Above the sky, the people surrounded by a circle of black, without the desperate struggle of the previous few days, separated in a very tacit understanding.

Although it was only three days, the total number of deaths on both sides exceeded hundreds. It can be said that these deaths are their biggest loss since the confrontation, and both sides feel extremely distressed.

There is no way that the space is too small, and any random attack may cause a large area to be affected. After barely fighting for three days, most of their deaths were accidents caused by the fighting next to them.

Both sides are very heartbroken, but both sides are strange and not sad, on the contrary, they both seem to be a little excited, and they seem to have achieved their goals. Naturally, the leader of the station also noticed the unusualness of the other side, feeling very strange in his heart, turned his head towards Commander Tian next to him asked.

"What is the other party doing? I am trapped here. Maybe the next one has almost collapsed at this time, and I can still laugh now."

"Who knows, anyway, the time is almost up, and it can be opened. There is no need to fight the opponent here, or we will not have a few left." Commander Tian shrugged and said.

In the previous battles, none of them stepped forward, but he was not idle either, maintaining the surrounding defenses with the commander of the station was not a small waste.

"Well, I'll put it away!"

The leader of the station also felt the same, three days was enough to defeat the opponent, and after seeing the scene below, their hearts were shaken enough to prevent them from exerting their perfect strength.

With the casting of the Tai Commander's spell, the surrounding black mist quickly dissipated in the air. After a dozen or so breaths, the surroundings suddenly became clear, regardless of enemy or friend, and everyone looked down one after another, and the faces on both sides suddenly changed.

When Ao Ming saw it, he couldn't suppress the joy in his heart. It seemed that their adventure was a success.

You must know that even before, he had at most 50% of the hope of fighting for 70% compared to the ancients. If he failed, then I am afraid that the sea of ​​handover would not belong to them.

But behind the risk is also a huge opportunity. Although it is still impossible to win the handover sea, the other party has lost so many subordinates. It will not be possible for them to recover after tens of thousands of years. Or simply put, the other party will never be able to recover. The resources of their small world have been unable to cultivate so many masters.

The commanders of Taiwan also showed shocked expressions. They didn't expect that the sure thing would fail, especially Commander Tian's face turned pale, because of the consequences this time, they could imagine their consequences, but how could he? Unexpectedly, within three days, all the people below had been captured.

"Go to hell!"

The other party was still in shock, and suddenly there was a violent shout in the air, and then in the air, a golden giant sword with a height of hundreds of feet suddenly appeared, like a huge mountain peak, exuding a terrifying aura, and the thick sword edge was at this moment It seems that it is wider than the gathering of these people, giving people the illusion that the golden sword wants to smash them to death.

But at this time, these people can't be allowed to think too much. Seeing the people of Neptune next to them retreat, so as not to be affected, they are constantly responding to the above measures.

They dare not face such an astonishing attack one-on-one, but now that they have so many people, how can they be afraid of an attack that only has the peak of Da Luo, even if the other party seems to be unable to continue with a few peaks of Da Luo.

There was no defense at all, and all kinds of attacks shot up into the sky like fireworks, exploding on the surface of the golden sword one after another.

Although each of them seems inconspicuous, under so many attacks, the speed immediately decreased greatly. From the speed of lightning before, it directly became like a cow crawling, advancing in the mid-air above their heads with difficulty. The panting momentum in people's hearts disappeared at this time.

A person is very strong, facing opponents of the same level, if the number of opponents reaches three digits, if you can't escape, you can only wait for death. Even if you hold the Xiantian Lingbao, you will at most lose a dozen lives.

Even Gu Zheng didn't dare to show his head, otherwise he would cease to exist after a few breaths.

Soon the second round of attacks came from below again, this time the huge giant sword couldn't bear it anymore, only to see huge cracks appearing outside, and with a sudden flash of golden light on his body, a huge explosion rose in the air, like A huge mushroom cloud, the bright golden light is even more stinging, like the sun hanging in the sky, it is impossible to look directly at it.

The people below looked away slightly, and they didn't pay much attention to the frightening explosion.

From the beginning to the end, it only took two blinks. Some people began to search who was attacking them, while others turned their heads to look at Commander Tian, ​​wanting to know what to do next.

Although they don't know what's going on below, it's obvious that they have completely failed. The only luck is that they didn't lose much at the top, but they didn't have the advantage like before, at least they still had to fight.

Commander Tian also lowered his head, looked at the situation below, and felt that Ao Ming next to him seemed to be ready to move, and wanted to think about whether the next thing was to go or to fight, but many people exclaimed instantly in his ears , Someone even called him directly, making him raise his head subconsciously, wanting to see what happened.

But before he raised his head, a golden light appeared from the corner of his eyes, and at the same time, a threat of death appeared in his heart, but before he could do anything, the golden light was already on his body.

"Puff" "Bang"

Several temporary protections were raised, and there was a magic weapon that automatically jumped out to defend. It jumped out just in time, and was directly defeated by the golden light.


Commander Tian didn't know what happened at all, and forced a meaningless sound from his mouth, and then his whole body was radiant with gold, and exploded, and a weapon flew out of it again, while the others were still in shock and didn't pay attention, he directly Flee into the air and disappear.

Commander Tai who was not far away happened to see the whole process. The golden light bursting from the top of his head suddenly appeared, and the speed was so fast that even if he saw it with his own eyes, if the attack was him, he would not have time to defend, and the end would be similar to that of Commander Tian. His strength is comparable to his own, and if the opponent can't stop him, he can't stop him either.

The menacing attack before was intended to confuse them from the beginning to the end, and when they thought they had blocked the attack and just relaxed, the attack that had been prepared for a long time came out.

As for the results of the battle, even Commander Tian was killed by the opponent in one blow, and the opponent was already waiting outside for them to come out.

I was a little scared in my heart, but luckily the other party's goal was Commander Tian, ​​who was in charge of this place. In theory, his status was half a head higher than his own, let alone the role of the other party.

Immediately, he twisted and saw that many people were panicking, not knowing what to do. He also reacted from shock when he saw the other side. It seemed that the other party did not know about this matter and was already preparing to attack. Drink, the sound resounds throughout the sky.

"Everyone, retreat immediately!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately retreated towards the back, and the people he brought along left without saying a word, and the people who reacted quickly also turned their heads and turned into a stream of light and left.

But there were still a dozen or so people who didn't figure it out. When they wanted to leave, they suddenly found that the enemy had surrounded them.

"I surrender!"

Before the other party could make a move, a man in the middle suddenly raised his hands and shouted.

This made Ao Ming stunned, he didn't expect that the other party would still do this kind of operation, but looking at the people around him, he also understood that no matter how hard the other party struggled, there would be no second result, and the other party seemed to be the one behind , who is not a resident here, can understand a little bit.

"Whoever wants to die, I'll satisfy him!" He, who had won a great victory, said vigorously at this time.

Of the remaining solitary Baimeng, only one person launched a death charge without hesitation, and the others surrendered very wisely, allowing the other party to bind and seal themselves.

It wasn't until this time that Gu Zheng slowly fell from the sky. Beside him was a comatose Ao Yuan. The two consecutive releases almost drained everything from her. Even if she was a dragon, she couldn't hold on. live.

However, the effect is also extremely astonishing. Commander Tian with the same level of cultivation almost pierced his heart to death without any reaction, because the opponent's magic weapon had already perished with the phantom on the first floor. He was blocked by the opponent.

"Gu Zheng, here!" Ao Ming, who had re-formed into a human form, waved directly at Gu Zheng, signaling him to come over.

"It was you who sneaked up on Commander Tian just now. It was really amazing. It seemed like you wanted to fight, but now you have avoided a meaningless battle." Before Gu Zheng approached, Ao Ming said happily.

The results of this battle were so great that he couldn't believe it. To put it bluntly, the sum of all his credits for coming here was less than half of this time.

"It's still thanks to Ao Yuan, otherwise I would be able to do it, even if I have the ability to reach the sky." Gu Zheng came to Ao Ming and said with self-knowledge.

Ao Ming asked a few people to pick up Ao Yuan, and then ordered them to take her down to rest well. The other party probably won't wake up in a short time, so she said with a smile.

"We all know her ability, but even if we know the current situation, we can't deal with so many people at once, not to mention that you still seriously injured all of them. This precise control is really amazing. " Ao Ming said sincerely.

It seems that the task for a group of golden immortals and heavenly immortals is definitely not easy for them. Not to mention how tight the time is, but also to ensure that the other party does not die, it is simply too difficult.

You must know that if you take a step too late, the other party will react and rush to where they are. It can be said that it is useless to fight together. Maybe they will fall into the defeated state they thought before.

Anyway, they all think that they can't do it. If the number of people is reduced to more than 10,000, it's okay to say, and they can still try.

Gu Zheng just smiled. In fact, only he knows that the real credit is still Void Spirit. After the other party has dropped the weight and unblocked it, under his own careful observation, even in retreat, he can feel the speed of the other party's strength improvement, which is much faster than Despite his belief, he was even thinking that if he hadn't advanced to the rank of quasi-sage, the other party might have already passed, which shows the terrifying speed of progress of the other party.

Take this time as an example, the other party's just a little bit of consciousness is enough to accurately complete the task given to him by Gu Zheng. He just needs to watch it. Just how much progress has been made.

Ao Ming wanted to say something else, but a subordinate quickly flew up from below and said in a panic.

"It's not good, Miss Hai ran out by herself just now, as if she was chasing the enemy."

"Nonsense, why is he going crazy at this time, doesn't he know that the other party is not injured?" Hearing this, Ao Ming immediately became a little anxious.

"The subordinate also persuaded her, but she said that after thousands of years of practice, she can definitely defeat the other party, especially now that the other party is defeated and there is no better chance." The subordinate said a little aggrieved.

"Forget it, let her suffer and see how bold she is next time!"

Even though he said that, Ao Ming still had countless worries in his eyes, but in the current situation, he couldn't leave him at all, the things above and the things below couldn't bypass him at all.

"Well, tell me what's going on, anyway, I'm fine now, no matter how bad it is, I can bring Ao Hai back." Gu Zheng on the side spoke in a considerate manner.

"Thank you so much, I'll send a few more people to follow later, so as not to encounter danger, just in case!" Even if Gu Zheng didn't say anything, he would still request it. In fact, other masters in the past would not be opponents of the opponent. , only the ancient struggle can be reassuring.


Gu Zheng didn't reject the opponent at all, after all, who knows what dangers are on the way.

Soon under Ao Ming's arrangement, ten masters at the peak of Da Luo came over. If there are too many people, it is too easy to be exposed, and if there are few people, it is not safe. If the other party knows and Ao Hai follows them, it will be very troublesome. Gu Zheng After saying hello to these people, he took Ao Ming to find him the sensor stone of the other party, and left here in a hurry, so that he could find the other party as soon as possible and feel at ease sooner.

From a simple understanding just now, it was nothing more than a long time ago, the two had a battle, and the result was naturally Ao Hai lost, and she, who refused to admit defeat, took the opportunity to take revenge and go back, of course the little Jiujiu in her heart also understood.

Because this time, she also blocked those people, and actually seemed dissatisfied with her achievements, and wanted to get a big guy to prove herself.

After hiding their figures along the way, Gu Zheng took them all the way and flew towards the distance.

At the place where Baimeng was temporarily stationed, there were no people there, but they quickly caught up with them, and left quietly after not noticing Ao Hai's whereabouts.

The remnants of the opponent's forces are all here, and they are very vigilant, just to prevent the Dragon King's team from chasing them, but they don't know that the Dragon King's side is consuming the previous things, and they don't have much interest in them at all. The opponent is desperate.

After running along the traces of the induction stone for three days in a row, I finally felt the exact aura of the other party. From the second day on, there were many traces of fighting. Obviously, they had already handed over hands.

"That is!"

Just when they found out the exact location of the other party, suddenly a terrifying aura rose there, and immediately the ten people from Gu Zheng flew towards that side with all their strength without hiding their figures.

Ten breaths of time passed by in the blink of an eye, and Gu Zheng and ten other people were suspended in the air with ugly expressions, looking at the person in front of them with an uneasy expression.

At this time, Ao Hai fell into the other party's hands unconsciously, and even pinched her neck with one hand, controlling her whole body.

"Hehe, you guys are a bit slow in coming!" The leader of Taiwan looked at Gu Zheng and the others with a bright smile.

"Let him go!" Gu Zheng said expressionlessly, knowing that it was nonsense, he had to delay for a while, and at the same time, he was looking for opportunities to rescue the other party.

"Don't think about it, I know that the attack just now was launched by you, and even the following situation is your means, right?" Give them a little chance.

What made Gu Zheng's eyes shrink even more was that not far away, more than a dozen enemies whose cultivation base was not weaker than theirs flew over slowly, and then stood behind the leader of the station, looking at them.

This time, from the perspective of strength, the opponent is not weaker than them, not to mention that there are hostages in the hands of the opponent now, which makes them even more cautious.

"If you dare to hurt him, no matter where you go, you won't be able to survive." Seeing this, Gu Zheng had no choice but to threaten the other party, lest the other party kill him this time.

"I know! I'm confident that I can't stop the Dragon King's pursuit, even if the other party doesn't personally attack him."

Contrary to Gu Zheng's expectations, the other party's attitude at this time is completely different from before. He remembered that before, he had to think hard to kill the other party. If he was really late last time, he was not sure whether Ao Yuan would die or not. , but Mo Ang is dead.

"Since you know, why are you still taking her with you? After you go back, no matter what she suffers, you will have nothing to do with it." Gu Zheng thought about it, staring at the other party, wanting to know what the other party was thinking.

"I know, but she's a bit overconfident. She has only brute strength. It may be effective against other people, but against us water monsters, that's asking for trouble. Next time, if you want to kill me, you can ask me out secretly .”

What surprised Gu Zheng again was that when the other party's voice had just finished speaking, he threw Ao Hai over. Give stun.

"Take it back. If I fall into your hands, for today's sake, remember to give me back my freedom."

After leaving this sentence, the leader of the station took his and left here, which made the side a little stunned.

Especially those in the back, who thought there was no hope at first, or they would go through a fierce battle, but they just said a few words so plainly, and then the other party gave up and returned the things.

Especially the last sentence of the other party, it seemed that he felt that he was not the opponent of the other party at all, but it seemed somewhat understandable when he thought of the shocking blow that killed Commander Tian in seconds.

Feeling the gaze behind him, Gu Zheng naturally wouldn't feel that the other party was afraid of him. Thinking of the changes before and now, it seems that this loyal and brainwashed water demon has also awakened his own thoughts.

"Let's go back!"

Gu Zheng raised his hand and led Ao Hai and the others back the same way.

Anyway, at least Ao Hai is back, and someone will take care of his affairs in the future.

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