Hearing that Gu Zheng said that his adoptive father was fine, Jin Sanshun let out a long sigh of relief, feeling rejoiced once again.

Fortunately, when I went out this time, I ran into the Patriarch by chance, otherwise, it would be too late when the other party came here, and I would not be able to come back in time, and everything would be over.

"Then what should they do?" Jin Sanshun changed his voice and pointed to Lan Fan and the others below.

The latter all started to get nervous, even though Lan Fan already felt that he was going to die, there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart, so he naturally didn't want to die.

"Let's talk about this when Yang Du wakes up." Gu Zheng glanced at them and said casually.

For these people, he could directly kill them because of their crimes, but he still considered Yang Du's thoughts. After all, these people framed him, and he should make the decision, so as not to feel a little grudge.

Jin Sanshun nodded, feeling that the decision was good, so he continued to interrogate the three servants, and now he has time to see if some people with ulterior motives stayed here on purpose.

When something like this happens, you can't be careless.

Gu Zheng didn't bother to tell her that there was nothing wrong with those three people, and he could tell at a glance, but he was really surprised to meet such a loyal person here, no matter what the reason, the other party stayed in the end.

After thinking for a while, Gu Zheng also began to prepare silently.

After half a day passed, Yang Du, who had been in a coma, finally woke up. He was in a coma for too long, and the moment he woke up, he was in a daze for a long time. He kept looking at it until a head appeared on it. In his eyes, it was only then that his mind flickered slightly.

"Master, what's wrong with my adoptive father? Did he suffer too much trauma and become stupid?"

Hearing Sanshun's familiar voice, Yang Du felt kindness in his heart, but when he heard the other party curse him for being stupid, he wished to teach him a lesson, and wanted to sit up immediately, but found that his body was so weak that he didn't listen to him at all. I wanted to open my mouth, but found that I was also unable to make a sound, and I was shocked in my heart, not knowing what happened.

He only vaguely remembered that he was ambushed in the end, and then he fell into a coma. Now he became anxious because he didn't know what was going on at home, but with those people silently guarding him, there shouldn't be any major problems.

"The coma has been too long, those forces have caused a lot of damage to him, and now his body is very weak, and he will be fine after a while."

A familiar voice sounded beside him. This voice gave him a great sense of security, but he suddenly couldn't remember who it was.

The next moment, a elixir exuding ice-coldness appeared near his mouth. After the latter found that he could not open his mouth, he directly used his other hand to pinch the sides of his mouth hard and hit him hard. Forcibly squeezed out an opening, and then the opponent put in a small pill.

"Usually Sanshun looks very gentle, why does he feel so violent now?"

He only had time to think of this question, and the next moment surging power erupted in his body, and he was constantly absorbing the extremely pure power, and at the same time he was repairing some other problems in the body, and the body was recovering quickly .

After a stick of incense, Yang Du sat up suddenly, grabbed Jin Sanshun beside him with his hands, and said rudely, "I haven't seen you for a few days, now your wings are stiff."

But just when he stretched his hand halfway, he froze in mid-air, because he saw some unexpected scenes.

There are some dirty and empty rooms with traces of battles, a deadly opponent like a good baby, and an ancient battle that I thought I would never see.

"I haven't woken up yet."

As soon as Yang Du closed his eyes, he wanted to lie back down again, but he was stopped by Jin Sanshun halfway through.

"Father, look at the master. Why didn't you tell me about the master before? When I saw it for the first time, I almost scared me to death." Seeing that Yang Du was really safe and sound, Jin Sanshun also said very excitedly.

"My lord, I really didn't expect to see you again." After being woken up by Jin Sanshun, Yang Du looked around again, and finally fixed his gaze on Gu Zheng, with tears in his eyes that hardly changed.

"I came down this time to do some business. I happened to meet Sanshun. After learning about your situation, I can only say that your life should not die." Gu Zheng laughed.

"Yeah, it seems that if the master didn't make a move, I would definitely die."

Even his deadly enemy is here, coupled with the appearance of the surroundings, although Yang Du doesn't know the specifics, he can also know the seriousness of the situation.

"Of course, father-in-law, you don't know. We flew all the way here, and you were finished by just a little bit. Fortunately, I got there in time." Jin Sanshun deliberately exaggerated his achievements, and said proudly from the side.

"It's really thanks to you. How long have I been in a coma and how many things have happened in between." Yang Du now needs to know what happened, so after a compliment, he immediately asked.

Jin Sanshun immediately told everything in detail, from the coma to the present, everything happened, and told it bit by bit, interspersed with his own hard work.

Gu Zheng on the side smiled, without delaying Yang Du's understanding of the matter, he went directly to Tie Dan's side, and there were three previous servants beside him.

"Master Gu!" Tie Dan stood aside and thought that the other party was looking for him, so he stood up straight and shouted.

"It's okay, I'm here to find the three of them." Gu Zheng raised his hand to signal the other party to relax, and then looked at the three timid people beside him, "What's your name, introduce yourself."

Gu Zheng's kind smile emboldened the three servants who were a little scared, and the only man among them took a step forward, just like Tie Dan.

"Master Gu, my name is Li Dabao. I'm an ordinary villager. When I went up the mountain to collect herbs, I accidentally slipped my foot. I don't know why I came here, and then I stayed here for five years. That's why I came here to serve Master Yang."

Gu Zheng just asked the other party to introduce some of his own names. He didn't expect that he could only smile and nod when he told the story of how he came here, and then looked at the two women next to him.

As a servant of Yang Du, although he only did some simple things such as cleaning and sending messages to guard the side, he didn't find anyone casually. The two women were also pretty, and they looked like twenty years old at most, and they didn't know how they got here.

"My name is Lixiu, her name is Yingmei, we are from a city called Feicheng, a lot of monsters came that day, and a group of tall people, everyone, our whole city was destroyed, I only remember one The boulders were coming towards us, and then they came here, and it took twenty years to get here."

The younger woman timidly imitated Li Dabao and told the story without waiting for Gu Zheng to ask.

A landslide, and a person who died due to the influence of the Lich War, all seemed to be the kind of honest and responsible people, otherwise they would not leave in such a crisis, Gu Zheng nodded, and then said.

"I can see your loyalty. This is also your chance. If you want to reincarnate, I can help you. You can also reincarnate into a good family. It won't be as hard as before. If you want to stay here, I will also help you." It can make your life a little more comfortable."

The three of them looked at each other, they didn't expect that Gu Zheng would give them such a good condition, they were stunned for a while, and it was the big treasure man who spoke first.

"My lord, I don't quite understand, but I know that once I am reincarnated, I will lose my memory. I have my mother-in-law and a five-year-old child on top of me. I want to wait for them here."

"No problem. Although it is impossible for you to ask about the above matters, if there is a chance, I will take care of it for you. Once the other party dies, I promise to reunite you." Gu Zheng did not tell the other party, not everyone may When I came here, I agreed.

"We also want to meet our family members, is that okay?" Lixiu who was beside her stepped forward and asked softly, her eyes full of longing.

Gu Zheng glanced at the information in his hand, then slowly shook his head, "You are lucky to be able to stay here, but your family members have been reincarnated, and even married wives and children, if you want to take a look, I can satisfy you desire."

Hearing Gu Zheng's words, the faces of the two women became a little gloomy, but they also had a premonition in their hearts that many people died in that disaster, but they didn't see a single person here, not in other places, Even though she had already been reincarnated, she couldn't help saying that there was still some abnormal movement at the end.

"Really? Will it trouble my lord?"

Gu Zheng chuckled, then took out a writing brush with some phantoms, pointed it towards the air, and a picture slowly emerged in the air.

An ordinary young man was chopping firewood, and an ordinary girl beside him was leading a cigarette and a baby under two years old. It looked very harmonious.

Lixiu and Yingmei looked at each other again, they couldn't see any familiar figure, they even looked bigger than them, which made them a little disappointed.

"They're all ordinary people, they're living a good life, don't worry, this life will be peaceful until they die of old age." Gu Zheng revealed another similar picture, and then closed it.

"Thank you, my lord."

Although the two women were a little disappointed, they still thanked Gu Zheng.

"As for your family members, because they are still in the last life, if you see them, their fate will be twisted, so don't look at them, people and ghosts have different paths, unless you can really step into ghost cultivation." Gu Zheng glanced at Dabao , the other party also had a look of longing in his eyes, so he explained a little loudly.

"I know, I will work hard in the future." Dabao said resolutely.

Lan Fan over there looked at Gu Zheng's show like this, and he didn't take it seriously, it was just a way to buy people's hearts, but seeing that the other party could easily cast spells that people couldn't even imagine, he felt that the other party's cultivation was absolutely sky-high, and Ordinary people can't do it at all. The only thing they think about is that the other party seems to be easy to talk to, and if they plead for mercy later, will they bypass themselves.

After a little delay, Gu Zheng heard that Jin Sanshun had finally finished everything, and then he went to Yang Du, "How is it? How do we deal with them?"

"Master Gu, you also know my temper. If I kill them, it's really difficult for me, even if the atmosphere in my heart is incomparable, but I don't care about those forces, and the people I care about are not in danger." Yang Du smiled wryly, Or speak your mind.

Jin Sanshun raised her brows. She knew that her adoptive father was very soft-hearted before, but she never thought that she would be able to consider others at this time. She was almost killed by others, but after hearing the last words, the blurted words were swallowed abruptly.

On the contrary, Lan Fan and the others over there were overjoyed. Although they felt that the other party was too holy, it was no wonder that they had such a big backer, and they were killed by someone on the top. Not left, but there is still a pleading look on his face, hoping that the other party is really as he said.

"However, even I can't stand what the other party did, especially the almost harming my righteous daughter, which is an unforgivable crime." Yang Du's face suddenly changed, and at the same time he looked at Lan Fan angrily. , "The other party is no longer suitable for this place, please ask Mr. Gu to send them to reincarnation."

Hearing Yang Du's words, Lan Fan and the others looked bitter, but Tian Ou immediately begged for mercy, "I'm not the mastermind, the other side just asked us to put pressure on us, none of us took any action before, Yang My lord, for the sake of our acquaintance, please bypass me once."

"I know what you said is true, and I blame you for coming with him." Yang Du didn't soften his heart this time, and turned his head directly, "Let's take them to the nearest second domain, where they can be reincarnated. "

"Farewell, we haven't seen each other for ten thousand years." The ancient dispute had no result, so he asked Yang Du instead, saw the latter nodded, and continued, "I was at the peak of Jinxian that year, and the underworld was still in chaos at that time. "

"And now, I'm at the peak of Daluo, and I can advance to quasi-sage at any time. To put it bluntly, even the six realms are promoted by me. Don't be so cautious in the future, and don't worry about causing trouble for me. Once you are kind to some enemies, This will continue to hurt more people in the future, especially those around us."

"Since you can't do it, think about it if I don't come this time, you will be killed by the other party, and Jin Sanshun will also be homeless. With the other party's cruelty, you think the other party will keep her, not only you, And everyone around you will be implicated in this.”

Gu Zheng's tone was serious, unceremoniously teaching Yang Du a lesson.

This is not his way of doing things, nor his style of doing things, but for Yang Du's character, this is the most suitable. Once an enemy wants to kill him, he must solve the opponent from top to bottom. Otherwise, he is the one who suffers.

Everyone was startled, whether it was Ying Ying, Jin Sanshun, Tie Dan or even Lan Fan, they all looked at Gu Zheng in disbelief, naturally they were shocked by Gu Zheng's cultivation, even though they had already cultivated him to be infinite Zooming in, he didn't expect that the opponent's cultivation base had reached the peak of Da Luo, and he even confidently said that one foot had stepped into the quasi-sage stage.

Here, with his cultivation base, there is no one who is stronger than him, and he is as powerful as him, which can be counted on half a hand.

Of course, what surprised them even more was that in just ten thousand years, the other party had reached the peak of Daluo from the Golden Immortal peak. It would take such a monster to do it, and they might not even be able to cross a small level.

Of course, apart from Jin Sanshun and Yang Du, the others were even more shocked, how did he die.

Of course, Shadow felt better. He was easily defeated by Da Luo Peak, as if it was a matter of course. It seemed that the other party really bypassed him once.

Gu Zheng didn't have the heart to look at their thoughts, and looked at Yang Du with a serious expression. If the other party really insisted on seeing him, he could really consider letting him reincarnate, otherwise he would inevitably end up like this next time. It was for his own good, better than disappearing from this world completely.

Yang Du trembled even more, and fell into a state of bewilderment.

How could he not know his own character, he didn't think about changing the past at all before, and felt that everything was going smoothly, but when he heard Gu Zheng's vigilant words, the past flashed through his mind, and many of the consequences were caused by himself.

Let him never forgive himself, even the last time he acted, it was also because of his soft heart and indecision, which led to the deaths of the three of them. Although they did not blame themselves, when Gu Zheng asked him to take it back, he did this. Did not follow back.

Even if there is help, I am just living a life of escape here. This time I almost hurt the people around me. Those and my companions have advised me many times, and I am disappointed in the end. How can I not know.

This time, Gu Zheng appeared and rescued himself, but next time, he knew that Gu Zheng could not be here all the time. If this continued, the people around him might really be killed by him.

Thinking of this, his confused eyes gradually brightened, and finally looked at Gu Zheng beside him.

"Master Gu, I know I was wrong. In fact, I once thought about changing, but I just thought about it. I want to really change."

After finishing speaking, Yang Du strode towards Lan Fan.

"No, you can't do that. Didn't you just say that you want us to be reincarnated as punishment, how can you go back on your word." Lan Fan said in a panic when he saw all this.

Originally, my fate was reincarnated, but now that I really want to die completely, I feel naturally different in my heart.

"I'm innocent, I just came here to see if there is anything I can do to help you, don't kill me." Tian Ou didn't care about anything at this time, and said a lie, wanting to get out of this puddle.

"That's right, that's what I said just now, now I take back what I said now, you go to die."

Yang Du stood in front of them and said expressionlessly.

Lan Fan still wanted to say something, but found that he couldn't speak at all, and his whole body was like a statue, unable to move, and the same was true for others.

Following Yang Du's swift resolution of these people, he returned to Gu Zheng's side again.

"Father, that's great. It's not a pity for this kind of person to die. If he stays in this world, he will only harm others. Even if he is reborn in the next life, he must be a big villain." Jin Sanshun said happily to Yang Du.

Gu Zheng is also pleased with Yang Du's change. The other party has always been there, but he has not been hard-hearted. The last time the other party stayed, he thought that something had changed. Now he doesn't have to worry about the other party.

"Then what about our side? It's all gone." Tie Dan also came up from the side and asked Yang Du.

"Our strength is too weak. Now that those people have left, let's give up here. Where are you going, Master Gu, we will follow you first." Yang Du said directly.

Originally, he was not very interested in these things, but now they are all gone, and he doesn't feel sorry for them at all, it's fake, but now he doesn't really want to rebuild.

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