"Beep, beep, beep!"

The ear-piercing sound of loud horns kept ringing in his ears, making Gu Zheng feel a little annoyed. He suddenly opened his eyes, wanting to tell who it was, that no one was allowed to sleep, but looking at the surrounding environment, the whole People are a little stunned.

Above the head is a somewhat whitewashed wall, and a fan that looks old is creaking unhurriedly, and the gentle breeze comes from the top of the head, slightly dispelling some of the dry heat in the body.

"This is where?"

Gu Zheng was a little dazed, then wanted to get up but found himself a little weak, he couldn't support his body for a while, took a breath of relief, then sat up slowly, and looked around.

There is another ward next to it that no one has ever slept in, the glaring white color, and the word sick on the quilt, and the nose is filled with heavy disinfection. It is not difficult to see that this is a standard ward.

At this time, the outside windows were sealed by iron rods, and the iron doors were also tightly closed, only the faint sound of conversation drifting over from a distance, which made him a little at a loss, where was he, and now At that time, his mind was so confused that he couldn't think at all, let alone why he came here.

Just when he was looking around, there was the sound of a key turning from the iron door outside, and then the iron door was opened, and a smaller nurse walked in with a plate. When he saw Gu Zheng, he just said subconsciously.

"It's time to take medicine."

"I'm not sick, why do I need to take medicine!" Gu Zheng said reflexively at the first moment.

This time the nurse showed a surprised expression, "You're awake again, don't move, I'll go find the doctor."

The nurse put down the things in her hands, and immediately ran towards the outside. The sound of the other party's footsteps from near to far could be clearly heard outside the corridor.

"How am I here, I'm not."

Gu Zheng watched the other party go away coldly, and then found that he couldn't remember at all, how he got here, and what he was doing before, except that he knew his name, everything seemed to be forgotten, but He vaguely felt that there was something in his memory, but he deeply wanted to pursue the past, but suddenly felt a sharp pain rising in his head, which made him unable to help shouting.

"Ah ah ah"

The pain seemed to come out from his heart, brain, and every part of his body. At this moment, he felt that he was being beaten, his palms were almost torn by the sheets, and the cold sweat on his body stopped appearing like rain.

"Relax, relax, don't think about it, empty your head, or think about the next meal, we will eat delicious roast chicken legs."

At this time, a very kind voice sounded from the side, distracting Gu Zheng's attention, and the pain immediately eased a lot, so I don't need to say much below, I don't want to think about my memory anymore.

After a full meeting, Gu Zheng recovered from the pain. His whole body seemed to be fished out of the water, and even the quilt under him was soaked. Then he raised his head to thank the other party, but when he saw the other party When he looked like that, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help but speak.

"Warm weather!"

"How many times have I said it? His name is Wen Tianxin. You are your attending doctor, Dr. Wen." The nurse said helplessly beside him. It seems that he has corrected it many times, and his tone is also a habitual one.

"It's okay, maybe He accidentally became the person in his nightmare. After all, I was the one who forced him to take medicine and injections outside! When he was unconscious, he naturally didn't have a good impression of me." Dr. Wen Tianxin didn't care, even He also picked up his water glass and handed it to Gu Zheng.

"Drink, you're sweating too much, it's not good for your health if you don't drink."


Gu Zheng hesitated for a moment, looked at the gentle eyes of the other party, and took it over. After thanking him, he drank it directly. I just finished drinking this large-capacity thermos, so I am embarrassed to return it to the other party.

"Xiao Xia, go get a new set of bedding and change it for him!" At this time, Dr. Wen said to the little nurse next to him.

Xiao Xia nodded and left here.

"Okay, it seems that the effect of the treatment is still good. The time you wake up each time is getting longer and longer. It's only been a day since the last time. I'm afraid you will recover soon." Dr. Wen faced Gu Zheng She smiled, then spread out the medical record in her palm, took out a pen from the pocket of her jacket, and wrote something on it.

From the pages of the medical records opened by the other party, Gu Zheng can see that several of them are in his name, and his headshot is posted on the top. .

"Doctor Wen, I don't have any memory of what happened to me, and whenever I want to think about the past, I get a splitting headache. I'd rather die!"

"Although this is the seventh time I have told you, since you asked, I will briefly explain it." Dr. Wen briefly recorded two times on it, then looked at it and said.

"Half a year ago, your parents came to see you. When you were playing with them, there was a car accident. There was a little accident. Including your parents, a total of ten people died and more than a dozen were injured. You Although he didn't suffer too much injury, but it was unacceptable, and he was even more stimulated. The whole person seemed to be crazy, and finally came to us."

As Wen Tianhou said, Gu Zheng felt that some images flashed in his mind.

It was also a picture of sunny weather, and I led it to see my parents from afar. They were playing in the city where I worked. After lunch, they were talking and walking on the bustling street. As a result, a car out of control came from afar. Flying around, their parents subconsciously blocked him, and then he saw the blood spurt from his parents, completely giving him his sight.

"Ancient struggle!"

At this time, a distant voice pulled Gu Zheng back, his whole head began to feel a little dazed, and his mind was in a mess, as if countless people were whispering in his mind. At this time, a cool feeling came from his forehead suddenly, and he found that Xiao Xia didn't know when she had come back, and now she was holding a wet towel to help relieve her pain.

Gu Zheng forced himself to laugh, raised his hand and wanted to do it himself, but also found that the back of his hand was bruised, probably because he was caught in that memory, and he couldn't help being nervous again.

"Let me come!" The little nurse said softly, and at the same time cared about changing the water,

After waiting for a while, Gu Zheng felt the same, so he asked to thank the other party.

"Don't think about it now. Let's go out first. I still have some questions to consult. I'll check your recovery. I'll leave it to Xiao Xia." Dr. Wen didn't speak until this time.

Gu Zheng nodded silently and followed the other party out of the ward.

When I came outside, the coolness in the room immediately turned into hot and dry. At this time, it seemed to be in the afternoon, and the sun had already set in half. It seemed that everything in front of me was so peaceful.

Gu Zheng noticed that his location should be on the third floor. When he came out, the number plate at the door read 305. In front of him was a row of stone fences as high as half a person. You could see the empty space in front of you. In the yard, apart from the stone chairs for people to rest, there are only a few towering trees, and no one else has seen it.

Looking outside, it was a large open field, as if in a desolate place.

"Does it feel a little different? There are very few patients here, and a new ward has been established in the center, and this place will soon be abandoned." Dr. Wen seemed to see what he was thinking, and said with a smile.

"Are there any other patients besides me?" Gu Zheng asked curiously.

Because there are more than a dozen rows of rooms on the left and right sides, and the iron doors are tightly locked, so I can't hear anyone's voice at all. I seem to have heard someone talking before.

"It can be said that including you, there are only two patients, including two doctors, and four nurses in total, but we will go there in a week, just get through these few days." Doctor Wen Just like a close friend, chatting casually with Gu Zheng, never directly mentioning his illness at all.

"Shall we go down for a walk?"

Gu Zheng had no opponents, and followed the other party down the dilapidated stairs and walked down.

Although he couldn't remember many things, he always felt that there was something wrong here. He didn't know what it was, and he could only adapt to the situation at this moment.

After coming down, Gu Zheng looked around, only to find that this place is very old, and besides the courtyard in front of him, there is only a small three-story building behind, there is no extra space, looking at the not far away The walls are even more cramped.

There are different rooms on the first floor, here are a few rooms through the windows, you can see that they should be the place where they neglected to rest, and there is a smell of food from the room, it seems that they are a temporary place to eat, but this is a deserted place In the wild, you can only solve it by yourself.

"Feel better."

He led Gu Zheng around the courtyard, and finally the two of them sat down on a stone stool, spread out the case, and asked.

"I'm fine. Is there anything you want to ask?" Gu Zheng naturally understood what the other party meant.

"Don't be nervous, it's a very simple question. You can see that the previous ones are almost the same, and it will be the same for a few days." Dr. Wen laughed, and opened the case to Gu Zheng to see the first few pages, what are the names, Age, physical discomfort.

This time the inquiry was indeed the same. When asked about Gu Zheng's situation, whether he had any new thoughts about the past, and how his body was, Gu Zheng said all of them.

By this time, the sky was getting dark, and Dr. Wen took Gu Zheng back. The room had been rearranged, and Nurse Xiaoxia didn't know where she had gone.

"By the way, due to special reasons, the outer door must be locked at night. If you think of something or feel uncomfortable, we will ask you when we come to make rounds during the day. After a while, Xiaoxia will bring you today's medicine. And dinner."

Doctor Wen made arrangements, and then left in a hurry.

Gu Zheng didn't think too much, and lay directly on his bed, then looked at the incandescent lamp that was already lit above his head, and began to think quietly.

He didn't know much information until now, and he even subconsciously rejected the other party. Although Dr. Wen Tianxin was so kind, deep down in his heart, he always felt that the other party was an enemy like himself, and wished he could step forward and kill him. But for the little nurse, it felt normal, and didn't have such a strong feeling.

As the footsteps outside gradually approached, Gu Zheng's mind instantly saw Xiao Xia holding his own dinner, two black pills, and a green cup of water.

He didn't know why he could "see" so clearly, he just looked at the door directly, and when the other party came in, he was just like himself, exactly the same.

"Gu Zheng, here is your dinner and your medicine, but the medicine must be taken before meals." Xiao Xiaoxia put down something on the small table beside her, and then instructed.

Gu Zheng did not doubt that he swallowed the pill directly under the gaze of the other party.

"By the way, don't go out at night. The nights are not peaceful these few days. I will come to pack your things tomorrow, just put them here." Xiao Xia also made arrangements and left here with the tray.

Gu Zheng swallowed the water in his mouth, watched the other party close the door and lock it, and didn't understand the reason why the other party kept him from going out. The door was locked, and he couldn't go out even if he wanted to.

He was a little puzzled, but it just flashed in his mind, but he didn't have the heart to eat dinner. He was not hungry at all, and it was just a simple steamed bun and vegetable porridge, so he didn't have any appetite.

The fan above his head was still spinning creakingly, and it was almost dark outside. For some reason, he always felt a little cold in his heart, as if he had entered autumn all at once.

Shaking his head and looking around, he soon saw the old-fashioned rotary switch, and got up to turn off the fan. To be honest, the effect of this fan is not good, and the noise is still loud, so it is better to turn it off.

But here, when he propped himself up beside the bed, his hand suddenly moved, then he stood up as if nothing had happened, went to the door and window, and directly closed the Phoenix, taking advantage of this opportunity, he also looked outside through the glass window , but nothing can be seen from this perspective, the outside is empty, there is not even the sound of insects, and the silence is so quiet that it makes people feel chills.

He mainly checked whether there was anyone outside, and then walked back slowly. After reaching his bedside, he sat there, gently stroking the two very imperceptible marks on the side of the bed with his hands.

You don't need to guess this imprint, it's left by him himself, and it's usually regarded as an important thing, and it's just a simple information marked. If outsiders look at it, it's just a few potholes at most.

"Is this the third day I woke up? Or the third day, what happened in front of me, why did I warn myself not to go out."

Gu Zheng slowly withdrew his hand, murmuring in his heart.

There is only one piece of information above, which is the date and the warning. It has been marked twice in total, so there must be two times that Gu Zheng left such a mark on his own initiative. If this time is counted, it will be the third time.

Looking at the weak wooden tableware of the tableware, he also understood why he used his nails to forcibly leave it on it. I am afraid there is nothing stronger than this one, but the angle is a bit strange, as if lying on a bed.

He just sat here blankly, and didn't want to imprint the trace of the next time. Since he wanted to inscribe and remind himself, he must have encountered something. After a long while, although there was a thunderous shock outside, Suddenly, the overhead light went out without a sound, and the whole room was plunged into darkness.

Gu Zheng blinked his eyes, waited for a while to let himself get used to the darkness, then got up and walked towards the door, pushed the door a little harder, he could obviously feel that the door was completely locked, and came to the window again , looking outside.

The window is one piece, there is no Fang Xi at all, and there are iron bars outside, even if it is broken, it is impossible to get out, but standing in front of the window, you can feel a cold air blowing from in front of you, and your whole body is covered. goosebumps.

At this time, I couldn't see anything clearly outside, and it even started to rain sparsely. Just when Gu Zheng was about to look away, a white figure came into his eyes very clearly, and the other party seemed to come out of the floor.

Then something happened that surprised Gu Zheng. He was still thinking about how he could see the other party clearly in such a dark night without lights. Then he found that the other party pushed open a door on the wall, and then the other party He ran in quickly, and at this moment, there was a slight cracking sound in his ears, and the door next to him opened a gap silently.

Just looking at the exposed corner below, you can see that the inside is smooth and tidy, brightly lit, I don't know where it leads, but unfortunately I can't see the specific situation inside.

And it's not forbidden to run around outside at night. Could it be that the woman is another patient, how could the other party run out, and how could there be another hiding place in the wilderness.

Still thinking, he saw many black shadows in his eyes, also following from the opened gate.

"I want to follow!"

Gu Zheng made a decision in an instant, and was about to go out, but when he was about to open the door, he suddenly thought of something and stopped his movements.

"Maybe I have gone out before, and then something happened? Or for the sake of insurance, I left traces in reality, and then I went out."

Both were possible, but he did not know how to do it.

"It doesn't matter, let's go out and talk."

Gu Zheng gritted his teeth, then opened the door and rushed out. He had already memorized the terrain during the day, and he could grasp the distance even if his sight was blocked.

As soon as he went out, the air outside seemed to be in winter, and his whole body shuddered, resisting the chill that reached the bone marrow. Gu Zheng quickly looked down, the door was still open, and there was nothing but raindrops around him. There was no sound, which perfectly covered the sound of his footsteps, allowing him to run forward boldly.

He had a hunch that in the passage below, there must be some news for him to know.

Soon, he came down from the first floor, carefully glanced at the two sides, but did not find the doctor and the others, and then rushed into the rain and ran towards the unclosed passage.

Here, he can easily see the scenery in front of him, it seems to be a corridor, and there are countless incandescent lamps above his head, and the front of this passage is a half-closed door.

But when he just arrived at the entrance, the door suddenly opened, and the white figure before was captured by the black shadow he saw.

"Don't touch me, let me go, I don't want to go back!"

Along with the other party's struggle, he also saw the other party's face, which looked exactly the same as him. At this moment, he suddenly felt that there were two more people on the left and right sides. When he subconsciously turned his head to look, he was even more surprised, because his complexion changed Incomparably ferocious, terrifying doctors and nurses like evil spirits.

"It's not that I told you not to come out at night, but go back with me."

As soon as the words fell, Dr. Wen opened his bloody mouth in horror, and then Gu Zheng's eyes went dark, and he completely lost consciousness.

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