Ye Tian, ​​who was walking back, did not go back quickly, but slowed down more and more.

Finally, when there was still a corner away from the warehouse over there, he stopped, hesitated, and picked up the necklace in his arms.

This is his sister's necklace. It was also his sister's favorite necklace when she was alive, and it was also a gift he gave her as an adult when he was in the world. He remembered every detail of it.

He was also very honorable in the past, known as the most promising generation in his family, everyone fawned on him, making him completely lost, he used to be young and frivolous, he almost didn't take everything seriously, and took everything for granted. Give him a certain amount of time, becoming a fairy is inevitable, and maybe he can look forward to a broader future.

It's a pity that an accident caused him to fall into a valley, his cultivation was almost crippled, and he was lying on the bed like a cripple.

At that time, everyone started to laugh at him, mocking him, as if he was so contemptible from the beginning to the end, but he just couldn't even talk back.

All the malice in the world is nothing more than this. Everything was taken back, the fiancée also divorced, and the insults from others made him want to trample him to death. At that time, even the food was stopped, waiting for him to die slowly.

If he could have committed suicide at that time, he would have committed suicide long ago.

But luckily he didn't commit suicide, because his own sister, who was three years younger than him, was desperate to take care of her herself, and sold all her belongings for his treatment, miraculously allowing him to get out of bed.

It was his sister's encouragement. In his sister's words, you are my real brother, and if I don't help you, whoever will help you.

At that time, even his parents abandoned him, and he didn't know how bad things other people said to her sister behind his back.

He regained his strength, and his body miraculously improved. From the beginning when he got out of bed, he needed someone to help him, and in the end he behaved like a normal person, which surprised everyone.

But even here, other people still sneered at them. After all, he has been completely abandoned, and he is not of much value. Perhaps because of what he did before, they couldn't face him, and finally drove them out. street.

That year was the most difficult year for them. They did everything, begging, stealing, and even robbing, from one city to another, allowing their two children to grow up rapidly, all just to survive.

It can be said that apart from this necklace, all valuable things are gone. Even in difficult times, this chain is still in the hands of his sister.

The two have honed incomparably smooth from the fine clothing and jade food to the end.

Perhaps fate is such a twists and turns. By chance, a senior who had met by chance happened to pass by where he was and recognized his identity.

The other party also felt pity for what happened to him, and also had friendship with his master, and personally helped him heal the injuries in his body, and left him some cultivation resources before leaving.

In this regard, Ye Tian once again gained a new life.

This time he seemed to be a different person. He practiced hard without the arrogance he had before. He even helped her sister start to practice. Even if the other party didn't have any qualifications, he would hand over to her little by little.

They have practiced outside for ten years, and their life has not been as bitter as before. However, he wanted to go back for revenge, but he ignored his sister's contribution, and even practiced for himself. Knowing that she has no qualifications at all and is a completely ordinary person, this led to the tragedy that followed.

Ten years later, Ye Tian, ​​who had successfully advanced to the rank of Celestial Immortal, took Ye Ying, who had only just started, and killed his family directly.

This year, Ye Feng was already in his early thirties, and her younger sister had also changed from an ignorant girl to a mature and understanding woman.

Originally, what he meant was to let the person who bullied him experience his previous insults and teach him a lesson, but without him taking action, he found that his family had already provoked someone he shouldn't have, so he sat outside and waited. Prepare to make the other party suffer even more, and finally come back as the savior himself.

But his decision made him regret it, because her sister is kind-hearted. Even when she stole things, she would find some rich people who were rich and unkind, and even when she was in trouble, she would pity others and give them Others have their few rations.

In a word, she was a little naive and a little overwhelmed with love, but this was her own sister, so naturally she could only maintain it.

This time, when he was not paying attention, she found an excuse to sneak back home, and wanted them to report the letter and ask the family to apologize to her brother, but the family didn't believe it at all, and still mocked her coldly, and even wanted to detain her. .

And when they were still entangled, their enemy attacked ahead of time and directly entered the house. Ye Ying had a little strength and joined the battle. The enemy was killed by the opponent just by meeting him.

When Ye Tian realized something was wrong and rushed over, he found that most of the people in his family had been killed and injured, leaving him only the body of his sister. Before he died, he was still holding this very ordinary silver chain in his hand, but it had been covered with blood. dyed red.

Angry, he slaughtered all the enemies and left here with his sister's body.

After burying her sister, he wandered around the world like a walking corpse for several years, and finally broke out of the trough, because he suddenly heard that after death, people would go to hell and wait to be reincarnated.

If he wanted to rescue his sister, he had to have great strength, otherwise, when her sister was reincarnated, he would be powerless even if he had supernatural powers.

Next, he practiced hard, while cultivating in the mortal world, slaying demons and demons, while looking for famous teachers to continue practicing.

His master had told him long ago that his fate was over and he was nowhere to be found.

If it was placed in a peaceful age, perhaps with his hard work and spirit of not being ashamed to ask others, even if he couldn't save his sister, he could still become a famous person.

But in this turbulent age, there are too many powerful people, within a few years, he died with a monster clan in a battle, and leisurely came to the underworld.

But in the dark, the huge obsession in his heart came to bring this chain down, and the price was that he lost his whole body's cultivation, and this chain also entered the underworld with him.

He has been here for decades. He has been cultivating through bumps and bumps, and his strength recovery is not ideal. Coupled with his status as a wronged soul, even if he is unwilling, he can only pass a little time.

Whenever he was desperate and helpless, he would take out the necklace and take a closer look. He still had his most important obsession unfinished.

He didn't bring it before, on the one hand, he also felt lucky. If he had carried it himself, if something happened to him, the chain would be completely taken away by others. At that time, someone was still chasing him, and he stayed here. People, even if the house collapses, they can find it by themselves.

But now, he seems to have found an opportunity. If this mysterious adult who descended from the sky follows the other party, he may really be able to realize his wish.

Things that are extremely difficult for him may be just easy for others. If he has this opportunity, he will naturally not let it go.

Ye Tian put away the necklace in his hand, and then strode towards the warehouse.

It's almost time, and I can't keep adults waiting.

As soon as he entered the warehouse, he saw wine bottles that looked like bamboo tubes, half the size of an arm, neatly placed on a clean floor, and covered with a layer of black wood-like material to prevent the bamboo tubes from being soiled. .

"There are a total of 150 bottles of Qiongyun wine, and each bottle contains about ten cups. There are thirty-five bottles of other similar wines, and each bottle also contains ten cups. Other inferior wines The wine was not brought up." The woman said with a smile.

The other party took away all the inventory this time, which is equivalent to being bought by the other party for decades, and it was indeed the local tyrant. This is also the first time she has met such a character. The bottle already surprised her incomparably.

Although this thing also has some good effects, it is only useful for the first time, and it is only for this taste in the future.

"No problem, about how much it is, I will pay with the fruit of resentment." Ye Tian counted it carefully, and the amount was correct.

There is a white cloud engraved on the surface of Qiongyun wine, which is lifelike. There are also different patterns on other bodies, so you can easily tell what kind of wine it is.

"If you want to use the Fruit of Resentment, you will need about two hundred pieces. This is still a discount for you. In addition, the value of the Fruit of Resentment has increased. In the past, at least tens of thousands of pieces may not be enough." The woman said with a smile.

"I'll take the things first, you go back with me, and let the adults pay you." Ye Tian didn't know whether what the other party said was true or not, anyway, he only had one in his hand, and it was his own reward.

However, it can also be seen how rare the fruit of resentment washing is now, but it was incomparably flooded in the past.

"no problem."

A woman is not afraid that the other party will not give the money, and there is a special person behind her to deal with this kind of debt. It is said that just a bracelet in the other party's hand is enough to exchange for a hundred times more.

"Strange, how could he have anything to do with this family?"

The guy who was following Ye Tian was very puzzled when he saw the other party and the woman walking out talking and laughing.

For this shop, I'm afraid there are not many people who don't know it, and it is also a well-known figure now.

Although it was strange, he also knew that as the other party, he would never have anything to do with this side, and everything would be discussed when the boss came.

After he followed all the way and saw the other party walk in with his own eyes, his boss followed along with several people.

"Where are people?"

His boss name is Xiongba, a very domineering name, with a very eye-catching bald head, matched with that wicked face, one can tell that he is not a good person.

"Ye Tian goes in there, I can't go any further." The follower pointed to that side and said.

"Yunhe Inn!" Xiongba looked at the store, the shining signboard was so conspicuous, and he knew he couldn't afford to provoke him, and he couldn't afford to provoke him behind him, "then wait here for him, I don't believe it He won't come out."

The younger brothers around were doing their best, keeping their eyes on the door. Once the other party came out, they would immediately notify Xiong Ba who was resting aside.

Xiongba had just found a good place, sitting comfortably on the stone bench brought by his younger brother, when he saw one of his subordinates in the distance, leading a somewhat familiar person towards here.

Seeing this, I had to stand up again.

As the last evacuation personnel, they will leave here tomorrow, but they will not gather with the large forces, but will go to the regular checkpoints, continue to be the forward, and go to the predetermined city to inquire about news.

This kind of thing is very risky. It refers to the city that enters the core area. Everyone runs there, and the competition is naturally high. However, once the results are achieved, the rewards are extremely huge.

There is as much risk as there is gain.

Seeing that somewhat familiar person approaching, after a careful look, he recognized the identity of the other person, or as we all know, he was unlucky to be captured by those two arrogant people as a coolie, and the other person came here before , passed the message several times.

"Yan Fei, what news did you send to the other party? We left one day later." For this honest man, Xiong Ba actually liked it better, saying that he once wanted to be such a person.

"Master Xiongba, I know time is running out, so I hurry up and come here. Sister Feng and the others need your help to convey to Lord Hong." Yan Fei respectfully said to Xiongba.

"Oh, what did those two guys say, it's definitely not a good thing." Xiongba curled his lips and said disdainfully.

He wasn't the only one who couldn't understand them, many people hated each other, but the other party was Boss Hong's confidant, it was useless to hate them, if they really stood in front of them, they might even greet them with a smile.

"Two days ago, Sister Feng and the others met two enemies, but they ran away and humiliated them. They couldn't rush back to meet Lord Hong, so they asked me to notify you." Yan Fei thought for a while , and then slowly tell the matter.

"Sister Feng also said that they will most likely leave from the front checkpoint, wait inside, and look for an opportunity to find Master Hong."

"I thought it was something, just a little thing, I understand, go back and tell the other party, it's really boring to tell this thing." Xiongba thought it was something, but it turned out to be just a message.

"Huh? Why don't you go, what's up?"

Xiongba was about to sit down, but when he saw that Yan Fei was still standing still, he couldn't help asking.

"Two people over there!" Yan Fei raised his head and pointed over there, but quickly put it down. This kind of behavior was too attractive.

Xiongba turned around and looked over, and found a tall man, burlier than himself, beside him was a young looking old man, going out from inside.

"What happened to the two people over there?" Xiong Ba asked casually.

"Those two people are the ones who insulted Sister Feng. Brother Shui said that they would leave here as soon as possible and go to the checkpoint to block them. I didn't expect that they were still here. It seems that Brother Shui will have to wait for a while." Yan Fei Tell the truth.

"Oh, who made them confident, they deserve to wait, I still have something to do here, if there is nothing else, you can leave." Xiongba immediately issued an order to evict the guest.

"Master Xiongba, I'm leaving first." Yan Fei didn't think too much, anyway, the matter has been completed, and he has to hurry up.

He also didn't think of stopping the opponent, with his small body, it wasn't enough for the opponent to punch him.

"Two of you follow them, don't lose them."

As soon as Yan Fei left, Xiong Ba couldn't wait to arrange his subordinates to follow the two who were about to disappear.

The man who was following Ye Tian before was a little puzzled, that wasn't Sister Feng's enemy, why did he intervene.

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up." Xiongba looked at the other party wondering at himself, stared at him, and immediately urged the other party.

The two immediately turned their heads and chased each other. As the two with the strongest tracking ability under Xiong Ba, they were confident that they would follow each other without being discovered by the other party.

Xiongba was also very relieved, looking at his little brother looking at him strangely, who made himself have so many conflicts with the other party, how could he kindly help the other party to mark people.

He coughed before explaining, "You guys are so stupid, who don't know who the two of them are, why don't they pay so much attention to face, the other party is so eager to catch up, obviously they have enough Benefits, and even let Yan Fei come over and lie."

"The boss is really heroic, I can't wait." A group of younger brothers flattered.

But there was a younger brother who was smarter and said with some concern, "Boss, since we can't even deal with them, maybe our strength is not enough either?"

When the others heard it, they thought it was normal. After all, although Xiongba was the peak of the Celestial Immortal, he dared not say that he could win against Sister Feng and the others.

"You don't have to worry about this, it happens that my friend is here, and he will help me." Xiongba was very confident.

"Then go and chase them, my lord, we will leave this place to us, and we will never let them run away." A confidant of Xiongba said flatteringly.

Sure enough, when Xiongba heard this, he also felt that he was wasting time here. He had nothing to do before, so he was going to come over to have a look. If the other party has no money, we will arrest the other party to repay the debt.”

"Boss, leave it to me, I will definitely live up to your trust." Dumb, whose body was like a hemp stick, ignored the envious eyes coming from the side, and patted his chest to promise.

"Okay, as expected of my trusted subordinate, I'll leave it to you, and everyone else will follow his orders." Xiongba patted Ah-Dai on the shoulder, gave instructions to everyone, and then left here. He wanted to rush over to find My friends, stop those two people together and see what they have that is worthy of Sister Feng's concern.

"Since Boss Xiong entrusted me with the task, I naturally have to make something. We can't just wait here."

When Xiongba left, Duan couldn't wait to start his new order.

"Then what are we going to do?"

These younger brothers are actually low-level people here, Xiongba is just using them as a cover, apart from knowing that Xiongba has a bigger backing behind him, he knows very little about it.

"Of course I went in, and it's only natural to pay back the debt." Dumb said vigorously, "Let's solve these things quickly, and then go to support Lord Xiong. When the time comes, let Lord Xiongba take us away together and continue to follow the Lord."

"Follow the adults."

When the other younger brothers heard this, they immediately responded one after another, and under the leadership of Dumb, they walked over there aggressively.

Who asked Xiongba not to take them with him before, but just gave them a sum of money and asked them to leave separately. Hearing Dumb's suggestion, he naturally felt very good.

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