Nanzhan Buzhou is the area where Gu Zheng has been traveling, but from the beginning to the present, he has never really entered the core area, and almost always wanders around outside, only occasionally learning about the situation inside from other populations .

In the past, I was only afraid of the unknown, coupled with insufficient strength, what would I do if someone shouted to kill me, but now I can rest assured that I have enough strength.

But now that there is Bei Chen, he can really understand the inside, he really went deep inside, and stayed there for a full hundred years, although this information is two thousand years away, it still has great reference value.

Because in this era, there will not be much change to a large extent, and Gu Zheng really doesn't know what changes have occurred in the southern Zhanzhou at this time. I have asked before, and the brothers and the others don't know too well, but they are vague. I have heard it from a few places, so I am the first to know the situation as a human base camp.

But judging from that vague memory, it is obvious that the human subject is not the same as before.

In my memory, at this time, not to mention that the Three Emperors and Five Emperors have not yet appeared, most of them are basically living in dire straits. , the prosperity in the middle is beyond his imagination.

At least in terms of stability, it has far surpassed here. The main reason is that Nuwa's protection, coupled with the fact that the other party consciously maintains this side, and the weather is smooth, at least the life is not bad, far better than the outside here, at least not ordinary. Big monsters, not even little ones.

As a saint for human monsters, at least no one has appeared in the area protected by the other party openly. Of course, this situation is only in the middle area. Many human races living outside the middle are not so lucky. They are not protected. Naturally, it was similar to Gu Zheng's impression, very tragic.

If there are some cultivation bases that can be protected, at least they can be more stable, so that they will not receive too big a disaster. If not, or if the strength is weak, they will suffer more or less. For example, the former Anhua Kingdom, that is, Zhao Man's country is not less intruded by the Beisi Mountains, but there is nothing to do about it.

In the middle of the current situation, there is a very large circle, even if there is no boundary, there are almost no monsters who are ghosts in it, except for the new monsters who occasionally make troubles, and they will soon be left here to help the human monsters to borrow and send them away. Get out of the circle.

This group of people were Nuwa's followers back then, and occasionally appeared in human cities, and were respected by everyone.

In this circle, the city owners are basically self-reliant, and there is no country. It is prosperous and strong. It may be the happiest place to live in this era. The most famous place is the most central super huge city.

Chang'an City!

That's right, this name was given by Nuwa herself, and there is also a temple she enshrines inside. Even the human race knows that Nuwa is a saint of the demon clan, but no one hates her.

Firstly, the other party created this race, and secondly, she really protected them. They also understood that it is impossible for a saint to take care of everything, and they are already very grateful.

It’s just that Chang’an City is different from other cities. Ordinary people can’t enter it at all. It’s a city for cultivators. You don’t have to worry about being deceived here. It’s more like a neutral city for trade. It’s said that there are There are several reclusive big Luo masters guarding it.

Of course, there are gains and losses. In comparison, the cultivation base of humans here is not that high. After all, a comfortable life makes people have no motivation. In addition, there is no suitable human cultivation method over there, so it is naturally not as strong as the cultivation base outside.

Even up to now, there is no one suitable for human beings, all of them are practicing other people's exercises, or you have a set of exercises that suit you, even Daxueshan's spells are not suitable, just changed the exercises , It is not suitable to stay in the ancient struggle, it can only be the foundation, if you can cultivate the gods, you will need to deduce it yourself in the future.

At that time, he didn't know that things would develop like this. Normally speaking, this thing should be done by saints, and those famous and powerful people, so there are countless various exercises, which are passed down. Coupled with the dispersal, the prehistoric world gradually began to decline, and the saint also completely left here after a little layout.

In fact, some of them are just like what we know on the earth. In the end, they all left, and finally became deserted. There are prehistoric legends.

But now among human beings, almost all of them practice independently, only a few of them are the same, and naturally they are not the same, but it is hard to say how many people will benefit from this eruption of spiritual energy. The only certainty is that even if the quasi-sage Appeared in very small numbers.

After listening to Bei Chen's narration, he also asked the other party to leave, and sat down to think about it.

The news brought by the other party was not important, it was superficial. After all, he was only going to investigate, and he was still lurking secretly, so naturally he didn't get much news.

Gu Zheng also has no plans to go there. After all, he has nothing to do there for the time being. He is just curious. Now that he wants to solve this problem, he is going to sit in the place where he is, practice hard, and consolidate it. Now that I am cultivating, I will practice my magic weapon by the way.

The once perfect magic weapon now seems to have some problems. After a little practice, it can exert its power more stably, but what makes him most curious is this treasure of the great way.

Just by listening to the name, one knows that this baby should be at the same level as Hongjun, or higher, at least it is impossible for Tiandao to have such a mystery, and it can even reopen Chaos, almost repeating the prehistoric.

If it wasn't for the fact that the saint couldn't really evolve, I'm afraid he wouldn't have the slightest doubt that the treasure of the Dao is more powerful than Hongjun. This kind of power alone seems to be able to create a considerable number of quasi-sages, and even a trace of coercion from the way of heaven can evolve. come out.

People in this world don't have any doubts, as if everything they have experienced is everything to themselves.

But to this extent, he doesn't know why he wants to put it here. He has been thinking about this problem for a while, his strength has improved, and his perception and perception here have also been greatly enhanced.

In the real world, they have no shortage of saints, at least compared to the situation where there were only a few saints in the prehistoric world, there are already many ways, generally as long as they live long enough, they will all become saints.

So he wants to know, what is the glimmer of life here, is it necessary to break through to a saint here, can he find it?

However, he also solved the biggest doubt in his heart, because the prehistoric world, according to history, has no similarities with the present. It should be the legacy left by the previous people, which created such a different situation. A long time ago, it was a barbaric era.

Sometimes he still sighs with emotion, what is the real history of all this happening at the beginning, but except for a few people who know the truth, the situation known to outsiders is something that has been deliberately spread. At first glance, it is very reasonable, but he knows, It definitely hides a lot of things that I don't want people to know.

Gu Zheng didn't know, and he didn't know where he was going, even if it was impossible to peep here, he might as well think about his next thing, but after half a day, he finally stood up with a sigh.

At this time, he still doesn't know why his master let him be here. Could it be that this is the only opportunity for him to become holy? Or is it that the outside world is too dangerous, and I put myself here to protect myself, or I was a part of the plan from the beginning.

I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I have been wandering in my heart, but unfortunately, there is still no gain, and maybe I will not know until the end.

"Forget it, don't even think about it, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge."

Half a day later, Gu Zheng shook his head, and once again buried himself deeply in the exploration of this problem, deciding that there is no suitable time, and he no longer thinks about this complicated problem. Sheng can see through, these days, thinking about this every day, my head is going to explode. Since everything is different, I don't want to look at it from the perspective of the future, as if it is a new world that I have never understood.

Instead of thinking about this, it is better to worry about the outside of the master. It is better to worry about the outside situation. Is there really nothing to do, but he also knows that even the master and Daoist Hongjun are difficult to solve, even if he is as strong as the master. , I'm afraid it won't be of much help.

Even if the world has become different, in terms of the degree of danger, it is far from the real prehistoric world, so let's continue to read step by step, and maybe I will know the truth without having to worry too much.

After his mind became clear, Gu Zheng became restless, stood up and walked outside, but he just went out, and before he had time to appreciate the refreshing Sister Feng outside, he saw Shuang'er's serious face and walked towards the outside. side fly.

"Young Master Gu, in a city outside, a city lord directly surrendered to the monster clan. Hundreds of thousands of people in the city have been massacred."

"What did you say?"

Gu Zheng's expression also became dignified. He knew that every city outside had a defense with the golden necklace. Once he was in danger, he could temporarily use the power of the golden light to form a very powerful shield. But this defense However, it needs to be opened manually, so every city puts a person with a strong cultivation base to guard it all the time. In addition, as long as the other party comes in, he can't hide his breath, so he can definitely cover it in time. Only when he loses the range covered by the golden light can he Will be forced to leave, otherwise it will be too easy to be broken by the opponent.

When Gu Zheng came, I saw many abandoned cities along the way, and they were all forced to abandon as the golden light faded, which also caused every city to be full, and they were all overcrowded. In addition, they were crowded together, and it would be even more terrifying if there were no The monster clan in the city has long been in chaos.

Now Jinlong has completely recovered, but at the request of Gu Zheng, he still maintains this situation, so as not to be discovered by the opponent, and when the battle comes, he will violently attack the opponent.

But he didn't expect that the other party would turn his attention to ordinary cities, which was far beyond his expectation.

Shuang'er anxiously repeated the matter again. In fact, the tragedy happened more than ten days ago. When she knew that the neighboring cities responded, she realized that something was wrong. After checking, she immediately rushed to pass the news. There is an even more shocking news.

Another city not far away has also surrendered to the other party. With the cooperation of the other party, everyone is now kidnapped by the other party. Now all of them are trapped a hundred miles away from the golden light. The ancient dispute passed alone.

This news is the message left by the other party in the city. If Gu Zheng can't pass, then all of them will be killed. The news has been passed to the present, and there is not much time left for Gu Zheng.

At the foot of the mountain at this time, He Meixin was also approaching this side with eyes full of eyes. Zhu Ming was still behind, so I'm afraid he didn't know the news yet.

"Sorry, I didn't expect them to betray us!"

Coming to Gu Zheng's side, He Meixin immediately said in shame, there is no way, the people on the outside are all their outside members, and they were absorbed after being tested by them, and this happened as a result.

"Now I have sent people to strengthen the surveillance of the periphery. It is absolutely impossible for this to happen."

Most of the people in the periphery are their people. When this problem occurs, almost all the city lords outside will face surveillance. Unfortunately, it is impossible for everyone to take care of it. They can only monitor the periphery, at least to ensure that there will be no accidents at present.

"The other party is really calm. Since the other party invited me to come, how can I not go, or I will disappoint the other party's hard work." Gu Zheng's eyes flashed coldly, because he was completely angry in his heart.

He just came here, and hundreds of thousands of people died at the hands of the other party. Even if those fears of rebellion had nothing to do with him, the other party's actions would have the same result even without him, but being bullied by the other party in front of him made him feel that it was unnecessary. testing the opponent's strength.

Not only the arrival of Lin Tie and Mu Lian, but more importantly, Xu Ling finally evolved successfully a few days ago, and now the space of Yunhuang Jianyu has been transformed into the shape of a jade pendant again, a crystal clear bead, in the Hanging under a diamond-like rope, no one would take such a gorgeous jade in their hearts.

With the collection of his own strength, the seal of the Yunhuang Sword continued to dissipate, and the increase in its own power also increased the strength of Void Spirit, who also relied on the Yunhuang Sword. .

When it appeared two days ago, it was still the same size as before, but the body was more solid, and it looked like a real person. The weapon in his hand was still a white long spear, with a faint breath of Yunhuang sword, as if it was split, quite powerful .

What's more, at this moment, Xu Ling already has a lot of wisdom, and there is no need for Gu Zheng to distract him from commanding, but if it is too complicated, he is still needed to command, and he also found that Xu Ling may not be able to command in the future. This wisdom, I don't know if Yunhuangjian made his strength increase automatically, which caused this problem.

But for Gu Zheng, even if it is just a thug, it is better than others. There is a critical moment where he is not afraid of death, and he can cooperate with his close teammates, which is definitely better than any teammates.

"Young Master Gu, I'm afraid there are traps over there, why not." Shuang'er said with some concern.

Compared with those ordinary people, she was more worried about Gu Zheng, even if she could give up her own life.

"It's okay, trust me, you continue to deal with it here, and I will send some people over then."

Now Gu Zheng will absolutely not let them pass by. Senyan who is in the passage over there asks Wan'er to bring a sentence, and it can be teleported dozens of times, but it is completely unsupportable. It is much worse than Gu Zheng expected, and the more important thing is , It can't be repaired at all. If it is converted, it will be about a hundred people, which is far beyond his expectations.

In this case, we can only suspend bringing Xingba and others there. To be on the safe side, don't send back and forth unless necessary.

"If Wan'er comes back, let her obediently wait here."

Gu Zheng gave a simple order to the other party, and his figure immediately rose into the sky, heading towards the Beisi Mountain Range. Counting Mu Lian and the others, there are four of them here, and they are not afraid of the other two at all, even if they find a reinforcement. , if it really doesn't work, you can also contact Jinlong directly to increase the range of the golden light, and the location of the other party is just within the range.

Soon he found the other party's place, needless to say, Mu Lian and the others knew it was time to act, and then the three of them flew directly towards the other party's destination.

Not far from the outer golden light, in the cleared space in the middle, there are more than a hundred thousand people huddled here in horror, with weak faces, restless bodies writhing here, opening their mouths and subconsciously making sounds , but no sound came out.

Seen from a high altitude, it looks like continuous rolling water waves, paved in this open space, densely packed with almost no gaps. Many people with weak constitutions have been unable to bear the torment of the past few days. Once they die, they will be killed It was pulled out, and I don't know where it went, but they can only bear it.

"What an annoyance!"

The black bear in the sky looked down. Even after a few days, the human beings covered by the barrier were still as terrified as they were when they were caught the first day. Thinking of the initial chattering and the noisy voices of hundreds of thousands screaming together, it made him feel ashamed. Almost killed everyone below with a slap, but fortunately Xi Yao understood immediately and immediately set up a barrier for the below, which made it easier.

"It's only a few days at most, bear with it, at this time, if the other party informs the back immediately, it will be almost here at this time, and it will come soon." Xi Yao stood beside him, looking into the distance place, but said in his mouth.

The black bear also looked into the distance. The clear sky allowed them to see far enough away, but there was still no figure. Then he rolled his eyes and asked, "So many people, if the other party doesn't come, will they all be killed?"

Originally, there were more than that few, but the remaining people were all driven away by them halfway, anyway, these people are enough.

"The other party will definitely come back, cheer up, as long as the other party steps here, it is the time for the other party's death."

Xi Yao gave a sinister smile. These days, he has made full preparations. As long as the other party comes in, it is absolutely impossible to escape. Because of Mr. Hua, what they have to do is very simple. As long as they stop them a little, the rest will be easy. Just wait on the sidelines, strengthen the nearby defenses, if the opponent runs away, just push it up a little.

That's all, very easy.

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