In his own room, Ye Tian sat on the table outside, pouring the drink that came with the room, while thinking about what to do later.

From his movements, he could actually see a shadow of Gu Zheng. He unconsciously wanted to learn from Gu Zheng. Before, he felt that Gu Zheng's figure was too free and easy, and there was a hint of artistic conception that blended into the world, which made him yearn for it .

The whole room is very large, it can be said that it is the best room here, and the price is naturally very expensive.

There are three rooms. He is now in the outermost living room. Although the surroundings are not as luxurious as the outside decoration, after all, the conditions do not allow it, but there are some exquisite embellishments and handmade decorations. You can tell it at a glance. With the guidance of experts, every position is just right and very tasteful.

The second room is a slightly simpler bedroom. The bed inside is naturally different from the outside. It is made of Yin-gathering stones, which can speed up cultivation or recover from injuries.

This room is mainly for subordinates or servants. The innermost area is larger than the sum of the outer two, and it is completely independent of the outside. If there is danger, a layer of defense will be activated automatically, not to mention the more gorgeous decoration. Even if a single room is taken out, it will not be weaker than the rooms where powerful and noble people live.

Of course, there are only two such rooms here. A fruit of cleansing resentment can live for seven days now, and now the price of the fruit of cleansing grievances has increased again. It is said that after some degree of extraction, the essence can be extracted. Because of the accumulation of too much Ji Qi in the body, the reduction speeds up the cultivation in a disguised form.

When Ye Tian heard the news, his heart ached for a while. If he had known earlier, he would have paid the other party a quarter less, and maybe he could have bought more wine.

"Boom boom boom"

Just when he was thinking about the idea, there was a knock on the door outside. The sound was loud enough for him to hear clearly. No one else came back at this time except the other party, and immediately got up to open the door.

Ye Tian opened the door, and saw the former peripheral manager with a flattering smile, and beside him was a middle-aged man with a serious face and a very dignified appearance.

"Master An, this is friend Ye who invited you." The steward smiled to the side.

"Do you really have news about the sin-cleansing stone?" This Mr. An looked at Ye Tian with the look of interrogating a prisoner.

Ye Tian suppressed the displeasure in his heart, and knew his own strength to let the other party see clearly, "Is An Guanshi right? Please come in and talk, it's not convenient to talk outside."

While speaking, he stepped out of the way and made a gesture of please.

"You go down first, and I will accept it later." This Mr. An took a deep look at Ye Tian. The latter's face remained unchanged and he couldn't see any information, so he ordered to go to the side.

Following Mr. An's entry, Ye Tian directly closed the door. In this way, outsiders who wanted to come in had to forcibly break through the defense outside without his consent.

"Tell me, the reason why you asked me to come here is because of the cleansing stone. If you let me know that you lied to me, you must know the end." Mrs. An was not afraid at all. Ye Tian asked on the opposite side.

He has enough confidence, this is his territory, and the other party will not be stupid enough to do anything to him here, especially if he is just an ordinary ghost cultivator, but he has the cultivation base of the early golden immortal.

"Manager An, please read this."

With Gu Zheng as his backer, Ye Tian naturally wouldn't call the other party an adult.

Ye Tian didn't hesitate to put a bag in front of him, looking confident.

Mr. An looked at the bag in front of him, but he couldn't see the inside at all. He was slightly surprised. Obviously, the person in front of him couldn't take out this good thing. It seemed that the person behind him just pushed him out.

Seeing Mr. An reaching out to grab the bag, Ye Tian pretended to be calm and said, "My lord is very sincere, please go to the nearby Yunhe store to gather."

Mr. An's arm didn't stop, he just grabbed the bag in his hand and was about to open it. It's too early to say anything now. The adult he was talking about wanted to invite him over easily. If it wasn't for the sin-washing stone, he wouldn't Will bird each other.

He untied the rope that was simply tied on the outside, and then looked inside. His whole body shook, his eyes bulged, and his mouth opened slightly, as if he saw something incredible.

"How is the sincerity of my lord? Don't worry about not being able to get something out, this is just to let you know our strength." Seeing this scene, Ye Tian also showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, gently turned Lihuan in his hand, looked at the other party and said.

"I have seen the sincerity, but I think your lord seems a little reckless. It's really big heart to let you bring these things." After half a cup of tea, Mr. An, who has been fighting between heaven and man, said this Only then did he close the bag and test out to Ye Tian.

There are so many sin-washing stones, it really shocked him completely, and he immediately thought of killing and seizing treasures. Anyway, this is his territory, and no one can know, but the prudence in his heart suppressed the thoughts floating in his heart .

Being able to be sent out is by no means a reckless person. The other party is so careless, and obviously has a way to control himself. Even a fool would not do this. After thinking about it, he asked, but he still held the bag in his hand.

"My adults said that if someone thinks they can take it away, they can do whatever they want. If they fail to take it away, don't worry about it. As long as they apologize to me, they can continue to do this business."

"Please, Manager An, just think about it. I have to go to other places later, otherwise I won't be able to complete the task. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. As long as I go there, my lord will never treat everyone badly."

Ye Tian didn't answer directly, and even urged him.

"Oh? It won't be a problem if I say I want to snatch it away." Master An was not in a hurry, but asked again.

"That's right, my lord is strong, but I'm the only follower I've only accepted, so I'm bound to be short-staffed to do some things. This is also a way to show my strength." Ye Tian put Li Huan on the table, and said affirmatively .

"This is the magic weapon of that lord, obviously, you can't stop me." Lord An shifted his gaze to the table, and then asked.

He was also thinking about whether to take the risk, if there was only one, he would definitely take the risk, but so many made him hesitate.

"Yes, Manager An, whether it's a test, or you don't want to apologize, or you don't want to deal with us, choose quickly, too much time is wasted, and I have to go elsewhere." Ye Tian even leaned on the chair behind, feeling The softness on the back said with some comfort.

"Then I won't be polite!"

After Master An finished speaking, he stood up, fixed his eyes on Li Huan, and walked away behind him little by little.

He clearly found that as he left Lihuan, the red color on the opponent's body became brighter, and a faint flame emerged from it, and at the same time, an aura that made his heart palpitate emerged from the opponent's body.

His footsteps stopped suddenly, and then he looked at Lihuan who was about to explode, as if he just took a step away from the opponent, and the opponent would explode.

Turning his head and looking behind, he had already walked half the distance. As long as he opened the door, he was away from a fast and hidden passage, which could lead to a very safe place, which could withstand the attack of Jinxian Peak, at least for a few days. In this way, I have enough time to ask for support.

After making some calculations in his mind, Lord An's body suddenly exploded and he rushed towards the door.

But he was fast, a line of fire behind him was even faster, and almost as soon as he moved, a line of fire passed by his side and spread directly over the gate, and a layer of raging fire suddenly burned on the entire surface of the gate, making Master An's body Sudden stop in the distance.

Looking at the unattractive flames in front of him, Mr. An couldn't help taking a step back. His intuition told him that if he wanted to rely on his defense to rush out, there was only one end for him, and that was death!

Even if he could only spy a little bit, he also knew that the master Ye Tian was talking about had a cultivation level far beyond his own.

"Hehe, it seems that the lord is really powerful, so I admit defeat." Mr. An tried to concentrate, but he couldn't go around. Speaking of his asymmetrical strength, he came back very calmly, and smiled at Ye Tian, ​​and then put the The bag containing the sin stones was placed on the table.

He wanted to tear this bag just now, but he also found that his own strength couldn't do anything about it. After seeing the opponent's strength, he planned to go over and have a look.

"Guan An, how about it, I don't need your apology, I need to go to another house next, I hope you can prove it to me, in this case, it will take a little time, what do you think?" Ye Tian stood up , see that the other party is ready to fulfill the promise, and stop the other party one step ahead.

In fact, Mr. An was also very depressed, thinking about leaving, but when he thought of the cleansing stone inside and the other party's request, he was ready to apologize. He couldn't miss this opportunity. Punishment, now that I heard Ye Tian's request, I naturally accepted the slope given by the other party.

"No problem. I'm familiar with them. With my help, I can at least convince the other party. My name is An Ye."

The strength behind the opponent made An Ye not as arrogant as before.

Ye Tian took the bag back, and then counted the number of sin-cleansing stones inside, not too many, not too few, and he also knew that since Gu Zheng put it here, he was not afraid that the other party would steal a few of them secretly, it was just a means What, he didn't know, he could only hope that nothing unexpected happened.

"Next, I'll go to the house opposite, starting with the biggest one." Ye Tian raised his head and said to An Ye.

"Where is Lin Yi? The other party is at the peak of the Golden Immortal. He is difficult to persuade, and he is stubborn in his bones. Among this group of people, no one wants to deal with him more." An Ye hesitated, not daring to promise.

The overall strength behind the other party can be said to be one of the best. Anyway, in his acquaintance, the other party is not afraid of anything except one person, and that person is just a ghost cultivator, extremely mysterious.

"I believe that as long as the other party is taken down, it will be easier for others." Ye Tian knew it a long time ago, and it was also according to the plan in his heart, even the other party's apology was included.

Even if the other party is willing at the beginning, he still has to ask the other party for help if the other party doesn't say anything, but he knows that they will leave here in a few days, and half of his rest time will be squandered. Not enough, anyone will question themselves.

He also knows that Gu Zheng trusts this time, and it can be regarded as a test, and he must complete it perfectly.

"That's right, then I'll accompany you for a while, otherwise, no matter what you say, the other party may not see you." An Ye also agreed with him.

The two packed up and immediately walked towards the opposite side.

Sure enough, with An Ye's presence, he went back to ask for it, and then told Lin Yi's location.

The other party happened to be in a nearby restaurant, and the two went directly to where the other party was.

While they were moving here, at another location, Jin Sanshun, who wanted to hide in a remote place, was also blocked by two people.

Even though there was a large open space beside her, she didn't think of how to escape, because Tie Dan had already been caught by the other party.

The other party came up to pretend to be a passer-by, and her superb acting skills even deceived her. She didn't become alert until the other party made a move. Although she avoided the other party's sneak attack in time, Tie Dan didn't react and was subdued by the other party.

"Haha, aren't you able to hide? You didn't know that we had discovered you from the moment you came in." Brother Shui said triumphantly while grabbing the iron egg that had lost the ability to resist and fell into a coma.

"However, you guys are smart enough to hide for a few days and live in such a nice place. We can only stay outside. We deserve to be rich." Sister Feng's eyes sparkled, moving up and down her body Look at it, and finally freeze on the opponent's chest.

There are some bumps in that place, although it looks normal, but in her eyes, there is a little flaw, it seems that one side is bigger.

"What do you want? Let me release the iron egg quickly." Jin Sanshun gritted his teeth and shouted at them.

"What do you want? Come here now, if you leave, this person will die." Sister Feng said to Jin Sanshun when she saw someone nearby paying attention to her.

The two people sandwiched the iron egg in the middle. From a distance, it looked like three people walking side by side, leaving only Jin Sanshun in place.

"Will the other party come over?" Brother Shui quietly looked behind and found Jin Sanshun standing still, so he was a little worried.

"What's the use of worrying, if we don't see the side and pay attention here, we are finished if we attract the government soldiers." Sister Feng glared at him, "I tracked the other party, even if the other party ran away, we couldn't follow him leave."

"So that's it, I'm relieved now." Brother Shui immediately smiled when he heard the words, "It's just right that the other party has come, so that we don't waste our energy to search for it. If we get inside, there will be more variables."

"Look, the other party is chasing you. It's a sure thing." Sister Feng said softly, feeling the movement behind her.

"Master Lin, it's really leisurely. Aren't you usually practicing?"

In a private room of a restaurant, not Yunhe shop, An Ye brought Ye Tian up, and smiled at him.

Ye Tian saw an old man in Tsing Yi sitting inside, in good spirits.

"It's you, what's the matter this time?" Lin Yi looked at them without getting up, with an intriguing expression.

Although the status of the two seems to be the same, there is an absolute gap in cultivation. Lin Yi is also the strongest here, and the others are at most stronger than An Ye.

"It's like this. A new strong man wants to gather all the respectable people here. Although he doesn't know what it is, he is sure that the reward is the sin stone. I don't know if you are interested." An Ye didn't talk nonsense, straight to the point said.

"The sin stone?" Lin Yi was taken aback for a moment, then repeated, and put his eyes on Ye Tian, ​​"It seems that you have accepted the invitation, what conditions are there for you to work so hard to be a lobbyist?" .”

"No, I just lost a bet with the other party, so I came to act as the other party's lobbyist. I don't even know what the other party is going to do."

An Ye sat directly at the side, and Ye Tian also sat down, but Ye Tian didn't sit down, and stood directly at the side, looking at Lin Yi without fear.

"It's interesting. I'd like to know how you guys can bet. The other party seems too weak, and I don't really believe that the other party will have the cleansing stone." Lin Yi said with interest.

"Bang" "jingle"

An ordinary bag and an unusual-looking bracelet were thrown onto the table.

"This is it." Ye Tian said bluntly, "There are twenty-seven cleansing stones in it. This is sincerity. If you want to take it away, I don't mind at all, but as long as you try, you must help my lord to find it. The rest, gather together."

"You said there are so many sin stones, I can't."

Lin Yi sucked in his hand, and the bag was instantly grabbed into his hand, and he opened it while talking.

But before he could finish speaking, his body also shook, and a shocked expression appeared in his eyes.

An Ye who was next to him also felt a lot more comfortable. No matter how powerful you are, you won't be the same as me after seeing this scene.

However, Lin Yi was obviously better at controlling himself, and quickly realized that he grabbed the bag tightly, then looked at the two of them, and said in a hoarse voice, "Did you take it away?"

"Yes, this magic weapon stopped me, so I lost, do you want to try it?" An Ye nodded and said, still gloating in his heart, wanting to see how the other party failed.

"If you want to try, you must agree to my conditions." Ye Tian followed closely.

"Hehe, are you too crazy, even if you rely on this lord?" Lin Yi stood up and said with a fierce look in his eyes.

"This is my problem. I am weak and really can't do anything, but let me tell you, once you start, you will automatically accept my request. Remember this." Ye Tian felt the faint smile from the other party. The momentum, the whole body began to tremble, but he still said stubbornly.

"If you break the contract, I'm afraid you don't want my lord to take the initiative to come over."

"You're right, and you don't count. I can only say, thank you for the gift, and I'll accept it." Lin Yi stretched out his finger, and pointed at An Ye and Ye Tian, ​​without being polite at all.

"Whatever!" Ye Tian pushed forward forcefully.

Lin Yi glanced over from here, and then his face turned pale, and he backed away, sitting on the ground, "If it wasn't for the sake of your hard work, I would have killed you directly, get out of here .”

"Master Lin, don't be so full of words, maybe you will have to apologize to him in the end." An Ye stood up and stood in front of Ye Tian, ​​for fear that the other party would really kill him, and since he was in front, the other party still had scruples.

"Apologize, that's impossible. The other party apologizes to me."

Lin Yi said very confidently.

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