In a small border town, the city is not big, and almost all of them are family members of Baimeng and others.

There is no one who is not suitable for Baimeng in this small thousand world. To be on the safe side, except for creatures without sanity, they are all relocated to the adjacent world.

Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. Baimeng is very generous to its own people. It has everything you need here, and it's all free. Of course, it's just basic things. Even so, it's enough for them to waste wantonly.

The only restaurant in this city, even in the afternoon, is overcrowded, and many people even stay here and chat.

Dozens of human beings with a little bit of cultivation are constantly shuttling here, carefully cleaning up the leftovers on the table and replacing them with new dishes. In short, everyone is busy.

However, in a corner of the second floor by the window, there were a few tables vacant. Even if there were no vacant seats outside, the people who came came left with a sigh and did not sit there.

It's just because in that position, there is a woman who terrifies everyone, Love.

After the other party came here, almost every day there would be a few people who didn't know whether they were dead or alive approaching there. As a result, everyone knew about it. For the sake of their own people, they didn't do anything serious. They just let that person lie down. It's only been a few months, and now everyone knows the rules, and they will be honest and never go back.

"Oh, it's so boring, when can I go back and waste time in this place."

Love is very irritable. She originally thought that after completing the task, she could go back. You must know that she and Ai Xing have already felt a slight sign of loosening. That kind of mysterious feeling makes them retreat and enlighten immediately. But in this situation, there is no They are not allowed to retreat.

"It would be great if the Dragon King and the others came a hundred years later."

She continued to sigh, and love didn't think about it anymore, she was going to sweep away everything in front of her and change to another city, she was tired of this place.

But at this time, suddenly a slightly male came out of the crowd and walked straight towards her position.

The rest of the place that was originally boiling suddenly quieted down, and they all looked at each other with reckless and gloating eyes. Some people dared to go there, and even went straight to tease the tiger's beard.

At this time, Ai Ai also remembered who he was, he was one of the members who were kicked out of Xiaoqian World by them, she knew that the other party was usually kept in the warehouse, seemed to be the confidant of that so-and-so, could there be something inside that she forgot to take away.

While in doubt, she saw that the other party had come to her, and subconsciously said,

"Say something quickly."

She thought the other party was on business, and didn't think much about it, but the other party's behavior almost scared her, and everyone around her. At this moment, it is estimated that a needle fell on the ground, and they could clearly hear it.

"I like you!"

The person who came was none other than Wei Wufeng, and he said to Love with affectionate expression on his face.

"Since I met you, I can't sleep at night, I don't think about food and drink, I miss you every day, and finally I can't help but come back."

Wei Wufeng was still reciting what Gu Zheng had told him, feeling extremely nauseous in his heart.

"Now that I see you, I feel that the sky is bright and the air is sweet. In my heart, you are as fragrant as a flower. I can't help but get closer. Even though I know there may be no results, I am still willing. The joy of your smile is greater than my life."


At this time, I don't know who couldn't hold their bowls and chopsticks. Hearing Wei Wuzheng's nasty words, he couldn't hold them steady, and fell to the ground, clanging

Love is also dumbfounded at this time. It's not that she doesn't know her face. It can be said that this is also the pain in her heart, so her temper is so irritable. At this moment, she is slightly shy when she hears such an affectionate and touching confession from the other party. Di Hongyi, this was the first time in her life that someone said goodbye, so she was caught off guard and fell into a trance until the piercing voice kept appearing, which woke her up.


Love suddenly stood up, slammed the table hard, and made a loud noise. Fortunately, she still knew how to measure, otherwise the poor table would be torn apart.

"How is it impossible? At least you give me a chance. Although I know that my strength is low and I am indeed not worthy of you, give me hope." Wei Wuzhen still said affectionately.

"If I say no, I can't." At this time, Love doesn't know what to do, but she must firmly reject the other party.

It is true that her original appearance is a bit ugly, but if she wants to, she can also be beautiful, but she was unwilling to change the shape she was born with before.

Besides, if I want to look for it, it is impossible to find such a low-level person who can be seen to have no potential at a glance, even if the other person's words are a little intoxicating.

"If that's the case, then I'll die. Without you, the whole world has lost hope." Wei Wuzheng's face was full of disappointment.

As he spoke, he walked outside.

Needless to say, the outsiders automatically made way for him.

The strength of love is very strong, but when encountering this situation, I really don't know how to deal with it. Seeing a person who admires me, I am so disappointed. I wanted to stop him just now, but the pride in my heart still stopped her.

Soon, Xin Xin could see from the window that she was exuding a decadent atmosphere, and she could see that the other party was full of disappointment and despair, which she was sure of.

"Could it be that the other party is rejected by me, is it really a matter of life or death?" Doubts emerged in Ai Xin's heart, watching the other party leave her sight step by step, she still didn't know what to do.

In the face of an enemy, she can kill him mercilessly, but in the face of an admirer, she is no different from most women, especially the confession of the other party that sounds heart-pounding. Looking back now, the heartbeat will speed up For a few minutes, I was a little addicted for a while.

Those are the words that Gu Zheng specially handed over to Wei Wuzhen, which is relatively reserved, but for people at this time, it is simply a big killer.

"I want to think that I will be captured by the enemy and tortured. I feel so much pain that life is worse than death."

And Wei Wuzhen, who was below, kept hinting in his heart at this time that he was in a state of despair, so he didn't let the other party see his flaws.

After he completely left the city, he felt a little relaxed, but thinking about the arrangement of the ancient battle, he continued to move forward a little bit, but the speed was much faster, but he still looked so sad and desperate.

Not long after Wei Wufeng left, Xin Xin was still standing at the window looking at the direction of the other party's departure. After waiting for a long time, he finally couldn't help but leave here in a flash.

"I just don't want an innocent of my own to die."

This is for her to find a reason for herself, just like what Gu Zheng told Wei Wuzhen, a woman will not watch his admirer commit suicide, even if she doesn't like him at all, but the feeling in her heart still feels that the admirer To be alive is to have an alternative experience, especially for love.

When Love left, the quiet second floor boiled like boiling water.

"I really didn't expect that with such a good looks and figure, there are still people who would like it."

"I was scared to death at the time. I thought that the other party would run away violently, and we would also be unlucky. In the end, there was no thunder, which was beyond people's expectations."

"I guess the other party is just a little boy. If he wants to rely on the other party, his motives are not pure, otherwise, no one would like the other party."

There are all kinds of words, and the news spreads at an astonishing speed, which is enough to make people think about it for a long time.

Love here has quietly come to the back of Wei Wuzheng, looking at the other party's distraught look, touching his face, believing that the other party is sincere, and secretly happy in his heart, but no matter what, it is impossible to be with the other party Together, the only thing I can do is to escort the other party for a certain distance and dispel the other party's unrealistic wishes.

She really hoped that the other party would cheer up soon, but after a while, the other party suddenly failed to fight, just like this, she was satisfied with tears, her eyes were red, and she yelled into the air.

"Why doesn't God give me an excellent aptitude, so that I have a cultivation level that is equal to that of the other party."

"Why does God want me to meet my true love at this time, I would rather never see each other."

"Why do you torture me so cruelly? Just let me die, lest I spend the rest of my life in pain and longing!"

"Farewell! My love!"

Sorrowful voices resounded all around. After he finished speaking, he immediately raised his hand, a ray of light rose on it, and then struck towards his Tianling Cap, with an extremely firm attitude, almost without any damage. After hesitating, he came to the top of his head almost instantly, but he found that it was impossible to press his palm down. It seemed that there was a mysterious force stopping him.

Just as Wei Wuzheng was stunned, the heart in the distance also revealed its own figure, and said helplessly to Wei Wuzheng here.

"Why bother? It's not like doing that."

"You don't know, I just don't want to experience that feeling." Wei Wuzhen seemed to be possessed by a movie king at this time, tears gushed out like a bank bursting, and his face was also the kind of despair that could not be answered, so he wiped away his tears, " Originally, I knew the gap between us, but as I left, the feeling of being devoured by thousands of ants increased every day, and I came back without hesitation."

"Caring girl, you don't have to pull me, this is something I do voluntarily, please don't miss me."

After smiling miserably, Wei Wuzheng suddenly vomited blood, his breath suddenly became weak, and then his whole body limply fell down.

This shocked Ai Xin, originally wanted to persuade some other parties, but did not expect to simply say death, it seemed as if she had killed herself, the figure appeared directly beside Wei Wuzheng in a flash, and then floated up the other party's body to check the other party state, wanting to try to revive the other party.

But her face suddenly changed, Wei Wuzheng in her hand also turned into fluorescent light and disappeared. At the same time, rays of light soaring into the sky rose around her, and Gao Xiong and others came out one after another.

"I was actually deceived." After seeing Wei Wuzheng with a smile on his face, Ai Xin seemed to be able to spew out anger in his eyes, gritted his teeth, and squeezed out a sentence coldly from between his teeth.

"That's right, I can only say that you are too tender, kill her for me." Gao Xiong said coldly from the side.

Everyone was not polite, and did not give each other time to breathe, and began to bombard them wildly.

Gao Xiong and other powerful people surrounded her close to her, taking the opportunity to hurt her.

"It's just you group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Although I don't know how you came here, but you angered me, I will let you know what regret is." At this time, the anger in Ai Xin's heart could almost burn her up, and the weapon in her hand suddenly appeared. Instead, he killed the opponent.

That's right, these are only half of the number in front of them, and they are still weak. Only a few are stronger with Kaohsiung deliberately to stop them.

To be honest, Gu Zheng felt that this lineup wanted to kill the opponent. If it took a long time, he might be killed by the opponent.

But at the beginning, this side waited for work with leisure, and slammed towards the opponent regardless of consumption, and the opponent was very angry. Coupled with Kaohsiung's containment, naturally they had the upper hand.

What's more, Wei Wufeng, who had a low level of cultivation in the distance, did not leave, but just hid outside the formation and taunted her in the air.

"Don't you really think I like you? You don't even look in the mirror to see what you look like. Even if you like a pig, you won't like you."

"The neck is big and the body is thick. At first glance, it looks like a pig, but if you look closely, it is a pig."

"The world is really amazing. Someone can grow into a pig. What's more, you are so scary, so don't just come out and scare others."

"After I kill you later, I'm going to study whether the body structure of a pig is the same as that of a human."

Looking at the other party's angry eyes outside, Wei Wuzhen also bit the bullet and kept provoking the other party. That's right, these words were also given to him by Gu Zheng. Not to mention the other party, even he couldn't stand listening to it.

For most women, no matter whether the other party is beautiful or ugly, fat or thin, strong or weak, it may be nothing to humiliate her, but humiliating the other party's beauty, especially with a figure, every word is still worth it. Insulting, it just adds fuel to the fire.

These made Aixi want to kill everyone at this time, especially Wei Wuzheng, she would let the other party understand what life is worse than death, and fight hard at this time, wanting to solve them quickly.

At this time, Gu Zheng was suspended in the air, like a seasoned hunter, looking down carefully, quietly waiting for the opportunity, he knew that if he wanted to solve the battle quickly, he could only do it quickly by sneak attacking, so that he could implement the next one plan.

He was sure that the other party must have used some method to call for reinforcements without his knowledge. Those people who were hiding before were for the sake of the other party's quasi-sage. Alertness inside.

He chose this position because it was just the right distance. The city over there would not be able to find out what was going on here, and it would take a little time to get away from the other side for support, and this time was the time for Gu Zheng to kill the other side.

He wanted to find a perfect opportunity, and this opportunity appeared in front of Gu Zheng after only an incense stick of time passed.

At this time, Ai Ai has roughly understood the opponent's attack methods. At this time, she will inevitably be slightly injured, but she also found an opportunity to bear Kaohsiung's attack and prepare to forcefully break through to the group of weak people outside, and deal with it first. A few, let's take a little pressure off.

And at the same time as she acted, Gu Zheng's eyes flashed, and Yun Huang, who was always on standby by the side, immediately turned into a golden light and fell.


Only then did she avoid the enemy's love, and at this time she felt a huge threat falling from the sky. At this time, her old strength had not been exhausted, and her new strength had not yet been released. She never thought that there were enemies hidden on it, and she had obviously checked it many times. Even some of the attacks covered everything before taking the risk.

At this time, facing the attack that was about to fall from above, he knew who it was from the aura above, and twisted his body desperately to dodge the attack.

She succeeded, the golden light that was originally aimed at the head was successfully avoided, and the aura that made people stand upside down could make people feel the pressure of death.


The blood suddenly appeared, and one arm was spinning in the air, dripping drops of blood, and finally when it was still dripping in the air, that arm fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and the arm that only held her weapon was broken by its root. broken.

Love wanted to pick up his own weapon, but Gu Zheng's figure had already appeared in front of him, and he sealed the opponent's weapon casually to ensure that the opponent could not pick it up, so he smiled.

"This time, let you experience the feeling I had back then."

Gu Zheng's eyes flashed coldly, everything started from her.

"Are you talking about the woman who blew herself up? She was seriously injured before she died." Love hugged her bleeding arm and suddenly laughed.

She knew that she had fallen this time. Under the trap carefully set up by the other party, she walked in so stupidly step by step. The result was already doomed. Now she just wanted to tell the rescuers not to come again. Ambush, the other party deliberately did all this, and she knew why.

"Want to blow yourself up? Don't even think about it in front of me."

Five rays of light flew out of Gu Zheng's body in an instant, and three of them were the first to rush forward. Because of the wounded and ready-to-explode love, it was only a symbolic flash, and the three jade rings were the first to attach behind. The magic power in the body stagnated, and after Shunyu's two legs were attached to her legs, she lost control and became calm again.

She was not afraid of anything before, but now she is really afraid. Although she can break free, it will take a little time, and at this time, what she lacks is precisely this. She dare not imagine that if she falls into the opponent's In the hands, what kind of treatment will be suffered.

Thinking of the horrific punishment she used to inflict on the prisoners, she became cruel the next moment, and then Ai Xin stood still, as if she had lost control of her body. She lowered her arm and let the blood flow from the broken arm.

Gu Zheng frowned slightly, then flashed to the opponent's side, grabbed him, but the opponent didn't let go, and let Gu Zheng seal his body in a daze.

"What's going on." Seeing Gu Zheng's surprised expression, Gao Xiong asked in puzzlement.

"The other party has destroyed her sanity." Gu Zheng said with a complicated expression, "That is, this body is just a shell. She has committed suicide, and she doesn't even have a soul."

The opponent's decisiveness was beyond Gu Zheng's expectations. Now that the opponent is completely dead, it is useless to torture the body in this round. Anyway, she has disappeared from the world.

"That's really cheap for her." Kaohsiung said beside him.

"No, that's possible. Even if she dies, it will still be of great use value."

Gu Zheng also laughed, because the other party seemed to have forgotten something because of his fear, so don't blame him for being rude, even this body can bring him a huge surprise.

Seeing Gu Zheng laughing like this, Kaohsiung couldn't help but shudder, it seemed that someone was going to be unlucky.

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