The headshot man who was walking in front saw the short-term calm behind him, and he already had plans in his mind.

They said that they had to be wrong, some of them needed to be brainwashed before they could be added, and the condition for them to join was to kill one of their companions, completely turn against each other, and there was no way out.

Some unsuitable people are selected to do some chores, which are equivalent to slaves. As for some of the diehards, they are naturally the performance of the previous defection. If they are redundant, they will be killed mercilessly without leaving any hidden dangers. .

"The way they bite dogs is really funny." The confidant said to him flatteringly.

"You haven't seen it before, and you even have a big fight. That's wonderful. This level can't arouse my interest, but this." He said and took out the bead that was shining more and more densely, "I really want to see this life-or-death Who are the reinforcements?"


The confidant on the side also laughed, as if the visitor was just a moving belly.

Without taking a few more steps, the explosive head here ordered everyone to stop, and then turned to look in one direction.

The other subordinates also turned their heads to look over there, and everyone felt that something was approaching quickly.

"Yueqian, rescuers are coming soon. Maybe we can really be saved. It is said that there is a mid-stage Golden Immortal who has been hired to patrol this area all year round just to fight against these robbers." The man next to Yueqian said hastily at this time.

"Really?" Yue Qian raised her head, looking at him with misty eyes.

The man next to him looked at the other's delicate cheeks, even in this form, his breath was stagnant, and then he nodded, feeling a lot of emotion in his heart, if he was more decisive at the top, Yue Qian would not have died.

Yueqian immediately looked over there as well, her eyes were still a little confused, she had an illusion of not being able to find her way, and matched with the other party's delicate and pitiful temperament, she really wanted to hug her and love her dearly.

"Yes, we must be saved. I heard that in the first area, there is a senior we know with a strong cultivation base. I didn't expect there to be news of the other party in this place." Another man also said affirmatively.

Yueqian just nodded and didn't say anything else. Her thin body seemed to fly away as soon as the wind blows, which made me feel pity.

"You guys are really optimistic. This time we are doomed. I didn't hear the other party say, is this a trap? We may have nothing to do, but you may become the other party's plaything." The woman snorted coldly, looking at the other party's almost perfect His figure and temperament are unforgettable at first glance, even after death, it didn't fade by three points, but it became stronger, and he couldn't help but say.

Although the voice of the man with the headshot was low, but he didn't guard against them, he could hear them clearly.

"How did you become like this, how could you say such a thing." His Taoist companion looked at him in surprise, looking at him in surprise.

"I have died once. Do you want me to continue to revolve around her like you? She used to be the daughter of our suzerain. She was talented, beautiful, and well-known far and wide. Shide, we were killed by her, we all came here, why should I fawn on them, you don't know how jealous I am of him." The woman said with a little madness.

"Crazy, crazy." Her partner couldn't believe it, the other party thought so from the bottom of his heart, and he still thought that the other party was so perfect.

The others looked at her in surprise as if they had just met her, but soon someone came to their senses and continued to comfort Yueqian.

"Don't listen to her nonsense, she said it herself, she is jealous of you." The man next to him saw that Yue Qian was about to bow his head again, and said hastily.

They are all in the same sect, and Yueqian is the apple of the eye of everyone in the sect, and almost everyone is his admirer. This time they go out to experience and wipe out all their younger generations. Who would have known that such an accident would happen? , I have been here for more than ten years, and now I have a little understanding of the situation, so I plan to go to the first domain to find familiar people.

Or a senior, who is also a senior in their lineage, but he died a thousand years ago, and he heard the other's name by chance, and then he thought of it. It is said that he was with a relatively famous person, and then he heard his name. , should be easy to find.

Yueqian nodded slightly, she couldn't see it if she didn't pay close attention, felt the thing in her arms, and there was a trace of longing in her heart, if she could go back, this new treasure would be enough for her father to go further.

While everyone was waiting, a huge soul beast appeared in the eyes of everyone in the distance, causing a slight commotion here, because under normal circumstances, the strength of the soul beast is much stronger than them.

"Don't be afraid. The deacon Chang is by our side. The other party didn't show up, which means that things are not that dangerous." Regarding the appearance of the soul beast, the headshot man was not prepared for the appearance of the soul beast this time, and he was also frightened. After all, it is rare to see the soul beast. Beasts are generally only possessed by those with high strength. Seeing that the somewhat flustered subordinates immediately carried out the backers behind them.

"Deacon Chang? That's great, I didn't expect him to be behind."

"I thought the captain was deliberately scaring them before, but now I feel more at ease."

"No matter who the other party is, even if he comes, he will return in defeat."

His words completely comforted his subordinates, they were no longer afraid of that soul beast, and more importantly, as the distance approached, they found that the soul beast was just a superficial appearance, from the breath point of view, it was just a peak celestial being, But the appearance is really scary. If it wasn't for the headshot man who carried Chang Deacon out, I'm afraid the other party would have dispersed before he got close.

For robbers, when faced with an invincible enemy, run as fast as they can, sometimes it may be worse than death.

Looking at the bead in his hand that almost turned into a luminous bead, he threw it out casually, jumped up, came to the front, and shouted at the slowing down soul beast.

"Stop it for me."

The huge sound wave formed ripples visible to the naked eye, and flew towards the huge cloud treading beast not far away, the momentum was too powerful.

The terrifying face of the cloud treading beast revealed a look of fear, and it stopped in place, not daring to approach it.

"Haha, I'm just a coward." Seeing the movement of the cloud treading beast, the headshot man put his hips on his hips and laughed.

His subordinates also laughed a lot, they didn't expect such a ferocious and huge soul beast to be so timid, so the master's strength obviously wouldn't make people afraid.

"I didn't expect to be acquaintances, San Shun, Tie Dan, you go down, just to get acquainted with your strength." Gu Zheng was on the top, looking at the group of celestial enemies below, suddenly lost the interest just now, and said casually.

"It's okay, with this rare soul beast, the opponent must be very strong." Here they are still continuing to encourage Yue Qian, although their hearts are also suddenly chilled.

"Haha, it turned out to be this counselor who came here, I'm afraid he came to be our company." The woman sneered again, as if breaking a pot and throwing a bowl, not hiding her inner thoughts.

"Ji Yao, we are all companions, even if you are jealous of Yueqian, it's not like this. You look like you want to go to us and be captured by them. Do you also hope that I will be captured and killed like you?" His The partner was cloudy at this time, and couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted directly at him.

"You still have the nerve to talk about me? You think you have the ability. If you say that I am your legal Taoist partner, what are you doing with them around Yueqian all day long? Do you consider my feelings?" Ji Yao turned her gaze over and looked at he shouted.

"It's all my fault" Yue Qian murmured, and then his eyes were attracted by the front, a young and strong woman and man had already jumped down from the top.

"It's just you two brats, who don't know the heights of heaven and earth, and even gave up your life for the reward." The headshot man looked at the unstable aura of the two in front of him, as if he had just broken through not long ago, and he felt even more confident in his heart.

"Today is your end, Tie Dan will come with me."

Jin Sanshun didn't talk nonsense to the other party at all, she knew that Gu Zheng was behind her to fight for her, so she didn't have to worry at all, as long as she gave it her best.

The two charged directly towards each other, completely ignoring that the opponent's number and strength were far superior to the two of them, which made this side stunned.

"Kill them and steal their soul beasts for me, the time has come to make meritorious service." The headshot man shouted, and then rushed forward first.

And in the back, apart from two people left to guard the captives, the others also picked up their weapons and joined the siege. From their point of view, this man and woman are doomed. If they can capture that spirit beast, it will be a credit. It makes people red to the extreme, so when it comes up, it's like fighting chicken blood, joining the battlefield.

"Why are they?"

Yueqian naturally knew that Jin Sanshun and others were still in the same cabin a few days ago, so she was a little worried at this time.

Because the battle had only just begun, Jin Sanshun and Tie Dan fell into a disadvantage. They almost made a move at the beginning, and then fell into defense.

He has too little combat experience, and his strength has been spurred on by others, and the opponent has experienced many battles, even if it is two-on-one, it is impossible to be the opponent of the headshot man. Below the middle stage of the Celestial Immortal, he is caught in a state of life and death almost all the time.

If it weren't for the personal defense that flashed around them from time to time, they would have died long ago.

"Captain, these two people are a bit skilled, no wonder there are soul beasts, and they even have defensive magic weapons on their bodies, we can't break them at all!" The confidant asked the headshot man while attacking.

"Haha, this is not an opportunity for us to make a fortune. No matter who they are, we will exhaust each other to death. Then these things will be ours." The headshot man didn't care, but became even more excited.

You must know that in this place, there are hardly many magic weapons that can be used. Occasionally, some people bring down their own magic weapons, and they will find that they do not work at all. It was accidentally discovered outside, even if it is weak, it is much stronger than they use their own mana to transform.

"Master Gu, it's too hard for them to do this, and it won't have the effect of exercise." Behind the cloud treading beast, Guangyu looked at the situation below, and suggested to Gu Zheng.

Looking at almost all the abuse below, if it wasn't for the defense given by Gu Zheng, it would be torture and killing, I really can't bear it.

Feeling the situation below, Gu Zheng also nodded slightly, and put away the soul weapon that was once under Wen Tianhou in his hand. Although the two have the word "soul" in their names, they are actually two different races. The former is actually just Something like Ghost Cultivation doesn't work at all.

"I overestimated them, how about this, you go down and hold that captain in a sneak attack, and leave the rest to them." Gu Zheng handed over a small blue ball.

After all, Jin Sanshun and Tie Dan are just ordinary people. If they are some geniuses, maybe these are just tests and sharpening stones for their progress.

Thinking of this, Gu Zheng looked at a woman over there. Just by looking at her, one could tell that this woman had extremely high aptitude. Integrate into one and cannot be separated at all.

After Guangyu took it, his figure quietly turned into a wisp of black mist, and approached the battlefield covertly. Everyone's eyes were focused on the center, but they didn't notice a strange black mist entering from the edge.

The headshot man was still immersed in the excitement of breaking the opponent's defense and plundering everything from the opponent. Suddenly, he felt a hint of danger floating in his heart, and then a green light swelled rapidly on his side.


A huge explosion rose among the crowd, and most of the power was aimed at the headshot man at the side. He didn't even have time to react, and he was blown out in an instant. In the aftermath, he staggered to and fro, and his body could not be controlled.

With such power, it is the result of Gu Zheng's deliberate control, otherwise it will be wiped out in an instant.

"Damn it, what's going on?" The headshot man got up from the ground, unable to understand the situation at all.

"Your opponent is me."

Guang Yu's figure appeared in front of him like a ghost, directly blocking him.

"Is it the second hand? But you have to die, kill them."

The headshot man felt that his physical condition was not as bad as he imagined. It should be that he was not powerful enough, just to disrupt the formation here, so he was still not afraid, shouting at his subordinates, and at the same time, he was moving towards Guang Yu launched an attack.

At this time, Jin Sanshun and Tie Dan didn't waste the opportunity, taking advantage of the opponent's formation being disrupted, and killed two of them when the opponent recovered.

Facing the opponent's main force and two powerful enemies, Jin Sanshun obviously felt 70% less pressure, and found that although the opponent woke up from the state just now, he couldn't exert his best strength. He felt confident and began to fight back.

For a while, the robbers here were actually suppressed by the three of them. If there were no other changes, it was very likely that only the headshot man would be left in the end, and then besieged by the three of them, he would inevitably fail.

This headshot man could also sense the current situation, and saw that he couldn't repel the man in front of him in a short time. If he lost like this, he would be in trouble, so he immediately opened his throat without caring about anything else.

"Deacon Chang, hurry up and help!"

As soon as his words fell, a gust of wind suddenly blew up around him. This force was not strong, but it directly lifted Guangyu away with an unstoppable momentum.

Jin Sanshun over there was no exception, he just felt his body shake, and when he realized it, he found that he and Tiedan Guangyu were both standing in the same place, and outside them was a circle of waving mist, constantly circling around them, completely Seal them here.

"I thought you wouldn't open your mouth to ask for help. Later in the evening, two of your subordinates will die again."

The strong wind subsided, a man who looked average in height, but with a red hideous skull mask on his head, under the interference of the mask, even his voice sounded muffled, very weird.

"Deacon Chang, who would have thought that this shit-stirring stick would come, and it looks like it has a lot of background, and there are many good things in its hands, otherwise, how could I bother you." The headshot man said with a flattering smile.

"It seems that you are quite smart, but I want to look at the back of the other party, so as not to cause trouble." Deacon Chang couldn't see his face, and he couldn't even hear the other party's happiness or anger.

"Where are you three from, maybe there is some misunderstanding."

When Deacon Chang came in front of Jin Sanshun, he didn't kill him directly, he looked him up and down first, and then asked.

"Where we come from, don't care about your business, just let us go if you are sensible." Jin Sanshun was not afraid at all, but shouted at the other party.

With the ancient struggle behind, it is natural to be fearless.

"Isn't this Guangyu? When did you leave the underworld and hang out with them." Deacon Chang turned his head, looked at Guangyu and said.

"I know what you think, I've escaped from Hades, but if you want to save your life, don't mind your own business, even if you are in charge of this team." Guang Yu said calmly, he didn't get anything from his mouth and face. news.

"Deacon Chang, those guys who are designated not to be provoked, we checked all of them when we came out, there is absolutely no them, and they haven't changed their appearance, maybe it's a bluff, I don't know what kind of shit luck it is." The headshot man He came up and said to Deacon Chang.

"And this guy, I really know him. The Yang family who belongs to the fourth domain, they used a sum of money to invite us to deal with them, and they have detailed information about them. Rejected, it is estimated that they got some lucky chance, which is our chance."

"You are right, so what, if you don't let us go, you will die." Jin Sanshun said impatiently, she knew that her performance just now was very bad, and she might have disappointed her master so much.

Now that the opponent's reinforcements are here, naturally they should also retreat.

"Then let's go!"

Contrary to the expectations of the headshot man, Deacon Chang actually broke the siege, then pointed to the soul beast over there and said.

"You are wise!"

Jin Sanshun left a sentence, and then hurried back. On the way, he thought that someone had asked the bandit group to deal with them. He wondered what the situation was like over there now, and whether his adoptive father was in danger, so he unconsciously became nervous. I will want to ask Gu Zheng to ask.

But when her body became tense, Deacon Chang, who had been observing carefully, misunderstood something, and thought that the other party was really bluffing, but at the last moment, he unconsciously showed his feet, and then moved his body, raised one palm, and pointed towards the other party printed on the back.

If he dared to lie to him, he would let the other party know the price of deception.

Just when he was about to hit behind the opponent, a figure appeared behind the latter, and at the same time held his palm with a hand.

Let his figure stop abruptly!

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