Except He Lin Yi and An Ye, no one else did anything. They all focused on Gu Zheng, and occasionally He La.

Although I don't know exactly what it is that can make Lin Yi flatter that stubborn old man, it is obvious that this young man in front of him is the righteous master, and there is something that Lin Yi is very afraid of.

"I'm talking about Senior Gu, they probably don't have the heart to eat, so it's better to tell the matter quickly, and wait until everyone is together." Hela persuaded from the side.

Just now she kept trying to find out in advance, but the other party insisted on not revealing the news. The only thing she knew was that the other party needed many people to help him find something.

"In this case, let me make a long story short and show you something first."

Gu Zheng glanced over, even Lin Yi and the two who were eating on purpose, looked at themselves from time to time, and the others didn't even blink their eyes, wanting to see what he said, let alone move the things in front of them .


Gu Zheng picked up the bag in front of him, picked up a corner, and took out all the contents.

In the middle he intentionally left some space, more than 20 cleansing stones appeared in front of them with a clatter.

Even Lin Yi and the two who were prepared to see Gu Zheng's actions looked at the sin-cleansing stone in front of them greedily, as if they had taken all of them for themselves, and the others looked shocked. look.

"What are you doing? This is something from the ancient predecessors, how can you touch it casually."

Lin Yizheng stood up angrily, interrupted a person's outstretched hand, and said righteously, as if these things belonged to him.

The other party seemed to be hit by the cleansing stone, and he couldn't help stretching out his hand, and when he woke up, he quickly apologized and retracted.

Lin Yi's action is also a reminder to others, even he dare not think about it, he will not stop you if you want to find death.

The other people also trembled in their hearts. If the other party's cultivation base was similar to Lin Yi's, they would not have reminded them like this at all. In this way, the other party's cultivation base can be determined, so naturally they dare not do it again.

"Master Gu, they are ignorant, don't argue with them, to be honest, I can't help it, you just need to tell us what needs to be done." An Ye also calmed down and said seriously.

"Master Gu, what do you need us to do, just tell us, and we will definitely meet your needs."

"That's right, Senior Gu, with so many of us here, there is nothing we can't do. We can't do it. As long as we pass it back, we will definitely mobilize everyone."

On the road before, Lin Yi also vaguely revealed that helping a person with something would bring him a huge reward afterwards. Seeing so many sin-washing stones in front of him, he would naturally think of something, and said in succession.


Gu Zheng looked at the other party's messy appearance, and shouted directly, completely suppressing all of them.

"Listen to me, I just want to find two people, and I don't know if the other person is still here, or going to reincarnate, as long as two people find one, it's fine."

Gu Zheng looked around and continued.

"Let me talk about the reward first. As long as I have the exact clues of the other party, a sin stone, if you help me find the other party, then it will be multiplied five times. That person must not be harmed in any way."

"Is the other party an ordinary person? Master Gu, please give me more information." An Ye frowned slightly, seeing that Gu Zheng didn't want to continue, she asked immediately.

Because there are too many people in the underworld, the lonely ghosts wandering outside, the ghost cultivators hidden inside, and a large part of them enter the tower of hell, and even people enter the cycle of reincarnation every moment. People appear here every moment, and trying to find two people in the vast crowd is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

And more importantly, when the two people the other party was looking for came here, it was extremely difficult. Even if the reward was a sin-washing stone, they still felt that they had no way of doing it.

Others also understood this, and nodded their heads to look at Gu Zheng. It was really a needle in a haystack, and they lost a lot.

"It's not an ordinary person. One's cultivation level is at most similar to his, and the other's is similar to mine." Gu Zheng pointed to Lin Yi and said.

If the opponent is still there, his strength will definitely decline, but to what extent, he is really not sure, but Senlu can't fall to Jinxian no matter how low he is, and Youzhu is not necessarily.

In fact, Gu Zheng's hope of finding Senlu is greater than Youzhu's. The main reason is that Youzhu's wish has been fulfilled, and he betrayed his beloved woman, so he may choose to reincarnate directly. Of course, everything is uncertain, so the two Everyone has to look for it.

"Is it as strong as yours?" Lin Yi couldn't help asking.

"Yes, the other party was about the same as me before he died." Gu Zheng didn't dare to say too much, "But the other party died only in the past few decades. If there are other circumstances, there may be changes."

"If this is the case, this powerful person will either be easy to find, or may not be found, which is much clearer than that very ordinary person." Lin Yi couldn't help but said.

"Yes, if the opponent is so powerful, as long as they appear, they will definitely leave traces, but they are also the favorite of the Tower of Hell, so they can be easily imprisoned." An Ye followed behind and said, making Lin Yi hold back his words.

An Ye ignored Lin Yi's threatening eyes, and continued, "Please continue to describe in detail, the more detailed the better. If it is convenient, you can tell me the name and some habits, and even the fighting moves can be described one or two. We may use No, but the information can be sent under our influence."

As soon as Lin saw that the other party had finished his words, he wanted to beat him up so badly at this time, but unfortunately he didn't have the chance usually, and now he couldn't stop him, so he could only warn the past with his eyes from time to time. Under Shi's temptation, An Ye didn't care at all.

The others saw that the two of them had finished speaking, and they had nothing to add to what they wanted to say, so they could only look at Gu Zheng helplessly.

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and with a wave of his hand, eight sin-washing stones automatically floated up on the table, and then under the puzzled and excited eyes of everyone, those sin-washing stones came to each of them, even Hela had a copy, But no one reached out.

"Before you look for it, I will give you this sin-washing stone as a gift. Whether you look for it or not, I will never ask for it back." Gu Zheng said very grandly.

"My lord, but is it true?" An other force said a little excitedly.

"Of course it's true. This thing is useless to me. I don't need that much, and I want you to really contribute, so it's better to bring something substantive. The other party is very important to me. Please help me a lot."

"So please accept it, no matter whether you can find it in the end, everyone has worked hard, and we can't let everyone waste time and energy in vain."

Gu Zheng looked at everyone Chen Ken and said.

"Master Gu, it's refreshing enough. You don't have to worry about us not doing things. As long as you take this thing, you will take over your work and will definitely go all out." An Ye took the lead and said.

Regardless of whether this cleansing stone is enough to pay the reward, or the follow-up reward later, if they give up, they can just turn around and die by themselves.

In layman's terms, steady profits and no losses, of course, the opponent's strength is very important, if the opponent is lazy here, the opponent will have an excuse to find their affairs, after all, the reward is given first.

Others accepted the cleansing stone in front of them one after another. They didn't need to check it, and they knew that the other party could not deceive them.

Hela also accepted it with great emotion, thinking of that idiot Xin Yu, I am afraid that this time, not only will he not be able to advance a step, but he may also be unlucky.

However, she didn't expect that Gu Zheng's cultivation base would actually come to Da Luo, which is an existence that people look up to. She only regretted that she didn't make up her mind to make good friends, and gave all the wine to the other party. Giving that adornment to the other party before was considered a simple understanding, and it was not too late to make up for it.

It's just a pity that the other party didn't pay more attention to my side, and I helped the other party unconditionally once, in order to get a small favor from the other party. If you don't know, this favor will bring help in the fight, but it's a pity that the other party didn't Use it, otherwise you would not have invited so many people. From the side, those two people are also very important to the ancient struggle. I hope this side can gain something.

Gu Zheng looked at everyone looking at him, without any nonsense, and began to describe the general appearance of the other party, emphasizing the description of the other party's character, and some habitual temper.

He knows that the outside world can change, and his own moves can also change, but his personality will not change much even if he dies. However, he doesn't know much about the two, so he can say what he can say Say it all.

In the entire box, only Gu Zheng spoke alone, and he simply sketched the appearance of the other party for their reference.

At the same time, in an ordinary room in the nearby inn, it was in a mess, and it could be seen that almost every place had been searched.

"I'm sorry, Miss Sanshun, I hurt you, and I will never do it next time."

Tie Dan had woken up and remembered how he was caught by the other party, knowing that he had implicated Jin Sanshun.

"No trouble, actually I didn't dodge, I was caught together by the other party." Seeing that Tie Dan was in a bad mood, Jin Sanshun also moved his body towards this side, "Besides, you are the closest person, you want to If you don't protect me, who will protect me then, you want to watch others bully me."

"No one can bully you unless you step over my dead body." Tie Dan blurted out.

"So, before I die, you can't leave me. You are my best friend." Jin Sanshun looked at the other party seriously and said.

"Stop talking, you two, if you want to die, tell me quickly, where you put your things." Brother Shui walked over to interrupt them with a sullen face from the side.

"I told you all, I really don't know, I was very wronged, who changed my things." Jin Sanshun said wronged.

This is not pretending, because she is also bleeding in her heart, which is a huge fortune, but it turned out to be under her nose, and she didn't know how she was dropped by someone, and she didn't even realize it. I feel like I'm dead.

"You don't know? If you don't know who knows, let me tell you, don't tell me honestly, then don't blame me for being rude, let you experience the power of the Tower of Hell in advance." Sister Shui also came over with a sullen face , pointing at Kim San-soon and said.

"You have been following me. Apart from being here, I was caught by you the only time I went out. How could I have time to hide it? Obviously, it is safe to carry this thing at any time." Jin Sanshun also wanted to cry without tears.

"If you don't want to drink a toast, you'll have to pay a fine. I'll let you suffer a little before you know what will happen to you if you talk too hard." Unmoved, Sister Feng walked towards Jin Sanshun, grabbed her by the neck, and lifted her up with one hand. .

"Don't hurt the third lady." Tie Dan was struggling fiercely, but he couldn't release the other party's restraint at all.

"Miss Huan San, she is so delicate, I have never seen such a stupid guy." Brother Shui said disdainfully from the side.


A painful cry came out of Jin Sanshun's mouth. Sister Feng had already begun to torture her here, and was about to force her to speak.

"I really don't know." Jin Sanshun squeezed it out of his mouth with a look of extreme pain on his face.

"Don't cry without seeing the coffin, let's see how long you can last."

As soon as Sister Feng felt ruthless, she was about to increase her strength again and let the other party try the capital punishment, when she heard a rapid sound from Tie Dan next to her.

"I know, I know, let go of Miss San quickly."

"You made a wise choice, at least to save your Third Miss from suffering." Sister Feng stopped her hands and turned to look at Tie Dan next to her.

Jin Sanshun panted heavily, taking advantage of this hard-earned rest time, it seemed like a drowning person suddenly emerged from the water. She had never been subjected to such a test before, even if Sister Feng didn't really exert her strength, she couldn't hold on .

But she really didn't know, otherwise she would have opened her mouth a long time ago, since she would be dead anyway, why should she be tortured? When she heard Tie Dan's words, she also looked at the other party in surprise. In Sister Feng's eyes, it was naturally surprise at the other party's betrayal I didn't believe it, and before I said it, I believed it in my heart.

"Tell me, where are the things?" Brother Shui pulled Tiedan up from the ground, and pressed his cheek against the other's eyes, giving him the greatest sense of oppression.

"Don't play tricks. You also know that killing people here is very troublesome. If we get it, you just need to stay here obediently for a month, and your shackles will naturally be released."

"It's handed over to another companion. There are actually three of us. The other party picked us up halfway and learned about your affairs, so we split up." Tie Dan said hastily, "If we didn't need to leave here, we wouldn't have left here at all. go out."

If Tie Dan said "sincerity", he asked Brother Shui to let go of the other party, then looked at Sister Feng, nodded slightly, and continued to ask, "Where is the other party?"

"In the Yunhe shop next door, in order to prevent secrecy, he even hired a low-level ghost cultivator to inquire about the news outside. If I take you there, you will know whether we can lie."

Being so close, Brother Shui could feel that the other party was not lying, but he didn't know that the other party was not lying at all, because when the other party returned the things to them before, he felt that the other party was his own.

Because the other party's cultivation base is very high, if they want to ask the other party to help them, at worst, they will give him a cleansing stone as a reward. Presumably the other party will not be angry, this is what Tie Dan thinks in his heart.

"The other party is not our companion, and the other party does not have anything from us." Jin Sanshun who was next to him reacted very quickly. Thinking of the figure he saw before, he warned Tie Dan to stay away from them, but he did not expect to become their lifesaver at this time .

I just hope that the other party can save their lives again, otherwise they are really doomed.

"Don't talk, you take us there, if there is any rash action, she will be killed immediately."

Not to mention it's okay, being so excited, Sister Feng believed 70% in her heart, and immediately grabbed Jin Sanshun by her side. She looked intimate on the outside, but in fact, her hidden left hand was always killing her.

"Okay, I'll take you there." Brother Shui pushed Tie Dan, but he didn't release him from the shackles.

The four of them came down from upstairs again and walked to the side.

While walking on the road, Brother Shui and Sister Feng looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts.

Even if they found something, their fate would be doomed. They were just lying to them before. How could such a large wealth be known by the other party. If it was leaked out, some people would definitely come to the door.

Without taking a few more steps, they came to Yunhe's shop.

"If you dare to lie to me, you will die for everything you say." Sister Feng said to Tie Dan in a low voice.

"I didn't lie to you, you will know as soon as you ask, I don't want me and Miss San to die again." Tie Dan also said very frankly.

"Go in!"

The four of them walked directly into Yunhe's store, and as soon as they entered, a subordinate who looked like a handyman greeted him.

"Four, I'm sorry, my housekeeper has something to do, so I'll welcome you." It seems that the subordinate who made up the shift said to them very skillfully.

"No, I'm here to find our friend." Tie Dan knew that at this time he had to do it himself, and directly refused the other party's service.

"Looking for someone? Can you describe your friend's name and general appearance, and I'll call it out for you."

In order to prevent the enemy from seeking trouble, etc., it is not that the guests have no right to go upstairs, and without their guide, they probably don't know which room the other party is in. In case they disturb other guests, they asked politely.

"We are all called Ye Wei, we are not strong, and our complexion looks a little handsome."

"By the way, he brought many friends here before. It's just that we are not strong enough to come here. We have to disturb him because we have something to do." At this time, Jin Sanshun opened his mouth and told his guess. I don't know if the name is true or not until I heard other people talking about it on the road.

But for the two of them, it doesn't matter whether the name is true or false, as long as the last name is correct, and of course the appearance.

"I see, you guys wait here for a while, and I will ask."

As for Ye Tian, ​​he didn't know the name of the other party, but when the other party brought a group of people, the music heard someone calling his name, and it was also Ye Xing. In addition, the other party's description was good, and he was going to help them ask one party, let them Sat in the hospitality area on the ground floor.

There are only simple chairs for people to rest, at least they will not be neglected.

"It's troublesome." Jin Sanshun replied politely.

"Don't play tricks!"

Sister Feng whispered into Jin Sanshun's ear, then let go of her hand, and led them to the side, otherwise others would be able to see their situation at a glance.

Jin Sanshun nodded obediently, and she didn't expect to escape here. Although she had a high chance of escaping, that guy Tiedan must be too late.

In other words, why did the other party suddenly seem to be enlightened just now, and she could think of this, even she, who claims to be smart, didn't think of it.

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