"Elder Huo, if the other party finds you, will it cause the other party to encircle and suppress you?"

Gu Zheng turned his head to look at Huofeng.

"If you say that the Dragon King is coming soon, the other party doesn't have the energy to deal with me. After all, I am not an ordinary person. Unless the other party's lords come to deal with me, otherwise it will only involve the other party. If I am not prepared, I am afraid At that time, the odds of winning will be much lower." Huofeng waved his hand.

Since she revealed her identity, she naturally had her own considerations, and more importantly, she wanted to protect Gu Zheng and Wan'er, and she also noticed that some people seemed to be looking for her.

"In that case, let's go."

Gu Zheng nodded, and led them to walk down quickly.

The people below had seen them a long time ago, Gu Zheng and the others came outside the camp, Elder Zhou led a few people to meet them, it seemed that they should look at the people on their side.

"This is Wan'er's father, Mr. Gu." Elder Zhou said with a smile.

"Elder Zhou, Gu Zheng, it's our first time meeting!" From Wan'er, Gu Zheng knew that the other party was also very kind to Wan'er, so his attitude was also very good.

"This is that senior, right? Thank you for your action earlier, otherwise Wan'er would have been taken away." Elder Zhou then looked at Huofeng with a hint of fire in his eyes.

After all, the opponent's strength, I probably know a little bit here, there are enough quasi-sage peaks, to put it bluntly, there has never been anyone with quasi-sage strength in their history, Da Luo peak is already their peak, ashamed, This kind of strength can only be realized by Baimeng.

"Now is not the time to chat. What's the matter, let's talk about it after the matter is over." Huofeng nodded at the group of them, as a greeting, and changed the topic.

"That's right, I asked my father to come here to solve everyone's affairs." Wan'er said loudly from the side.

"I've also heard Xiangfa say that Mr. Gu is very powerful, but he actually surrendered. The people who passed on said that a group of new masters came to the other side. They even saw a few quasi-sages with different faces. It is said that the leader of the Hundred Leagues also Come here." Elder Zhou said worriedly.

"Then what do you mean?"

Gu Zheng didn't say anything about the Dragon King and the others. He wanted to see what these people thought. Hearing it with his own ears was naturally different from hearing it from Wan'er.

"To be honest, if you want to say that you are moved, no one is not moved, but let alone how many of our people died in the hands of the other party in the past, it is the other party's reputation. We don't believe it at all. The biggest possibility is that we have encountered some troubles. It is just a temporary thought. It’s just us, if it’s not because of these things, we must be sober and out of control to satisfy them, and we would have used violent means to snatch them away.”

Speaking of this, Elder Zhou's face became extremely indignant.

"Using this despicable method now, they issued a notice just now. If they don't make a decision, they will do nothing to us, but they want to kill us one by one in front of us."

"Yes, we are still discussing what to do in the end." A man next to him interrupted.

"If there is really no good way to go today, then we have to follow the other party's order." Elder Zhou said dejectedly.

Although she didn't want to do this, she couldn't watch her own people die because of this. In the past, it was because the other party was the same as this side, and she also had a way to hide, but now she didn't even have the opportunity to hide, and she didn't have the capital at all.

"Can you still send people back?" Gu Zheng suddenly asked Huo Feng.

"No problem, I think why I didn't think of this problem before." Huofeng looked up at the sky, feeling that he had been with Wan'er for a long time, and he didn't even think about the problem anymore, he didn't even think about it, and just followed Wan'er's thoughts do it.

"Wow, Dad, you are so smart, I knew you would find a way when you came here." Wan'er praised generously, since she didn't understand what Gu Zheng was talking about, anyway, it was just right to praise.

On the other hand, Elder Zhou and the others didn't quite understand what Gu Zheng was talking about, a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes, but they still invited.

"Let's go in first. If there's anything else, we'll talk inside."

"Yes, but I will tell you something on the way, so that all your problems will be solved." Gu Zheng smiled and immediately agreed.

Soon along the way, with the shock and surprise on Elder Zhou's face, the few people beside him began to gather their own people directly according to Elder Zhou's intention.

When they came to a temporary open space, there was a simple sound-proof circle outside. Elder Feng was sitting on a stone platform at the front, and there were hundreds of people below him. He was speaking to everyone in front of him. As soon as he entered, he heard Elder Feng was speaking.

"At this point, we don't need to discuss it. Whether it is to surrender to the other party, give up your previous hatred, and embrace the future again, or prepare to stick to the other party to the end, it is already clear. Now there is not much time. Finally, everyone thinks about it."

After finishing speaking, Elder Feng didn't care about the bottom, just got down from above and walked towards Elder Zhou.

"It seems that it has really reached the point of division."

Gu Zheng looked around, don't look at just a hundred people, they are almost all the elites here, of course, there are not many cultivation bases in Daluo, even if they are elder Zhou, there are only a dozen or so people, these people are the ones who decide to leave behind. Where the hell are you going.

It can also be clearly seen that there is a little Nie on Xiangfa's side who is angrily arguing with other people, but Xiaofa next to him sees Wan'er and beckons at her.

Especially in the middle, an elder who was obviously thinking and embarrassing, was surrounded and bombarded by the Surrender Sect, as if trying to convince the other party that this elder should be the one who held what the other party needed, and Xiang Fa was completely overwhelmed. Squeezed out, there is no chance to fight for it.

It seems that what Elder Zhou said just now is still on the positive side. In fact, the situation is more serious, and many people will pass by in large numbers at any time.

However, Gu Zheng doesn't care about those people. Compared with the huge team of the Dragon King, these people don't even have a few magical weapons in the past, so naturally they don't have much threat. Seeing this, he already knew what he was going to do next.

"Elder Zhou, the situation is really not good now. Just now, the other party's people are inciting and threatening us again. Many people have already wavered a lot when the time is coming." Elder Feng walked over angrily, facing Elder Zhou complained, and even forgot to say hello to Gu Zheng.

"It can be seen, but now we have a very good solution. If you stay calm, nothing will happen." At this time, Elder Zhou no longer had the troubles before, and instead comforted him steadily.

"Really? I hope so." Elder Feng looked over there, although he said so in his mouth, he didn't believe much in his heart.

"Master Gu!"

At this time, Lin Feng and Lin Yi, who were patrolling nearby, knew that they also rushed over.

"You two have worked hard, Wan'er has caused you a lot of trouble." Gu Zheng nodded slightly at them.

"Where, Ms. Gu has a very good heart, and she didn't cause any trouble at all." Sensing the increasingly powerful aura of Gu Zheng, Lin Yi also said immediately.

When Wan'er next to her heard this, she immediately nodded her head quickly to show that what the other party said was correct.

"Haha, of course, you guys will leave together later." Seeing Wan'er's appearance, Gu Zheng couldn't help laughing.

Then Gu Zheng strode directly towards the swaying elder, Xiang Fa kept looking at this side, and immediately ordered this side to make way for him, but the other side didn't have time to observe this side, and they still did their own things.

"Can you please let me go?" Gu Zheng said with a smile when he saw that the road ahead was blocked.

"Crazy." The two people who were questioned left a sentence inexplicably, stopped talking about Gu Zheng, and continued to discuss their previous topic.

First the courtesy and then the soldiers, and then Gu Zheng will not be polite, the two of them suddenly pulled back, parting a wide road, and then he swaggered forward all the way,

Along the way, all the people who were blocked by him, no matter who they were, were pulled away by a force, and soon a straight passage to the elder appeared.

"Who are you?"

Gu Zheng's such arrogance, naturally some people couldn't see it, a man who looked not inferior to Elder Zhou stood in front of him and shouted at Gu Zheng.

But Gu Zheng ignored the other party at all, and just continued to push forward. The man who jumped out in front of him was forced to take a step back by his arrogance without anger, and then Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, and easily pushed the other party away. Pulling it aside, the inside looked at him in astonishment, not knowing why Gu Zheng approached him so aggressively.

"What else are you thinking about? It seems safe to follow the other party, but in the end you can only feel that you will die." Gu Zheng ignored the unkind eyes around him and smiled brightly at the elder in front of him.

Seeing Gu Zheng's friendly expression, the elder also made up his mind, and then directly refused, "I'm still thinking about it. If I make up my mind, I will naturally know what to do."

"It's okay, I'll help you make a decision."

Gu Zheng had expected this for a long time, and stretched out his hand to grab the opponent's shoulder.

"what you do!"

The elder who was stunned by Gu Zheng just now had already reacted, remembering that he was like a second idiot just now, and was easily let out of the other party's way by the other party, and suddenly became angry from embarrassment, and saw the other party unexpectedly How could it be possible to forcibly take that elder away.

Not only him, but also a few elders who saw the situation here and surrounded them. They were all staunch surrenderers. Elder Zhou felt that they had reached an agreement with the other party in private, but there was no clue, so they all rushed over. Stop the ancient war.

"clap clap"

Everyone only heard a series of noises, and then they saw the elders who blocked Gu Zheng, and they flew out like this, while Gu Zheng successfully caught the elder who didn't know what happened, and jumped onto the high platform in one leap .

"Elder Zhou, do the people you brought here want to betray first? Or do you want to take the opportunity to kill and imprison us?" At this time, another elder stood up and shouted at the above.

"Fart, you are the culprit who shakes everyone. Anyway, you forgot how your family died at the hands of the other party." As soon as he finished speaking, a person from Elder Zhou's side jumped out, refuted loudly, and immediately let the other party His face turned livid.

Because his parents died at the hands of the other party. It was just when they merged, otherwise they would not have been against the other party all the time, but now the other party has given him an irresistible bargaining chip, and even the enmity between his parents can be forgotten.

"I'm talking about him, why are you excited, don't tell me, for your selfish desires, you have to drag everyone to suffer a miserable fate with you, what's the point of that."

After all, it is still a topic that has been repeatedly confronted before. After all, both of them are right. On the one hand, everyone here has more or less blood feuds. No matter what you do, there is no hope of victory, except to die in vain.

"Everyone, listen to me and calm down for me."

After Gu Zheng simply controlled the elder in his hand, he immediately shouted loudly towards the bottom. The thunderous voice rolled over everyone and attracted everyone's attention. The whole venue was completely silent.

It was not to obey Gu Zheng's words, but the powerful and fearsome aura of the other party, as if anyone who dared to speak would face death in the next moment, which made them shut their mouths involuntarily.

"Now let me make some judgments on this issue. Let me tell you clearly that those who are willing to surrender will leave immediately, but you can't take this person away." Gu Zheng glanced coldly at everyone below, and then said .

"But those who are unwilling to surrender, at least you can keep your names and leave here first."

"Who are you? We haven't met you before. What's more, there are many lies. With you, a person at the peak of Daluo, you can resist the opponent. Even if you are at the peak of the quasi-sage, it is impossible. The strength of the opponent is far stronger than you. .” It was the same elder who immediately broke the calm.

"I can represent our side. I believe what the other party says, and the other party's proposal is also our proposal. It is here to make a decision. If you want to join the other party, then go. Those who believe in us, stay here, and I will It is impossible to intentionally kill everyone." Elder Zhou stood up and shouted at everyone.

"So probably you have time for a cup of tea, don't wait for the time, please don't let others influence your thoughts."

In fact, Gu Zheng didn't want to ask them about this shit, as long as Elder Zhou was taken away from them, the life and death of these people has nothing to do with him, especially some people even forget their ancestors, it's really amazing, but for Xiangxiang , and taking care of Elder Xiangxiang Zhou is a waste of time.

And they only have this one chance, when the opponent comes next time and sees how good they are, they will definitely stop them. At that time, it may be too late for them to run.

There was a commotion below, after all, what Elder Zhou and the others did was witnessed by everyone, but if they made a wrong decision, they would truly die.

"Who is that man?"

Gu Zheng walked down, saw the man who had refuted them before, joined them, and said in surprise.

"He is the leader I told you before, who nominally commands us, but who would have thought that such a big blood feud, the other party can say that he doesn't care, and he doesn't care." Elder Zhou said with a wry smile.

"You really can't judge by appearance, you look dignified." Gu Zheng praised.

"Father, Sister Huofeng has already constructed a tunnel and started to send their people back." Wan'er said suddenly at this moment, "And let me ask you, there won't be any misunderstanding over there, right? Above, he didn't bother you."

"No problem, it's just a headache for them." Gu Zheng smiled.

At this time, some people had already started to stand in the team, but the result was far beyond Gu Zheng's expectations. He originally thought that most of them would surrender to each other under such circumstances. After all, many of them were shaken before.

But at the moment of the most decisive moment, about 80% of the people chose their side, even if they repeatedly persuaded them to surrender, it was useless.

"Each of us has a grudge against each other. When we were hostile to each other before, we were not afraid of death, let alone this situation." Elder Feng said with mixed feelings.

"Both men and women are real men." Gu Zheng also praised sincerely.

At this time, the few people who had left originally appeared in the distance again, and this time apart from those few people, several powerful faces appeared.

Not only were there a few more Da Luo peaks, but there was even a quasi-sage peak, in order to prevent Huofeng from attacking several low-level quasi-sages.

"Listen, all of you, if you don't make a decision tomorrow, then we will arrest all of you, and all of you who are not here will be regarded as opponents, and all of you will be killed."

As soon as they came here, one of them routinely yelled at everyone below. The content did not change much from before, but the time was advanced by one day, from the day after tomorrow to tomorrow, and it was calculated according to the fact that the sky began to darken. , I am afraid it will only be one night.

"It seems that you are right, that man did come in again."

This group of people stopped far away in the air, because they already felt a warning stare watching them. Needless to say, they knew who it was, but they didn't realize where the other party was. , A man who looks like a savage, who can believe that he is the patriarch of the painting soul clan, at this time he looked at one place, and at the same time said to the messenger.

"Patriarch Zhang, does the other party have any loopholes to get in?" asked another person.

"It's not important anymore. Anyway, the Dragon King and the others will come here soon. The important thing is that our plan can't be destroyed by the other party. As long as we wait until tomorrow morning, we will catch them all back." The following kept searching for Huofeng's location, and said calmly when they heard what they said.

Patriarch Zhang didn't say anything after hearing the words, but his eyes were fixed on Gu Zheng.

It was because of the other party that he rescued the sacrifices he had prepared. At that time, I was still outside, waiting to fight the other party in a hurry, but disappeared and appeared here. In the end, I took the tribe away and came back again, but found the other party vomiting blood He disappeared again for no reason, and then sensed that the other party was still in the small world to which he belonged, and once again led people in a hurry to block the other party, but unfortunately it was still a step too late.

I was like a puppet, being held by the other party's neck. When I saw the other party, I felt furious. After thinking for a while, I sent a sound transmission to the person below, and then looked at the other party with a sneer.

If you don't kill the opponent, you can't solve the hatred in your heart. If you take action, there is no problem, because this is your own personal grievance. Try to kill the opponent completely before the Dragon King comes, so as not to delay the battle with the opponent.

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