Seeing Gu Zheng's agreement, Da Fei showed even more excitement.

Normally speaking, his consent is not needed at all, but when someone complains to the empress, as long as the other party says that Gu Zheng agrees, he will not ask anything.

After a little contact before, I knew that Gu Zheng didn't know about this matter, so he naturally knew how to do it. Now that I have this opportunity, I naturally can't miss it. If I say that he used to do this often before, after the tower of hell is completely changed, he will do it again. There is no chance. It is estimated that this is the last time for him to exercise his power, so naturally he cannot miss it.

In order to reduce the braids, he can still afford to wait for this little effort.

"Ahem, well, spread out a little, you're almost squeezed into someone else's body."

Da Fei hovered in mid-air, looked around, and then commanded in a manner.

Gu Zheng stood not far away, watching all this with great interest, and ignored some strange eyes looking at him. There are more than 100,000 spirit bodies in the entire hall, which only occupy less than half of them.

"Okay, before we start, let's talk about something more important to you, and I won't let you talk, don't talk, after I leave, if you don't want to die, hide below and don't come out until another People lead you out, and you will be safe at that time, and you will naturally still be here, but the conditions are much better, so I won’t go into details.”

Da Fei solemnly warned them, causing some commotion below, but even so, no one asked.

"Okay, now the first question, who among you wants to reincarnate and leave, raise your left hand now, let me see how many people there are."


As soon as Da Fei finished speaking, tens of thousands of arms were raised in unison.

"Yo, it seems that I haven't been here for a few years, and I have accumulated a lot. It is still the old rule, and those who meet the conditions will naturally be sent away, and the next life will definitely not be a bad tire."

Da Fei began to fly rapidly on it, and white spots like rice grains fell from his palm, coupled with his extremely fast speed, it looked like a heavy snowfall.

Those white spots landed very precisely on the palms of those raised hands, and then those people's bodies were eroded by a layer of white light, and their whole bodies began to slowly transform into illusion.

"In three days, your wishes will come true. Those who want to leave due to lack of time, I'm sorry. You lose all the qualifications to compete. Anyway, if you raise your hand, I will ignore you." Da Fei Said with satisfaction.

Those Baiguang people also left the team and walked towards the other side. For them, this life is over. No matter why they came here, they will go to reincarnate three days later and strive for a different life in the next life.

"Okay, the first question is over, and there is only the last question left, so the remaining people are here to try to get out of here." Da Fei said with a smile.

"I don't need to say more, those who want to leave and return to the underworld should raise their right hands."

This time, almost everyone raised their right hands, and a small forest was formed in the blink of an eye.

Gu Zheng also admires Da Fei. There are only two questions in total, and the first question is insisted on. It seems that there are many choices for people, but there are many old people below, so naturally they all know his cunning, no one will The sense of anticipation is so strong.

"Well, there are still so many this time, but, even though you are the lightest kind, the final punishment is still reincarnation, and without my hands, who knows what kind of fetus you cast, maybe you will be one Pig fetus, before it grows up, it becomes "a delicacy in other people's mouths.

Da Fei was still talking to himself in the air, his eyes kept scanning the crowd, no one knew what he was looking at, they were all praying that he could go back.

"Okay, these three hundred lucky ones seem to be staying and continue to be your ghost cultivators. I don't know if it's a surprise or a sorrow. In short, you are lucky. The white ones will go out in three days, and the golden ones will leave now."

Among the more than 100,000 spirit bodies, there are only more than 300 people, especially in the darkness, they are so obvious, especially the more than fifty golden spirit bodies, they are even more ecstatic at this time, only coming to and next to them Congratulations, the whole person disappeared here.

As for where they went, it was naturally in a city controlled by Hades.

"Okay, everything is over, you all step back." Da Fei seemed to have completed some task, and said to the spirit below,

Some people below knew that this was their last chance. Some thoughtful people did not leave, but stood where they were. At least tens of thousands of spirits did this.

"What are you looking at, I'm watching and let you go to the third floor immediately, and let me spread out."

Following Da Fei's threats, most of them left obediently. They are ordinary spirit bodies here, with no cultivation base at all, and they have no strength to resist.

"Master Da Fei, we really don't want to be reincarnated, please give us a chance." There was a spirit below, pleading to Da Fei.

"Opportunity? When you came in, I didn't beg you to come in, just get lost." Da Fei said impatiently,

As soon as the words fell, the spirit body that spoke disappeared, and no one knew where they went.

"If you all want to follow him to the third floor, then just tell me." The smile on Da Fei's face also disappeared, and he said coldly to the bottom.

Although he is easy to talk, all of this is based on the establishment of not violating the rules he made, otherwise he can be said to be an invincible existence here, plus manipulating the Tower of Hell, he can play however he wants, and they have no resistance at all the power of.

As soon as this sentence came out, coupled with the fate of the previous leader, everyone knew that there was no way to change it, so they went back silently, and soon the hall was empty again.

"Master Gu laughed, let's go to the second floor." Da Feifei came over and said to Gu Zheng.

"Is it good for you to do this?" Gu Zheng followed the other party, asking out the doubts in his heart.

"Mr. Gu, if you don't know something, you will naturally be so suspicious. In fact, there is no major evil on the first floor, which can barely be regarded as minor evil, or because you violated some rules here, you just entered here. There is no penalty on the first floor. , It’s like keeping them in a cage.” Da Fei explained to Gu Zheng while walking.

"But there are always some people who are caught in a daze, and judging from the merits of the other party, it is enough to offset this, so the other party can go out."

"Actually, the same is true for the first three floors. The punishment is not severe, but the people who were caught in the past will also go out after a period of time. This time, because of the evolution of the tower of hell, no matter who they are, they will never be able to escape. If you go out, you will receive different punishments depending on your crime, and after time, your soul and body will become part of this place."

"It's just before evolution, after evolution, and after trial, it will be reincarnated."

"In short, it is to let these people with minor evils be punished a little, and they will be reincarnated soon. There are many such people, many of whom I did not come in, and they will be reincarnated after a few months or a few years. It is more like a Transfer station."

Even Niang Niang trusted Gu Zheng so much, let the other party deal with the matter of the Tower of Hell, or let him win the merits, Da Fei didn't hide anything, just said it directly.

"And I was the part that checked and made up for the gaps before. I tried to maintain a balance as much as possible, but it was limited to the first three floors. It was a big or small thing."

Gu Zheng remembered that Naihe also had this kind of problem. It seems that at this moment, the underworld has not yet fully established perfect rules, but it is easy to solve it on the Tower of Hell.

After he came out, thinking back on the meeting between himself and Houtu, he always felt a little strange, as if the other party really knew something about him, but there was no evidence. In the end, he could only feel that he was too sensitive, maybe he was optimistic about himself, after all, he also Helped each other a lot.

"It turns out that this is the case, you finally have something to look forward to in your hard days." Gu Zheng also looked suddenly enlightened.

"It's not hard. There are so many spirit bodies. Everyone has a different story. Speaking of which, I know countless things, all kinds of bright and dark things. If you are interested, I can tell you." Da Feile said Said in it.

"If you have the opportunity, you must ask for advice." Gu Zheng gave an ambiguous statement. These people probably don't know as much as they know in light and darkness. bright.

As Da Fei came to the center, the ground here was obviously different from others, with extremely complicated patterns, forming a simple formation.

"This is the only way to go up and down, and no one can damage it. I'll give you the method of teleportation. Don't tell anyone. This is a secret, even if it's only available for a while." Da Fei is also cautious asked.

Only then did Gu Zheng know why the other party wanted to take him on a tour. The feeling is to teach him how to get up and down the Tower of Hell, so it is obvious that things happened in multiple places.

Standing in the middle of the pattern, a strange breath came from all around, as if dividing the outside and here into two worlds.

"Look, this requires specific movements, as well as formulas according to the frequency."

Da Fei demonstrated it to Gu Zheng, and when it was over, he just felt that his surroundings were clear, and he had already come to the top in a daze.

But it's not the teleportation point above, there is no pattern under the feet, but a strange place.

"The location is random every time up and down, but the location of the teleportation is fixed, which is the central location. This location is not difficult to find. Generally, people who are locked here should stay as far away as possible. The breath there makes them very uncomfortable, like It’s like heatstroke.” Da Fei explained a little bit aside, and then took the lead again.

Gu Zheng also knew that taking him on a tour this time was like letting him get acquainted in advance, and it really took great pains.

Compared with the first floor, there is not much difference here, except that the top of the head, which can be seen clearly, has been shrouded in a layer of light blue mist at this time, and the whole space is also filled with a soul-piercing coldness. There are a few extra thick pillars, pure white and round, without any decoration, and also without any spirit body.

"Do you want to repeat the first floor?" Gu Zheng asked while walking on the road.

"Well, almost. This is an investigation area. It belongs to the kind that needs me to identify whether they go to the top or the bottom. Of course, only some of them are here. The rest is to experience the extreme cold here."

"Don't look at the cold air, it has almost no effect on us,"

As they came to an open place, tens of thousands of captured spirit bodies also drilled out of the ground, which made Gu Zheng really want to open it up to see what the hell is in the ground, and why are they all staying below. .

But don't look at so many spirit bodies, most of them are standing outside without surrounding them, only thousands of spirit bodies gather in the middle, and their bodies trembling because of the cold can't stop their thoughts from coming out, because they will also be caught Select a batch of places to reincarnate, as for going out, don't even think about it.

As Da Fei said, after showing off, some of them disappeared, some went to the first floor, and some went to the second floor. Immediately after hundreds of people reincarnated from the outer periphery and left, Da Fei did not come down, but instead Sneered and looked around.

"Some of you are very cunning and trying to get away with it, but no one can escape in front of me. If you escape, you must bear the price of avoiding it."

After finishing speaking, he simply stretched out his hand, and the spirit body of tens of meters floated out of the surrounding crowd. The surrounding people saw the other party's struggle and recognized the new group of people, so they didn't go out obediently.

"All die completely, and merge with the Tower of Hell."

Da Fei showed a cruel smile, looked at these people around, did not allow the other party to say anything at all, and stretched out his hand directly, under the eyes of everyone, he squeezed his palm suddenly, and all the escaped spirit bodies were instantly shattered into pieces, and the black mist blossomed Straight up, disappearing in front of everyone.

Some old people who have been around for a long time feel a little sorry to see this scene. They have already been warned, but they still try to get away with it. Now they can't even do reincarnation, and they are completely wiped out from the world.

With the spirit body leaving again, Da Fei continued to move forward with Gu Zheng, preparing to go to the third floor.

"Starting from the third floor, these spirit bodies cannot hide below to resist the punishment above, but you should pay attention to Mr. Gu. For those powerful people, we still cannot completely eliminate their cultivation. Those at the same level as you are at least slightly imprisoned, but there will not be a single person at your level."

"Of course, you can also choose an easier solution, such as taking me with you, then the other party will not be in any danger at all, and of course your merit will also disappear by more than half."

When Da Fei led Gu Zheng to the third floor, another big news came out.

"I can handle it myself."

Gu Zheng knew that this was a benefit given to him by Empress Houtu, so how could he let it out, not to mention that the danger was already very low. If he really fell into that kind of death situation, Empress Houtu would not ignore it, and of course he would not miss this opportunity. If it was mixed in, I'm afraid there would be only a little bit of soup left for myself.

"I knew it, come on, take me up this time, there is no penalty for mistakes, you can try."

While talking, they had already come to the center, standing in the middle of the patterns, Da Fei said to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng was not polite either. Thinking about what happened just now, he quickly used movements and formulas, and entered the third floor very smoothly.

"boom boom"

Just entering the third floor, before I had time to look at the surrounding environment, I heard bursts of roaring sounds in my ears, which seemed to be flying wildly in the distance.

"It's great, no wonder the empress admires you so much, we'll go back after solving this one." Da Fei boasted from the side.

"Thank you for showing me." Gu Zheng didn't dare to underestimate the other party at this time, and he also understood the other party's intentions.

"You're welcome. By the way, I can come in again. Let's go." Da Fei winked at Gu Zheng, looking even uglier.

This time they appeared in a passage, with black walls reaching directly above their heads on both sides, and the height was only three feet high, which felt a little depressing.

Leaving the passage and continuing to move forward, the sound is getting closer and closer to the ears. After a corner, a small square appears.

The thunder came from the square.

In the middle part, there are hundreds of metal-like pillars, up to two feet high, and a spirit body is tied to each of them. On the top, there is a layer of light black mist, and some tiny electric arcs are constantly flowing in it. It's brewing, and when it gathers to a certain extent, it will fall randomly, and then be attracted by the metal pillar, and it will go down instantly, and the spirit body below will naturally scream.

Almost every few breaths, there was a bolt of lightning falling, accompanied by a roar, and the screams from the ground could not be heard at a distance.

"The third floor is the least powerful of all criminal laws. These people change every hundred years. There are hundreds of such venues on this floor."

"It's several times bigger than the one below." Gu Zheng blurted out.

"It's not just a few times, it's hundreds of times bigger, each floor is different, and at least hundreds of floors are filled with people." Da Fei shook his head, "But each floor occupies a geographical advantage for us. .”

"Next, I will help you finally, how to control the punishment of each layer. If you are interested, you can also experience how to punish those guys to the limit."

"I'm not interested in torturing them, but if the other party is not convinced, this link must be indispensable." Gu Zheng shook his head and said.

"There must be dissatisfaction, you go to solve their dissatisfaction, it is impossible to want peace." Da Fei didn't care, and then pointed to it, "Look, all the methods are the same, as long as you cooperate, I will give you way."

Gu Zheng heard the other party's voice transmission, and soon understood how to do it. Of course, it was just borrowing and had nothing to do with control.

Then Da Fei began to cover up, the lightning above began to fall densely under his control, the spirit body below was too horrible to look at, and could only howl in pain.

The other spirit bodies looked at them with trepidation, fearing that their area would also be so unlucky.

After Da Fei demonstrated it once, Gu Zheng also began to practice slowly.

It's not difficult to say, mainly relying on the technique to resonate with the tower of hell, so that the other party recognizes that you are a part of him, so that you can control some of your own punishment, and even protect yourself from attacking others.

Soon Gu Zheng almost knew how to do it, and found a few other places. After practicing a few times, Da Fei took him out of here.

After leaving from an unknown hidden space, Gu Zheng sincerely thanked the other party, but the other party was helping him wholeheartedly, even though the other party said it was the arrangement of Empress Hou Tu.

But just know it in your heart, and then just wait to go in and solve this matter.

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