Not to mention Gu Zheng, even the old man looked at him strangely, looked him up and down, and then spoke.

"How come you don't know, judging by your appearance, you shouldn't have come from some unborn place."

"I don't think this issue is too important. When the other party was showing off, I heard with my own ears that the other party had not yet fully transformed and had a time limit. Perhaps this was the reason for the conflict. At that time, I thought the chance of winning was certain, but I couldn't hold it. , That's when I said it." Gu Zheng pondered for a moment, then said.

"An apostle who hasn't been completely transformed? How could he become independent?" The old man frowned first, and then let go, "Maybe it's because we've been here for too long, and we don't know what's going on outside. After all, when we failed, the Demon Lord Still fighting around, and now I don’t know what’s going on outside.”

"Could this be a bigger little world?"

Gu Zheng nodded silently when he heard his words, but thought in his heart with doubts.

Although there are almost no Great Thousand Worlds in the future, all of them have evolved into planets everywhere, and they have completely come down from the prehistoric world and become part of the Great Desolate World. Xiaoqianshijie uses the aura that is richer inside than outside to cultivate disciples.

Moreover, in the prehistoric world, it is impossible for such a large-scale war not to have no news spread, and it seems that no one has heard of who the devil is in the opponent's mouth.

"However, if what you just said is correct, then it is really our chance. Once the other party falls into weakness, it is the time for the other party's death. Just leave it to us." The old man continued, not hiding the anger in his heart.

It seems that the identity of the apostle here has brought great harm to the other party. I don't know how much time has passed, and the hatred has not diminished at all.


Gu Zheng nodded and did not compete with the opponent. Although the old man's strength is not at its peak, the opponent is not alone, otherwise he would not be so confident.

He was thinking in his heart, after finishing the other party, how to leave here at that time, the other party lived here for so long, and the other party pulled him in again, maybe there is a way to send him out again, but wait until Captain Hei is solved .

"bang bang bang"

At this time, the ground suddenly trembled, and there were dull sounds from outside, as if something was being destroyed outside.

"Let me see!" The old man immediately closed his eyes, and opened them again after a few breaths, his face was much uglier,

"What's the matter?" Although Gu Zheng already knew the answer in his heart from the sound, he still asked.

"The apostle wreak havoc on the top, trying to force your figure out, and has already injured many of my clansmen, and we can't break the invincible barrier on the other party, so we can only bear it passively." The old man hammered He knocked down the table in front of him, made a loud noise, and said bitterly and helplessly.

"Since you are looking for me, then I will solve it myself." Gu Zheng stood up and said without waiting for the other party to speak.

"Although I really miss you here, but if the other party spreads to a larger extent, those clansmen who can't afford it will suffer serious casualties. If necessary, we will help you." The old man said sincerely.

"No need, the opponent's strength is not as good as mine, but relying on the invincible enchantment, I have suffered a loss. I have enough ways to drag the opponent outside to protect him and fade away. Whether it is a day or a year, please open a release for me." He has a passage, and I can leave the rest to me." Gu Zheng waved his hand and said bluntly.

At this time, he didn't suffer any major injuries, and he recovered after a few breaths.

"Then I wish you luck. Don't try to break the opponent's barrier. Even someone stronger than you can't break it. Even if the opponent is an untransformed apostle, the strength of the body will not decrease."

After the old man ordered again, without seeing any movement, a tunnel leading to an unknown direction was opened on one side.

Gu Zheng arched his hands, and then left here through the tunnel. When he appeared, he found himself in a small open space in the middle of the forest, and in the distance, he could see Captain Hei, who was mad, flying in the air. The captain continued to attack indiscriminately below, and many broken branches continued to explode on the ground, and he kept roaring in his mouth.

"Where are you, come out to me."

Gu Zheng glanced at the other party in disdain, and just wanted to find himself, and it would be impossible for the other party to find himself in ten thousand years. Thinking of the mission of the old man, he also flew up directly, swaggering and flying in mid-air to reveal his figure, far away Shouted to Captain Black.

"You, even I can't stand it anymore. You're stupid enough. I'm going to wait until your invincibility fades away. Then it will be your death."

"You want me to die? You can't kill me in ten thousand years!" Captain Hei was overjoyed when he saw that Gu Zheng dared to come out. .

With the preparations for the ancient battle, this time there is no reckless confrontation with the opponent at all. The time just now was enough for the two of them to get rid of the discomfort in their bodies and recover their cultivation.

But I don't know if it's because of the opening of the invincible barrier, the opponent's speed is not too slow, and with some special spells, he can catch up with Gu Zheng, even though Gu Zheng has been dragging the opponent for a while. The idea of ​​a circle, at this time also has to fight against the opponent, and then look for opportunities to escape.

However, Gu Zheng soon discovered that although the opponent's overall strength was much stronger, his perception ability seemed to have also declined a lot, and he immediately paid attention.

After half a day, Gu Zheng began to play hide-and-seek with the other party, and sometimes he would deliberately hide himself, luring the other party to chase after his clone, and when the other party was about to catch up, he would reveal his real body not far away, watching When the other party was observing left and right, the avatar didn't run away at all, and exploded beside the other party with a bang.

Even if there is no harm at all, it can still make the other party ashamed, and Captain Hei roars in anger, chasing Gu Zheng desperately, and can't tolerate other people in his eyes.

With the state of invincibility, he is in a state of rage, and his basic thinking seems to be much duller. Gu Zheng is the only goal in his heart. Apart from this, he can't see any other shortcomings.

This little flaw, when facing Gu Zheng, was enough for him to lose half of Gu Zheng's clothes.

A little more than three days passed by, Captain Hei who was chasing Gu Zheng, suddenly the light on the surface of his body flickered twice, and the whole person stopped, no longer chasing Gu Zheng.

"Oh? The effect you were relying on to maintain disappeared?" Gu Zheng raised his brows in the distance, then stopped and said to Captain Hei.

"It's just temporarily stopped, but when I reply, I will naturally continue to hunt you down. I want to ask you, how many things can you recover here? I'm afraid there are at most a few life-saving things. You can still play with me more. Otherwise, I will regret it too soon." Captain Hei didn't show any fear on his face, but taunted Gu Zheng instead.

Gu Zheng rushed towards him from a distance, but he was still a little late. The opponent quickly landed on the ground, and a layer of black shield was raised, covering the opponent inside, making it impossible to see what was going on inside.

"Don't look at it, I'm recovering my strength inside, you can absorb the aura here."

While Gu Zheng was observing, Captain Hei's mocking voice came from below, as if he could see things outside from below.

"Haha, I can't even believe it. This is the lord's place. I have what the lord gave me. In his place, I can't kill me. Just wait for me to consume you to death."

Soon Captain Hei's voice came from below, with a smug tone, it was impossible to tell whether the other party's words were true or not.

Gu Zheng circled around, feeling that there was no movement inside, he stretched out his hand tentatively, and pressed down in the void, a huge golden palm with the size of ten feet appeared in front of him instantly, following Gu Zheng's gesture, he also moved down hard. Press down hard.


The golden giant palm slammed into the black shield below, and with the huge vibration around, golden light splashed all over the sky, and the surrounding area suddenly criss-crossed like cracked dry land.

However, the defense protecting Captain Hei in the center still showed no sign of being damaged, which made him frown involuntarily. He naturally knew the strength of this attack, but he clearly saw that the opponent was as solid as a rock, and it was only on the surface just now. A large black wave flashed, as if dealing with a mischievous child.

A few more attacks were sent out, and the situation below was still the same, which made Gu Zheng understand a little bit. The other party naturally understood the attack in this way, and I am afraid it was still a strange force that he did not understand.

"Gu Zheng, here I come!"

While Gu Zheng was thinking hard, the old man who received Gu Zheng flew towards him from a distance, and there was something familiar to Gu Zheng in his hand, which was the branch he had lost before.

"Do you have a solution?" Gu Zheng asked directly.

This is his territory, if the other party does not know the situation here, he will not believe it.

"Gu Zheng, you are right, the opponent has not completed the transformation, this is our chance." The old man smiled, "This defense, as far as Gu Zheng is concerned, cannot be broken at all, although we don't know what is outside In this situation, this kind of defense force unique to the ancient species must be targeted, otherwise it will not be able to break through with great force."

"There are very few people who have this kind of power. Even among Nick, although everyone knows it, it is very rare to be able to attach to others."

An old family is like a treasure. Anyway, for Gu Zheng, this kind of power can't be distinguished at all. He has confirmed in his heart that there is another force behind these bandit groups, and he doesn't know what the other party wants to do. What.

"Give me a little time, and I can completely erase the power from above." The old man came to the top, observed carefully, and said confidently in his heart.

Gu Zheng gave way to the other party, curiously watching what the other party would do.

I saw that the old man took out the previous branch, dropped it directly next to the shield below, and knocked on all the different parts. The force couldn't even break a stone, but he could clearly see that every time he knocked , the black shield here trembled for a while, and the black covering traces on it also disappeared.

"What are you going to do? Do you know that I am an apostle, the apostle of Lord Gudao. If you do this, the other party will not be afraid to find out from you."

Captain Hei looked at each other with the mentality of reading a joke. After all, there are very few people on their side who can untie it. How could anyone think of this place? Panicked, he immediately brought out the person behind him.

"Master Gudao, who is that? Do you think I care? You damned apostles have betrayed all of us. Death is not a pity. If you come to this abandoned place, then you will never return." The old man Said bitterly, the movements in his hands did not stop.

Looking at the increasingly clear defense, Gu Zheng could see that Captain Hei, who was a little panicked inside, couldn't help laughing. He was so arrogant before, but he didn't panic when faced with this.

Without waiting for the shield to be completely transparent, the old man directly punched it violently, and the shield in front of him made the sound of glass shattering. With just one blow, large cracks quickly spread from the contact point to the surroundings, " "Kaka", every time it sounded, it was like a heavy hammer hitting his heart heavily.

Originally, he came out of retreat, relying on the magic weapon given to him by Master Gudao, and prepared to do a big job with the task. After he came out, he saw that the place he was in was destroyed by the other party. Naturally, he was very annoyed and chased after him immediately. go up.

Originally, with these two sets of life-saving things, I am naturally not afraid of the other party. The other party can even deceive the Tower of Hell and the Six Paths, so I am naturally confident. What's more, I still have the things that saved my life before. Once crushed, I can pass them on immediately. To the deepest stronghold.

But he had already crushed that thing just now, and to his horror, it was useless at all, so he made an emergency landing below, trying to recover himself, and at the same time trying to scare the other party away.

But what he said was right, he didn't feel any discomfort here, even though he was lacking in aura, it could still be replenished to him, so he didn't have to worry about over-consuming himself, but Gu Zheng couldn't recover at all,

But the thought is good, why there are some problems step by step.


At the moment when the shield in front of him was about to be shattered, a large wave of Ji Qi burst out from inside, and the dense black Ji Qi instantly submerged the area.

Captain Hei, who was not willing to be caught without a fight, immediately burst out all his anger, trying to use this as a cover to escape from here,

"Where to escape!"

These ji qi did not have much effect on Gu Zheng, let alone the old man, to him, it was just a strange black mist.

Stretch out your index finger, one after another green branches emerge from your fingertips, and quickly rush into the Jiqi, looking for the opponent's trace.

On the side, looking at so many Ji Qi, Gu Zheng suddenly thought of something, with a strange smile on his face, then took out a bottle, and directly collected these Ji Qi, and when it was almost full, the Ji Qi All Qi disappeared, and at the same time, he saw Captain Hei who was restrained.

Entangled in all parts of the body by those branches, it was suspended in the air in the form of a large character.

Captain Hei, who no longer had any hole cards, faced the old man's pursuit and was somewhat weak. He was tied up after a few rounds.

"Let go of me, don't you know the prestige of Mr. Gudao, if you know what you do, if you know, you are dead." Captain Hei sternly shouted at the old man, while struggling constantly, wanting to break free come out.

"Is he useful to you?" The old man didn't speak, but asked Gu Zheng next to him.


Gu Zheng stretched out a hand, as if asking, did not say clearly, but the meaning was already clear.

"Let me go, I'll tell you the secret behind us."

Captain Hei begged Gu Zheng at this time, this is his last bargaining chip, so he looked at Gu Zheng expectantly, hoping to use this to avoid death.

Gu Zheng held his chin and looked at Captain Hei carefully, seeming to be interested. Seeing this, Captain Hei immediately said again, "As long as you let me go, I can tell you all these secrets, so that the underworld can destroy our stronghold without any effort, at least It can destroy Master Lone Island's plan."

"It's really a good idea that people can't refuse." Gu Zheng put down his hands and said thoughtfully.

"That's true. Although I can't provide information on Master Hong's trace, I know most of the other things." Captain Black said immediately with a headache.

"The other party has an invincible barrier. If we activate it again, we can't do anything to him." The old man next to him was a little puzzled. He just said it casually just now, and he had already judged the death penalty in his heart. He didn't expect that Gu Zheng seemed to treat him The news in the mouth is very interesting.

Gu Zheng took a look at the old man, and passed the sound transmission directly, and then the old man nodded, and let go of the place directly.

Unexpectedly, Captain Hei, who was suddenly let go, fell to the ground in embarrassment, but got up directly the next moment, this time he did not run away directly.

Although I still have the invincible enchantment, but I have not yet completed the transformation, and I cannot freely control the time at all. My ultimate move has no effect on the two of them. Once the time passes, it will still be like this, and here and there The breath is similar, and I can't even go back to my own life-saving things, and I certainly can't go back by myself.

How obsessed I was at that time, I even chased after him, could it be that the order really has such a catastrophe? Just hoping to get through this time safely.

"Now you follow me honestly. I promise you that I and others will not take your life, but whether you can leave here depends on your performance."

"You have to remember clearly, once you say these things, you will have no way out, so you better not keep anything, maybe I will protect you with Hades, unless you are willing to stay here forever."

Gu Zheng looked at each other and said seriously, as if the two of them fought life and death before, but now they have smiled and wiped out their grievances.

"I know, it's not because of this, I'm dead, I've already died once, I don't want to lose the hard-won last ghost body." Captain Hei also said frankly.

Looking at an enemy who was extremely brave before, but now he directly succumbed to death in the face of death, Gu Zheng also sighed in his heart. He would not feel sorry for the enemy, but felt a little pity for the other party.

But he didn't blame the other party either. Most intelligent creatures couldn't be calm in the face of death. He understood this.

"It's no wonder you can only transform half of it. You must know that the apostles are loyal servants. While enjoying power, they offer their loyalty to you, and I don't know why they give it to you." The old man next to him said disdainfully.

Regarding this, Captain Hei didn't say anything. After all, it wasn't his intention to become the opponent's apostle, and it wasn't even the opponent's confession. He didn't know why he became like this and had such a powerful spell.

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