Hearing Chen Prison's words, Gu Zheng felt that the world seemed so small, and if he guessed correctly, this was the shadow itself.

Looking at Gu Zheng's weird eyes, Chen Prison couldn't help but ask again.

"I just want to know, the owner of this magic weapon, how is the situation now, is it because you killed him, and then this magic weapon fell into your hands."

"This magic weapon is not real."

Gu Zheng didn't expect that the other party didn't see the authenticity, but he also understood why the other party broke free from the shackles so quickly. This spell was created by him, so he naturally understood a lot.

You must know that this magic weapon is actually not strong. Its only function is to be able to store spells of a certain power, instant spells, and only the person can release them, but the upper limit that can be stored at most is the peak of the Golden Immortal. Perhaps for him, it was also a Good thing, now at most it's just a look.

"It's not true?" Chen Prison carefully looked at the ball in his hand, somewhat disbelieving.

Gu Zheng shrugged, didn't explain much, let the other party observe carefully, and looked at Sen Lu who was a little flinching not far away, and smiled at him, and the latter came over.

Of course, all of this was done on purpose by him. If the other party wanted something from him, he would naturally not miss this opportunity. He knew that speaking by himself and the other party were treated differently.

"Have you figured it out?" Gu Zheng watched the other party walk in front of him, and then he arrived.

"As long as you take me out, I can help you with the things you asked me to do, but you need to help me with other things, such as how to go up." Mori Lu took a deep breath and said.

"You traitor, it's really you." Siquan heard their conversation from a distance, and shouted at Senlu as if he understood something.

Others also looked at Sen Lu with hatred, and put all the consequences of failure on him.

It is human nature, as long as you fail, you will subconsciously put the fault on others.

Mori Lu bowed his head in silence and did not refute. For him, it was useless to refute them, and it was a waste of his energy.

Originally, I was taken advantage of by these people, especially my human identity, which can be said to be very prejudiced here. If I can't bear it and do something they don't want to do, how can I bring myself with me, but now I finally They can be completely ignored.

This time, seeing Gu Zheng's strength at this time, he only knew one thing, he was determined to go!

"Yes, as long as you promise me to do something, I can take you with me."

Gu Zhengming bowed his head to him knowing that the other party was compromising, but as long as the deal was concluded, he was not afraid that the other party would not help him.

"I don't know if senior can take me away. As long as I can go out, I will agree to any conditions, even if I am your servant." The nearest spirit body, after hearing Gu Zheng's words, immediately realized that this seemed to be a Opportunity, immediately shouted towards Gu Zheng.

In order to get out, he also went all out, even saying that he was willing to be a slave.

The other spirit bodies were not stupid either. When they heard such a shameless betrayal from their companions, some of them felt overwhelmed. In order to get out, they scrambled to shout at Gu Zheng. Most of the words were the same. As long as Gu Zheng took them out, they would be bullies. Any horse will do.

Gu Zheng just glanced at them slightly and stopped paying attention. No matter how gaudy they talked, he couldn't take them away.

"It's true." On the other side, Chen Prison looked at the black ball in his hand and murmured, then stared at Gu Zheng again, "Can you tell me the current situation of the shadow? Is he dead? ?”

Since the other party has this thing, then he must have seen the shadow. Maybe this thing is a copy given to him by the shadow. Now he just wants to know how he is now outside, replacing his own shadow.

"Go to hell!"

At this moment, Shan Qi, who had disappeared, sneaked over again at some unknown time. When he saw the scene inside, he was instantly enraged. Without any hesitation, his whole body turned into a black light and rushed directly to Gu Zheng.

The dagger in his hand was now black and loud, and there was a trembling breath on it, like a demon god, climbing up from the land of nine seclusion, that malicious killing intent, across time and space, firmly nailed Gu Zheng to death, This blow will completely tear the opponent into pieces.

As a bottom-of-the-box trick, Shan Qi believes that even if Gu Zheng has the support of the Tower of Hell, he will seriously injure the opponent. You must know that when he now knows that he has no hope of leaving, he is completely desperate in his heart, and directly burns the magic weapon in his hand. Go for the biggest hit.

The silver and black daggers are paired, and losing one of the two will greatly reduce the power, not to mention that it is useless to keep it, and you will never be able to go out in the future.

At this moment, he only had Gu Zheng in his eyes, and he had already seen the scene where he was severely injured by himself.

But just as his light-like figure passed through the middle, an uninvited guest stretched out from the side, and a fist hit him directly on the shoulder without any hindrance, and immediately his figure flew crookedly towards the side .

At this time, he didn't expect that Chen Prison would make a move at this time to make Gu Zheng's defense ineffective, but it didn't matter, watching the mountain wizard over there control his body and wanted to make another surprise attack, but that spirit was no longer there. .

If the previous attack could still hurt him, now even in a dream, he can't even think about touching him.

Gu Zheng's eyes flashed with golden light, and two sword qi flashed across the air like falling leaves and flying flowers, directly hitting Shan Qi's eyes.


The dagger in his hand slipped down, covered his eyes with both hands, and began to scream, as if there were countless bugs in his eyes gnawing on him, making him miserable. With his unkempt appearance, he looked extremely embarrassed, unlike the calm and confident man before. The face is in stark contrast.

The halo of the loser added to the body, making everyone seem to see an old man who is about to call his curtains down.

Gu Zheng frowned, sighed slightly, and a red light flashed away.


A group of scorching flames exploded on Shan Qi's chest. The power was not very powerful, but the huge impact force once again sent the other party flying, and the ears finally became quiet.

Glancing around, Gu Zheng smiled inexplicably, as Empress Hou Tu said, it was really a very simple trip, and the so-called difficulties were just the two of them.

He accepted this love.


With a soft sound, the black stone in Gu Zheng's hand exploded, and wisps of fluorescent black dust spots fell freely, and some dust spots even danced in the air, which was absolutely beautiful.

Right in the middle, a door of light that allows a person to pass through appears, and white light continuously emerges from it, making this somewhat illusory door of light firm and solid.

All the spirits were excited, because an aura that made them yearn came out from this light door.

Apparently, Gu Zheng has completed his mission and is ready to leave from here.

The spirit body that surrendered at first looked greedily at the door of light, his mind wandering, and he quickly made a decision.

Before his surrender, seeing Gu Zheng's indifference, he knew that the other party would not pay attention to them at all. He was in disappointment, but he knew that this was his chance, his chance to leave.

Regardless of whether he will be caught by the other party when he goes out, it is still an opportunity.

When the light door was just stabilized, his figure suddenly jumped forward, and rushed towards that side with the greatest strength in his life, wanting to rush out when everyone didn't react.

Although Gu Zheng saw it, he didn't mean to stop him. Instead, he smiled and went to the side to fight, making way for some positions.

Everyone's eyes widened, and their eyes followed the brave aura, hoping that they could rush in, but they didn't want him to leave. This contradiction is very obvious in the heart.


The speed of the past is as fast as the speed of the return. Like a bouncing ball, it directly smashed through the wall and was buried in it. The spirit body next to it quickly pulled the other party out and found that the other party was already unconscious.

Only then did I understand that it wasn't that Gu Zheng didn't ask, but that without his permission, no one would be able to get out.

"Since you want to know the news about Shadow, why not go out with me, and you will know about it naturally." Gu Zheng smiled and extended an invitation to the other party.

It wasn't on his whim, but he felt that this person seemed to be a little different from these old and cunning spirits. He would also feel angry when he saw those sacrificed Golden Immortals, which made him a little curious and wanted to know who he was. Of course, there are still some small things in my heart.

If the other party just showed it on purpose for me to see, it would be a big deal to lock him back, but it was really like what he thought, then he could find a good bodyguard here to watch his things.

It's not that he is so careful, nor does he have other ideas, but that he always feels that he will come again. At that time, if he is still weak, it will be detrimental to his future. If there are a group of trustworthy people to use , then it feels much brighter.

I don't know why this feeling suddenly appeared in my heart, it seems that when I got this branch, no matter what, he would naturally not stop asking.

Chen Prison was also stunned by Gu Zheng's request. He was just inquiring about the situation of the shadow, and the two sides were still life and death enemies just now. Although he helped the other party just now, it was not a dangerous thing for him. Think of the other party and let yourself go out like this.

"Oh? Don't you want to? I won't let you be a cow and a horse, just help me do things for a while." Gu Zheng raised his eyebrows and asked casually.

He didn't believe that the other party was not moved, and he was very sure that the other party would agree.

"I agree!"

Sure enough, in the face of Gu Zheng's questioning again, this time Chen Prison didn't hesitate at all, he didn't kill at all, and immediately nodded in agreement.

"That's good, you two swallow these two things, and then go out with me, follow me and don't run around, so as not to be caught again." Gu Zheng threw two colorful stones, each floating in front of their eyes .

Sen Lu and Chen Prison grabbed hold of it and threw it into their mouths. They were really afraid that if they took a step too late, they would be snatched away by others. Perhaps this was the only way they could leave.

As soon as the stone was swallowed, a faint colorful light suddenly rose outside their bodies, protecting them inside.

Then Gu Zheng strode directly towards the light gate and disappeared here.

Sen Lu and Chen Prison looked at each other, Chen Prison signaled the other party to go first, so as not to be stopped by the envious spirit behind, Sen Lu was not polite, he directly stepped forward and approached the light gate, followed carefully and walked in, there was Blessed by the colorful rays of light, he was not blocked from the outside, and went in very smoothly.

Chen Prison glanced at this side, without any nostalgia, and strode in directly.

After they left, the Light Gate hadn't disappeared. Only a small part of those spirit bodies didn't come over, and most of them rushed over impatiently, trying to find a way to pass through here.

It's a pity that they didn't find any way until the light gate dissipated. They were imprisoned here again, and this time, there was no hope at all.

In other words, waiting for the higher-level seniors above to find them is their only thought.

Looking at the sky that I used to hate before, the dimly lit world is nothing compared to the prehistoric world, making people feel that the smell of the sky is unbearable.

But now, this once extremely disgusting atmosphere makes people feel so tempted, and the empty and monotonous scenery in the distance looks so charming.

Looking at everything in front of him, Chen Prison felt a little emotional. He never thought that he would really come out one day, and his heart fluctuated.

On the other hand, Senlu next to him didn't have as much emotion as he did. After all, he didn't have much time to come in. Before that, he was still outside for a long time, so naturally he didn't feel deeply. He was looking around at this time.

At the first glance, I felt the mighty building next to it. It was the Tower of Hell. They were just below the tower. When they looked up, they didn't know how high it was. Anyway, a rough look showed that there were at least thousands of floors that hadn't reached the bottom yet. , let him click his tongue endlessly.

They are still at the lower part. I really don't know what kind of terrifying existence is imprisoned above, or it is just empty. This is unknown. Anyway, he doesn't want to go in again, even if he is reincarnated.

Seeing the two of them coming out, Gu Zheng was not in a hurry, and let the other party buffer for a while, but he didn't expect Da Fei to get out from nowhere, and Fei was beside him, looking at the two of them with some surprise, and said enviously.

"Your Majesty is so kind to you that she even gave you two proofs of entry and exit. You must know that I have been begging for a long time, but I have not asked for it."

Gu Zheng was a little speechless, and he had the nerve to say it for a long time. Although he didn't know the specific value of this value, he also knew that it was definitely much more precious than any sin-washing stone. He suddenly thought of something and pointed at the dazed Chen Prison.

"Do you know his situation? Feeling the other party's temperament, it is impossible to be imprisoned."

Although there are so many Da Luo in the prison, there are not many in general, and most of them deserve their crimes. It's just that the tower of hell at this stage has nothing to do with them. As for pulling them out for use by the underworld, it will consume The price is too high.

Gu Zheng didn't know that even those two pieces were actually Houtu who came here, and the Six Paths evolved to him. If he wanted to fight for one, even Empress Houtu felt extremely distressed, even if it was used for a peak Daluo, it was not worth it.

If she hadn't learned something from the main body, and what happened here was beyond his expectations, she would definitely not have handed it over to Gu Zheng.

"Oh, he, you have a good eye. I thought you would bring him out when you knew it. I didn't expect you to bring him out without knowing anything. I'm really not afraid to bring out any evil. I really admire it." Da Fei looked at him in admiration. Ancient dispute.

"That's why I would like to ask you, if you are really that kind of person, even I will deceive him and send him back." Gu Zheng said with a look of course, "Tell me quickly, from your tone, I don't seem to Misread."

In fact, he doesn't know much about Morning Prison. He only knows something from the shadow. Thinking that the shadow has a bit of the other party's inheritance, and what he has in his hands can't be wasted. Combined with several reasons, he decided to bring the other party out. .

"But, if you really want to count, there are only two relatively innocent people in it, and he is one of them, and he is the most pitiful one, but it's pitiful, and he has to pay for his mistakes."

Da Fei talked nonsense as usual, which made Gu Zheng want to see what was going on in the other party's mind. Why are there so many things? Still smiling, make a gesture of listening, waiting for the other party to explain.

Perhaps because he knew the resentment in Gu Zheng's heart, this time Da Fei didn't show up in the ink marks, and directly told Gu Zheng what he wanted.

"Actually, it's just a matter of one sentence. Before he died, he could say that he didn't have many crimes, which is already very rare. However, when he was fighting an enemy again, he accidentally fell into the trap of the opponent and directly destroyed a 300,000-person family. The city, although it killed the opponent in the end, and was mortally wounded, came here."

"However, at the beginning, the other party was not taken in. Later, after scanning several times independently in the Tower of Hell, the other party was taken in. However, in the tower, the masters above Da Luo are only in confinement, not Substantial punishment is still insufficient, so there are upcoming changes."

"After the first hall master passes, it will be fully activated."

Da Fei couldn't stop talking, and spit out a series of things like pouring beans, but it also made Gu Zheng understand a lot. The most important thing is that the morning prison seems to be no problem, and it can be used for the time being.

After all, it doesn't matter what you do by mistake or not, or whether you do good deeds on purpose, everything will be remembered for you, and when you die, we will count it for you together.

"So that's the case, thank you Brother Da Fei for clarifying the confusion." Gu Zheng once again made a sudden realization, causing the latter's eyebrows to be raised to the scalp happily, "But I have something to do next, so I won't be here to accompany Da Fei Bro."

"Are you looking for a reward from the empress? Don't go, your reward will not be given to you automatically until the time is almost here. Now it is equivalent to accumulating." Da Fei asked suspiciously.

"I've known this for a long time. Now I want to go back. Counting the time, my subordinates should have come to Tianyu City. Taking advantage of the time now, I just happened to lead them and settle them down." Gu Zheng explained with a smile .

"Well, even if I want to keep you, I can't actually keep you, because I should be busy next time, and I will give you a final reminder. After half a year, the Tower of Hell will be inspected for the last time. Afterwards, we will enter a world without the tower of hell, which will be completely given to ghost cultivators, and will be ruled by the underworld."

Seeing this, Da Fei immediately flew up, and said to Gu Zheng, the last sentence is sound transmission, and it is extremely confidential, so naturally no outsiders will hear it.

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