On the other side of the border sea, it is only three days away from the hidden place where the ancient dispute is located.

At this time, on the island, the killing sound was already shaking the sky, and shocking explosions sounded everywhere, and the periphery of the entire island was smashed to pieces, leaving only the land fixed by the formation, or it would have sunk long ago .

In the sky and on the ground, there are battles everywhere. Countless monsters of different shapes, both sides of countless human figures, are dying all the time.

In such a situation, even the people below who participated in the lowest level of battle were all celestial beings, they kept charging like a mortal battle, and finally fell in a pool of blood, each of them had to pull the other party to die together before dying.

Therefore, on the ground, from time to time, sudden self-explosions, ups and downs, and sometimes people around them don't know what's going on, they are involved, and they die for no reason.

This is not the most terrifying, but the attack that falls from time to time in the air. If the person below is within the range of the opponent, he will definitely die.

The ground was in a mess, and the sky was similar, densely packed like locusts, the Golden Immortal stage masters fought with the enemy. Although most of them were one-on-one, sometimes the enemy sneaked up from behind. If they were hit, they would surely die. It doesn't even give you time to leave the battlefield. Every moment, both the enemy and the enemy are falling and dying completely.

This was an extremely tragic battle. After five days of resistance, all the formations were filled with the lives of the opponent. In the past, no matter what they said, they cherished the lives of their subordinates very much. After all, they have been cultivated for a long time Come out, but now it is really crazy, thousands of people died, and finally the formation outside was forcibly broken.

At this time, everyone knew that it was time to go all out. There were a total of 60,000 people here, most of whom were around the Heavenly Immortals, some were Golden Immortals, and even fewer were Da Luos. Higher up, or at other distances, there was also heavy fighting.

It seems that Baimeng has a large number of people, but they are at a disadvantage against the Dragon King of the same level, because they don't have a good magic weapon in their hands. This time with all their strength, they finally know how rich the opponent is.

The wealth of the Dragon King is well known in the world, not to mention the army jointly built by the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, naturally they will not treat them badly, and give them all good things. On the other hand, in Baimeng, the poorer ones are like beggars.

There is no way, although there are many small thousand worlds, but the supplies are scarce, and I still need to use it internally, so I can only feel wronged a little.

That's why they worked so hard to severely injure the opponent, and the opponent took out a elixir and ate it in a blink of an eye, or simply put a powerful defense to block it and then left the battle.

On the side of the Dragon King, who has many protections, the death rate is actually much lower than theirs. Most of them retreated from different injuries, and went directly to the large spirit gathering array behind to start recuperating.

Soon the sky gradually darkened, and the people who were fighting fiercely separated slowly, and each retreated back. The Dragon King took advantage of the night to speed up the deployment of various formations, although he knew that these formations would block the opponent for a while at most and would be broken , but also to gain this little time,

Although Baimeng wanted to take advantage of the night to fight fiercely with the other party, but in the melee under the night, even they might lose their sight, so that if there were too many people, they would kill each other, so they gave up their thoughts.

At the temporary command point on the Baimeng side, Commander Tai and others are sitting here, and sitting on the main seat is also a water demon, speaking of which he is his senior, and the longest-serving water demon here.

The water demon above is already old at this time, with his eyes closed, no one dares to ignore the other party. In terms of strength, I am afraid that he can compete with him here, and only Lanqin can be called an opponent. , even Lanqin couldn't stop it, the others really didn't notice it.

"What's the result this time?"

The water demon opened his eyes, and asked indifferently to the following.

"My lord, this time we lost more than 1,000 Celestial Immortals, more than 400 Golden Immortals, and three Da Luos." One of the leaders who was in charge of the place stood up and said.

This person and the leader of the station are in the first place. Although he is not from the water monster family, he is the opponent's confidant, and his strength and command are good.

"Commander Tian, ​​what about the other party's loss?" The old water demon stared at the other party, and although his tone was still normal, it made Commander Tian feel cold in his heart.

"This time we met, this guy is becoming less and less able to see the fluctuations in his heart. I will report it later and need to re-examine."

Thoughts flashed through Commander Tian's mind, but he still said respectfully, with a good gesture, "The opponent's loss is estimated to be less than half of ours. Only Da Luo and us died the same three times, and it was because we all died together."

"Not much difference, yes!"

The old water demon didn't blame the other party, after all, the strength of both sides was there.

"In just seven days, the opponent will absolutely collapse. At that time, the opponent will not be able to come here. After completely defeating this place, we can still leave calmly, but the loss is a bit big."

"No matter how big it is, it's worth it. At dawn tomorrow, send more people. Don't give them time to breathe. All of you are here. I'm waiting for your good news." The old water demon said directly.


Everyone below stood up in unison and said in unison.

"My lord, if you act, it is estimated that in three days, we can completely defeat each other with less loss." At this time, the leader of Taiwan put forward their previously unified opinions in private, and only he can say it.

"I know what you're thinking, but there's an order from over there. I'm going to the second world ahead to set up a blocking line of defense and help the defeated team buy some time. A quasi-sage has already died."

"How is it possible? How did the other party die!"

It's a pity that the old water demon can't fight, but no one can disobey the order above, but the death of a higher level is beyond everyone's imagination.

Everyone knows that after Xiangxiang was robbed, everyone here began to become tense. Many people didn't know what was going on. They didn't know until not long ago. Everyone didn't know how serious it was. But at that time, the front line had already collapsed. Now It is retreating rapidly, and this is the emergency battle this time.

But although I don't quite understand why a single girl can cause countless armies to collapse, but I finally know why I was trapped at this junction before and dare not go out. The feeling is because the other party was caught here, so I made great progress all the way. Confused many people.

But it was absolutely unexpected that one of the lofty quasi-sages would fall.

"My lord, can you tell me what's going on? Why did you suddenly say sacrifice and sacrifice?" one of the subordinates asked impatiently.

The others also looked at him with burning eyes, and everyone wanted to know.

"There's nothing to hide. The opponent shot illegally, killed dozens of enemies, and was directly killed by Ao Guang. No one helped him." The old water demon shrugged.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. It was the same person who asked the question before. This time, he couldn't help but continue to ask, "We really want to know why people above the quasi-sage can't make a move. Is there anyone watching?"

"I really know something about this, I can tell you." The old water demon said slowly, as if searching for a memory in his mind, and he continued after a while.

"With no one to supervise, these rules can be said to be established by oneself. If you kill other people innocently, there will be some kind of bad results. It can be said that everyone established it together, and everyone consciously abides by it."

"Why?" the man continued.

"Because you can shoot to kill others, and others can also shoot. The person who kills you, at this level, unless he can perfectly leave no evidence, or it will never end, so he consciously maintains it. Of course, the person who is directly opposite Fighting, that kind of life and death will not involve anyone, and it is a tacit understanding shared by everyone."

"Okay, when you reach this level, you will naturally know that the Taiwan Commander is staying, and I have something to tell you, the others should leave." The old water demon didn't say much, and directly issued an expulsion order.

While discussing here, on the Dragon King's side, led by Ao Ming and Ao Hai, they are also discussing collectively.

Although they were victorious from the scene during the day, they were not very happy. Although the death rate was greatly reduced, the wounded were not reduced, and the opponent also had a lot of people. If the offensive is more violent, their casualties will increase greatly within a few days. Once the resistance declines, it will be a huge disaster.

Everyone discussed and discussed, but they couldn't find a solution. Finally, Ao Ming let out a long sigh.

"What is the other party thinking? Do you want to cripple your mistakes and die with us?"

Although they couldn't please in the end, the opponent also lost a lot, at least 50% more power than them.

"It's all my fault. If it weren't for us, how could we be blocked here by the opponent. If it was in the base camp, the opponent would not dare to attack even if they had ten guts." Ao Hai next to him blamed himself.

After discovering Ao Qing's traces, she wasn't sure, and then she found Ao Ming, and the two of them planned to lead the team to test it out, but they were blocked when they came out. They sent many elites, but they didn't expect all of them to be blocked here.

"It's not bad for you, it's also my suggestion to come here together, don't think about it, let's do it today, go back and have a good rest, I'm thinking of other ways." Haiming said comfortingly, and said to the following.

There is still a fierce battle tomorrow, so we must seize every minute of rest.

Everyone nodded, and quickly left here, only Ao Ming and Ao Hai were left.

"It's getting late, there will be fierce battles tomorrow, I'm afraid you and I will have to fight, go to rest early." Ao Ming said to Ao Hai with sideways eyes.

"I'm thinking, should we break through as soon as possible, although the loss will be bigger, at least we won't be in the final stage." Ao Hai didn't get up to leave, but said seriously.

"We haven't reached that point yet, maybe the opponent changed his mind because of too many casualties, or if our support comes, it will be very easy soon." Ao Ming said with a smile.

He understood what she meant, but in that case, someone with weight must be in charge to attract the other party's attention, but seeing what Ao Hai meant, he obviously wanted to use himself as a trump card, so naturally he couldn't agree.

"How is it possible? It's better to count on our reinforcements than to count on the other party to become pigs." Ao Hai smiled, "I think you should think about it."

"My lord, someone came in from outside, saying that they are our reinforcements and need to see you."

At this moment, a messenger from outside came in and said to the two of them.

Ao Hai and Ao Ming looked at each other, and they both saw a strange fluctuation in each other's eyes. It was unbelievable that the result came in a blink of an eye after what they said before, but more is still possible.

At this juncture, he suddenly ran over and told the reinforcements that it would be a ghost if he believed it.

After gathering his composure, Ao Ming asked, "How many people are there, do you know each other?"

"There is only one person, and the other party is suddenly outside the gate, asking to see you, saying that there are tokens from Princess Ao Yuan and Prince Mo'ang." The orderly said quickly.

"Oh? During the battle today, someone said this. It seems that Mo Ang escaped and rescued Ao Yuan." Ao Hai frowned.

"I really didn't pay attention, but I knew it when I saw it." Ao Ming felt that the reinforcements might really be coming, but it seemed that they couldn't turn the situation around just by relying on their few people.

Ao Ming and Ao Hai walked directly towards the outside, and soon came to the outermost place, where one could see a young looking man standing there with an extraordinary aura, and there were more than a dozen of them around him. The master on the side was looking at the opponent nervously, but the opponent was very relaxed.

Seeing this, Ao Hai felt a little convinced, after all, if he entered here alone, even that old water demon would be beaten into a pig's head.

"My friend, how about coming in first?"

In terms of emotion and reason, even if the other party is an enemy who wants to die, he can't keep the other party out.

"Stick what you want, don't dare to ask for it!"

Gu Zheng who was outside smiled slightly, and then walked in without any precautions, as if he hadn't seen the people glaring at him on both sides.

Soon in an ordinary room, Gu Zheng, Ao Hai, and Ao Ming settled down.

This is an apparently abandoned room, with an ordinary stone table in the middle, and a few stools that were made recently. Other than that, there is nothing else. Of course, there are guards who just followed outside. If there is any movement inside, I'm afraid I'm going to rush in and give Gu Zheng a look.

"Okay, no one bothers me now, do you represent Mo Ang?" Ao Ming smiled at Gu Zheng.

"Yes, but I know you won't believe me. This is Mo Ang's and Ao Yuan's token, and here is a message from Mo Ang for you." Gu Zheng took out a few things and placed them directly on the table.

A water polo exuding blue light, an envelope that looks a bit worn out, and a cute doll woven from unknown things.

The last two are keepsakes, which may be the stories between them, and the front is Mo Ang's message to Ao Ming.

Seeing the familiar things, Ao Ming and Ao Hai were relieved at this time. I am afraid that only they can know the coldness of these tokens. Looking at Gu Zheng's gaze is completely different.

He still had a lot of defenses before, but now he looks like a good friend he hasn't seen for many years, without any defenses.

"Let me listen to what the other party told me. It's really inexplicable that I have to do so extravagantly with the token." Ao Ming smiled and picked up the blue water polo, and then prepared to hear what the other party had to say.

This kind of temporary water polo can only store a few words at most, probably to make him trust the person in front of him.

With the flash of light from the blue water polo, Mo Ang's voice came out.

"Ao Ming, you kid, hurry up and listen to our plan. You can definitely turn defeat into victory. Don't forget to return my things. You promise to buy me a drink when you remember, haha!"

The last laugh with a slight change of voice made people laugh, and they probably understood the meaning.

"Well, it seems that your situation is good, at least I am relieved."

It was also embarrassing for Ao Ming, the other party called out his name on this occasion, fortunately he didn't mention it specifically, otherwise his reputation would have been wiped out, and there were still many people outside who could hear the movement inside.

"Except for a few who died on the way out of the siege, everyone came out safely." Gu Zheng simply echoed and brought the topic back.

"Ao Ming and the others are not far away outside, but they didn't lurk in because they were afraid of attracting the other party's attention. This time we came here to help you, how can we turn this battle into victory."

"How is it possible? Even if all of you come up, there will be a hundred more masters, which may help us in the high-end battle situation, but the number of people below, whether it is the Golden Immortal Stage or the Celestial Immortal Stage, is far lower than the other party. It won't help, unless your number is increased by ten times, you can directly push through." Ao Hai next to him retorted subconsciously.

"Normally speaking, you are right, but you ignored two people." Gu Zheng smiled, ignoring the exaggerated words of the other party.

"Those two people? I know there must be Ao Yuan. The other party's special ability is too strong. Could it be that the other person is you?" Ao Ming looked Gu Zheng up and down, and it didn't look like there was anything special.

Apart from being handsome and imposing, he also looks very ordinary. As for his cultivation, there are many of them here, including himself. His father is a quasi-sage boss, and there is nothing amazing about the other party.

"Of course it's me!" Gu Zheng said without humility this time.

"It's not that I can't trust you, it's just you? Even if it's Ao Yuan's talent, it's enough to kill a hundred or ten people with low strength. The overall situation is useless at all." Ao Ming said bluntly.

Gu Zheng didn't expect the other party to believe him as soon as he opened his mouth, so he simply pointed to the token in their arms, and anyone could see the meaning in it.

"As long as you follow our plan, I will help you eradicate the opponent's middle and low-level. As long as the opponent's low-end losses reach a certain level, we will be safe. As long as we wait half a month longer, the Dragon King will come with an army. If you don't retreat, it can be said that the whole army is wiped out." Gu Zheng said confidently.

"Xiangxiang was rescued? But there are too many people on the other side, can you alone?"

In an instant, Ao Ming and the others understood the meaning of Gu Zheng, and probably knew what the opponent's plan was, but with so many people, it would be good if he could kill at most a thousand people.

"Just because I killed Lanqin alone and rescued Xiangxiang, I have this confidence."

"And sometimes, it is not necessary to let the opponent die, as long as they lose their fighting power, the result is the same."

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