join in. Although you can't do it if you are the big head, you can continuously absorb a part of yourself from the side, and the number of places is limited. The first person to come in will naturally have more rewards." Of course, benefits and actions are the same, and the price to pay is also higher." Gu Zheng said with a smile.

Now that the saint is not here, he doesn't care about his own words anyway, but for Guihan in front of him, almost everyone doesn't know about it, so the credibility is naturally extremely high.

This principle is also very simple. For example, Guanyin Bodhisattva, the boss of the other party is Zhunti and others. As long as they believe in Buddhism, they can become his followers. If it is intercepted, the big head is still the top.

"Is that true for a saint? Are you going to act as this emissary?" Gui Han was a little unsure if Gu Zheng was telling the truth. He felt that the other party would not lie, but he also felt that a saint could not use a quasi-sage early stage as an envoy.

"Of course, Zhao Gongming and I are good friends, and if I lie about it, I haven't lived enough." Gu Zheng said half-jokingly.

"Can you let me think about it carefully?" Gui Han thought for a while, then asked.

He felt that he could not miss this opportunity. The premise was true. If he really missed it, he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life. He walked past it little by little, not to mention spending time, and the future was slim. He didn’t know when he might fail. , but under the opponent's hands, there are no restrictions at all, and they can proceed in an open and honest manner, and never have to worry about any problems in the future, and even have a huge backer.

"Of course, let me give you a brief introduction first, and then you can see if you agree. Many people are willing to do this task, but they are not as strong as you and do not have rich experience. I was going to find You ask." Gu Zheng opened his mouth and came, never mentioning this idea, in fact, it was something he only thought of today.

"Originally the three above were their own leaders, but now they have unified their thinking, combined the three religions into one, and re-explained Taoism. That is to say, with the support of the three of them, no one will take this as a blow, and they can't worry about any safety. But the premise is to do what the other party asks.”

"More importantly, the sage doesn't care about the soup and water, and has given at least three places, and may continue to expand, to maintain Taoism's rule among the human race."

It doesn't matter if you rule or not. In fact, this means that as long as the biggest belief on the human race is theirs. Gu Zheng gave him a meaningful look.

"But I don't quite understand why the sage would do this. He has a lot of subordinates himself, so why would he seek outsiders." Gui Han was really moved. If it wasn't for his own face, he might be eager to agree after Gu Zheng finished speaking. .

Because he didn't doubt it from the beginning to the end. It's still the same sentence. No one dares to lie about this kind of thing. I'm afraid that when the words come out, there will be no people. You can't even speak. It's so overbearing.

"Hey, it's normal if you don't know. In fact, I only found out recently." Gu Zheng sighed, and a look of sadness naturally appeared on his face, "The places we can't see are actually not peaceful at all. The saints need to take care of them." Some people went to protect our place, so many people left with them, and they can only come back when the outside affairs are resolved."

Gu Zheng didn't lie, it's just that the location has changed, and it can also make those truly lawless people jealous. Now everyone doesn't know where the saints and those who disappeared are going, but one day they will find out, at that time If there is no restraint, no matter whether shemale or other races, they will tear off the last camouflage on their faces.

And through his mouth, everyone can know that if you go too far, you will be punished one day, which can be regarded as a curse on your head.

"More importantly, because of the huge aura released in a hurry, coupled with the first-class weak race of the human race, if there is no resistance, it is easy to fall into the worst situation, so I started to come forward and find some people, Come to protect the weak a little bit."

"But it's impossible to protect it completely. Just like Chang'an City in the middle, the flowers in the greenhouse can't withstand any wind and rain, and more people are needed. Maybe they will come back at any time to adjust some, so this is my task."

Gu Zheng said so much in one breath, he almost believed it, it was reasonable and there was no flaw at all.

Gui Han nodded thoughtfully, probably understood the meaning, that is, a certain degree of protection, and at the same time, training people with certain talents among them as a backup force.

"I understand, I can't miss this point." Gui Han nodded heavily.

Gu Zheng immediately put on a big smile, "Let me tell you the news, if the saint's satisfaction is really achieved, the other party will not mind being able to become a saint through this. Of course, you also understand that it is very difficult, but from what I know, In the future, there will inevitably be a few places to be sanctified, which is why the saint left."

When Gui Han heard Gu Zheng's words, his heart became even more heated. What else is there to say? Isn't all of this just for the sake of becoming a saint? Everything ahead is worth it. come out,

But Gu Zheng himself also knew that he had no choice but how long he had only been out to get a general understanding of the outside world. The strength of the monster race is absolutely number one at this time. If this continues, sooner or later human beings will become the opponent's effort. Now Finding the first one by myself is just to buy more time for all the races here.

Of course, just relying on him alone is not enough. It would be better if we could find more masters. If Long Tian is not walking fast, I really want to talk to the other party. Unfortunately, I didn't think of it at the time, but the other party inherited the black dragon. Wills are good for humans.

"Okay, seniors, please!"

The ancient dispute started a glass of wine, and then drained it,

"You can just call me Fellow Daoist Gui Han. If there is anything I can help in the future, just say so." Gui Han also said with a smile at this time.

Both of them were very satisfied, and then it was natural for the host and guest to have fun, discussing some small details with each other, Gu Zheng also added little by little, anyway, with the banner of a saint, the other party did not have any doubts, and they did not leave until midnight.

On the way back, Gu Zheng thought about it carefully, it is naturally impossible to rely on Gui Han alone, and after learning the role of the other party's books, the greatest role of the other party is naturally like the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, speeding up his pace to lead, Of course it is guidance in cultivation.

But this time, Gu Zheng also intends to make a move. He knows the situation here, and naturally he will not hide some things in his mind. Many suitable exercises can be used to speed up his strength more quickly.

Soon Gu Zheng returned to his room, closed the door gently, and then came to the bed, where Wan'er was lying on it and fell asleep, looking at Wan'er's peaceful face, he thought in his heart.

"This time, you can finally realize your wish."

In the past, no matter how much Wan'er's breath changed, the essence of her body remained the same. I had something in my hands that could help her reshape her flesh and blood, but it was just a body, but Gui Han could definitely do it, and her opponent was an expert in this field , can help Wan'er completely transform into it, even without materials, relying on the power that I don't understand, I can completely turn Wan'er into a flesh and blood body based on the body.

Then Wan'er's previous foundation was the other party's talent. In Guihan's words, the talent is awe-inspiring. Judging from the current situation, it is easy to become a quasi-sage.

If she really has such a cultivation level, then Wan'er doesn't have to worry about it. Basically, there are not many people who can catch it, can't she beat it or escape it?

Soon, as a ray of light pierced the sky and shone on the sleeping Wan'er's face, the blush on her cheeks made people want to pinch. Under the light, her eyelids moved a few times, and then slowly opened He closed his eyes, and saw Gu Zheng with a smile on his face, and then he made a sound like a lazy, like a kitten just waking up.


"How about it, is it better?" Gu Zheng said with a smile.

Wan'er blushed, then quickly got up from the bed, and pretended, "I'm fine, but I was helping some time ago, yes, I was helping deal with the enemy, and I was a little tired."

"Haha, I know, it seems that I slept very comfortably this time, and now I have some good news to tell you." Gu Zheng didn't want to expose it, he smiled and hugged her in his arms, looking at Wan'er who was still so small , as if he would never grow up, he walked out with the other party in his arms, and said while looking at the sun that was born outside.

"What good news?" Wan'er asked curiously after adjusting her position to make herself more comfortable.

"That was my previous wish, to be truly like me."

Gu Zheng stretched out his finger, which was covered with a layer of golden light, and touched Wan'er's body. A faint illusory layer flickered from the point of contact. There was no way for Wan'er to cover it up, but the essential body remained unchanged.

"Really?" Upon hearing this, Wan'er's eyes became longing, and she looked at Gu Zheng and asked in disbelief.

She had asked many people before, but none of them had a way to completely transform her into a real human being. Even if she was injured by herself, she would vomit blood and bleed. It was just an illusion.

"Yes, this time an uncle will help you realize your wish. At that time, you can really grow up." Gu Zheng smiled, "It's just that you have some things outside of your body, and you will lose them."

"No matter what I lose, I don't care, I just want to be like my father." Wan'er buried her head in Gu Zheng's arms and said very firmly.

"Okay, then prepare today."

Gu Zheng stroked Wan'er's hair, then said.

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