At the other end of Nanzhan Buzhou, a man and a woman were at the foot of an extremely quiet green hill.

The mountain is not high, but green bamboos are planted all over the mountain, and with the chirping of birds coming from nowhere, there is a sense of tranquility.

"Xin Rou, are you sure that senior is here?" The man looked up for a while, then turned to look at the handsome woman beside him.

Apart from the slightly nice environment here, there is nothing good about it. What’s more, the aura here is relatively lacking. There are not even flooded human races within a thousand miles. It’s really a remote place, and I don’t know who would live in seclusion here .

"Wei Yin, you heard me right. Since the war, this senior has lived in seclusion here. It seems that he is tired of the outside fighting and killing for a few days. I found out from that person that it should be right." Xinrou nodded affirmatively. .

"Clean? What a weird senior." Wei Yin muttered in a low voice, then walked forward, "No matter what, we need him now, and it's up to you to see if we can convince him."

"I naturally know that if we can really succeed in our plan, I dare not say that it will last forever, but at least we don't have to worry about it for a long time. If we are lucky, maybe we will become the hegemon of this world." Xin Rou Belt Said with a longing look.

"That's why we have to unite everyone. We don't need to ask about the future, just take care of the front." Wei Yin said with some fanaticism in his eyes.

"Yes, but it's enough to be close to the outside. If there are too many people, it may really cause interference." Xinrou said regretfully.

All the monster races with heads and faces know that the boss on their side, Taiyi, told them a secret before they left in a group. They disappeared as a matter of fact. If they re-elect a real leader, then the saint will no longer interfere with them, even if they occupy All in all, this is compensation for the price they paid.

So all the remaining monster clans were excited, and many monster clans began to compete in Xiniu Hezhou, because some of them could not come out, Xihe Niuzhou was surrounded by a layer of enchantment, or they would just wait for time Dissipate automatically, or choose a leader who can definitely lead the world's monsters.

But if you think about it, you know that it may be even more difficult to really reach the position above the ten thousand people. If you change to the past, you may still have a chance. People have broken through the top of the bottle, so it is almost the same for those who have the strength to fight for strength. No one will admit defeat and want to try.

Even so, staying outside still accounts for more than half of the Yaozu people. Some think this is an opportunity for them. Xihe Niuzhou can't go back, so they naturally set their sights on Zhanzhou in the south where the aura is the most abundant. You know here It was the worst world in the past, lacking aura, and no good things were bred at all, which allowed the race to thrive here.

But I don't know what's going on, after they were here, their spiritual energy improved a little bit, but it was still much less than theirs, so most of the real monsters didn't even bother to be here.

But now, almost everyone can feel that this place has become a real treasure, far beyond what they have to let them look at here.

Of course, on the other hand, no one knows that if they really occupy this place, on the one hand, they can strengthen their strength, practice speed, and the missing medicines and magic weapons will be greatly supplemented. The most important thing is that they also know that they want to keep their hard-won If you want to win the glory, you have to suppress your own threat, just like treating the Wu clan.

From a certain point of view, they are more vigilant towards the human race, but they have been drawn into energy by the witch race before, and the strength of the human race can be said to be very weak. If there is no qualification and suitable cultivation method, it will be like that forever for a lifetime, short-lived Their lives are even more dismissive. In their eyes, they are not even comparable to ordinary beasts. Unlike the Wu Clan, who have the terrifying talents of celestial beings and Gaodu Jinxians at the youngest age.

But they also have a very great talent, but they have some talent themselves, so plastic talent is also the most feared talent. Generally speaking, it is the skills practiced by the monster race themselves. Most of them are comprehended by themselves. They can only be used as a reference but cannot be directly used for their own use. As a result, sometimes the cultivation base is the same, but the combat power is different.

But in the human race, most of them can practice in the same vein, at most there are slight differences. In theory, it is like a kung fu that can be cultivated to the peak of heavenly immortals. If you give a group of people with good talents to practice, then most of them can Come to that realm, and apart from the magic weapon, the battle is very similar.

In the past, the weak and weak human race didn't even look at it, but now some talented people of the human race have taken advantage of this opportunity to come to the quasi-sage. At first glance, although the overall situation is far from them, they have already threatened their status. Qualifications, now use this to directly dispel their roots.

Looking around, the human race is threatening them now, so some insightful people outside began to want to unite.

But the headache is that some don't think so. For them, their own strength is enough to occupy a place and dominate. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as a small occupation. Get angry at the bottom.

Therefore, even though the two of them have worn out their mouths, they didn't attract many people, especially those with high strength. , but they still did not give up.

Many people who are powerful or powerful will pay a visit, and even visited a few quasi-sage seniors. Of course, the other party will not turn their backs. They just say that they will send them away after consideration. In fact, there is very little hope. So far, no one has been really drawn Powerful people make them a little discouraged.

This place still accidentally eavesdropped on a few soldiers. Who would have thought that there would be a quasi-sage peak hiding here. If it wasn’t for this place not far from where he came out, I’m afraid Wei Yin wouldn’t even want to come here, even in a few days. Time, in his words, it takes more than ten days to go back and forth, and the other party deliberately hides in this place, even if there is one, he will not come out.

It was Xinrou's persistence that led to this search.

The two of them stepped into the forest, but they couldn't feel anything special about this area. If there was something special about it, there weren't any large creatures here. Instead, there were many small and cute creatures. They looked very cute, and a little They are not afraid of people, and look at them ghostly among the treetops.

Naturally, they wouldn't attack them, but after searching all the green hills, they spent three full days, but they couldn't find the place where the other party lived in seclusion. They suspected that the other party might be in the mountain, but they also Don't dare to dig it out by force.

"Otherwise, let's use the last resort. If senior doesn't want to, maybe he's in seclusion or doesn't want to see us at all." Wei Yin discussed with Xin Rou.

"Okay, it seems like this is the only way to go." Xinrou didn't have any good solution, so she agreed directly after hearing the words.

The two found a slightly flat ground, and they knelt down in unison, throwing their bodies on the ground, and shouted at the same time.

"The junior wants to see the senior for something. If the senior doesn't want to, I will leave immediately."

The two shouted three times in a row, and the sound spread throughout the green mountain, but the sound sounded very good, like a gust of wind, blowing through everything on the mountain without disturbing the animals.

"It seems that we have returned in vain." Wei Yin shrugged, "Let's follow our previous plan and start to act little by little. Someone will definitely understand our concerns."

Xinrou looked at Qingshan who still didn't respond, and could only helplessly spread her hands, "Okay, then we'll go, it's just a pity, such a senior with such cultivation, but only retreat here, it seems that the previous battle, Ambitious no longer."

"Little girl, although I know you are trying to provoke me, I still only follow this way. What do you come here to see me for?"

As soon as Xinrou's voice fell, a figure appeared in front of the two of them strangely. An old man who looked short in height, with gray hair, his hands behind his back, and his clothes danced without the wind, especially the way the other party looked up at the sky was even more impressive. The person looks like an outsider.

"Meet the seniors."

Xinrou and Wei Yin immediately bowed down and shouted respectfully.

"Don't talk nonsense with me, what's the matter here, since it disturbs my cleaning, if you don't satisfy me, don't go back, stay with me." The old man waved his hand, his nostrils turned to the sky, and his eyes squinted at them. .

Xin Rou and Wei Yin looked at each other, and they could see the helplessness in each other's eyes. This was also what they secretly discussed before, but the other party came out just after the first stage. It's a pity that his little trick was also seen through by the other party. Be careful, it will be miserable, the opponent's strength, they just don't have the idea of ​​​​resisting.

"That's it"

Xinrou bit the bullet and told the other party the matter in detail. In order to let the other party understand thoroughly, she also gave many examples to try to prove what they did.

"It turns out that this is the case. It is reasonable for you to be worried, but many big monsters are in Xihe Niuzhou, and you can't pull out many people here. Most of them who can come out are tired of the previous fights and want to clean up. .”

The old man nodded slightly, at least he could understand the other party, which made Xin Rou and the others extremely happy. It seemed that there was some hope. If the other party joined here, it would be almost a sea-suppressing magic needle, and he could use the other party's name to attract more Even the quasi-sage beheading the corpse agreed, so the others have to show some face.

You know, although theoretically a quasi-sage peak can kill almost most of the human beings, but no one is stupid to do it. If you kill the other party, even if you don't die, you may be possessed.

It is even their monster race, it is impossible to slaughter so many people for no reason, even if they practice some evil methods, they cannot bear such a big cause and effect, so they gathered together and wanted to control each other according to their method.

It is nothing more than eliminating the opponent's vital strength, controlling the opponent's lower-level figures, and completely killing the opponent's hope, but this is not just a problem of weak strength, it requires the cooperation of many people.

"However, this matter is your business and has nothing to do with me." The old man suddenly smiled strangely, "But you have good ambitions, so I won't keep you here. Just remember never to come to me again. Otherwise, the next time will be your death."

"Then don't bother seniors for now. If seniors change their minds, you can come to us at any time." Wei Yin immediately cupped his hands and said, and then pulled Xinrou who seemed a bit unwilling. The latter saw that the other party was loose and wanted to use him He tried again, but Wei Yin didn't give him a chance.

If you annoy the other party and you can't get away by yourself, it will make people want to cry without tears.

He pulled Xin Rou all the way away from here, and then stopped.

"What are you pulling me for? Maybe with my sharp tongue, I can convince the other party." Xinrou looked at the distance a little unwillingly, but from here, she couldn't see anything.

"How can the other party be persuaded by you and me? When it comes to them, once a decision is made in their mind, no one can persuade them. Instead, they will put themselves there." Wei Yin naturally knew what the other party was thinking, and persuaded him earnestly .

"Well, it's just such a long time without any progress. It's really disappointing. If we can really win over each other, then our speed will be greatly accelerated." Even if Xin Rou is not reconciled, she can only do so.

The two of them were about to leave and move on to the next goal, when suddenly a trembling force swept over from behind them, and the two of them were like two wooden stakes, without any resistance at all, they were blown away directly , flew out for dozens of miles, and then barely controlled his figure and landed on the ground.

"What's the matter!" Xinrou looked around in horror, but didn't find any enemies.

"have no idea!"

When the two of them were together, they naturally didn't know what happened. At first they thought it was a surprise attack from the enemy, but they found out in the middle of the sky that it was not the case. It should be the aftermath of some kind of power leaking out.

"Could it be that something happened to that senior?" Xinrou suddenly had a bold idea.

With her voice, the old man appeared in front of them again like a ghost, but at this time his face was full of gloom, and at first glance, it seemed that dark clouds covered the entire sky, and there might be countless thunderbolts coming down at any time. They were hacked to death.

"Senior, what are your orders?" Wei Yin forced himself up, trembling, and asked the old man in front of him.

"I agree to your request, but I also want to rely on you to find someone." The old man made a hellish voice, which made both of them look a little dazed.

"Any conditions are good. Senior, please put away the divine power. I can't bear it." Gao Rou felt the powerful aura from the other party, and finally couldn't stand still. She threw herself on the ground and begged the old man.

Wei Yin also nodded, and he was almost unable to hold on anymore. Even if the old man was not facing them, he could still feel an unconscious coercion, as if huge waves were constantly impacting their bodies and minds.

Even if they didn't do anything, under this breath, it was enough for them to suffer irreparable damage for a short half a day.

When the old man heard this, the breath outside his body disappeared immediately, but his face was still very embarrassed.

"Thank you, senior." Xinrou got up from the ground, her eyes showing gratitude, "With the joining of seniors, we will be even more powerful, and will greatly advance our planned speed."

"Don't talk nonsense, I will follow you and see who dares to join. If you have no problem, start to act."

What the old man said made Gao Rou and the two overjoyed. Although they knew that something must have happened to the old man, he immediately changed his attitude and even supported them regardless of his status. But for them, there were only good things and no bad things. Gao Rou also immediately thought of a question.

"Senior, don't you know the name?"

"Guang Xia!"

"Senior Guang, if you have any orders, please do so!"

Guangxia originally had no intention of participating, but when he just returned to his secluded place, he suddenly found that his evil corpse was already dead. From his own perception, killing the evil corpse is definitely a guy of the human race. But who it is, he has no way of knowing.

Now that he came out, he came to find the guy who killed his own corpse, and the fastest way to find him was naturally to follow them, not afraid that the other party would not show up.

He absolutely couldn't spare the guy who killed his evil corpse, he wished he would cut him into pieces, destroying his cultivation base of thousands of years, and completely lost hope of looking up to that level.

In the abdomen of Luzhou in Beiju, a man who looked very young had a golden light in his hand that instantly sank below, a monster body already scarred and covered with scars, countless golden lights swelled from the body, and exploded into pieces in the next moment.

"The sea of ​​bitterness has no limit, turn your head and keep going!"

As the Buddha's voice rose from the man's mouth, at the center of the monster explosion, an illusory shadow appeared from it, and then turned into a golden light, sinking into the golden stupa in his hand.

"Congratulations, little Buddha Lord, there are no wild people in Beiju Luzhou." Below, a burly arhat wearing cassock respectfully congratulated the man.

"Yeah, for so long, I have used some of the teacher's strength, but now it looks like this on the surface, some things are not so simple." The man fell from mid-air, and said with some emotion.

"Little Lord Buddha, what shall we do next? All of us are willing to do anything for the Buddha's light to illuminate the world."

The man named Arhat had extremely fanatical eyes, as if the man in front of him asked him to die, and he was willing to do it.

"I believe in this, so we will focus on that, so that more people can be bathed in the Buddha's light, get rid of the sea of ​​suffering, and enjoy the beautiful world forever." The man of the little Buddha Lord nodded affirmatively.

"So, next, I want you to take charge of the affairs of Zhanzhou in the south, and after I deal with the affairs here, I will go there too."

"I would like to obey the order of the little Buddha, not only me, but all of us have been looking forward to this day for a long time." Luohan immediately became excited, and after saluting, he immediately strode away from here.

"I will definitely be able to complete the task of the master, I want to save the prehistoric world."

The little Buddha Lord clenched his fists and said to himself, this is also the purpose of his coming here on his own initiative, even the master spent a huge price to help him a lot, just to bet on this place.

In fact, he has done so well that he has even broken through to quasi-sage as early as ten thousand years ago, but he has been hiding it all the time, and few even his own people know about it.

And at this time, he managed to reconcile here, with enough strength, to set off towards Zhanzhou in the south. If it wasn't for this bitter cold place, he would not be able to do this.

Now is a good time, he can definitely gain a foothold in Zhanzhou in the south, and continue to develop a little bit, he must not miss it.

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