In the silent open space, there was a burst of joyful shouts from time to time. A small figure, on the ramp built above, kept shuttling back and forth, looking very happy, but she didn't know where it was, so The sound is also so small that you can hardly hear it from outside.

After playing happily for a while, Wan'er was about to stop and leave, but when she got down from the top and was about to leave, she suddenly heard something from the side that made her jump.

"Little girl, is it fun here?"

"Who are you?"

Wan'er turned her head suddenly, and saw a middle-aged man with an unshaven beard, wearing a somewhat worn-out coat, who usually looked slovenly, and anyone who said he was a beggar would believe him.

"You don't know me? But it doesn't matter, is it fun here?" The man was shocked at first, and then laughed at himself.

"I won't tell you, goodbye!" Wan'er snorted coldly, her eyes fixed on the other party, and she slowly backed away.

She didn't know when this man appeared, let alone she felt a deep threat from him, obviously he was an extremely powerful man.

"Then do you want to play something more fun? I still have this, which is much more interesting than you just sitting and running." At this time, the man grabbed it in his hand, and something appeared in her hand, shaking it at her .

"You thing?" Wan'er's eyes lit up, and then she seemed to remember something, but immediately looked at the other party vigilantly.

The man smiled, then grabbed the thing in his hand and threw it into the sky. The next moment, he stepped on it and began to slide skillfully on the slope above. Pretending to be, the flowing hair really has the temperament of some extraterrestrial experts.

"I know you want to sneak into this city. If you want to come in, then follow me. If you can beat me, then I can pretend that you didn't see it, and I can help you enter this city."

During a leap, the man suddenly threw down the same thing, and then on the hillside on the next floor, a downward passage also appeared, and the man jumped into it directly.

"I'm not going to fall for your tricks."

Wan'er is not stupid, she turned her head and walked away, but she stopped when she reached the edge, stretched out her hand to touch the barrier that rose at an unknown time, the strength is not strong, but once she breaks through forcefully, then The movement will definitely attract everyone, maybe you will be surrounded by the other party before you leave.

"It's too bad, but I also have this thing on me, so I don't need you."

Seeing this, Wan'er naturally knew that she seemed to have only one choice. She stomped her foot bitterly, then took out a similar object, injected a few rays of light into it, and threw it forward, and the whole person stood on it , the next moment the figure rushed directly into the entrance of the cave.

This cave leads directly to the bottom, and it takes half a cup of tea before she lands at the bottom, and the man has been waiting for her here, and there is no surprise at all for her coming down.

"Where did you get this thing? It looks much more advanced than mine. You've played with this before?" When the man landed on Wan'er's feet, his eyes lit up, as if he saw something he loved, and he couldn't wait. asked.

"My father gave it to me, but I haven't played it, what are you going to do now." Wan'er said proudly.

Under her feet is an ordinary skateboard, very delicate, it is a toy that Gu Zheng made out of boredom for Wan'er to play with, there are many such things, for him, it is just a matter of raising his hand, but every Wan'er liked it very much, so she simply made a lot of it, and gave it to Wan'er.

At this time, they were in a small cave, and the front stretched all the way. There were spars of both lights on the road, which just made the place not so dark.

"It's very simple. This is a secret passage leading to the city. You and I step on the things under our feet. They cannot be separated or damaged. Whoever arrives first at the end wins." Under the man's feet is actually a finely polished The wood chip is not professional at all, but the charm is there.

"Okay, why not use this thing?" Wan'er still couldn't understand.

"Just treat it as if I like it, and paint this thing on, or you won't be able to get past it."

The man smiled and handed over some bottles. Wan'er opened it and saw that there was a dark liquid inside without any peculiar smell. She didn't know what to do, but she still poured it on the skateboard under her feet and spread it evenly. .

Miraculously, these things were slowly integrated into the inside, and finally disappeared from the outside.

"Ready?" The man glanced at Wan'er and finally asked.

Wan'er nodded, her whole body became one with the wooden board under her feet, her body was slightly bent, and she was ready to start at any time.


The man opened his mouth suddenly, and flew forward like an arrow, and Wan'er followed closely behind him at almost the same time, flying towards the front.

Because above the ground, the formation is also set up, and with the flat ground and spacious space, it feels as smooth as skiing, but it doesn't make any difference whether the soles of Wan'er's feet are there, anyway, she is carrying it forward, so it doesn't matter. Like the man in front, who has been skating by relying on the bottom, even so, he is faster than Wan'er, and it seems that he has not exerted his full strength.

Wan'er mustered all her strength, trying to catch up with her opponent, but found it was useless, and at this time, she had already come to two different passages, one left and one right.

"It's officially starting now, be careful, but don't die here, haha!"

The man in front accelerated, then dropped something in front of him, and rushed into the cave on the left. Wan'er saw it and turned to the cave on the right. At the same time, there was a huge explosion from behind.

"Is he crazy? Is this a game?"

Sensing the movement of the collapse behind her, Wan'er didn't know that if she hadn't dodged out by herself, she might have been injured directly.

But at this time, she didn't even have a way out, and she was extremely annoyed, but she had no other choice but to bite the bullet and move forward.

"Dad told me to be strong!"

Wan'er kept cheering in her heart, accelerated and ran forward again, now there is only one way to go.

Although there was a wall next to it, she knew that after the two of them came here, the two passages became remote, and now it was impossible to sense the situation there.

Soon Wan'er's figure stopped suddenly, because a huge space suddenly appeared in the whole area, and the bottom was not low. Above her head was a layer of formation covering the stone wall, and in front of her was only a passage like a pontoon bridge, leading directly to the middle of the mountain in front of her. , and at the other end, not very far away, there is the same bridge. The man stood on the opposite side of the mountain, smiled and waved at Wan'er, and his figure disappeared.

Wan'er was full of anger and wanted to rush over, but just after taking a step, her body speed slowed down, her whole body seemed to be in an extremely viscous liquid, her strength was at most half useful, and she wanted to go back to the passage that was close at hand. It's hard to do.


But at this time, in the passage behind, there was a thunderous explosion, it seemed that the entire passage was being destroyed, Wan'er was anxious, but even the magic weapon's induction was extremely weak, and she could only look at the back gradually approaching.

A gust of wind blew her body forward a lot. Wan'er was startled, only to realize that the skateboard below was actually carrying her. A flash of lightning flashed across her mind, and her figure immediately accelerated in the next moment. gallop up.

This time it was not against him, but against the skateboard under her feet. The things the other party had smeared on her before could ignore these constraints, but she still couldn't use the magic weapon.

When she crossed the bridge in the middle and reached the opposite bank, a red air wave burst out at the other end, destroying the bridge.

"It's really dangerous, it's almost over." Wan'er looked behind in shock, and then set off again.

This time, she didn't rely on herself, but used the skateboard under her feet to start moving forward. If something like this happened before, if she didn't have extra time for herself, it would be a disaster. She didn't forget the other party's last warning.

Next, Wan'er encountered many dangers along the way. There was a spinning channel like a top, a broken slope that could be passed through with acceleration, and a secret passage that looked like a world of flames. She had to accelerate with all her strength to rush out. Still slightly injured.

Without exception, if there is no skateboard, no one can break in. All kinds of interference have no effect on the skateboard, and only greatly restrict her.

After half a day, Wan'er was very embarrassed and finally came to a spacious cave, and here, the man had been waiting for him here. At this time, she didn't think about winning or losing at all, and she didn't care about her appearance, and rushed directly to the cave. In front of the man, he questioned unceremoniously.

"What do you want to do, if you can't, I'll fight with you, you think I'm afraid of you!"

"Don't be so excited. I haven't reached the finish line, which means you won. You can only rush out as long as you can rush over. Otherwise, don't go in, so as not to startle the snake. Don't blame me for being cruel. The other party sent you over, it is the real cruelty." .” The man smiled, not caring about her attitude, and then said.

"Why I don't understand!" Wan'er felt the sincerity of the other party, and suddenly became confused. Did the other party misunderstand something? She came here secretly, and she didn't represent anyone.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, hold this, this can help you solve many problems, but try not to use it as a last resort, it means that my disguise for countless years will be discovered by the other party, and I will find a way to help you .” The man took out a blue spar like a card, handed it to the other party, and explained how to use this thing.

"You mean, this thing can summon people here?" Hearing the other party's introduction, Wan'er said in surprise and joy.

Even though she was being stupid, she also knew that this person was a friend rather than an enemy, so she couldn't help asking.

"Yes, do you still have people outside? This can only be used to summon people outside. It can only be used in emergency situations, and it can only be used once. You need to apply for supplements." The man was also a little stunned.

Could it be that this girl is just here as a sentinel, and there are still people outside, she lurks in, and it is not easy to attract the attention of the other party, which makes sense.

"Don't ask me about this, tell me the solution?" Wan'er said urgently, not wanting the other party to know.

"I can give you a solution. Even if you want to summon, you need to find a quiet place. It's impossible in this place. My opinion. Find a quiet place above and be ready to summon." The man didn't care about her origin , directly handed over the method to her.

"Thank you, why did you make me suffer before that?" Wan'er made a mental note, and then asked.

"Because the above environment is similar to what you have encountered before, it is to give you some experience in advance, and it may be useful. Since you still have someone coming, take this and let the other party smear it on the wood. Your stuff is good. You can Escape more smoothly." The man tried his best and took out another bottle.

"You should have said it earlier, I was scared to death before." Wan'er complained.

"It's getting late, you'd better go up carefully, it's up to you next time, be careful not to be discovered by others, and I have to clean up the mess here." The man didn't explain, because the situation above would only get worse, he said in advance that he would Let the other party have a fluke mentality.

This opportunity is only once. If the other party exposes you and fails to complete it, that will be the biggest loss.

The man came to the next wall and opened a secret passage leading to it.

"Remember, if you die up there, you are really dead, and no one will save you, unless you have other people, take care!" the man said seriously.

"I know, I will work hard, and I will rescue them." Wan'er also raised her hand and said like an oath.

After finishing speaking, Wan'er rushed into the passage, and footsteps could be heard in the distance, as if someone else was coming from another direction.

"What? Rescued what? Didn't you come to snatch that?" The man looked surprised and said subconsciously.

But Wan'er was gone, and the people above were about to come down, so he could only close the secret passage immediately and destroy the entrance.

"You made such a big noise this time, which unlucky guy was pulled over by you again." An acquaintance in the distance said to the man with a smile.

"Don't mention it, I wanted to try it myself, but I almost had some accidents. You came here to help me clean up." The man responded with the same annoyance as a normal person.

"Farewell, I'll take a look as usual. You said that there is a secret passage. If you insist on playing this, you will probably be punished again."

When the man here was talking casually to the other party, Wan'er had already flown up from the passage.

Seeing that the passage below her was completely blocked, as if the ground was flat, she never thought that it was a secret passage before, so Wan'er had time to look around.

This is a huge warehouse, with many huge boxes sorted, and I don't know what's inside. I can still hear the sound of conversation not far away, still approaching here, from the sound of footsteps It should be four or five people who came to listen.

It's the patrol here!

Wan'er was determined, her position was in a corner of the wall, and under normal circumstances, it was impossible for the other party to find this side.

After waiting patiently for a while, waiting for the other party to stay away from here, Wan'er immediately acted.

She doesn't know anything about this place, but she knows that she needs to find a safe place and call her father over. The only pity is that there is a time limit, and she will be forced to leave here, but her father is also safe. Impossible to trap each other.

Soon she found the way out of the door. Don't look at how tight the outside is, but after entering the inside, it is tight on the outside and loose on the inside. There is no guard at the door, as if they think that there is no possibility of an enemy sneaking in.

In fact, their defense is impeccable. If they want to enter here without being discovered, even if Gu Zheng comes over, it is impossible to do so.

After bowing my waist and going out, I found that this area is full of huge warehouses, and there are fixed patrols outside at regular intervals, but it can be seen that they are just pretending, walking very casually, talking and laughing, where are they? Focus on observing your surroundings.

Wan'er easily slipped past the imperceptible places, and soon came to the only entrance.

At this time, she was hiding in a corner not far away, carefully looking at the exit, thinking how to get out, because this place was also surrounded by an endless barrier, and if she wanted to go out without being found, she had to go out through the exit.

However, the position of the entrance is not as tight as the city gate, but there are still a few people guarding it closely. They are just relaxing, but it feels a bit too difficult to go out under the eyes of the other party.

However, she also wanted to try it out. After all, the strength of the guards was only Jinxian. As long as she cast a concealment spell on herself, it was very likely that she would be able to slip out.

"Don't move, what are you doing here?"

Just when she was about to carry out the plan, a voice came from behind her, making her body stiff, then slowly turned her head, and found a good-looking boy standing behind her with a small square box in his hand.

"Who are you? Why do you care about me?" Seeing that the other party's cultivation was only at the early stage of Golden Immortal, Wan'er immediately became more courageous, and instead asked.

"If you want to leave here, it is impossible to get there by hiding. Unlike cultivation, there is an induction formation over there, and it is impossible for the peak Da Luo to hide. If you want to go out, follow me, and I will take you out." The boy said kindly.

"You don't want to lie to me. If you don't leave, I won't be polite." Wan'er refused directly.

"I'm not lying to you. If I'm not mistaken, you and your mentor are related by blood. I'm the lucky person he once pointed out. Otherwise, when I saw you, if it was someone else, I would call someone to arrest you." .”

The young man was the Adou whom Gu Zheng pointed out at the beginning. From the time he saw Wan'er, he knew the general relationship with the other party, so he could confirm it at a glance. He never thought that he would meet Wan'er just to get something With the blood of the mentor, that feeling can't be wrong.

"Then what's my father's name?" Hearing this, Wan'er was very surprised. She didn't expect that it was still her father's person, and she also thought about why the other party wanted to persuade her. If it was an enemy, how could she still talk to the other party? There are still too few of them. Fortunately, they are all from our own people.

"I just accidentally heard someone say that the surname is Gu. It's very unsafe here. Why don't you go back with me first. My current mentor is also my master's friend. Thanks to him, I have lived safely until now." Adou immediately persuaded road.

This time Wan'er did not refuse, she believed in the other party a little bit, but her heart was warm, it seemed that her father was everywhere, and if she encountered difficulties, she would come out to help her, even if he was not by her side.

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