two days later

After Gu Zheng passed the doctor's examination, he completed the discharge procedures. It was already in the afternoon, and he left the hospital with his simple luggage. He only needs to come to the hospital for a regular check-up once a week. If he feels any other discomfort during the period, he will come to the hospital immediately , He naturally kept nodding his head for such formulaic instructions.

"This is freedom. Your bones will rust in the hospital."

Standing at the door of the hospital, Gu Zheng took a deep breath and said with emotion.

After calling a taxi, he went home directly. He hadn't showered for ten days in the hospital, and felt like he was going to stink.

Back to my temporary rented room, two bedrooms and one living room, although not big, but warm enough, I have long been used to this place, just put down my things, and saw a few photos on the coffee table in the living room, with his The joyful and happy smiles of the parents were washed out when they took them to play a few days before the car accident, and they hadn't had time to frame it yet.

Gu Zheng sat on the sofa, looked at the photo in his hand, and fell into the longing for his parents. Since he was a child, those happy or unpleasant things have turned into nostalgia at this time, constantly ringing in his heart.

"Jingle Bell"

After an unknown amount of time, the phone at home rang, waking him up from his memories.

"Gu Zheng, are you there?"

"Hello, Editor-in-Chief Zhang? I'm here." Gu Zheng picked up the phone, listened to the other party's voice, and said inside.

"Oh, I went to the hospital to look for you just now, only to find that you were discharged today. These days are relatively busy, so I would have sent you off if I knew."

Editor-in-Chief Zhang's greeting came over the phone.

"It's okay. The doctor said I'll have regular checkups. Just don't forget to take the medicine. By the way, it's so late. What's the matter with Editor Zhang?" Only then did Gu Zheng realize that the night had fallen, and he was in a daze for several hours .

"That's right, this time we and"

"Okay, I see!" Gu Zheng didn't show any anger after listening, as if he had expected it.

"Don't be discouraged. Everyone knows your ability. When I finish my work, I will apply for you. Otherwise, I can introduce you to other places. Don't worry."

"Thank you, I won't bother you about work, just as I took the opportunity to rest." Gu Zheng said politely.

"It's good to have a good rest. If you need anything, remember to call me. Don't do anything stupid. That bastard can't see your skills, but I know it very well." Editor-in-Chief Zhang urged.

"Don't worry, I can't starve to death now that I just do whatever I want, and I still have a lot to do. It happened that I was all focused on work and didn't have a good rest." Gu Zheng laughed, saying that he had no problems at all.

"Okay, then I'll hang up first. After three days of salary, I will call you from the finance department. There will be no disadvantage."

"beep beep beep beep"

Gu Zheng put down the phone in his hand and sank into the sofa behind him.

Because of my illness, I was still fired by my boss. After all, I am not an irreplaceable person. In fact, I have long been mentally prepared. Of course, I know the situation of my boss. I just delayed telling myself until now. I am afraid it is also the editor-in-chief. I helped myself in the back, at least one more month of paid salary.

The joy of returning home was overwhelmed by a series of things. After a simple bowl of noodles, I went straight to sleep.

After Gu Zheng woke up early in the morning, he began to clean the inside and outside of the house. He hadn't cleaned it up for a month, and there was dust everywhere. Because of the doctor's advice, he planned to prepare for his parents' funeral arrangements after a while, so as not to see him later. , I was stimulated and couldn't help but explode.

After spending most of the day, the house became completely new again. It was noon at this time, and I felt the resistance of my stomach, and I didn’t waste my time. I went directly to the side and asked for a piece of fried rice, and after I ate it at home, I was at ease. lying on the sofa.

The latest news was still playing on the TV, but he didn't have the heart to watch it at all, and being idle for a while made him a little uncomfortable.

When he was not working, he himself thought about going out for a walk alone, to see the beautiful scenery and relax himself, but what kind of mood did he have at this time, just watching TV in such a daze, he didn't know what was going on in his heart. Thinking about something until he was awakened by a knock on the door outside.


Gu Zheng walked towards the door while walking, and asked curiously.

Because at this time, it was already the time for his colleagues to go to work, and it was impossible to come to him. As for other people, although they had a lot of friends from various places due to business trips, there were not many friends in the local area, let alone this incident. Nobody told anyone except colleagues.

"How did you come."

It was none other than Pan Xuan outside the door. The other party was still carrying a lunch box, and it seemed that he was delivering food to Gu Zheng.

"Why can't I come? I only found out about your position after looking for the editor-in-chief Zhang. I thought you were joking when you said you were discharged from the hospital yesterday. It seems that you have recovered. It's really great." Pan Xuan said as she walked towards the room Squeeze inside.

It is impossible for Gu Zheng to stop the opponent, so he can only close the door.

"Tsk tsk, you still eat this thing. Although you are a good food connoisseur, you may not be able to cook. Even if you can cook, you may not be able to eat it. Even if you can eat it, it may not be delicious."

While counting, Pan Xuan cleaned up the leftovers on the table and took out the things she brought.

"I know your appetite, can't you be full? Eat some I brought. If you don't have a place to go at night, go to our side. You can handle two bites no matter what."

The location of the other party is not too far from here. It is about the same distance from the hospital. If it is a car, it will take at most five minutes for a smooth journey. If it is walking, it will only take half an hour. It can be said to be quite close. can reach.

"It's really troublesome for you. I can deal with it alone. Now there are few people in your place, and you still run back and forth, which delays things." Gu Zheng could only say helplessly.

"It's okay, it's okay to delay for a while, you can eat quickly, I'm leaving first, it's very busy over there, remember to come here at night." Pan Xuan seemed really in a hurry, and was about to leave after speaking in a hurry.

"Wait a minute, I can't seem to find the beads you gave me last time." Gu Zheng called to the other party and said suddenly.

When he was in the hospital, he found it the next day, but he couldn't find it. Normally, he was the only one there, and there would be no one else, so it was very strange.

"What kind of beads, I don't have one. If you like it, I'll buy you one next time. Take a good rest." Pan Xuan was a little puzzled, and left immediately after speaking.

Gu Zheng listened to the other party striding down the stairs, not even using the elevator on the side, he seemed really in a hurry, came to the window, and soon saw the other party coming down from the building on his side, riding an electric car in a hurry When they left, the hard hats were all put in front of them, and they didn't even bother to put them on.

Obviously, when the other party was busy, because he was worried about himself, he specially delivered food to him. This time, the food was not prepared by the other party, and it seemed that there was no time.

Although Gu Zheng felt that it was similar, he still had a taste of it, and it was a good nod. The taste has not changed much. In ordinary restaurants, it is already considered good. With the high quality and low price, it is no wonder that it will become popular. I used to be too persistent Outside, I didn't expect that there are good food in the local area. At least when I invite friends to eat, I have an extra place to choose.

Next, after packing up the meals, he started to pack his own things, mainly some clothes and small items. Although there were not many, they were rather fragmented. He was busy until dark, and he was done.

I ate little at noon, and after an afternoon of physical exercise, I felt a little hungry when it was dark. After thinking for a while, I simply took a shower, and Gu Zheng took the key and went out.

That's right, he had nothing to do anyway, so he went directly to the hotel where the other party was staying. He had never been there before, so of course he would not admit that he wanted to see Pan Xuan a little bit.

It was still early, so he just walked towards that side like a walk. It was estimated that around seven o'clock, he came to the block where the other party was, and saw the other party's sign with big red light background at a glance.

“Pan's Restaurant”

It's a very typical ordinary restaurant. It's located in a good location. It's outside a large community, a secondary street, where people come and go. There are many small stalls outside, which attract the attention of some people who come out for a walk in the community.

The restaurants here are almost of the same type as him. They usually copy some home-cooked dishes, which are not very delicious, but the benefits are close. As long as they are similar, the business will not be bad.

However, Pan Xuan's store is not the same as others. Although it is called a restaurant, it is actually similar to a street stall, except that it delivers meals to nearby hospitals, residents, and white-collar workers during the day, and it is not too busy to run errands. , and at night it turns into a barbecue platter.

There are dishes that can be ordered, most of which are semi-finished products, cold dishes and meat dishes are all available, just order what you want, and it will come out soon.

The one next to it is similar, but the other side is closed during the day and only prepares for the night market at night.

There are tables and chairs outside, and my own smoke-free barbecue stall has been busy for a long time. The barbecue masters I invited are very busy, and several young and agile waiters are constantly passing through, recording the requirements of the guests, And to serve them, the two aunts packed the dishes in a leisurely manner. They were all simple side dishes, and most of the others were packed in the afternoon. This is someone else's booth.

Compared with the special booth next to the human brain, Pan Xuan only sat one-third of the seats here, and the other side was almost full of people, bustling and lively.

Because of the small number of people, Gu Zheng also saw Pan Xuan walking through the crowd at a glance. Compared with the others, she was only wearing a blue apron, and she was also busy. A woman with a face that looked like she was forty years old , There is a special place to collect money, but most of them just start eating at this time, and there are not many people, so they help pass some things on the sidelines.

Other people's business is booming, and I'm afraid they won't be idle all night. Seeing that there are still a few tables over there, Gu Zheng is ready to go there to add some popularity to the other party.

Gu Zheng walked towards the empty space on the side, planning to eat something simple next to him. He is not very strict with the food, as long as it can fill his stomach.

But just came to an empty seat next to him, and before he sat down, there was a loud shout in front of him.

"Let your boss come out."

Gu Zheng turned his head to look over, and found a man with a naked upper body, an arm covered with tattoos, and a fleshy face stood up, and shouted towards the inside.

"What's the matter? This friend." Pan Xuan just happened to get something for the guests from inside, so she hurried over and asked.

They are all aunts running errands here, and she is doing most of the tasks.

Because of his actions, almost everyone looked here and speculated about what happened.

"I came to your place because the side was already full, but your place is too unpalatable, especially this dish, it tasted good at first, but the more you eat it, the more unpalatable it is, and now I almost vomit. It's no wonder the business is so bad, and it's so expensive compared to other places." The man said aggressively.

"How is it possible?" Pan Xuan was really shocked.

Because they don't do it for a day or two, they usually attach great importance to the ingredients, and they are not the kind of cheap products. They would rather be more expensive and fresh.

"No, the taste is similar, but it is indeed a little more expensive than the other side."

"It's more expensive, but the vegetable seller is my friend, and there are some bad vegetables next to me. At least you can eat here with confidence."

"I wouldn't come here if it wasn't so crowded next to it. The service is not of the same level, and there is free fruit delivery next to it."

The people around were talking about it, some lost it once, and some were regular customers here, but it was not so unpalatable, if so, there was no need to open a shop at all.

"Try it if you don't believe me, I don't have to argue with you for this little money." The man pointed to the dish in front of him and said.

This is a stir-fried sixty-year-old armor. From the appearance and smell, there is no difference. Pan Xuan took a new pair of chopsticks and picked out a shell with meat. As soon as he put it in his mouth, he felt bitter in his heart.

Originally, this dish was originally made by the second chef, who is more good at seafood and the like. My father only followed suit a few times, but it obviously seemed to fail.

"Isn't it, I didn't lie to you, I really don't know how you drove it, it's really bad luck."

Seeing the expression on Pan Xuan's face, he knew that the other party had also tasted it. Seeing this scene, the two customers next to him walked towards another place muttering. I feel that the food in front of me is not delicious, no wonder the sound is so bad, it turns out that the food is not cooked well.

Just as Pan Xuan was about to apologize, she heard a voice from the side.

"Brother, you may have misunderstood something. In fact, there is nothing wrong with this dish itself. It's just a little mistake on your side that caused this."

Turning his head to look, he found that Gu Zheng walked over and said.

"Who are you? You mean that I made trouble for no reason and deliberately caused trouble." The eldest brother looked at Gu Zheng viciously. He was in a bad mood at first, and he was even more upset when he encountered such a thing, and some people questioned himself.

"Of course not, can you listen to me, if I say something wrong, I bought today's orders for everyone here, and I will apologize to you, brother." Gu Zheng didn't care about the fierceness in the other party's eyes, and came to Said in front of the other party.

"You don't need to buy it, I'd like to see if you can tell the reason, or else I would be fine if I apologized, so don't blame me for continuing to pursue it." The man looked Gu Zheng up and down, and then said with a groan.

"Gu Zheng!" At this time, Pan Xuan also looked at Gu Zheng, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"Guest, don't be so angry. Maybe the owner made a mistake. From now on, this table will be counted against us. You can eat and drink whatever you like, but it's our fault." Pan Xuan's mother also came up, with a smile on her face.

"In that case, forget it, the proprietress will handle things."

The so-called stretching out your hand and not hitting the smiling face, it seems that this fleshy man is also quite fierce, so he reluctantly said at this time.

"Although the other party said so, I know that you are still not convinced, but I decided to change your mind." Pan Xuan pulled Gu Zheng, and found that the latter did not move, but said instead.

"You got into a fight with me, right? Tell me, I'll listen carefully." The man suddenly stood up again, looking at Gu Zheng.

"Don't worry, I have a measure." Gu Zheng said to Pan Xuan next to him, and then turned his head.

"Although I don't know the situation on your side, I'm sure that when you were drinking, at least half a glass of beer was splashed, and you even stirred it. Do you think I'm right?"

"That's right, you didn't see it, how did you guess it." His companion couldn't help but said.

Because when they were toasting, the tattooed man really spilled half of the glass. At that time, they laughed at whether the other party was deliberately escaping from drinking, and then he quickly stirred a few times with chopsticks, saying that there was nothing wrong. This filled the opponent several times.

"Actually, it's okay to ask yourself, but after pouring beer, there is a little change. If you pour it in like this."

Gu Zheng said, then unexpectedly picked up the newly opened beer bottle, and poured it directly into the opponent's basin again, which stunned the people next to him. They didn't know why he did this, and it can be seen below A layer of beer water.

"Then stir it up like this." Gu Zheng skillfully picked up the chopsticks and stirred it quickly, making the sound of clattering shells in his ears, but it felt very regular.

"Okay, let's try again, won't you?"

Gu Zheng put down his chopsticks and gestured to the tattooed man next to him.

The tattooed man was dubious, but he still picked up the sixtieth armor that was soaked in wine, sucked in the tender meat with a light puff, and immediately his face changed again.

"Is it more unpalatable?"

His companion couldn't wait to ask, but he saw that his companion ignored him at all, but quickly took out another one and swallowed it, with a look of enjoyment on his face, everyone knew that it should be more delicious.

"It's delicious, it's delicious, don't ask, hurry up and eat!" The other companion has already stretched out his hand and started to eat, and persuaded that one to wait for an answer.

This person also didn't care about other things, he also took out one with his hand, but found that it was not so easy to suck it out, so he simply bit it with his teeth and tore it off.

A scent of wine mixed with the unique smell of sixty years old, coupled with the long-lost spice, although it is not as delicious as it is, but it was too unpalatable before, which made him feel extremely delicious.

"It seems to be my fault, should I pay or pay." The tattooed man said shamefully to Gu Zheng, but he didn't think that the real reason was his side.

"A table of meals is nothing. If you spend today, we will be counted as us. Today, all sixty-year-olds will be given a table for free. After all, there are indeed some flaws." At this time, Pan Xuan's mother also said neatly, handling it very authentically.

"Haoqi, just for you, I will come here again next time." The tattooed man gave the latter a thumbs up, then sat down and continued eating and drinking with his companions.

Seeing that everything was back to normal, Pan Xuan also heaved a sigh of relief, and then pulled the other party inside immediately.

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